Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 117 Heading to the Land of Grass

Walking out of the door of the room, behind Uchiha Feiyu, a huge chakra wing suddenly appeared, soaring into the sky and reaching the top of the cliff of Sand Ninja Village.

The Sand Ninja Village itself is located in a canyon landscape. This is to prevent the strong wind and sand attacks from the Kingdom of Wind. However, with the continuous afforestation of a certain Hokage who was reincarnated from the dirty land, the oasis of the Sand Ninja Village has also continued to expand. At this moment, it has There will be almost no threat from wind and sand anymore.

The hillside above the canyon is also covered with green grass and shady trees, but there is also a place where the grass and trees have been shoveled away to make a huge training ground.

In the training ground at this moment, there were already two kunoichi training, and Uchiha Feiyu knew their identities almost without asking.

"Summer Star, Garuro, you came quite early!"

The training ground on the hillside can only be reached by passing through the cliffs on both sides of the Sand Ninja Village. Although the area is quite large, most ninjas are not willing to climb directly from the cliffs just to get a larger training ground.

Only ninjas with the ability to fly can easily come here, and today's sand ninja can develop their flight ability to fly over a cliff more than a hundred meters high. Only Natsuhi Hoshi's Peacock Magic and Garuro's Magnetic Escape .

After hearing Uchiha Feiyu's words, the two female ninjas stopped fighting and training, and turned to look at Uchiha Feiyu.

"Master Feiyu!"

Seeing Uchiha Feiyu coming over, both of them had a look of surprise on their faces and rushed towards him.

Garuro has already been the cauldron of Uchiha Feiha, and Summer Star was brought by Uchiha Feiha when Garuro performed the mission of Hoshi Ninja Village and took away the secret treasure "Star" of Hoshi Ninja Village. A gift to come.

The task of the Star Ninja Village was not difficult at all. In fact, the leader of the Star Ninja Village at that time had already decided to seal up the secret treasure "Star". Because of the practice of the Peacock Magic, the Star Ninja Village was almost going to destroy the entire Ninja Village. He was so disabled that there were not even a few ninjas over 30 years old in the village.

Then, on the grounds that he wanted to make up for the shortcomings of the Peacock Magic and needed help from Natsuhi Hoshi, Garuro brought the girl to the Sand Ninja Village in the Land of Wind, and finally dedicated it to Uchiha Hiba.

In Garuro's eyes, Natsuhi Hoshi's talents were almost second only to his own and Ye Cang's. If he were born among the Sand Ninjas, he would at least be able to become an elite Jonin in the future, which could be said to be a good candidate for the Cauldron.

This is indeed the case. Not only is Xia Xing's talent good, but he also maintains his Yuan Yin body, which indeed makes Uchiha Feiyu progress a little faster.

And Xia Xiaxing also completely became one of her own under the Acacia Book, forgetting about the so-called Star Ninja Village and wearing the Suna Ninja's forehead protector.

Moreover, the dual cultivation techniques of the Acacia Book of Miracles also made up for some of the shortcomings in her practice of the Peacock Magic Technique, and allowed her strength to reach the level of an elite jounin in a very short period of time.

The current Natsuhi Hoshi is even the strongest person in the Sand Ninja Village after Yekura and Garura. With the Peacock Magic that integrates offense and defense, and has the ability to fly flexibly, she can still fight against shadow-level experts. A long time.

He hugged the two beauties and gently touched their heads, making them look like small animals begging for love, but after a moment, they both came to their senses.

"Is Lord Feiyu here to practice?"

"No, those who can practice it, I have already finished practicing it during this period, and I won't be able to digest the rest in a short time."

"I came here this time to solve the problem of the Peacock Magic!"

In the Sand Ninja Village, except for Natsuhi Hoshi, only Uchiha Feiyu has mastered the Peacock Magic Technique, and no other ninja has practiced it.

The ninjutsu known as the Peacock Mystical Technique does have many benefits. Judging from its power alone, it can be said to be a small Susanoo with both offense and defense. In terms of flexibility, it is much better than the first and second stages. The Susanoo is much stronger.

It can be said that even if it is a simple peacock magic technique, it is possible to reach the shadow level if practiced to the extreme, but this powerful secret technique is not without its flaws.

Not to mention that the stars necessary for practicing the Peacock Magic Technique will harm the human body and shorten the lifespan. The Peacock Magic Technique itself is equivalent to some high-end changes in the nature and form of chakra.

Once you get used to the chakra nature and form changes of Peacock Mystic Technique, it will become extremely difficult to practice other ninjutsu. At most, you can only practice ordinary C-level ninjutsu.

Only Uchiha Feiha has a deep foundation and has advanced both nature and form changes to an extremely high level. Only then can he practice the Peacock Magic without affecting other ninjutsu.

It is precisely because it is difficult for the Peacock Mystic Technique to coexist with other ninjutsu, so the ninjas in Sand Ninja Village have little interest in this ninjutsu with great side effects.

In fact, as long as one of these two problems is solved, the Peacock Magic Method can be regarded as a rare inheritance.

Uchiha Feiyu couldn't solve the problem of the coexistence of the Peacock Mystic Technique and other ninjutsu. In other words, this was not a problem in itself, it was just that those ninjas who forcibly practiced the Peacock Mystic Technique did not have enough foundation.

But for the kind of radiation released by the star, Uchiha Feiyu can easily deal with it, relying on the Dao Bottle in the Sky-Swallowing Demon Technique.

The secret technique of the Dao Aquarius can not only swallow and refine external power, but also remove its dross and refine its essence, so that it can be used to deal with a small star. Of course, it can be easily captured, and it can even be called a sledgehammer to kill a chicken.

Except for Uchiha Feiyu, ordinary ninjas cannot practice this secret technique. Even if Uchiha Feiyu did not absorb the information directly from the book of the inheritance of the magic, he himself could not even practice the basics.

Moreover, Uchiha Feiyu did not want ordinary ninjas to practice this secret technique. The natural energy refined by the Great Dao Aquarius is extremely gentle, which can easily make people practice the sage mode, and can also improve the essence of life and make people become sages.

That is no longer the sage mode, but the realm of those animal sages. Uchiha Feiyu is crazy to spread this kind of thing.

And his so-called solution is to split and reduce the secret technique of the Great Dao Aquarius and develop a ninjutsu that specializes in absorbing the power of the essence of the stars.

Uchiha Feiyu estimated that he would not be able to improve the effects of these secret techniques in another 800 years, but it is a very easy thing to degrade these secret techniques and reduce the difficulty of practice.

"Master Feiyu, have you solved the problem of the Peacock Magic? Then I can continue to practice the Peacock Magic in the future?"

After hearing this, Xia Rixing showed joy on his face.

In the past two years, although Xia Rixing's physical fitness has been greatly improved in all aspects by relying on the dual cultivation of the Hehuan Book, which has also increased the power of the Peacock Magic, in fact, Xia Rixing has always been standing still in the attainment of the Peacock Magic Ninjutsu.

Without Xing's assistance, it is almost impossible to continue practicing the Peacock Magic. This secret method requires too high a change in the nature of chakra.

"Of course you can...even in the future, when your chakra control ability and perception of natural energy become stronger, you can completely rely on my secret method to cultivate into the Sage Mode."

"By that time, your strength will continue to advance by leaps and bounds, and you will truly step into the pinnacle of the Kage-level ninja."

"Great! Master Feiyu, please teach me this secret method!"

Uchiha Feiyu took out a scroll from his arms and handed it to Xia Rixing. This was the secret technique he had already sorted out.

"It's not difficult to get started with this secret technique. After you master it, Xia Rixing, you can directly practice the Peacock Magic Technique. However, if you want to practice it to the level of mastery and absorbing natural energy, you will have to spend a lot of effort."

"Garuru, you can also take a look. When the time comes, you can also give it to Ye Cang to practice... I estimate that only the three of you can practice this secret technique to mastery in the Sand Village."

And if you can't practice the secret technique to mastery, this thing can only be used when practicing the Peacock Magic Technique. Except for some ninjas who want to practice the Peacock Magic Technique, it is a pure waste of time for other ninjas.

After teaching the secret technique he developed to the two, Uchiha Feiyu gave them some guidance. Just when he was about to leave, two masked female Anbu appeared at the training ground.

"Master Feiyu, the Uzumaki clan you asked us to pay attention to has appeared in Kusagakure Village!"

After hearing the report from the two female ninjas from the Anbu, Uchiha Feiyu's face showed a look of understanding, and he nodded slightly:

"I know, you go down!"

The Uzumaki clan of Kusagakure Village, needless to say, is the unlucky mother of Uzumaki Xiangling.

This woman from the Uzumaki clan has awakened the blood limit of the immortal body, and has the ability to heal physically. She can rely on blood and chakra to heal injured ninjas. You can imagine her ninja talent.

It's a pity that she herself has not received a good education, resulting in no strength at all. In the end, she fell into Kusagakure Village and became a blood bag, and was bitten to death.

Instead of letting this guy be a blood bag, it's better to just capture her and bring her back to the Sand Ninja as a Jinchūriki. Anyway, Shukaku of the Sand Ninja doesn't have a suitable Jinchūriki now.

Of course, there is one more thing... Uchiha Feiyu thinks it's time to experiment with the secret techniques he has learned.

The Grass Village is a very good place. It is neither too strong nor too weak, and has some background. There are three or four thousand ninjas, which fully meets the difficulty required by Uchiha Feiyu, and can also gain a lot of benefits from the Book of Magic.

Now Uchiha Feiyu feels that he has the strength to sweep a large ninja village, but he is not sure whether he can deal with the entire ninja world.

And directly sweeping the entire ninja world can indeed make a lot of money, but if the roots are pulled out, it will not be easy to maintain a long-term development in the future.

So the best way is to start with these small ninja villages, kill most of them, and subdue the remaining few, so that they become part of the Sand Ninja, which is also a ninja village controlled by Uchiha Feiyu.

"If you want to keep getting stronger and want to surpass this world, you must maintain a long-term development... Even if it is the magic way, you have to wait until a crop of people grow up before you can harvest it!"


As a small country sandwiched between several big countries, the Grass Country's action policy is almost the same as its name, and it can be called a fence-sitter among fence-sitters.

Compared with the one-country-one-village system of the five major countries, the systems of many small countries in the ninja world are very chaotic. Some have only daimyo but no ninja village, and some have only ninja village but no daimyo. The Grass Country belongs to the latter.

The characteristic of the Grass Country ninja is that they are good at imitating the ninjutsu of other ninja villages and improving them - to put it bluntly, they copy some ninjutsu and change their appearance. Moreover, those so-called improvements are most likely similar to the way Uchiha Feiyu improved the Avenue Aquarius.

It is not that the improvement is stronger, but that it is weaker. This method reduces the difficulty of training.

Although it sounds embarrassing, the Grass Village has indeed developed by relying on the two tricks of fence-sitting and copying. In the development of these years, it has even surpassed Taki and Rain, and has a faint posture of leading the second-tier ninja villages.

Because it is a fence-sitter with no moral integrity, the big ninja village does not trust it, but when it is strong, it does not worry that it will throw itself into the arms of other ninja villages, and when it is weak, it does not care about the Grass Village at all.

Also because it can only copy the ninjutsu of other ninja villages, the big ninja village will not worry that there will be any genius in the Grass Village, threatening its own status, because even if there is a genius in the Grass Village, the foundation of the Grass Village will hardly support it to the level of Kage.

"Not to mention, the atmosphere of this broken ninja village is simply terrible to the extreme. Even if there is a genius in this ninja village, it is estimated that he will defect at the first time!"

Sitting in an inn in a town in the Grass Country, Uchiha Feiyu looked at the two Grass Country ninjas kneeling in front of him and trembling, but thought secretly in his heart.

As for the two Grass Country ninjas, they were naturally found by Uchiha Feiyu after he came to the Grass Country. The reason was that he regarded Uchiha Feiyu, who looked quite rich, as a fat sheep from a foreign country and wanted to slaughter him directly.

In fact, it was not just Uchiha Feiyu. Basically, outsiders who passed through the Grass Country, if they were not ninjas and were alone, would be easily blackmailed by these Grass Country ninjas, or even robbed and killed directly.

If you were alone in this country, unless you were the kind of guy who looked not easy to mess with, or a ninja from another country, you might be attacked by these Grass Country ninjas anytime and anywhere.

To be honest, Uchiha Feiyu had already underestimated the bottom line of ninja villages and ninjas, but the performance of the Grass Country ninjas still exceeded his expected bottom line. After all, the ninjas from the big ninja villages did not rob directly.

"You two, report all the information about Kusagakure Village to me!"

As Uchiha Feiyu gave the order, under his Sharingan whose pupil power had broken through to the level of Eternal Mangekyō, the two ninjas immediately began to report the information like beans pouring out of a bamboo tube.

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