Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 119 Recovering the Kusagakure Village

"Are you that woman from the Uzumaki clan? What's your name?"

After hearing Uchiha Feiyu's question, the originally huddled woman from the Uzumaki clan raised her head and said in a timid voice:

" name is Uzumaki Kana..."

"Uzumaki Kana? I'm here just for you. There's no need to say anything else. Come with me now!"

"Uh...ok...ok, sir!"

Uzumaki Kana was stunned for a moment, but after taking a look at the human skewers filling the prison, she immediately realized that the other party was not asking for her opinion.

With a gentle tug, the cell door in front of Uzumaki Kana was pulled open. Then the red-haired woman followed Uchiha Feiyu out of the prison with some fear.

At this moment, outside the prison, the entire Grass Ninja Village had already been alarmed. After all, Uchiha Feiyu was arrogantly killing people in the Ninja Village and had no intention of hiding it at all.

So when Uchiha Feiyu led Uzumaki Kana out of the prison door, he saw a large group of grass ninjas, looking at him with wary faces.

"Who are you? Why did you invade our Grass Ninja Village! What do you have to do with that woman from the Uzumaki clan?"

The grass ninja standing at the front asked coldly, but in this regard, Uchiha Feiyu did not waste his words:

"There are quite a few. Well, let's say hello first and get to know each other!"

The moment he finished speaking, Uchiha Feiyu slightly clasped his hands together - only when performing A-level and above ninjutsu, Uchiha Feiyu still needs to make a gesture of clasping his hands together.

He opened his mouth and let out a gentle breath, but the tiny air flow turned into an incredible air wave in an instant, and the rotation condensed into a tornado that reached the sky and the earth!

Ordinary A-level wind release ninjutsu, combined with Senjutsu chakra, and based on Uchiha Fei's almost abnormal chakra property change, what appears is beyond S-level, and can be called Natural disaster tornado storm!

The Kusanagi who were originally standing in front of Uchiha Feiha turned pale when they saw the tornado that penetrated the sky and the earth. They screamed and tried to escape, but were eventually sucked into the tornado.

After Uchiha Feiyu made a push-hand movement, the violent tornado began to move forward from slow to fast, and finally moved faster and faster. Amidst a loud rumbling sound, half of the grass was blown away. The Ninja Village was lifted into the sky, rolled out more than ten kilometers away in one breath, and then disappeared into the distant horizon.

"Tsk... Although the power is not as powerful as the Tailed Beast Jade at full power, the damage range is much stronger than those Tailed Beast Jade... If this move continues, half of the ninja village will be gone!"

Seeing that everything was empty in front of him, leaving only the yellow land that had been uncovered, Uchiha Feiyu touched his chin and murmured.

As for the grass ninjas in front of him, they had naturally already flown into the sky. With the power of the tornado storm at the level of a natural disaster, the so-called water and earth escape defenses were of no use at all. Even the land was rolled up, and even the ground was rolled up. Not to mention the earthen wall on the ground.

However, considering the strength of a ninja, being swept away by a tornado does not necessarily mean death. Chuunin and genin are basically dead, but jounin still has a high chance of surviving.

After Uchiha Feiyu performed such a ninjutsu, the entire Grass Ninja Village became quiet, and no ninja came out to stop him.

However, the grass ninja decided not to stop Uchiha Feiyu, but it did not mean that Uchiha Feiyu was willing to let them go. These ninjas had already become good sacrifices in Uchiha Feiyu's eyes.

"Wood Clone Technique!"

Hundreds of wooden clones appeared after a burst of white smoke, then spread to all directions and began to kill the grass ninja village.

With Uchiha Feiyu's strength, even a three-digit number of wooden clones is enough to rival the top elite jounin. There are not many ninjas in the entire Grass Ninja Village who can stop the killing of wooden clones.


With a clear sound, the kunai in the wooden clone's hand had already scratched the throat of a ninja, and at the same time he stretched out a hand:

A strange suction force erupted from his hand, and the body of the killed grass ninja shrank rapidly, turning into a blood-red pill, with only some remaining physical impurities and clothing left in place.

"Thirteenth... We must improve the method of refining the origin in the future. Refining them one by one is too troublesome!"

Although most of the extracted essence is too small and has too many impurities to have any effect on Uchiha Feiyu, it is still very good for ordinary ninjas.

Even if it will affect future potential... But the chakra system itself has no cultivation potential at all. If you want to become stronger, you rely on external forces.

For ordinary ninjas, they don't care at all about the sequelae of the original chaos that will only appear when they reach the super shadow level at least, because it is simply impossible for them to cultivate to the super shadow level.

Therefore, these Origin Pills can be given to subordinates, or simply used to breed them to cultivate the great medicine that Uchiha Feiyu needs.

The only problem is that this secret technique of devouring and refining the origin is obviously a bit cumbersome to use. Fortunately, Uchiha Feiyu has hundreds of clones at the moment. One clone can kill a dozen ninjas casually, and it can be refined. about there.

Half an hour later, all of Uchiha Feiyu's clones came back, and they also brought a group of Kusagakure ninjas who had completely lost their will to fight and surrendered completely, but the number of ninjas left was less than a thousand.

The first move of wind escape had already killed half of the Kusagakure ninjas, and with the killing of Uchiha Feiyu's clones, the number of ninjas left can be imagined.

However, some of the Kusagakure ninjas were not in the ninja village, and with the ninjas in the Ghost Lantern City, there would not be so few people left.

If there were less than a thousand people left, Kusagakure could simply be eliminated directly, and Uchiha Feiyu would never subdue them again.

The Kusagakure ninjas who were pressed by the shadow clones were immediately pressed to the ground, kneeling on the ground one by one, not even daring to raise their heads.

"Tsk, are there only so few ninjas left? Forget it, it doesn't matter... scum, raise your heads!"

The Kusagakure ninjas raised their heads in fear and looked at Uchiha Feiyu with a smile on his face.

"Now you guys have two choices, the first is to become my dog, the second is that I will send you directly to meet your companions, I wonder which one you will choose?"

"Sir, I am willing to be your dog and your tool!"

"Please spare my life, sir!"

A group of ninjas immediately begged for mercy without any scruples. The Kusagakure Village was originally a fence-sitter, not to mention that the last ninjas left were completely frightened by Uchiha Feiyu's strength and of course did not dare to resist.

Uchiha Feiyu was not surprised at all by the reaction of the Kusagakure Village. He sneered and asked, and then called out the few high-level officials who were left in the Kusagakure Village.

In a small ninja village like Kusagakure, it is not like a big ninja village, where there are still a group of old men and old ladies in the high-level. On the contrary, those who can be the high-level officials of such a small ninja village must be the most capable.

"Hmm... three elite jonin-level souls? The Kusanagi still have a little foundation."

Even in the major ninja villages, there are usually only a dozen elite jonins. The Kusanagi Village can produce three ninjas with elite jonin souls. Perhaps because they don't have a good ninjutsu inheritance, their strength is a little worse, but they are much stronger than ordinary small ninja villages.

Looking at these Kusanagi Village leaders, Uchiha Feiyu didn't say much. He directly used a magic technique of the transformation of the God-Destiny Technique to turn them into his loyal subordinates.

Afterwards, Uchiha Feiyu took out all the collected origin pills. Except for a few jonin-level origin pills, the rest were handed over to these leaders, asking them to distribute them to the remaining Kusanagi.

One for each genin, two for each chunin, and four for each jonin. In the end, there were three or four hundred origin pills left, all of which were eaten up by these three leaders.

These pills are enough to improve the basic qualities of these ninjas in all aspects. With a little training, the ninja level can be improved.

Especially the three elite jonins who each ate hundreds of origin pills. Even if they don't know any powerful ninjutsu, they can become middle-level ninjas at the level of Kage just by relying on their basic qualities.

As the blood-red pills entered their stomachs, a group of people suddenly felt their powerful strength. Whether it was chakra or physical fitness, they were all skyrocketing. All the grass ninjas were flushed and their eyes showed surprise.

However, as Uchiha Feiyu's cold eyes swept over, the original group of grass ninjas quickly withered. These ninjas were not fools. The other party could easily help them improve their strength, and they must have the confidence to suppress them.

"Very good... It seems that you didn't do anything crazy because of the sudden surge of power."

"Originally, I thought we needed to find a few ninjas to kill chickens and scare monkeys!"

After hearing this, a group of grass ninjas trembled and secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but then they heard Uchiha Feiyu's next sentence:

"Do you still want to get more pills?"

The three grass ninja leaders who had long been controlled by Uchiha Feiyu immediately knelt on the ground and shouted loudly:

"Sir, we want to get more pills and become stronger! Please tell me what you want. 's request, as long as you can give us more pills, we are willing to serve you as our master!"

"Hehe... you don't need to serve me as your master. The so-called pills are actually made from the essence of ninjas. The stronger the ninjas are, the more powerful the pills can be made."

"As long as you can hand over the living ninjas, I will naturally give you more pills. The more and stronger the ninjas you bring, the better the pills you get!"

Hearing Uchiha Feiyu's words, a group of grass ninjas looked at each other. Although they all seemed silent, the fire in their eyes burned.

In the world of Naruto, power is everything! These ninjas can do anything to become stronger.

Orochimaru's curse seal, wood escape human body experiments, Danzo's Sharingan arm transplant, the immortal duo, the red sand scorpion...

In order to become stronger, these ninjas almost made themselves neither human nor ghost, but even so, ordinary ninjas envied them very much.

Because for ordinary ninjas, even if they want to become stronger in this way, they have no way! Most of the ordinary ninjas who went down this path just became cold numbers in the records of failed human experiments.

The coldest reality in the Naruto world is that the upper limit of the strength of ordinary ninjas has long been locked! Even the so-called Eight Gates of Dunjia, which requires the most effort, can only make oneself disabled if there is no special talent.

Nowadays, these grass ninjas have truly discovered the way to change their fate. Capturing ninjas from other ninja villages may be very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will lose your life. Even if you attack too many ninjas from the big ninja villages, it will also attract revenge from the big ninja villages.

But compared with human experiments that are only one in ten or even one in a hundred, and various forbidden techniques, this is already a safe way to increase strength.

"Sir, don't worry, we will bring you more ninjas as sacrifices!"

"Yes, sir, you can rest assured!"

Uchiha Feiyu is of course very relieved. He does not believe that these grass ninjas will be convinced by him, but he believes that these grass ninjas will definitely not be able to withstand the temptation of the origin pill.

Not to mention that he also controlled the only three high-ranking officials left in Kusagakure Village, or the three strongest Kage-level ninjas. In this case, even if the Kusagakure ninjas still had great hatred for him, they could not pose any threat.

After retaking Kusagakure Village, the three high-ranking officials of the ninja village also told Uchiha Feiyu the "secret" of the Paradise Box. As for the strange box, it is still in the Ghost Light City.

Ghost Light City is another important base of Kusagakure Ninja, where nearly a thousand ninjas are stationed all year round, and there are hundreds of prisoners from the five major ninja villages.

The prisoners who can be sent to Ghost Light City are almost all high-level political prisoners, and their strength is almost no less than that of the special jonin, so the ninjas there are even more elite than Kusagakure Ninja Village in terms of average strength.

However, in the eyes of Kusagakure Ninja now, Ghost Light City is no longer a high-level prison, but a super gift package. More than a hundred jonins and special jonins, with their chakras restricted, are they not the most perfect elixir?

Uchiha Feiyu was somewhat interested in the Paradise Box, but now he didn't need to do it himself. With just one order, three former high-ranking officials of the Kusagakure Village took some Kusagakure ninjas and went directly to the Kizuna Castle, which was not too far from the Kusagakure Village, and brought back the Paradise Box.

Also brought back were the lord of Kizuna Castle, Wuwei, more than a hundred ninja prisoners from the five major ninja villages, and more than a thousand Kusagakure ninjas who served as guards.

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