Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 128: The Powerful Sharingan

"Obito, are you okay?"

Nohara Rin asked with a hint of anxiety in her voice. Obito coughed up two mouthfuls of blood and reluctantly stood up:

"It's okay, I haven't surpassed Kakashi yet, how could I die here so easily?"

Although he was still showing off his strength, the blood flowing from his mouth and the collapsed chest already showed the severity of his injuries.

"Obito, Lin!... It seems that today is the time to thoroughly implement my ninja way!"

After hearing this, Obito's eyes moved slightly. He knew the power and sequelae of Akai's Eight Gate Dun Armor. Although he didn't know that when the Eight Gate Dun Armor was opened, he would definitely die, but he also knew that this gate-forbidden technique would cause death every time. Opening a door can cause much more serious harm to oneself.

Akai usually only opens three doors in battle. After that, although he will be exhausted for a while, it will not cause any harm to himself, but if he continues to open it, the consequences will not be easy to predict.

It's just that Obito, who originally wanted to stop this move, looked at the enemy in front of him and finally just showed a wry smile.

A total of eight ninjas rushed in from the opposite side, each of which was at least at the special jounin level. The two leading ninjas were the weakest and were two elite jounin.

There are two jounin teams joining forces. Judging from the current strength of the opponent, as long as Kakashi does not come back, then he and the others will be dead. Even if Kakashi is still there, this is probably a game. Fight hard.

The sequelae in the future are things that only those with a future can consider. Now, what I and others should consider is now.

"Eight Gates of Dunjia - The sixth gate, Jingmen, open!"

Almost without any hesitation, Akai directly opened the Eight Gate Dunjia to the sixth gate. Violent chakra surged out of his body, his hair rose, and even his skin turned blood red.

"Ugh... It seems... I can't hold on much longer... Obito, I will immediately create a gap in the enemy's siege... You take Lin and escape first..."

As soon as he finished speaking, before Obito could reply, Akai roared:

"Take the move! This is the final bloom of my youth - the Peacock!"

The extremely fast waving fists had a violent impact with the air, and the compressed air spurted out like cannonballs, pulling out streaks of bright white light, like the rays of the rising sun, rushing towards the Iwa Ninja in front of him.

Facing Akai's life-threatening attack, the rock ninjas could only dodge each other. Akai, who had opened the six gates, was as destructive as the desperate elite jounin in a short period of time.

"Quick, now!"

Hearing Akai's shout, Obito clenched his fists and dug his nails into his palms. How could he just abandon his comrades?

...But, Lin is here too...

The Sharingan in his eyes kept spinning, and a second magatama vaguely split out. Obito gritted his teeth, and regardless of the injury on his chest, he grabbed the still hesitant Nohara Rin and ran away.

I'm sorry...I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Akai! I can't fight side by side with you! I can't fight you to the death! I still want to protect Lin. Only Lin, only Lin, must not die!

Suppressing the frantic emotions in his heart, Uchiha Obito dragged Nohara Rin out of the cave with tears and runny noses flowing. The moment he broke out of the encirclement, his Sharingan Magatama split again and turned into three Magatama Sharingan. .

Behind him, Akai's roar and the sound of fighting also came from behind.

After escaping for more than ten kilometers in one breath, Uchiha Obito finally couldn't hold on any longer and spurted out a mouthful of blood, almost falling to the ground.

Nohara Rin quickly hugged Uchiha Obito and said:

"Obito, are you okay? You're seriously injured. We'd better treat your injuries first and then escape!"

In fact, he had to run more than ten kilometers in a row with broken ribs and damaged internal organs. If Obito's Sharingan hadn't evolved continuously, which also led to slight improvements in his physique and chakra, even his perseverance would have been lost. No matter how tenacious he is, he has already fallen down.

Nohara Rin's hands flashed with a faint green light, and she groped Obito's chest. Obito felt that after the warm current surged through the injury on his chest, the burning pain turned into a wave of coolness.

Nohara Rin can be assigned to Kakashi's team. In addition to the bond between herself and Kakashi, her talent is naturally not bad. Her level of medical ninjutsu is now even compared to that of those medical jounin. No less impressive.

"Ahem... I feel better, Lin... let's keep going. As long as we find Kakashi, we will be safe."

Obito coughed twice, vomited out some blood clots, and then said, at this critical moment, even Obito, who was full of envy, jealousy and hatred towards Kakashi, extremely hoped that this genius of his own age could be like before. The same thing appeared in front of his eyes.

"You can't go anywhere, just follow me to hell!"

A sneer came from behind, and Uchiha Obito's expression changed drastically. He turned around and saw the former captain of the Iwa Ninja team looking at him with a sneer on his face.

Before Obito could react, he saw the captain of the Rock Ninja Team flash forward, and the kunai in his hand stabbed directly into his chest.

Obito wanted to avoid it, but his injury had not fully healed. When he exerted his strength, he only felt a pain in his chest, his whole body twitched, and he almost fell to the ground.

It’s over! Obito closed his eyes, but he only felt someone pulling him from behind. After a feeling of soaring clouds, he opened his eyes, only to find that he was pulled out of the battle ring.

Turning his head, Uchiha Obito finally saw the figure that he had been looking forward to so much. He couldn't help but said sadly and excitedly:

"Kakashi! This guy is finally here!"

"Why are you here so slowly? Akai, Akai has already..."

"Sorry, Obito, but now is not the time to talk about other things. Let's rescue Lin first!"

Lin! ? Obito was stunned for a moment, and then he recalled that Lin was with him just now, and he was pulled out by Kakashi at the critical moment, but Lin is still with that dangerous Iwa nin now!

Thinking of this, Obito turned his head and saw the Iwa nin grabbing Nohara Lin with a ferocious expression and looking at the two people with a sneer on his face.

"It's really dangerous. You are the very famous genius ninja in Konoha, Kakashi Hatake!"

"With your speed just now, I may not be your match. Konoha can always breed talented ninjas like you!"

"such a pity……"

The Iwa ninja pulled Nohara Rin's hair hard, causing the gentle girl to groan in pain, then pulled out the kunai and aimed it at Nohara Rin's neck.

"Hey, you two boys, is this girl your companion?! She still seems like a very important companion?"

"You guy...what do you want to do? If something comes to me, don't do anything to Lin!"

Uchiha Obito said angrily, and in his impulsive mood, he took a step forward.

The Iwa Ninja's expression changed, and with a pop, the kunai in his hand pierced Nohara Lin's collarbone. Nohara Lin's face turned pale, and she bit her lower lip without shouting.

"Obito! Don't be impulsive!"

Kakashi grabbed Uchiha Obito's shoulder and reminded him. Obito looked at the injured Nohara Rin and suddenly trembled:

"Stop, don't hurt Xiaolin!"

"Then it depends on your performance, Konoha ninjas!"

"You can let me let this female ninja go. As long as you two fight each other and kill your companions, I will let this girl go!"

" could this be possible!"

Uchiha Obito's pupils shrank slightly, showing a horrified expression, and looked at Kakashi next to him.

I want to kill Kakashi... No, if we really have to fight, I will definitely be the one who dies!

But... forget it... if you can exchange my life for Xiaolin's life, then it doesn't matter...

Slowly pulling out the kunai, Obito looked at Kakashi with pained yet relieved eyes:

"I'm sorry...Kakashi, I won't cause you any more trouble in the future!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Obito rushed forward without any plan, swung the kunai in his hand, and with a pop, it pierced Kakashi's heart.

" could it be? don't you hide away?! Kakashi!!"

The Kakashi in front of him still had a cold face, but the black mask on his face was stained red with blood. A faint voice came into Uchiha Obito's ears:

"Idiot... I am the leader of the team... If I have to sacrifice... it's not your turn..."

As the voice became softer and softer, Hatake Kakashi also gradually closed his eyes. Obito was trembling all over, and the three magatama in his eyes were spinning faster and faster, and subtle changes began to appear.

But subconsciously, Obito always felt that the world seemed to have a sense of separation, which made Uchiha Obito's anger and sadness not reach the limit, and the changes of the three rotating magatama gradually slowed down.

There was a thump, as if something fell to the ground. Obito, whose eyes were a little numb, turned his head and saw Nohara Rin's head on the ground.


"Hahaha, what an idiot! Some people actually believe what the enemy says. How could I let you go?"

It just so happens that that damn White Fang brat is dead now, and there are no more ninjas that I can be afraid of. I will send you, the brat, down now to meet your comrades! "

Looking at Nohara Rin's eyes that were full of sorrow and pain, as if she would never rest in peace, and the violent mood swings, completely suppressing the sense of fragmentation, Uchiha Obito screamed almost in despair, and the three magatama in his eyes finally appeared. A complete change, transformed into a pattern like a sharp boomerang!

"Tsk...Does Nohara Rin have to die in the end to be able to awaken the kaleidoscope?"

Still in the original tree hole, Uchiha Feiyu looked at Uchiha Obito who had awakened the kaleidoscope, and said something disgusting.

Of course, in fact, this is because Obito experienced all this in the illusion, so the death of Nohara Rin was needed as the final push. Although the five-sense control is already perfect as an illusion, its illusion performance is consistent with reality. It's almost identical.

But it is almost after all, there is still a certain difference between illusion and reality. Otherwise, if it were in reality, Uchiha Obito would have awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan when he killed Kakashi.

"Anyway, judging from the pattern, it is exactly the same as the Kamui Mangekyō Sharingan, and its abilities are probably the same!"

Although in the analysis of some Naruto fans, the Mangekyō Sharingan corresponds to the wishes of the Uchiha clan, so different Mangekyōs can be born under different circumstances.

However, this thing is actually no different from urban legends. There is no official evidence at all, and it seems very far-fetched in many aspects. Let’s not talk about anything else. Just say Uchiha Sasuke’s Amaterasu and Kagutsuchi-no-Mikoto, no matter how you look at it, it has nothing to do with his wish.

So Uchiha Feiyu is more inclined to believe that an awakened Mangekyō of an Uchiha comes from his bloodline itself, and will not change due to the external environment.

And the Mangekyō pattern in Uchiha Obito’s glasses undoubtedly confirmed Uchiha Feiyu’s guess. The Mangekyō Sharingan pattern like a dart is the standard Kamui Sharingan.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Feiyu glanced at Kakashi next to him. When Uchiha Obito awakened the Mangekyō, he also used illusion to cover Kakashi, Nohara Rin, and Might Guy, just because he didn’t want them to see Obito’s Mangekyō.

"In this case... I'll replace Obito's eyes, and these people won't notice, right?"

Thinking of this, Uchiha Feiyu reached out his hand without hesitation, dug out Obito's pair of Sharingan, and soaked them in a test tube.

Then he summoned a white snake, and under his control, the white snake spit out another test tube from its mouth, and saw a pair of three-magatama Sharingan in the test tube.

When he swept across the entire root, Uchiha Feiyu also found several three-magatama Sharingan, and now it can be said that it is just right to use.

Take out the two three-magatama Sharingan and re-install them on Obito's eyes, and then use medical ninjutsu to heal Obito. After a while, Uchiha Feiyu let go of his hands and wiped the blood around Obito's eyes.

"Fortunately, my eyes are at the level of the Eternal Mangekyō, otherwise the five senses control really can't control Obito who has awakened the Mangekyō."

Thanks to the five senses control also including the sense of touch, even if Obito's eyes were directly replaced, he didn't feel any pain. If it was replaced with ordinary ninjutsu, it would have been cracked as early as when the eyes were dug out.

Looking left and right, feeling that there was no problem, Uchiha Feiyu nodded and immediately untied everyone's illusion.

Kakashi, Nohara Rin, and Might Guy were only perfunctorily dealt with by Uchiha Feiyu's illusion for a while. Obito, the only one who was really controlled by the illusion from beginning to end, shouted, stared at the surroundings with a pair of three-magatama Sharingan, and his originally ferocious expression became a little cute.

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