Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 115 Huge harvest beyond imagination

After the daimyo of the Wind Country roared out his order, the wandering ninjas, guardian ninjas, and monks gathered in the daimyo's mansion also launched an attack on Uchiha Feiyu without hesitation.

However, in just a moment, the golden waves covered the sky and turned into waves that were enough to submerge the entire castle tower, and in an instant, the monk ninjas below were crushed into a mass of blood mist.

The same is magnetic escape, Uchiha Feiyu not only has a much better foundation and chakra than the fourth generation wind shadow, but also integrates the special type of magnetic escape from the cloud ninja, and the power displayed is at least five times stronger than the fourth generation wind shadow!

There are very few tricks that can be played with magnetic escape, or in other words, there are very few tricks that can be played with magnetic escape in the ninja world. It all depends on how many metal particles you control. The power is five times stronger, which means that Uchiha Feiyu can control five times more sand gold than the fourth generation wind shadow!

Under the terrifying wave, all creatures with chakra in the daimyo's mansion were crushed to death. After a while, the golden wave disappeared. Except for a dazed daimyo of the Wind Country, there was no creature with chakra in the daimyo's mansion.

"This is just a warning! Daimyo, you should just be a puppet!"

After the voice fell, Uchiha Feiyu disappeared without a trace like a ghost, leaving only the still roaring daimyo of the Wind Country:

"Crazy, crazy, the Sand Ninja is completely crazy!! I must completely destroy these ninjas!! Contact the Wind Temple, contact other guardian ninjas, and my ninja army, all gather for me!"

In the roar of the daimyo, the entire capital of the Wind Country began to act. The psychological hint left by the Sharingan burned in his heart like wildfire, making him ready to use all his strength to kill Uchiha Feiyu and the Sand Ninja Village.

And this is exactly what Uchiha Feiyu wanted!

The hidden power of the Wind Country Daimyo made Uchiha Feiyu a little shocked. More than 2,000 monks and more than 1,000 wandering ninjas led by guardians were all normal for Uchiha Feiyu.

But the chakra soldiers, who were close to 50,000 people, each had chakra in their bodies that was no worse than the second and third grade students of the ninja school, which really surprised Uchiha Feiyu.

For the army, practicing chakra is not a difficult thing, because practicing chakra itself does not require much external materials.

It is true that the major ninja villages have secret medicines, medicinal baths, and some food supplements to increase the upper limit of chakra, but these ordinary substances have a limit to the effect of improving chakra. At most, they can only increase the upper limit of a ninja's chakra by one or two levels.

If you don't pursue the upper limit of chakra, just awaken and refine chakra, this kind of practice basically doesn't consume much material, and it is probably not much different from ordinary physical exercise.

No matter how demanding the Daimyo of Wind Country is, he can't be demanding on the rations of his troops. In other words, as long as his troops are well fed, they can directly train their chakra.

But even so, the chakra extracted by ordinary people is very rare.

At the beginning, the Six Paths Sage distributed the seeds of chakra to his followers, which allowed the power of chakra to spread throughout the ninja world.

But now, after thousands of years of dilution, except for the concentration of the direct bloodline of the Six Paths Sage and the bloodline of his followers in the major ninja villages, the chakra that can be extracted in ordinary people may be only one-tenth of that of the Genin-level ninja. From this point of view, the talents of the soldiers in these armies are all good.

"I don't know what Feng Shui treasure land the Daimyo of Wind Country has found. It seems that it can slightly improve the chakra of these soldiers..."

Sitting on the castle tower of Wind Country, the invisible Uchiha Feiyu is like a ghost, quietly watching the actions of the Daimyo of Wind Country and the concentrated combat power of the entire Wind Country.

Gently raising his hand, Uchiha Feiyu wanted to enjoy this feast directly, but he seemed to have thought about something, and finally put his hand down.

"It's too close to the capital of the Wind Country... Wait a little... Don't hurt innocent people!"

Facing such a large-scale army, Uchiha Feiyu certainly can't kill them one by one. The muscular man of the Third Raikage was exhausted to death when facing the 10,000 troops of the Rock Ninja, let alone Uchiha Feiyu.

And using large-scale ninjutsu is likely to affect the city under his feet. Although Uchiha Feiyu can be called a heart of stone, he also wants to swallow up the army of tens of thousands of people, but if there is no conflict of interest, he will not take the lives of ordinary people casually.

However, Uchiha Feiyu didn't need to wait for long. After more than ten minutes, tens of thousands of troops had assembled and headed towards the distant Sand Ninja Village under the leadership of monks and wandering ninja guardians.

With a chuckle, Uchiha Feiyu summoned a piece of golden sand, sat on the golden sand and flew towards the army.

"Hehe... They are still maintaining the military formation. It seems that the daimyo has only learned the basics and has not learned the essence of ninja combat at all."

However, it may be that there is no other way. The real trouble in ninja training has never been in materials but in knowledge. Otherwise, there would be no so-called ninja school.

The military training method has always been simple and rough. It is impossible to be as detailed as the ninja school. Therefore, the knowledge of the soldiers is naturally far behind that of the ninja.

If the army of tens of thousands of people were to disperse like the ninja, half of them might be lost in the end. The fighting will of the soldiers is far inferior to that of the ninjas who have been brainwashed since childhood.

Leaping to the top of the army, Uchiha Feiyu scattered the golden sand and fell directly from the sky. However, except for the soldiers, the remaining ninjas and monks were quite strong. Soon, a perceptive ninja felt the chakra breath falling from the sky.

"Be careful! Someone fell from the sky. It's the chakra breath of that sand ninja!"

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!! Get ready for battle!"

Uchiha Feiyu fell to the ground with a bang. The golden sand turned into a sand wave, and in an instant, the surrounding soldiers were smashed to pieces.

The surrounding soldiers immediately reacted, and all kinds of weapons such as swords, spears, sticks, bows and arrows were aimed at Uchiha Feiyu.

However, Uchiha Feiyu only waved his hand lightly, and the golden sand turned into a sharp circular sawtooth, which cut the surrounding soldiers in half while rotating.

The soldier who was cut in half fell to the ground, screaming miserably, and the flowing blood and half of his body made the other soldiers retreat in fear.

Without ninjutsu, taijutsu and swordsmanship were sparse, and even the substitute technique could not be released, if these soldiers in front of them were to fight against the same ordinary people, they might be able to defeat a million troops, but facing the absolute strong men in the ninja world, they could only tremble in fear and had no power to resist.

The only problem is...

"There are too many people! How long will it take to kill like this?"

Looking at the soldiers who were forced to rush up again and again by the supervisory team composed of the wandering ninjas and monks, Uchiha Feiyu showed an impatient look on his face. He knew very well that the other party wanted to force him to exhaust his chakra and then kill him.

But let's not talk about Uchiha Feiyu's flying, hiding, invisibility, and super-fast escape methods. Just after awakening the sage body, even if it is a broken sage body, his chakra amount and chakra recovery speed have skyrocketed to a level that is far inferior to that of the Kage-level ninja.

Taking into account the chakra recovery speed, instead of using this method to slowly exhaust his chakra, it is better to hope that he will starve to death because the battle time is too long.

"Tsk... It is really the most convenient to use that kind of ninjutsu to deal with such a large-scale but mediocre ninja army..."

With his hands clasped together, Uchiha Feiyu looked at the soldiers rushing over again, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"Wood Release-Tree World Descends"

The overwhelming trees instantly gushed out from the ground, and the soldiers surrounding Uchiha Feiyu were instantly entangled and caught by these trees. In an instant, these soldiers felt that the meager chakra and physical strength in their bodies were absorbed cleanly.

The trees that absorbed the chakra seemed to have been injected with chicken blood and began to grow wildly. Although each soldier did not have much chakra in his body, the huge number and the dense formation of soldiers made the chakra absorption ability of Wood Release maximized. The chakra fed back made the power of the ninjutsu of the tree world advent also increase step by step.

This is the biggest difference between the ninjutsu of Wood Release and the ordinary ninjutsu type bloodline limit. It comes from the characteristics of the sacred tree, which makes the Wood Release, which is only an ordinary bloodline limit, have an absolute special attack on the chakra system. Once caught, all the chakra will be sucked out, which in turn promotes the power of Wood Release.

100 meters, 200 meters, 300 meters... one kilometer, two kilometers... The terrifying Wood Release forest continues to expand. Tens of thousands of soldiers with chakra have completely become victims of Wood Release Ninjutsu. After swallowing so much chakra, the power of the tree world advent has also reached a terrifying level.

The monks surrounding the periphery, as wandering ninjas of the supervisory team, almost collapsed at the first touch when faced with the terrifying tree world. Most of them were captured in an instant, leaving only a very small number of ninjas and monks who escaped the attack range.

After escaping the attack range, the wandering ninjas almost turned around and ran away. These people were not as loyal as the ninjas or monks of the ninja village. Seeing that the situation was over, it was naturally better to run first.

Therefore, when Uchiha Feiyu walked out of the woods where the tree world descended, he was facing only dozens of monks.

"Aren't you going to run away, everyone?"

"My goal is to completely destroy the strength of the Daimyo of Wind Country, so that the Daimyo will honestly realize his position. I won't kill all of you remnants. It's better to say that leaving you to report the news is a bigger warning."

"Don't be ridiculous!"

A bald monk shouted angrily:

"Hundreds of years of accumulation of Wind Temple was destroyed by you. Do you think we will run away like a stray dog?"

"Tsk... I thought you could see the difference in our strength more clearly, but I didn't expect you to come and die."

"Hmph! After performing such a powerful ninjutsu, I don't believe how much chakra you can have left! Taking you down now is the best choice. If you run away now, you really have no chance!"

Just as the monk's voice fell, a cold light flashed from behind him, and the round head fell directly to the ground, and blood gushed out.

A cold voice sounded behind him:

"Since you have given up my last mercy, I will send you all off!"

Obviously, Uchiha Feiyu, who had just emerged from the woods, was just a clone. As for the real body, it had long been invisible and quietly lurking behind these ninjas. As soon as the negotiations broke down, it immediately attacked the Sand Ninja.

The monks who were able to escape from the tree world just now must have been extremely lucky, or at least have super-high-level strength.

In addition, the monks' moves are relatively rare, and they are basically secret techniques related to Yin Dun or sealing techniques. Uchiha Feiyu, out of prudence, will certainly not fight them directly.

These days, there are countless ninjas who have fallen because of being too reckless. What if these monks know some secret techniques such as the Four Symbols Seal or the Shiki Sealing that can kill each other, wouldn't Uchiha Feiyu be in trouble?

While Uchiha Feiyu was speaking, his hands were moving fast. When he finished speaking, half of the monks had been beheaded by the invisible blade.

The remaining monks seemed to want to continue, but the wooden clone standing at the edge of the sea of ​​trees also put his hands together, and a large number of trees rushed out of the sea of ​​trees behind him and rushed towards the monks.

A moment later, all the monks were dead, either beheaded by the blade or strangled by the trees.

"I wanted to keep a few people, but it doesn't matter. Those stray ninjas who escaped will spread the news thoroughly."

"This time it's a big harvest, tens of thousands of people... Although most of them are useless people with only a little chakra, the huge number is enough to make up for it."

"But how long will it take to clean up so many corpses? Let's quickly let the ninjas from the Sand Village come to help me collect the corpses."

At the same time, Uchiha Feiyu closed his eyes slightly, and his spirit entered the space where the Book of Demonic Inheritance was located, looking at the surging black air under the altar.

Tens of thousands of dead, even though most of them were chakra soldiers who were not even as good as Genin, the condensed black gas also turned into a small wave, far exceeding the previous sacrifices.

"This time... what kind of inheritance can I get?"

While thinking, Uchiha Feiyu didn't hesitate to go all in on all the black gas, and used the method of precise sacrifice to choose the magic skill with the greatest development potential for himself.

The book of magic inheritance made an unprecedented huge vibration, and a creaking sound came from the surface of the book. It slowly opened a corner and a blood-like liquid flowed out.

The blood-like liquid floated and spread in the void, and a huge amount of information was instantly injected into Uchiha Feiyu's mind.

The Heaven-Devouring Magic Skill, Secret Method Chapter!

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