Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 118 Finding the Target

The Grass Ninja Village seemed to be just a second-tier small ninja village, but after Uchiha Feiyu listened to the two ninjas, he only had one feeling, and that was: chaos!

Originally, Uchiha Feiyu thought that there were at most three or four thousand ninjas in the Land of Grass. Now he knew that he was wrong. The number of grass ninjas was twice as many as he had expected, almost six or seven thousand.

This number is almost the same as the original Sand Ninja Village. Logically speaking, the Country of Grass is only a small country, and it is impossible to have so many ninjas under normal circumstances.

However, there are different differences between the Country of Grass and the Five Great Nations. There is no so-called daimyo in this country. The Ninja Village takes over the function of the daimyo and directly controls the economy and taxation of the entire country.

Under such circumstances, most of the country's money has naturally been invested in the development of Ninja Villages, and it is normal for the number of Ninjas to exceed the number.

Of course, although the quantity has gone up, the quality is...

Uchiha Feiyu looked at the two ninjas who had just been controlled by him. With this kind of strength in the great ninja village, they would probably only be considered graduates of the ninja school. However, in this country, they are already senior genin.

And among the six or seven thousand ninjas, at least five thousand are similar in strength to these two ninjas. It's no wonder that the Great Ninja Village doesn't care about the Country of Grass.

Moreover, these ninjas were divided into many factions, such as the Flower Faction, the Grass Faction, the Leaf Faction, and the 12 Zodiac Leaders. Uchiha Feiyu was completely confused.

With such a small amount of land, so many ninjas, and so many factions, it's like a small temple with a strong wind, and Chi Qian with a lot of bastards.

Even until the end, Uchiha Feiyu did not hear the information about the Uzumaki clan. Obviously, either the captured Uzumaki clan was still in the hands of the senior officials, or the status of these two ninjas was too low.

From Uchiha Feiyu's point of view, it must be the latter.

Without saying anything more to the two ninjas, Uchiha Feiyu stretched out his hand and formed a Dao Bottle Seal. The chakra emerging from his body condensed into an illusory and rough bottle shape, and suddenly burst out. Strong suction.

The two Grass Country ninjas screamed, and under the strong suction, they turned into a ball of blood mist and were directly sucked into it. After a while, the bottle of condensed chakra disappeared, and some ashes fell in the void. of residue.

There was an invisible blood energy in the void that merged into Uchiha Feiyu's body, making his body's original strength improve a bit.

"The effect is getting worse and worse... The origin of ordinary people is not only small in quantity but low in quality, but also contains many impurities. It must be slowly refined before it can be integrated into my origin."

"No wonder the practitioners of the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique always target those geniuses with special physiques. The origin of ordinary practitioners can only have some effect at the beginning. In the later stage, instead of swallowing ordinary people there, it will be more effective." It’s better to directly practice secret arts to evolve your body faster.”

In addition, there is a limit to the increase of the origin. If you want to break through after reaching the limit, you must integrate and stimulate the new physical origin. At that point, the physique of ordinary people will really have no effect at all.

"It's a pity that almost most of the physiques in the ninja world come from Otsutsuki. In the end, even if the physiques of the entire ninja world are really integrated, there will only be an enhanced version of Otsutsuki."

This is the reason why the secret technique of Devouring Heaven Demon Technique is astonishingly effective, otherwise it would be impossible for a secret technique like this to swallow the body beyond the source of its power.

After swallowing two ninjas casually, Uchiha Feiyu was not ready to waste time and left the town directly for the Grass Ninja Village.

Even the five major ninja villages, facing Uchiha Feiyu's illusion of manipulating the five senses, were unable to resist and were unable to detect his comings and goings, let alone grass ninjas.

Even if Uchiha Feiyu swaggered through the gate of the Ninja Village, no ninja would notice anything.

After taking a few glances at the Ninja Village, Uchiha Feiyu soon saw a ninja who seemed to have a high status. Then without saying anything, he walked up to the ninja and threw a kaleidoscope illusion at him.

The ninja controlled by the kaleidoscope genjutsu is a special jounin of the grass ninja. Of course, in Uchiha Feiyu's view, this guy is probably only a little stronger than the chuunin. Facing the kaleidoscope, the bamboo tube will naturally fall. Douzi usually told all the information.

The grass ninjas did capture a woman from the Uzumaki clan and discovered her special physical ability to heal the bloodstained boundary. However, there are still differences among the grass ninjas on how to use this gift package from the sky.

Some people naturally hope to turn this Uzumaki clan woman into a blood bag, while others have more ideas and want to sacrifice this Uzumaki clan woman to the Box of Bliss, and use the Uzumaki clan's huge chakra to open the Box of Bliss. , making a wish to conquer the ninja world.

"What are these things? The Box of Bliss has also come out... I forgot to ask about it at first, but I didn't expect that this theatrical version of it actually exists."

It's a pity that the so-called Box of Bliss seems to be useless. It can only produce a monster named Satoru. Because it has no benefit, Uchiha Feiyu naturally didn't pay attention to it.

But now that Uchiha Feiha is here, the woman from the Uzumaki clan naturally does not need to be a blood bag or a sacrifice. On the contrary, these people from the Land of Grass are probably more likely to become sacrifices for the Book of Demons. .

A moment later, under the leadership of the special Jonin of the Land of Grass, Feiyu Uchiha quickly arrived at the prison of the Grass Ninja.

"The captured Uzumaki woman was locked up in prison. After the top leaders have discussed it, they will decide whether to send her to the medical department or to the Ghost Light City."

"Tsk... It's really ugly to put someone in prison directly, but the Kusagakure ninja does not have the ability to cultivate the Uzumaki clan, not to mention the possibility of being attacked by the ninjas of the Uzumaki clan."

"So it was decided from the beginning to use her to death!"

Just like the Uchiha clan, once they awaken the three-magatama Sharingan, they are destined to become jonin, and they are also very difficult to deal with among the jonin.

Among the Uzumaki clan, those who can awaken the blood limit can at least become the level of jonin, and may even be stronger than the Uchiha.

After all, the volume of chakra is there, and as a brainless ninjutsu turret, it can bombard ordinary jonins.

Does the Kusagakure ninja village not know how genius the Uzumaki clan who awakened the blood limit is? Of course they knew, but this group of Kusagakure ninjas felt that they could not grasp such a genius, so they simply gave up and used him as an object until he died.

The Kusagakure ninjas had a good plan, but unfortunately Uchiha Feiyu came, and the plan of these people was naturally meaningless.

Since the target had been discovered, Uchiha Feiyu no longer used illusions to cover himself. He casually killed the Kusagakure ninja who led the way with a kunai, and then walked towards the prison step by step.

As soon as the illusion of the five senses that covered Uchiha Feiyu disappeared, the ninjas of Kusagakure suddenly found that there was a strange figure in their ninja village.

And Uchiha Feiyu killed the leading ninja with a kunai, which was like poking a hornet's nest, making these Kusagakure ninjas nervous.

"Who is it? Someone is invading the ninja village!!"

"Be careful!! The other party's target is the prison! Don't let him release the serious criminals in the prison!"

Facing these excited ninjas, Uchiha Feiyu picked his ears helplessly and said lightly:

"It's so noisy!"

As soon as the voice fell, an incredibly huge amount of chakra burst out from his body. The explosion of chakra alone shook the ground and caused tiny cracks in the earth.

The grass ninjas, who were originally vigilant, trembled one by one under the pressure of this huge chakra, as if facing a natural disaster. Some grass ninjas were so scared that they even dropped their weapons and ran away directly.

"This kind of fighting spirit... It's really worthy of being a ninja known for being a fence-sitter!"

This is the first time that Uchiha Feiyu has seen a ninja who was directly scared away by chakra and momentum.

You know, the ninjas in the ninja world have all kinds of shortcomings in their personalities, such as cruel, indifferent, crazy, and brainless, but among them, those who are greedy for life and afraid of death and have no courage to fight the enemy are definitely the least.

Uchiha Feiyu has been in Konoha Ninja Village for such a long time, and he has never seen a ninja who is afraid before fighting and flees at the first sign of trouble. He always thought that he was the only ninja who could do this.

Other ninjas, even if they were scared to death by the enemy on the battlefield, would at least not turn around and run for their lives at the beginning.


"It's too late to escape now..."

As Uchiha Feiyu formed the Great Dao Aquarius Seal with his hands, the huge chakra formed a huge illusory aquarius above his head, and it burst out with a terrifying attraction.

Under the attraction of the aquarius in the sky, all the grass ninjas had difficulty and gradually shrunk.

The attraction absorbed not matter, but the chakra in each ninja's body, or even the pure body essence.

Just a moment later, those sluggish ninjas could not even stabilize their bodies, and were directly sucked into the aquarius and turned into a pile of ashes.

"The more powerful the ninja, the larger and purer the origin. It seems that this Great Dao Aquarius can only be used for masters in the future."

After draining the origin of the grass ninjas in front of him, Uchiha Feiyu felt it slightly and sighed again.

In Uchiha Feiyu's perception, if he were to extract the origin from the Genin and Chunin now, it would hardly benefit him at all. On the contrary, it would take a long time to remove and dissolve those impurities.

Only when he reached the level of Jonin could he be truly useful to Uchiha Feiyu and make his physique develop in a stronger direction.

"But...soon, even Jonin will be useless to me...The stronger the physique, the closer the bloodline is to the Otsutsuki, the more powerful the origin is needed for me to improve."

Putting down his hands, Uchiha Feiyu continued to walk towards the prison. The two ninjas stationed at the prison gate had already been killed by him. As for the seal on the prison gate, Uchiha Feiyu gently waved his hand and it disappeared.

The Ten Thousand Transformations Sacred Art can turn magic into decay. Uchiha Feiyu, through research, finally transformed it into a skill to absorb chakra.

In addition to the simplest absorption of chakra, the Ten Thousand Transformations Sacred Art can also directly dissolve barriers and seals. All skills that belong to the category of chakra are restrained by it.

Unlike abilities such as the Samsara Eye and the Hungry Ghost Path, the Ten Thousand Transformations Sacred Art can dissolve not only chakra, but all energy is within its scope, so even if it is a fairy art or a bloodline net, in theory, the Ten Thousand Transformations Sacred Art can restrain it.

Even if the Ten Thousand Transformations Sacred Art is cultivated to a certain level, even the weather or physical forces of nature are within the scope of dissolution.

However, Uchiha Feiba is definitely not at that level, and while these secret techniques have a high upper limit, they are not like Six Paths or Otsutsuki, which can absolutely restrain ordinary chakra.

If the amount of ordinary chakra reaches a certain level, the Holy Art of Ten Thousand Transformations will not be able to turn it into magic or decay, but obviously, this amount is at least in decimal units.

After the seal of the Kusanagi Village Prison was turned into ashes, Uchiha Feiyu just pushed it and the door opened directly, and an unpleasant smell came from the prison.

Frowning and walking inside, Uchiha Feiyu looked around. When the prisoners in the prison saw that the person who came in was not a grass ninja, they all started making noises.

"Let me out, let me out quickly!!"

"Where do you come from as a ninja? If you want to fight out of the Grass Ninja Village, you should also need our power!"

Quite active. Uchiha Feiyu glanced at the people around him, but didn't say anything in the end. Those who could be caught by grass ninja were basically chuunin and genin, which didn't mean much to him.

In his perception, there was indeed an aura full of vitality in the deepest part of the prison, and that should be the lady from the Uzumaki clan.

Seeing that Uchiha Feiyu ignored them and walked inside, a group of ninjas shouted louder and even used dirty words.

Seeing that these ninjas were ignorant, Uchiha Feiyu sneered slightly, stretched out his feet and stomped lightly on the ground.

Click, click, click, soil thorns grew in all the cells in an instant, directly piercing these scolding people into meat skewers.

Ninjutsu can be performed without the need for seals. This is also one of Uchiha Feiyu's gains after understanding the secret method of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Technique. He does not even need to close his hands. Any ninjutsu below A level can be performed instantly. hair.

The scoldings were replaced by screams, and a thick smell of blood came out from every cell. Uchiha Feiyu's expression remained unchanged, and then he broke the seal and saw the red-haired woman in the deepest part of the cell.

"You...who are you?"

The red-haired woman looked at Uchiha Feiyu who was walking over and asked with a trembling voice. She couldn't help but be afraid. After all, behind him, there were those skewered prisoners moaning in pain and bleeding freely in the background!

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