Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 116 Two Years of Change

The endless desert and the vast forest formed a seemingly strange boundary.

The dead bodies hanging in the forest added a bit of blood and horror to this strange scene. The wind and sand blew through the sky, and the dead bodies swayed in the wind and sand, which was enough to scare the timid people.

Standing on the dividing line, Uchiha Feiyu had an expression on his face that was quite similar to the style of the four laughing heroes of Uchiha. It took him a long time to suppress the urge to laugh wildly.

The Heaven-Swallowing Demon Art, a peerless magic art from the world of the Heaven-Covering World, is similar to all the magic arts with the word "swallow", and they are all peerless skills that eat people.

However, compared with the general magic art that absorbs power, or even more powerful, that absorbs the skills, flesh, and souls, this art has a higher intention and greater potential.

The essence of the Heaven Devouring Demon Art does not have the ability to absorb power. It absorbs the essence of the opponent's physique, and forges a unique chaotic body by smelting tens of millions of physiques.

Its true essence is not in absorption, but in fusion. By taking the advantages of various physiques and making up for their shortcomings, the strongest physique that integrates various advantages can be forged.

The book of the inheritance of the magic way did not give Uchiha Feiyu the real method of practicing the Heaven Devouring Demon Art, but only gave Uchiha Feiyu several secret techniques in the Heaven Devouring Demon Art, which naturally included the secret technique of swallowing and fusing physiques.

Of course, in fact, even if the entire Heaven Devouring Demon Art was really given to Uchiha Feiyu, Uchiha Feiyu estimated that he would not be able to practice it. The secret realm method of covering the sky was only after the Emperor of Desolate Heaven sprinkled the secret realm seeds, and later generations could easily practice it.

Otherwise, the practitioner would have to learn from the Emperor of Desolate Heaven and open a way on his own - not to mention that Uchiha Feiyu felt that he was far from having that kind of talent and talent, not to mention that the Emperor of Desolate Heaven had also reached the peak of humanity before he created the method of using his body as a seed.

The peak of humanity, such as the Heaven-shattering and Perfect World, has a combat power that can at least smash half of the Milky Way with one palm. With such strength, Uchiha Feiyu feels that he does not need any Heaven-swallowing Magic Skill.

So now these secret techniques are more effective, at least for an ordinary ninja like Uchiha Feiyu to use.

In addition to the secret technique of absorbing thousands of physical qualities, the secret technique chapter of the Heaven-swallowing Magic Skill also records the Dao Aquarius that can absorb the vitality of heaven and earth and various energies to a large extent.

The Wanhua Sheng Jue, which turns the moves from magic to decay and has an extremely powerful defensive ability.

And the Du Shen Jue, which is a strong institutional brainwashing of others, is the secret technique given to him by the Book of Demonic Inheritance.

As for the secret techniques such as the One Thought Flower Blooms and the Feixian Jue, Uchiha Feiyu did not find them, but without the foundation of the Secret Realm Law, Uchiha Feiyu estimated that he could not practice these secret techniques.

In fact, with Uchiha Feiyu's current ability, even with these few secret techniques, he can only learn the basics, but just the basics are enough for Uchiha Feiyu to lay the most solid foundation and increase his combat power.

"Tsk... my current combat power, if converted to the world of Zhetian, is probably at most that of an ordinary Dao Palace secret realm... The strength shown by Kaguya Otsutsuki has the power to cleanse the surface of the earth, which is probably the strength of a saint in Zhetian."

"But the planets in the ninja world are definitely far inferior to the life planets such as Beidou and Ziwei in Zhetian, whether in terms of planetary strength or planetary size, they are a hundred thousand miles apart... Kaguya Otsutsuki can only be considered a great power in the second heaven of Xiantai at most?"

Uchiha Feiyu also knew that there must be many problems with his conversion based on destructive power.

As for chakra, which is essentially a system that becomes stronger by eating, compared with the crazy people in Zhetian who fight all the way, it is estimated that any high-level cultivator who has transformed into a dragon can press Kaguya Otsutsuki to the ground.

Compared with the Otsutsuki clan who rely on their old capital, the battle maniacs of Zhatian are not only full of pursuit of strength, but also have a whole training system that is far superior to the chakra system.

"But it's a pity that I can't practice... Tsk! Coach, I don't want to be a ninja anymore, I want to be an emperor!"

Of course, it is definitely impossible for Uchiha Feiyu to be an emperor now. It is no problem to learn from the animal immortals in the spiritual holy land to practice immortality.

The Daobao Aquarius secret technique in the Tianswallowing Demon Art can absorb and purify the vitality of heaven and earth, turn it into essence to replenish itself, and even completely dissolve and replenish itself with the enemy's attacks.

In the ninja world, the so-called vitality of heaven and earth is the natural energy that permeates the entire planet!

In other words, through the Daobao Aquarius, Uchiha Feiyu can completely obtain pure natural energy that is harmless to the body. Not only can he practice into the immortal mode, but he can even transform his body into an immortal like those animal immortals and live for thousands of years.

"Tsk... a bunch of animals whose combat power does not exceed the level of the four poles can live for thousands of years, and the life span of the genuine Otsutsuki is so long that it cannot be calculated. It feels like the emperor of Zhatian must cry in the toilet!"


After dealing with all the forces under the daimyo of the Wind Country, Uchiha Feiyu also secretly came to the capital of the Wind Country and gave the daimyo of the Wind Country a new illusion.

From now on, the daimyo of the Wind Country has become a yes-man and money bag of the Sand Village, and no longer needs to consider the restrictions from the Wind Country.

This change did not arouse the suspicion of the nobles of the Wind Country. After all, all the forces under the daimyo were annihilated, and he dared to control the funds of the Sand Village as before, which was simply courting death.

After solving the problem of the Wind Country, the only thing left was how to deal with these corpses. The number of tens of thousands of corpses was too much. Uchiha Feiyu did not bring these corpses back to the Sand Village in the end, but asked the ninjas of the Sand Village to bring the blood pool here and prepare to baptize them directly.

The secret method of the Heaven Devouring Demon Art requires a higher level of physical essence, which is not as picky as the Soul Devouring Blood Refining Method.

A large number of soldiers' corpses were swallowed by the blood pool, but because of their poor qualifications, the amount of blood essence that could be extracted was also very rare. Even with such a terrifying number of 50,000, the blood essence extracted in the end was no different from that of ordinary 5,000 ninjas.

In addition to more than 2,000 wandering ninjas and monks, although the blood essence obtained by Uchiha Feiyu was unprecedented, the improvement he made was not as terrible as imagined.

Of course, the blood pool of 7,000 people is enough to transform Uchiha Feiyu's bloodline again, awaken the pupil power of the Eternal Mangekyō, and make up for most of the defects of the Sage Body, making his physique infinitely close to that of the Senju Hashirama.

As long as Uchiha Feiyu spends more time and baptizes with Hashirama's cells a few times, he will naturally awaken the complete Sage Body.

As for the Samsara Eye, it is not something that can be created by the Sage Body and the Eternal Mangekyō. At least the chakra of Asura and Indra is needed to fully awaken it.

It can be said that the current Uchiha Feiyu bloodline has reached a bottleneck. Unless he really lets go and kills the bloodline ninjas of the Six Paths Sage as livestock, it will take more than ten years to step into the level of the Samsara Eye.

"The effect of the Soul-Swallowing Blood Refining Technique has gradually weakened for me. Fortunately, there is now the seamless connection with the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Art. Even if I only practice the secret technique of changing my physique, it is much stronger than the Soul-Swallowing Blood Refining Technique!"

The Soul-Swallowing Blood Refining Technique, when practiced to the limit, can only regress to a level that is almost the same as the ancestors, while the essence of the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Art is to integrate the advantages of thousands of physiques and evolve a stronger and better physique.

Through the practice of the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Art, Uchiha Feiyu can easily feel the blood power that exists in his body, which is like a shining star.

Even if Uchiha Feiyu did not devour any physique, just through the practice of the secret technique, his own foundation and physique will have a slight and continuous improvement.

Theoretically, if there is a hundred years of hard practice, Uchiha Feiyu can even rely on this secret technique to regress to become an Otsutsuki, or an Otsutsuki with optimized blood.

If he could practice for thousands of years, Uchiha Feiyu estimated that he could evolve a stronger and more terrifying bloodline based on the bloodline of the Otsutsuki, such as the so-called God of the Otsutsuki.

As for the chaotic body and the like... this is not the world of the Heaven-shaking World, there is no original "physique sample", and Uchiha Feiyu can't evolve it even if he wants to.

"Next, I should stay dormant and practice for a while, and practice the secrets of the Heaven-swallowing Demon Art one by one. Although I can only touch the surface at my level, it is enough to make a significant leap in my strength."

The secrets in the Heaven-shaking World, even the secrets of the Great Emperor level, are naturally difficult to practice, not to mention that Uchiha Feiyu's chakra system is essentially a big difference from the five secret realms of the Heaven-shaking World.

Fortunately, while the Book of Demonic Path Inheritance passed on the content to Uchiha Feiyu, it also gave Uchiha Feiyu the most detailed understanding of these secrets, which gave him the opportunity to slowly turn some of the secrets into his own.

But even so, it will definitely take a long time. It will take at least one or two years to slowly sort out these secret techniques to integrate them into the ninja's combat system.


The morning sun shines into the Sand Village. The village, which was once gray, is now surrounded by green grass and trees. The flying butterflies and singing birds make it look like a water town in the south of the Yangtze River instead of a desert area.

After waking up from the lotus arms and pink legs, Uchiha Feiyu pushed away the woman lying on his chest, stood up, and put on his clothes.

"Um... Master Feiyu..."

The woman who was pushed away by Uchiha Feiyu woke up, looked at Uchiha Feiyu who was dressing herself, and quickly got up from the bed, and his actions also made more women sober.

After waking up, these women got up very naturally and began to serve Uchiha Feiyu to dress, and only after Uchiha Feiyu was dressed did they start to put on their own clothes.

Now, it has been nearly two years since Uchiha Feiyu came to the Sand Village. During these two years, Uchiha Feiyu did not continue to cause trouble, but immersed himself in cultivation.

Relying on the Great Dao Aquarius Seal, he cultivated into the Sage Mode, and through the Wanhua Sheng Jue, he realized the trick of restoring Ninjutsu to Chakra absorption, like the Hungry Ghost Road, and through the Du Shen Jue, he realized the illusion close to the God of the Other Worlds.

The most important thing is, of course, the secret technique of the Devouring Heaven Demon Art that absorbs and integrates thousands of physiques. With this secret technique and some collections of the Sand Village, although Uchiha Feiyu's bloodline has not evolved further, his physique has been optimized much more than before.

Just like Hashirama Senju is better than Naruto Uzumaki even though they both have the body of a sage, two people with the same bloodline may have very different physical qualities.

Uchiha Feiyu adjusted his body to the limit of his bloodline through the secret technique of the Heaven Devouring Demon Art and some blood-stained ninja corpses collected by the Sand Village.

In addition to cultivation, Uchiha Feiyu naturally did not reject having some fun. Now Ye Cang and Jialuo have long become his Dinglu, obeying him in everything, and the Sand Village naturally let him do whatever he wanted.

Those young and beautiful female ninjas in the Sand Village who have the potential to become jonins have long become his Dinglu. Even because they have become his Dinglu, they have gained a lot of benefits from him through dual cultivation. Now there is a trend of more yin than yang among the senior officials of the Sand Village.

At least in the past two years, among the more than 30 jonins who have been promoted, there are 24 Uchiha Feiyu Dinglu, almost accounting for 80% of the newly promoted jonins.

Now the Fifth Kazekage has a certain secret technique that allows female ninjas to advance by leaps and bounds, which is not even a secret in the entire Sand Village.

Nowadays, the female ninjas of Sand Ninja are proud to be the Anbu under the Fifth Kazekage. Everyone knows that the Anbu of the Fifth Kazekage only recruits young and promising female ninjas, and once they join the Anbu, their strength will be greatly improved in a very short time and they will step into the level of Jonin.

Even the progress speed in the future will not be much slower. The first six female ninjas who joined the Anbu have now become elite Jonin.

Uchiha Feiyu originally just wanted to have some fun, but he didn't expect that when he was happy, he would restore a lot of vitality of Sand Ninja.

Sand Ninja is not short of money or resources now, and it is easy to cultivate even the grassroots ninjas - Chakra is a system that is easy to quickly master.

It can be said that the only thing they lack is the real Jonin senior and Kage-level top.

Unlike those cannon fodder ninjas, it is not so easy to cultivate a jonin. Every year, there are basically no more than ten ninjas who can be promoted to jonin in a ninja village. For example, more than 30 jonins have emerged in the past two years, thanks to Uchiha Feiyu's dual cultivation technique.

As for the Kage level, it goes without saying. If it weren't for Uchiha Feiyu, the Sand Ninja would still have only Ye Cang, who is at the bottom of the Kage level, struggling to support it.

Now Ye Cang is at least not at the bottom of the Kage level. Even after two years of double rest, her strength can be regarded as middle-to-upper among the Kage levels, and she can almost be called the strongest Kaze Kage.

Adding a Garuru who is not much inferior, the Sand Ninja has not recovered to its peak, but at least its vitality has recovered by half.

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