Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 120 Soul Refining Method and Hunyuan Treasure Box

After solving the prisoners of Gui Lantern City, Uchiha Feiyu had hundreds of black qi for sacrifice, all of which were of high quality.

The grass ninjas were also very happy, especially the lord of Gui Lantern City, Wuwei, because more than half of the origin pills refined by Uchiha Feiyu were given to the lord of the city.

Unfortunately, he was too happy too early. Uchiha Feiyu used a divine skill to directly control the lord of Gui Lantern City, and he didn't give him any chance at all.

In fact, Wuwei's strength was almost the strongest among the original grass ninjas in the ninja village. After eating a large amount of high-quality origin pills, he improved faster than the three grass ninjas and had the strength comparable to the third generation of Hokage.

The current third generation of Hokage is about 50 years old. His strength is not invincible, but it is much stronger than the later period. Among the shadows, he can be regarded as a strong man.

With Wuwei, Kusagakure already has a top-level Kage-level warrior, three Kage-level warriors who are not weak, more than a hundred jonin, nearly a thousand chunins, and more than 2,000 ordinary genin.

Except for the gap between the genin and the great ninja villages, Kusagakure is not inferior to the five great ninja villages in other stages, and is even much stronger than most of the ninja villages.

In addition, the major ninja villages now either just fought a big battle and were seriously injured, or are still in a melee. It can be said that Kusagakure is already a significant force in the entire ninja world.

At least... this force has enough confidence to capture other ninjas.

Even the five great ninja villages will treat such a powerful force with caution. Before the war is over, they will not attack Kusagakure.

As for whether there will be a situation where several ninja villages will attack Kusagakure at the same time, it is not Uchiha Feiyu's business.

After all, this group of grass ninjas were just tools used by Uchiha Feiyu to harvest sacrifices, and they were nothing more than artificially cultivated medicines. It didn't matter if they all died.

Then, Uchiha Feiyu turned his gaze to the so-called Paradise Box, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"This box... is a bit interesting!"

The Paradise Box is known as a treasure made by the Six Paths Sage, and there are outrageous rumors that whoever opens the Paradise Box can realize a wish, but Uchiha Feiyu saw at a glance that this box has little to do with chakra.

Although there is a lot of energy wrapped around the box, that energy is full of dark and bloody aura. According to the magic skills he practiced, the energy wrapped around the box is not so much dark chakra as pure resentment.

"It feels like a good material for making magic weapons. I don't seem to have any good magic weapons now."

The Kusanagi sword is quite powerful, but in the final analysis, apart from a breath of breaking evil spirits, it is just a sharp and solid weapon, which is far inferior to those magical magic weapons.

The secret art of swallowing the sky magic art inherited from the sky-covering method does have some knowledge about refining weapons, but the refining techniques of the sky-covering method are only for fun. Except for the life magic weapons refined by itself, it is completely incomparable with the refining techniques of other immortal cultivation worlds, not to mention that the knowledge obtained by Uchiha Feiyu is still very broken.

And Uchiha Feiyu can't practice the secret realm method, so he can't forge his life magic weapon at all. In addition, the best material for the refining secret art of the sky-covering magic art is actually the flesh with various special physiques, but the refining methods of various genius treasures are very common.

Not to mention that there are no genius treasures in the ninja world. The Bliss Box is completely different from the orthodox genius treasures. Who knows what can be refined with the Devouring Demon function?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Feiyu made up his mind to take out some knowledge about refining from the Book of Magical Path Inheritance and use the entire Bliss Box for himself.

It just so happened that he had also harvested thousands of ninjas in the Kusagakure Village, and there were enough black gas sacrifices.

As the black gas on the altar slowly disappeared, the Book of Magical Path Inheritance shook twice again and passed on two pieces of information to Uchiha Feiyu.

This time, Uchiha Feiyu's request was to maximize the use of the Bliss Box, but the Book of Magical Path Inheritance gave him two inheritances.

One is the method of forging a magic weapon called the Hunyuan Treasure Box, and the other is a method of refining the soul.

The name of the Hunyuan Treasure Box sounds good, but it is actually an out-and-out magic weapon. As for its effect, it can be regarded as an enhanced version of the blood pool.

The blood pool can refine the bones and blood of others to improve the bloodline, while the Hunyuan treasure box can refine all of them, regardless of the bones, blood and soul. The effect is not only to improve the bloodline, but also to comprehensively strengthen the chakra, physical talent and soul strength.

To put it bluntly, it is a fully automatic alchemy furnace, but the materials required by this alchemy furnace are all flesh and blood, and it is best to be alive.

The elixir produced is also much stronger than the blood pool. An ordinary ninja thrown in can be refined into three items: soul origin, physical blood, and his own chakra.

"This is really worthy of being the book of the inheritance of the magic way. Among the ten inheritances, eight teach you how to eat people! But what I want is a magic weapon to increase combat power. Why did you give me this thing?"

Isn't that right? Uchiha Feiyu has now discovered that he has become more and more sophisticated in his cannibalism, from the spirit-destroying general to the blood-devouring secret technique of swallowing spirits, to the sky-swallowing demon technique, and finally to the current Hunyuan treasure box and The secret techniques of soul refining are all unique skills of cannibalism.

The secret technique of refining the soul is quite similar to the soul-eating technique of the Soul-Consecrating General. It comes from the secret technique of Dou Po Cang Qiong Soul Clan, which is the secret technique used by the group of laughing and jittery Soul Palace.

The reason why such a soul-refining secret technique appeared is because there is a huge amount of souls stored in the Box of Bliss.

Now Uchiha Feiyu is more and more convinced that the Box of Bliss has nothing to do with the Sage of Six Paths, because according to his perception from the secret technique of soul refining, the big box in front of him stores at least a million souls!

And these souls are not the souls of ordinary people, they must at least be considered to be at the ninja level in order to be collected by the box in front of them.

It should be noted that during the Fourth Ninja World War, the five major ninja villages plus the smaller ninja villages combined together resulted in an army of 80,000 ninjas. This was still the situation after more than ten years of peace.

No matter how high the upper limit is, the number of ninjas existing at the same time in an era cannot exceed 200,000. Theoretically, five generations of ninjas must have been buried in the Bliss Box to collect so many souls.

In fact, it must be more than that. You must know that the number of ninjas has greatly expanded, which is what happened after the establishment of the five major ninja villages. Before that, almost all ninjas existed in the form of families. Searching the entire ninja world could only be a few. Thousands of people.

The Sage of Six Paths founded the Ninja Sect and passed chakra to the world for only a thousand years. No matter how you calculate it, it is impossible for the Box of Bliss to collect the souls of close to a million ninjas in a thousand years.

"Perhaps this thing had appeared many years before Kaguya, otherwise it would not have been able to swallow so many souls. Moreover, it seems that this thing has the style of a system such as Onmyoji."

Devouring souls, absorbing resentment, and creating enlightenment that can sense hostility are very rare in the chakra system, but they are basic practices in Onmyoji.

But soon, Uchiha Feiyu stopped thinking about which god made the Box of Bliss. Instead, he sat cross-legged on top of the box and began to refine the Box of Bliss.

Although there is no systematic technique, the chakra in Uchiha Feiyu's body has undergone great changes in its properties after being forged with many secret techniques. Some of it is close to the legendary magic power, at least it can be used for refining. It is still possible to refine and forge the Chest of Bliss.

While his chakra slowly soaked the big box at his feet, Uchiha Feiyu also started the soul refining method. The millions of souls stored inside the Box of Bliss began to be gradually refined into soul energy. .

Millions of souls are a lot, but their quality is actually not high. The most important thing is that too much time has passed and the energy inside the soul has been severely lost.

Moreover, the evil energy of the Bliss Box is so high that the soul stored inside is also seriously contaminated, with many impurities. Almost 99% of it is filled with resentment, leaving only a little bit of pure soul energy.

Uchiha Feiyu's soul refining method comes from the soul clan who fought to break the world. His resentment can be completely eliminated through repeated refining, but while the resentment is completely eliminated, waste is naturally inevitable.

Especially for the souls that were locked up in the Box of Bliss and were full of resentment. Even though the number was frightening, after they were completely refined, not even one thousandth of the pure soul energy was left.

The soul energy of about a few hundred people can't be called weak. At least Uchiha Feiyu's soul energy is at most the same as the soul energy of these hundreds of people.

Chakra is not even a complete training system. It is more like a so-called superpower. It will only increase with the growth of the body and spirit, and there is no specific training method.

Therefore, even the so-called shadow-level experts, with the nourishment of chakra, their own soul energy is at most ten or dozens of times stronger than that of ordinary people.

Uchiha Feiyu can have such a powerful soul energy, which is supported by a lot of magic skills, especially the spirit-binding general that eats the soul, and the sky-swallowing magic skill that swallows the three elements of spirit, energy, and spirit, which makes Uchiha Feiyu The foundation has greatly increased.

But whether it is the Spiritual Punishment General or the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique, they are not actually techniques that specifically devour and grow souls.

After the Julingshen general devoured the soul, what increased was the innate Qi, not the soul energy, and what was transformed was only one in a hundred.

As for the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique, its greatest effect is to change the physique, fuse all bodies into chaos, and increase soul energy is just an incidental improvement.

It is precisely because of this that although Uchiha Feiyu's soul energy is not weak, it is not much higher. Compared with ordinary Kage-level ninjas, it is a cliff-like improvement, but compared with his physical foundation, it is inferior. too much.

But this time there was a chance to make amends. Uchiha Feiyu was refining the Box of Bliss under his feet, and at the same time absorbing the soul energy in the box, he felt that his soul and body had fallen into some strange state.

He didn't know how long it took, but he just felt that his body seemed to become extremely light. With a slight jump, he was freed from a layer of restraint and floated in mid-air.

Lowering his head, Uchiha Feiyu immediately saw his body sitting on top of the Box of Bliss. Only then did he realize belatedly that his soul had left his body.

Uchiha Feiyu had practiced the secret art of the Spiritualization Technique before. Even though he was not interested in the Spiritualization Technique at that time, he could easily master it with his shocking background.

It was just that this ninjutsu did not have much effect on Uchiha Feiyu, and his body was in a state of no resistance after being separated from his soul, so he had never used it.

"But... I am not in the state of the Spiritualization Technique now... My body is still refining the Bliss Box below!"

"What is this? Is it the legendary lawlessness and thoughtlessness?"

After performing the Spiritualization Technique, the ninja's body lost all consciousness, almost like a vegetative person, but Uchiha Feiyu could clearly feel that his body was still refining the Bliss Box below, and it was obvious that his current state was not the Spiritualization Technique.

Not to mention that Uchiha Feiyu could also feel that his soul did not have any chakra attached to it, which was completely different from the energy shell formed by chakra when performing the Spiritualization Technique.

Although he didn't know what state he was in, Uchiha Feiyu could feel that this didn't seem to be a bad thing.

After a while, Uchiha Feiyu felt a suction force coming from his body below, and in an instant, his soul returned to his body. At the same time, he could feel that his soul seemed to have become much more stable.

After absorbing a lot of soul energy, although Uchiha Feiyu could feel that his perception, reaction, and chakra control abilities had improved by leaps and bounds, he also had a sense of lightness and emptiness. After this change, he felt a sense of solidity in his heart.

After a long breath, Uchiha Feiyu showed a bit of joy. In fact, Uchiha Feiyu's strength has been improving by leaps and bounds, but it is also full of hidden dangers.

After all, the so-called magic skills always have the disadvantage of being eager for quick success, and the Uchiha bloodline and chakra system are not a solid foundation. On the contrary, it can be said that it is a magic in the magic. Naturally, Uchiha Feiyu's practice also feels like walking on a tightrope.

Although his cultivation is improving rapidly, his foundation is definitely not solid. It is just stronger than the foundation of ninjas in this world. If he really reaches a certain level of strength, he may encounter a bottleneck that he can't get through.

"This soul transformation has at least made my foundation a little stronger... But I can't care so much now. At least when I encounter a bottleneck, my strength will definitely be much stronger than the Otsutsuki clan."

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