"Ahhh...Akai, Kakashi, Lin! How did you come back to life? What on earth is going on?!"

"And this guy...who is this guy?"

Uchiha Obito pointed at Nohara Rin with a confused look, then at Kakashi, and finally glanced at Metkai who was giving him a thumbs up, and he was completely confused.

"Ahem... Well... how should I explain this to you?"

Kakashi looked up at the sky and scratched his chin. As for Nohara Rin and Akai, both of them had blank expressions on their faces, and they had no idea what was going on with Obito.

In the eyes of Nohara Lin and Akai, it was Obito who was exactly the same as before. After Kakashi arrived with a strange Konoha ninja, the three Magatama Sharingan suddenly opened up, and the whole People suddenly became excited.

The four people present had completely different experiences in manipulating the five senses illusion. Needless to say, Obito's overall outstanding performance was miserable. His mentality was completely destroyed and he awakened the kaleidoscope.

The illusions that Nohara Rin and Akai were under were the same as when they stayed in the cave before. At most, Obito complained less.

As for Kakashi, before he came in here, Uchiha Feiyu told him that he wanted to help Obito awaken a higher-level Sharingan. He already knew how to awaken the Sharingan, and he was a little bit shady. Kakashi naturally agreed.

So except for Obito being confused by Uchiha Feiyu's illusion when he awakened the Mangekyō, which made Kakashi always think that Obito awakened the three magatama sharingan, Kakashi has always been very clear about other things. .

It is precisely because of this that Kakashi didn't know what to say when he saw Obito's face was a little distorted. Firstly, it could make Obito's Sharingan evolve. This joke was obviously a little too big. Secondly, I am Uchiha Feiyu's identity, so I can't say it openly.

But soon Kakashi no longer needed to worry. He only heard Uchiha Feiyu chuckle and said lightly:

"I just did you a favor and cast some illusions to help you awaken the Three Magatama Sharingan. No need to thank me!"

"Asshole, who wants to thank you?! After all, who are you? Although you wear Konoha's forehead protector, I have never seen you before. Are you a spy from somewhere? "

Obito yelled and stared at Uchiha Feiyu with a murderous look at Obito. Uchiha Feiyu just shrugged:

"Kid, don't take advantage and act like a good boy. Being able to use illusion to directly awaken the three Magatama Sharingan is a good thing that many Uchiha clan can only dream of!"

"It's much better to have the power to prevent tragedy directly than to wait until the tragedy happens one day before your eyes can truly wake up!"

"Ah this..."

Obito was speechless, and then, Uchiha Feiyu raised his hand gently, and the water attribute chakra condensed a large amount of water vapor, turned into a water mirror, and appeared in front of Obito.

Obito glanced at himself in the mirror. The three magatama were so obvious that he couldn't help but laugh:

"The Three Magatama Sharingan... This is the most advanced Sharingan (Obito doesn't know Mangekyou yet). With this level of Sharingan, I can directly have the strength of a jounin!"

"Hehehe...Kakashi, I will catch up with you soon!"

Regarding Obito's words, Kakashi just rolled his eyes, but Uchiha Feiyu raised the corner of his mouth slightly, glanced at Kakashi who didn't care much, and showed an expression of watching a good show.

Uchiha Feiha knew very well that Obito's awakening was not just the three magatama, but the Mangekyō Sharingan. Although Kaleidoscope was poached by him in the end, Bloodstained Boundary's transformation of the body did not stop.

Even if 80% of Uchiha's strength lies in a pair of Sharingan eyes, it does not mean that the changes brought to the body by the blood succession limited awakening evolution will be small, at least in terms of chakra amount, physical strength, and Yin Escape chakra quality. The Uchiha who has mastered the kaleidoscope is definitely much stronger than the three Magatama Uchiha.

In other words, even if Uchiha Obito lost the Mangekyō Sharingan, the evolution of his body and blood brought by the Blood Succession Limit was enough to advance his basic qualities to close to the Kage level.

In this case, if Kakashi is careless, he may be taught a lesson by Obito!

Although he had this bad taste in his heart, Uchiha Feiyu did not stay here for long, after all, Obito's two eyes were already in hand.

Uchiha Feiyu, who possesses the Sky-Swallowing Demon Technique, can completely absorb the ninjutsu and pupil power in Obito's eyes. When the time comes, he will also have powerful time and space abilities like Kamui.

However, if you want to completely absorb the power of the pair of divine sharingan eyes, you cannot use the secret technique of swallowing the sky demon in a rough way. Instead, you need to spend a little time and slowly absorb it with the help of the same Uchiha bloodline. , in order to ensure the full effectiveness of Shenwei.

Uchiha Feiyu, who couldn't wait for a long time, said hello to Kakashi and left directly, making Kakashi a little depressed.

"What on earth is this guy here for? Is it just to help Obito awaken the Three Magatama Sharingan? When did their relationship become so good?"

"And...how do I explain this to my team members?"

Looking at Nohara Rin, Akai, and Obito whose faces were full of curiosity, confusion, and even vigilance, Kakashi suddenly became distressed.

After leaving the cave where Kakashi and others were, Uchiha Feiha found a place far away from the battlefield and used Earth Release to build a house. On one side, he rested and absorbed the Kamui Sharingan inside, while on the other side he was waiting. With the news of Bai Jue's successor.

After seven or eight days like this, Uchiha Feiyu finally drained the power of Kamui Sharingan completely and gained the ability called Kamui.

In addition, there is another unexpected gain, that is, after absorbing the power of the Kamui Eye, Uchiha Fei's original three-magatama Sharingan can also become the Kamui Sharingan.

As for what are the benefits of becoming a Kamui Sharingan... Basically, it can be said that apart from being able to pretend to be a Mangekyou, it has no meaning.

Susanoo, Tsukuyomi, and Kamui, these three kaleidoscope ninjutsu, Uchiha Feiyu can perform them in the Kamui eye state, and he can also perform them in the three Magatama Sharingan state, and the power will not be any. The change is just equivalent to making a cosmetic contact lens.

But soon... Uchiha Feiyu thought of the use of Sharingan transformation - it can be used to deceive Uchiha Madara and White Zetsu!

The three-magatama Susanoo or something like that, or the complete Susanoo with legs and armor, is really a bit too much. Even Uchiha Madara might be a little bit murmuring about this, but if it's Mangekyo If so, then there will definitely be no problem.

More than half a month had passed, and just when Uchiha Feiyu was wondering whether Uchiha Madara had given up on meeting him, he finally felt the familiar faint soul fluctuations that night.

"This feeling... is Bai Jue's, it's unmistakable!"

Strange soul fluctuations continued to swim in the shallow underground, and soon came to the feet of Uchiha Feiyu, and then a monster with green hair and a white head grew out of the ground.

"It should be right here... Hey, where is Madara's kin?"

Bai Jue, who appeared in the room, glanced around and showed a somewhat puzzled expression. At this moment, he suddenly felt someone tapping his shoulder, and he was so surprised that he almost jumped:

"Wow wow!! Who is it? Who is filming me?!"

"It's my turn to ask you, who are you? Or what kind of monster are you? Why do you appear in my room?"

The invisibility technique that covered the body gradually disappeared, revealing Uchiha Feiyu's figure. Where he took the photo with his palm, a strange pattern faintly appeared on Bai Zetsu's shoulder, and then disappeared.

"Oh oh oh, it turns out he is the Uchiha of Madara-sama!"

Bai Jue turned his head and smiled. At this moment, he rolled his eyes and his body began to tremble desperately.

"How is this going?"

Uchiha Feiyu was slightly stunned. He didn't do anything to Bai Zetsu. At most, he used the Flying Thunder God Technique to leave a mark on his shoulder. Why did he suddenly become ill?

As Bai Jue's body trembled, gradually, his body began to undergo strange changes, and he was directly transformed into an old man with white hair and chicken skin.

"Is this... a clone of Xiangzhuan?"

Uchiha Feiyu was a little surprised and turned around. In the chapter where Naruto recovered Gaara, the ninjutsu that was once a flash in the pan can be called the strongest clone technique in terms of its ease of use.

This clone technique is very similar to Uzumaki Nagato's six clones. First, it requires a sacrifice, and then its own chakra is transferred to it. In the original work, the elephant turn clone only has three layers of chakra, but in theory, as long as the sacrifice is Strong enough, the Elephant Transformation clone can even possess all the chakra of the original owner.

The appearance of the sacrifice upon which the Elephant Turning Technique has been cast is 100% the same as the original body. The Shoken no Jutsu can even imitate the weapons and ninja tools owned by the main body. Of course, the ninjutsu cast through sacrifices is exactly the same as the original body, even including special abilities such as blood succession limits.

In other words... the clone created by the Elephant Turning Technique, in its strongest state, can even exert the same strength as the original owner!

"Uchiha Madara's Rinnegan Eye should have been installed in Nagato's eyes a long time ago, but just like this guy can still open Susanoo without his eyes, theoretically, with Uchiha Madara's talent, even if they are gone, I'm afraid it can also be done by using some simple and common ninjutsu of the samsara eye."

Just like Nagato, who had two broken legs, also created six clones to act on his behalf, Madara Uchiha, who is now aging and dying, can also rely on the elephant clone to act on his behalf.

After all, Uchiha Madara hasn't "created" Black Zetsu yet, and although White Zetsu has various functions - he has no brains!

In this case, he himself was trapped by his aging body and the heretic demon, unable to move at will, so it was quite normal for him to rely on the elephant to turn into a clone.

"Hello, little Uchiha! I've been waiting for a Uchiha ninja like you for a long time!"

The aging Madara Uchiha raised his head, showed sharp and somewhat cold and arrogant eyes, and spoke calmly.

"The same Sharingan? I have never seen someone like you in the Uchiha clan. I wonder which graveyard you dug out as an antique?"

"Old antique? There is nothing wrong with this title. You can call me - Uchiha Madara!"

Although the person who spoke had a wrinkled face and white hair, his body was shrunken and hunched over, and even the teeth in his mouth were almost gone.

But at the moment of nomination, the former ancestor of Uchiha still had a bit of divine light in his eyes, as if a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood were gushing out, and from it, one could still see some domineering of this former Shura of the Ninja World.

"Tsk... the Shura of the Ninja World back then! I heard that you were killed by Hashirama Senju, right? Could it be that the first generation of Hokage showed mercy to his friend?"

Uchiha Feiyu still played the role of knowing nothing, and asked Uchiha Madara, who sneered:

"Hashirama's strength is indeed very strong, but he is only on par with me. If I didn't want to obtain the power of the Sage Body, he couldn't beat me!"

"After I faked my death and escaped through the secret technique of the Sharingan, Hashirama Senju was eventually seriously injured and died. The person who won in the end was naturally me, not Hashirama!"

When saying this, Uchiha Madara's expression was also slightly stiff. After all... he was also a little guilty!

Although he felt that he had definitely surpassed Hashirama Senju in the end, after all, he had awakened the Samsara Eye!

But if he really said that he had defeated Hashirama Senju, he was actually a little guilty. After all, this guy was beaten up by Hashirama Senju from beginning to end. In the end, he even lost his face and directly controlled the Nine-Tails, fighting two against one - and then he was beaten up together with the Nine-Tails.

Uchiha Feiyu twitched his mouth. This guy... He was obviously beaten by Hashirama Senju and had to use the forbidden technique of Izanagi. He still had the face to say that he was the winner. I don’t know what the reaction of Hashirama Senju’s Impure World Reincarnation would be after hearing his words?

"Okay, I don’t want to hear those old stories. It doesn’t matter who wins or loses between you and Hashirama Senju. I just want to know one thing - why did you come to me?"

After hearing this, Uchiha Madara came back to his senses. His brain, which was originally a little stiff because of the memories of the past and the forced "victory", started to work again.

"Uchiha brat... it seems that you haven't used the Mangekyō Sharingan very often since you awakened it, but even so, you should have felt it, right?"

"My eyesight is getting worse. The more I use the Mangekyō Sharingan, the closer I am to that dark ending!"

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