Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 136: Tsunade returns to Konoha

The buildings in Kamui Space were obviously carefully designed. Uchiha Feiha holds great power in Suna Ninja Village, so it is normal for him to find architects and ninjas to help him design and build.

In the center of the space, it was designed as a four-story manor villa. You can tell at a glance that a lot of effort was spent on it.

Pushing open the door of the manor villa, a soft and hot body immediately wrapped around her. Uchiha Feiyu hugged Tsunade who rushed towards her, reached out and patted her twice gently on the back,

Tsunade gasped twice, shook the artificial tail on the back, swept Uchiha Feiyu's hand, and looked at Uchiha Feiyu with eyes that seemed to be watering.

"Feiyu...have you obtained the information?"

"I heard that Uzumaki Kushina will have a baby in two weeks, so we will take action at that time."

"That's great... Then Feiyu doesn't have to leave during this time!"

"What? What do you think, cow?"

"Ugh, it's obviously you, an Uchiha brat, who turned me into this..."

Tsunade's eyes were blurred, and her whole body was leaning on Uchiha Feiyu.

During the period of monitoring the Konoha Ninja Village and inquiring about information, Uchiha Hiba himself was not idle either. Every time he got angry with Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina, he basically vented it on Tsunade and Shizune. on the body.

In the Dual Cultivation Technique of the Acacia Book, the greater the strength gap between the two parties, the faster the cauldron can be controlled. With the strength gap between Uchiha Feiyu and Tsunade, in just a few days, Tsunade and Shizune became Uchiha Wave feather shape.

After that, Uchiha Feiyu has been staying in Konoha Ninja Village, using the two as tools to vent his anger. After many times of dual training, Tsunade and Shizune have even greatly strengthened their Yuwang. Seeing Uchiha Feiyu couldn't bear it anymore.

Uchiha Feiyu entered the bedroom with Tsunade in his arms. As soon as the bedroom door opened, he saw Shizune who was generating electricity by herself inside.

"Ugh... Master Feiyu... Master Tsunade... don't look at it, ughhhhh!"

Seeing Shizune who was about to faint with excitement, Uchiha Feiyu directly pressed the big sheep in his arms on her body, and then threw himself on the bed.

More than a week passed quickly, and when Kushina was still three days away from giving birth, Tsunade brought Shizune to the gate of Konoha again.

Looking at the Ninja Village in front of her with somewhat complicated eyes, Tsunade sighed softly. During this period, she and Shizune had been in the Kamui Space and gained happiness that she had never imagined. Until a few days ago, she had Knowing Uchiha Feiyu's plan.

Even though the original Tsunade had left sadly, she still had deep feelings for Konoha, but these were completely unable to offset Uchiha Feiha's casual instructions in her ears.

When she thought that in Uchiha Feiyu's plan, she would control the entire Konoha and become Uchiha Feiyu's leek field, her mood was very complicated.

At this time, the ninjas guarding the gate had already recognized who the person walking over was, and all of them suddenly showed expressions of surprise:

"Tsunade-sama?! Is it really you?!"

"Of course it's me, I'm back!"

Putting away her complicated thoughts, Tsunade smiled and shouted loudly.

Her expression was sunny and heroic, and there seemed to be nothing unusual about it. She even looked much better than the haggard and gloomy look she had when she left Konoha.

As Tsunade returned to Konoha Ninja Village, the entire Konoha had received the news almost within a short period of time.

In the Hokage Tower.

"Tsunade-sama? She's back? That's great!"

Namikaze Minato's face was full of excitement. He looked at the ANBU ninja reporting to him in front of him. He didn't leave any words at all and just used a flying thunder god to disappear into the Hokage's office.

It was unavoidable that Minato Namikaze didn't take it to heart. Although he seemed calm and calm on the surface and often comforted his wife, the crisis of jinchūriki's production was real, and of course he knew it in his heart.

Because of this, the Hokage appeared calm on the surface, but in fact, the anxiety and fear in his heart was no worse than that of his wife.

After all, Golden Flash appears to be a flawless Hokage, but in fact he is an out-and-out love brain. How could a guy who is going to risk his life and sacrifice his life for Kyuubi just because his wife is dead not be worried?

Now that I heard that Tsunade, one of the three ninjas, has arrived, not to mention how important this Konoha princess is to the entire Konoha, her medical ninjutsu alone is very important to the Uzumaki who will soon be born as the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki. For Kushina, it was also a great insurance, so Minato Namikaze was naturally extremely excited.

A golden light flashed past, and Namikaze Minato came directly to the gate of Konoha.

At this moment, Tsunade had just entered the gate of Konoha and was chatting boredly with the gatekeeper ninja who was checking in!

In fact, although the ninja village is strictly monitored and theoretically not much different from the national military base, the same ninjas are also the most efficient group. When ordinary ninjas return to Konoha, they will at most report to the police. Not even a minute is needed.

Even those ninjas who perform urgent tasks will nail a kunai and documents to the doorpost directly when leaving the gate of Konoha - in order to speed up and save efficiency.

Obviously, Tsunade wasted so long in front of the gate. It can be considered that the ninja in charge of registration did this intentionally, just to leave time for some people in the Ninja Village.

"Tsunade-sama, you are back!"

Namikaze Minato shouted in surprise, and Tsunade raised her head and looked at the little sun in front of her, feeling a little guilty in her heart.

The Namikaze Minato in front of him, even in Tsunade's eyes, could be called a perfect Hokage, kind to others, cold to enemies, powerful, loving Konoha, and full of vitality.

Compared to the sluggish and almost decayed Third Hokage, Namikaze Minato was countless times stronger.

However, next, he had to deceive Konoha's latest hope, which would not only kill the sunny Hokage, but also bring the entire Konoha into the abyss...

However, these thoughts only flashed through Tsunade's mind. After recalling Uchiha Feiyu's face, Tsunade's eyes were filled with obsession, and her little pity was instantly shattered.

"Hey, little Minato! You have become Hokage now, are you still calling me sir?!"

"Haha, you're used to it now... Tsunade-sama, how long will you stay when you return to Konoha this time?"

Tsunade, who had calmed down, was also an actor. After all, controlling emotions and deceiving others has always been the basic skill of a ninja. She glanced at Minato Namikaze with a half-smile:

"Are you worried about your little pepper? Don't worry, I came back this time just for Kushina's safety."

Hearing this, Minato Namikaze was happy, and then he seemed to have thought of something and said:

"In that case, Tsunade-sama, your original situation..."

"Are you talking about hemophobia? Don't worry, that disease has been cured long ago!"

Tsunade waved her hand carelessly and said.

After becoming Uchiha Feiyu's cauldron, Tsunade's heart and eyes were full of Uchiha Feiyu, and her feelings for Kato Dan and Naoki had naturally long since faded away. Without the unforgettable feelings, there would naturally be no painful injuries. pain.

Although Namikaze Minato didn't know much about Tsunade's situation, he had no intention of asking more about this matter. He just said happily:

"It's good that you've recovered, Tsunade-sama. Thank you so much for coming back now."

Hemophobia, a psychological disease, is actually not too rare among the ninja community, so Minato Namikaze also knows that those who suffer from this disease are basically those ninjas who have suffered misfortunes, and even their whole families have died, even Tsunade After recovering, he won't ask too many questions.

The Senju clan still has a lot of property in Konoha. Although Tsunade is an out-and-out bad gambler, she did not lose all her clan land. On the contrary, because Senju's special significance to the entire Konoha, that piece of land and buildings are still taken care of every year.

And now, with Tsunade returning to live here, the Senju clan, which was originally a little deserted, soon received many visiting ninjas.

You must know that Tsunade not only represents a Kage-level ninja in Konoha, a direct descendant of the Senju clan, she is also the top doctor in the entire ninja world, and even a medical ninja that is completely different from the second one. .

As a profession that dances on the blade, ninjas naturally suffer from various injuries. Even if there are magical medical ninjutsu that can make people recover in a short time, many ninjas will still suffer from some injuries that are too complicated. and sequelae.

Under such circumstances, the significance of being the best medical ninja in the world to the ninja is self-evident.

Not to mention those ninjas who have injuries themselves. Even if they don't have any injuries, they still have to think about the future. Even if they are very confident in themselves, they still have to think about their relatives and friends.

These ninjas who came to the door either wanted to see Tsunade's patients, or they just wanted to get acquainted with Tsunade. In order to be able to control Konoha Ninja Village in the future, Tsunade did not reject them all. outside the door.

Fortunately, all ninjas know the rules very well. Tsunade ranked these ninjas according to the priority of their illnesses. In fact, there were more than a hundred people to deal with, and she pushed them all to a few days later.

This is because Konoha has just ended the Ninja World War, so it has accumulated so many sick and wounded patients, otherwise there would not be so many patients.

It can be said that a famous doctor like Tsunade, even if he has no title, can definitely succeed in any ninja village with his medical ninjutsu.

Time quickly came to three days later. On this day, in a secret base near Konoha, a group of Konoha's top officials gathered here.

"Tsunade, you are finally back."

The Third Hokage looked at his former apprentice with a smile on his face. Unfortunately, Tsunade didn't have a good look on him, and instead rolled her eyes:

"Old man, don't make such a disgusting expression, I didn't come back because of you!"

If Tsunade still feels a little guilty about Namikaze Minato, then she doesn't have the slightest fondness for the Third Hokage.

No matter what kind of character the Third Hokage is, in his hands, Konoha has indeed declined a lot.

When he was young, the Third Hokage could be regarded as a great ninja hero. He convinced Danzo Shimura and trained the backbone of the Sannin White Fang, which brought an explosion of masters in Konoha.

It can be said that although he is not as good as the first generation in terms of strength and not as good as the second generation in terms of ninjutsu development, this ninjutsu doctor is indeed better than the first two Hokage when it comes to training new people.

Unfortunately, as he grew older, the Hokage also became old and dim. In the end, Hatake Sakumo committed suicide, Tsunade ran away, Orochimaru defected, and Jiraiya wandered around the ninja cannot be said that all of these things are true. The responsibility of the Third Hokage, but it does have a lot to do with him.

Just like what Uchiha Feiyu said when he spread the root black information, facing Konoha which later rotted from the roots, the third generation Hokage's performance was either stupid or bad, and he could not be called a qualified Hokage in any case.

And in Tsunade's mind, there was another thought - if it weren't for the old man in front of him who failed to manage the Konoha Ninja Village well, how could Feiyu leave Konoha and start a new business?

If Uchiha Hiba had stayed in Konoha Ninja Village, he might be the Hokage of Konoha Ninja Village now, and by then Konoha would be able to unify the entire ninja world.

Of course, it's too late to say so much now, and with Uchiha Feiyu's character, he doesn't have anything like the Will of Fire. Even if he really becomes Hokage, he probably regards the entire Konoha as himself. Mostly ideas about items.

Even Tsunade herself vaguely knew in her heart that Uchiha Feiyu was not a good person from the very beginning. It would be very difficult and almost impossible to change it through acquired education.

However, when she thought that it was because of her teacher's coquettish manipulations that the relationship between Konoha and Uchiha Fei was completely broken, Tsunade couldn't help but feel a little irritated.

"Okay, Tsunade, I know that I, the Hokage, was not very popular in the future, but no matter what, I can be regarded as your teacher, and the position of Hokage now belongs to Minato."

There was a wry smile on the face of the Third Hokage. He knew very well that his three apprentices didn't treat him very well. Even the better Jiraiya was somewhat dissatisfied with Konoha, let alone always Tsunade is drifting away.

"You just passed the position of Hokage to Namikaze Minato. It is the most correct decision in these years."

Tsunade said it nonchalantly, but after saying it, she lowered her head slightly, feeling a little lost.

Namikaze Minato is indeed the most perfect Hokage in Konoha now... It's a pity that after today, Konoha will lose this Hokage.

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