Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 137 Nine-Tailed Fox Runs Wild

"Ah... Uh uh uh uh!"

"Come on, Kushina, it's coming out soon!"

At this moment, in the secret base outside Konoha, Minato Namikaze was turning around the door of the room, his eyes revealing a bit of anxiety.

The entire base is not too big, and the ground is full of various talismans, forming a special sealing array that can be used to seal the power of the tailed beasts.

However, so far, the sealing talisman has not worked. It is obvious that even in the process of giving birth, Kushina Uzumaki can still suppress the Nine-Tails, and even the Nine-Tails Chakra has not come out much.

"Why is it not ready yet? How long will it take?"

Minato Namikaze, who became a father for the first time, walked around the door a little anxiously, muttering something in his mouth. Hatake Kakashi, who was guarding the door at the side, looked at his teacher's current performance and couldn't help curling his lips.

My teacher is usually a calm and witty ninja with outstanding combat wisdom. As a result, how come his current performance looks almost the same as Obito?

In fact, Uchiha Obito was standing next to Hatake Kakashi, also helping his master's wife to guard the door!

After the awakening of his bloodline, Obito made rapid progress. Even if his current strength is inferior to Kakashi, it is limited. The two of them are now the best young ninjas in Konoha, and members of the Shadow Guard under Minato Namikaze.

Many ninjas believe that the future fifth generation of Hokage will come from between Hatake Kakashi and Uchiha Obito. In fact, the Shadow Guard does mean the successor of the Shadow - they are not the three high-level soldiers of Shiranui Genma in the original work.

This time, Uzumaki Kushina gave birth. She is not only Minato Namikaze's wife, but more importantly, Konoha's Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. Konoha will naturally send the most elite ninjas to take care of her.

In addition to the Third Hokage who was guarding the old house, Tsunade who delivered Kushina Uzumaki, Kakashi and Obito Uchiha who were guarding the door, plus Minato Namikaze who was walking around outside the ward, this lineup was almost four Kage-level strongmen.

Even Kushina Uzumaki herself could be regarded as a Kage-level strongman. After all, this was a female hero who could beat up the Nine-Tails with only half a breath left. Even with the bonus of the Uzumaki Sealing Technique, that performance was definitely Kage-level.

In this situation, although the atmosphere was very tense, even Minato Namikaze did not think that someone would come to cause trouble.

"Tsk... It's really an accident..."

Uchiha Feiyu, who was standing outside the sealing formation, touched his chin, with a helpless expression.

The sealing formation in front of him certainly did not stump Uchiha Feiyu. After possessing the Kamui Sharingan, the so-called sealing barrier was basically nothing to him.

However, this seal is connected to the chakra of everyone in the formation, which is equivalent to giving people an extra sense. In this case, Uchiha Feiyu's illusion of manipulating the five senses naturally has a huge flaw.

However, Uchiha Feiyu used the illusion of manipulating the five senses before, just for convenience, not to say that he can't act without the illusion, let alone...

Hearing a loud cry, Uchiha Feiyu's figure flashed slightly and appeared in the delivery room.

In the delivery room, Tsunade was holding the newly born Uzumaki Naruto, and suddenly saw Uchiha Feiyu appear and was also startled, and then saw Uchiha Feiyu stretched out his hand:

"Is the child born? Let me see!"

Tsunade was stunned for a moment, and then obediently handed Uzumaki Naruto to Uchiha Feiyu, and at this moment Uzumaki Kushina also regained consciousness, and saw a man suddenly appear in the delivery room, especially Tsunade handed her child to this strange man, and was immediately shocked.

"Tsunade-sama, what are you doing? Who is this man?!"

Tsunade looked at Uzumaki Kushina with a somewhat ashamed look on her face, then turned her head away, not daring to look at her again. Uchiha Feiyu held Uzumaki Naruto in one hand, and with the other hand, he stretched out his long arm and hugged Tsunade in his arms, slowly reaching into her collar.

Tsunade moaned softly, and collapsed in Uchiha Feiyu's arms. Feeling Uzumaki Kushina's shocked and incredible eyes, her face flushed, and her pretty face was completely buried in Uchiha Feiyu's arms.

Uzumaki Kushina seemed to gradually react and wanted to scream, but when she looked up, she saw Uchiha Feiyu's pair of blood-red three-magatama Sharingan.

With a bang, Uzumaki Kushina felt dizzy and completely lost consciousness. At the same time, the huge tailed beast chakra leaked out instantly.

When Uchiha Feiyu just used the Flying Thunder God Technique to enter the delivery room, Kakashi, Obito and Minato Namikaze who were guarding outside the door had not noticed it because it was still a short time. As for Uzumaki Kushina's initial questioning, the barrier in the room blocked the sound, and the people outside did not hear it.

However, the Nine-Tails Chakra burst was something that Minato Namikaze and others had always been afraid of. Almost as soon as the chakra overflowed, a group of people directly broke open the door and rushed in.

Hearing the sound of the door being knocked open, even Tsunade, who buried her head in Uchiha Feiyu's arms like an ostrich, trembled slightly, fearing that she would be discovered by other people in Konoha.

However, at this moment, Uchiha Feiyu has already activated the illusion. It is true that due to the sealing barrier, the illusion has a big flaw, allowing others to perceive Uchiha Feiyu's location, but purely as a blindfold to cover his eyes, it is not no problem.

Therefore, Namikaze Minato and others who entered the room, although they felt that there was someone there, actually did not see what Uchiha Feiha and Tsunade were doing, nor did they even see Uzumaki Naruto being held by Uchiha Feiha.

Of course, now they have no intention to care about the situation of Uzumaki Naruto and Tsunade, because under Uchiha Feiyu's illusion, Uzumaki Kushina not only failed to suppress the Nine-Tails' chakra, but even indulged the tailed beast's chakra. Almost instantly, five tails sprouted from behind her.

"Kyuubi... went berserk! Damn it! Obito, Kakashi! You are searching for enemies here! I want to take Kushina away, at least I can't let her go berserk here!"

Seeing the crisis of the situation, Minato Hami made a decisive decision and gave instructions. After finishing speaking, he immediately activated the Flying Thunder God Technique and directly moved the Kyuubi out.

This secret base is considered to be a certain distance away from Konoha, but considering the destructive power of the tailed beasts, it is only a distance away from a tailed beast cannon.

Especially with the power of Kyuubi's Tailed Beast Cannon, if Konoha were to take a hit, it wouldn't be any better than letting Pain carry the rice. So of course Namikaze Minato didn't dare to fight here.

Seeing Minato Namikaze leave, Uchiha Feiha chuckled, and also activated the time and space ninjutsu, chasing Minato Namikaze and disappearing without a trace.

Only Kakashi Hatake and Obito were left, all looking solemnly at the direction in which Uchiha Feiyu disappeared. After a moment, they were sure that the enemies there had long since disappeared.

"Invisibility... no, should it be a time and space ninjutsu? Otherwise, it would be impossible to suddenly appear here... It seems that the teacher has really met his opponent."

Kakashi frowned and thought for a moment. At this moment, Obito suddenly asked:

"That's not right, Kakashi, where are Tsunade-sama and the teacher's children?! Why is there suddenly no one there?!"

Hearing this, Kakashi was silent for a moment and shook his head:

"I came in with you. Of course I don't know anything you don't know, but judging from the current situation, I'm afraid..."

"Ah!? Are they in danger? What should we do then?!"

Kakashi sighed, put the White Fang dagger in his hand back into its sheath, and shook his head:

"Rice! We neither know space-time ninjutsu, nor can we deal with large tailed beasts like the Kyuubi, so we can't participate in this battle at all. We can only go back to the village to evacuate people, pass on information, and at the same time protect the villagers according to the situation!"

Not to mention Kakashi's side, Namikaze Minato breathed a long sigh of relief after moving the Kyuubi directly for dozens of kilometers.

"Fortunately, the Nine-Tails just exploded with five tails. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to move it so far with my chakra."

"Kushina, don't worry, I'm here to save you!"

Because it is not like Uchiha Obito in the original work, directly opening the seal to release the Nine-Tails. Now the power of the Nine-Tails has not been fully exerted, and as long as the rampaging Nine-Tails is suppressed and sealed back, Uzumaki Kushina will be fine, so The current Namikaze Minato doesn't want to use any zombies to seal them all to death.

At this moment, the Kyuubi had already exploded into six tails. Namikaze Minato did not dare to neglect and threw out a flying god kunai. Then his whole body turned into a golden light and kept jumping around the Kyuubi.

Every time it flashed, Namikaze Minato would press a charm on Kyuubi's body. In just a few moments, countless charms had completely wrapped Kyuubi's body.

A large number of spells were connected in a line, and finally turned into a huge seal pattern. The nine tails that were struggling desperately let out a weird roar, and the seventh tail that was growing out began to gradually shrink back.

It stands to reason that the fighting compatibility between Namikaze Minato and tailed beasts should be very bad. After all, his most damaging Rasengan hits the tailed beast, which is no different than scratching the skin. However, as the husband of Uzumaki Kushina, The Fourth Hokage is also a figure who is proficient in sealing techniques.

Namikaze Minato may not be able to seal the Kyuubi that is completely out of the seal in a short period of time, but now it is just in a rampage state and has less than seven tails. It is relatively easy for Namikaze Minato to deal with it.

Under the seal of Namikaze Minato, and the Uzumaki Kushina originally had great suppressive power on the Nine-Tails, the tailed beast that was roaring loudly finally couldn't bear it anymore, turned into orange-red chakra, and shrank again Returned to Uzumaki Kushina's body.

"Kushina, are you okay!"

With a somewhat worried look on Namikaze Minato's face, he quickly hugged the unconscious Uzumaki Kushina. Under Namikaze Minato's nervous gaze, Uzumaki Kushina opened her eyes slightly, and a red light flashed in her eyes. .

"not good……"

Almost the moment he saw the three magatama patterns in Uzumaki Kushina's eyes, Namikaze Minato knew something was wrong. However, the powerful power of illusion still penetrated his defense in an instant, making this golden flash instantly Passed out.

"Minato...what's going on?"

The transfer seal was buried in Uzumaki Kushina's eyes, but she couldn't see it. Uzumaki Kushina was also shocked and angry at Namikaze Minato's sudden coma.

"Finally I got the chance. It's worth it that I left the transcription seal in your eyes."

Behind Minato Namikaze, Uchiha Feiyu showed up with a smile of success on his face.

Minato Namikaze, who possessed the Flying Thunder God Technique, was, to some extent, more difficult to deal with than the average Otsutsuki clan. It was not difficult to defeat him, but it was definitely not easy to kill him.

Even if Uchiha Feiyu also had space ninjutsu and illusions that controlled the five senses, he still didn't dare to say that he could definitely kill Minato Namikaze.

Although Uchiha Feiyu was able to monitor Minato Namikaze for a long time with illusions and space ninjutsu, he didn't really have any killing intentions. Otherwise, this battle-hardened and sharp ninja would definitely feel something was wrong.

And once Minato Namikaze escaped, although Uchiha Feiyu was not afraid, he would always cause a lot of trouble.

Fortunately, Uchiha Feiyu had already figured out that Minato Namikaze's weakness was in Uzumaki Kushina. Just like his almost love-suicide behavior in the original work, this golden flash could not be on guard against Uzumaki Kushina anyway, and had already placed a transcription seal in Uzumaki Kushina's eyes - the Tsukuyomi Technique, which killed the golden flash in one move.

You should know that although Uchiha Feiyu's eyes still look like three-magatama Sharingan, they are actually at the level of Samsara Eye. In addition, both pairs of eyes are full of Tsukuyomi Technique, so the power of this Tsukuyomi is much stronger than Uchiha Itachi's Tsukuyomi.

Even though Minato Namikaze can be said to be mentally firm and strong-willed, he can never withstand his Tsukuyomi Technique, and he was directly mentally injured and fainted.

And now, there is only one obstacle in front of Minato Namikaze, Uzumaki Kushina.

"! Don't even think about hurting Minato!"

Uzumaki Kushina gritted her teeth and stood in front of Uchiha Touha, but she had just given birth to a child and was already seriously injured. Then she experienced the rampage of the Nine-Tails. Seeing her shaky appearance now, she really had no deterrent power.

Uzumaki Kushina was also very clear about her current situation. She looked at Tsunade who was standing next to Uchiha Touha with a look of reluctance.

"Tsunade-sama...why do you want to help such a person? Minato is the Hokage of Konoha!"

"Haha, interesting, in that case, Tsunade, I'll give this blood-red pepper to you first..."

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