Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 138 Uzumaki Kushina

Uchiha Feiyu had a malicious smile on his face, and patted Tsunade lightly, signaling her to go up and deal with Uzumaki Kushina.

Tsunade blushed slightly, looked up at Uzumaki Kushina who was full of begging, a trace of guilt flashed in her eyes, gritted her teeth and stretched out her hand, gently pressed on Uzumaki Kushina's neck, and immediately pressed her down.

The strange chakra was input into Uzumaki Kushina's body, disrupting the body current signal in her body, causing her to collapse directly to the ground.

Seeing that Namikaze Minato was completely unconscious and Uzumaki Kushina was also restrained, Uchiha Feiyu didn't want to delay any more, stretched out a hand and pressed it directly on Namikaze Minato's head.

The Devouring Heaven Demon Art was activated in an instant, and the chakra in Uchiha Feiyu's hand vaguely formed a Great Dao Aquarius, which directly sucked out Namikaze Minato's body and chakra, turning it into a piece of flying ash.

Even after completely sucking his flesh dry, Uchiha Feiyu did not let go of his soul. He stretched out his hand and activated his soul-binding ability, directly summoning Minato Namikaze's soul.

Apart from other things, Uchiha Feiyu coveted the Flying Thunder God Technique modified by Minato Namikaze. The variants of Flying Thunder God's Lightning Guide were also very useful. It can be said that he played with the space directly.

Moreover, Minato Namikaze himself also knew immortal arts, and his skills were extremely advanced. If it were not for the limitation of chakra in his body, his immortal arts level would definitely exceed Jiraiya.

Although Uchiha Feiyu had already practiced immortal arts, he could learn from others' experience. It would be beneficial for him to look at the immortal arts of the native ninja world.

"Minato... Wuwuwu... Minato! I'll fight you!"

"Asshole, devil, I will definitely kill you!"

Uzumaki Kushina, who was pressed by Tsunade, struggled desperately even though she was already limp, and looked at Uchiha Feiyu angrily.

Uchiha Feiyu walked in front of Uzumaki Kushina, stretched out his hand to grab Uzumaki Kushina's chin, lifted her head, and showed a standard villain smile, almost laughing out loud.

"Don't worry, Tsunade said the same thing as you, but now she is very obedient, isn't she?"

"Soon, you will be my most loyal subordinate like her."

Uzumaki Kushina's body trembled slightly, recalling Tsunade's obedient appearance under Uchiha Feiyu, she felt a chill in her heart and her body trembled uncontrollably:

"Gu... just kill me!"

"Hehe, it's not that easy to die, and... don't you want your child? The child's name should be Naruto!"

"Naruto! What are you going to do to Naruto? He's just a baby!"

"That depends on whether you listen to me or not, madam, you don't want anything to happen to your child, do you!"

"Wu... despicable..."

Kushina was shaky at the moment, her face full of despair, but at this moment, Tsunade spoke hesitantly:

"Feiyu, Kushina has just given birth to a child, and she needs to recuperate for at least a period of time..."

Uchiha Feiyu waved his hand and chuckled: "Don't worry, I'm not that impatient."

"She is not in good health now, so there is no need to deal with you. It just so happens that I have been comprehending the Hehuan Treasure Book during this period and have comprehended a new move. I will use this move to control her!"

"Asshole... Don't try to control me! Sister Tsunade, you should also be more sober! He has said that you have been controlled by him all the time!"

Hearing this, Tsunade's expression did not change, and she said softly:

"I have known about this kind of thing for a long time, but I was born to be Feiyu's ninja weapon, and there is no way to leave him. No matter how he uses me, it is his freedom."

"Don't worry, Kushina, you will soon become like me, and then you will find that being a ninja weapon is much happier than being a female ninja..."

"Tsunade... Sister Tsunade, what nonsense are you talking about... How can anyone like to be a ninja weapon..."

Uzumaki Kushina trembled even more violently. When she thought that she might become like Tsunade, she wanted to die directly, but at this time Uchiha Feiyu had grabbed her hair and forced her eyes to look into hers.

Uzumaki Kushina knew the power of Uchiha Hiha's Sharingan, so she quickly closed her eyes. However, at this moment, she heard a baby crying again.

"Naruto! What are you going to do to Naruto?!"

Anxiously, Uzumaki Kushina had to open her eyes, and the moment she opened her eyes, the three magatama in Uchiha Hiha's eyes turned, and she directly activated the Moon Reading Technique.

In an instant, Uzumaki Kushina found herself lying on a luxurious big bed. At the same time, her limbs were tied up with ropes, and the whole person was in a big letter shape.

"This... what's going on?"

"This is the Tsukuyomi world. With my current pupil power, I can probably maintain this world for two to three years..."

"The divine intercourse technique in the Hehuan Collection originally requires both parties to practice to the state of divine intercourse, but I have combined it with the Tsukuyomi illusion, and can force this divine intercourse."

"Compared to the direct control technique, the divine intercourse technique is more effective. Not to mention two or three years, as long as two or three days, you will be willing to be my ninja weapon."

"No, no, let me go! Let me go! You bastard, pervert, sex maniac!"

Although Uzumaki Kushina didn't know what the Divine Friendship Jutsu was, she also knew what would happen next, and she immediately started struggling with all her strength.

But she herself was in Uchiha Feiyu's Tsukuyomi illusion. This kind of struggle was of no use to Uchiha Feiyu except to add a little interest.

The time in the fantasy world flashed by, and when Uzumaki Kushina returned to reality, her whole body trembled, bent into a bow shape, and she screamed:


Her originally pretty face had a completely ruined expression, her red tongue protruded, her mouth was wide open, her eyes rolled up, her lower body was soaked, and her clothes and pants were soaked all at once.

Uchiha Feiyu, who had also finished performing the illusion, was still in high spirits. He waved his hand and said with a bit of disgust:

"Tsk, I'm still incontinent...Forget it, Tsunade, after Kushina recovers, let her play a show with you!"

"I believe that in this way, the position of Hokage truly belongs to you."

Despite the fact that in the original work, the Third Hokage looked like he had no choice but to take over. After seeing Jiraiya, he immediately wanted to hand over the position of Hokage to him, but people's hearts were divided. Did the Third Hokage really not want to be Hokage? Anyone Not sure.

Anyway, Uchiha Feiyu expected the enemy to be lenient. After his plan was completely completed and Tsunade made her contribution, even if the old guy wanted to take over again, there would be no chance.

Tsunade nodded, reached out and gently touched Uzumaki Kushina. The medical chakra emitting a faint green light was input into Uzumaki Kushina's body, quickly calming her down.

Uzumaki Kushina opened her confused eyes, regained her consciousness, and looked around with some confusion. When she saw Uchiha Feiyu, her eyes were filled with obsession.


At this moment, under Tsunade's medical chakra, Uzumaki Kushina's originally controlled nerves had already recovered. She stood up directly and wanted to throw herself into Uchiha Feiyu's arms, but saw Uchiha Feiyu. The look of disgust on his face immediately stopped him.

"Go and change your clothes first. Don't you feel cold?"

Hearing Uchiha Feiyu's words, Uzumaki Kushina also felt the coolness on her lower body clothes, and the coldness stuck to her legs, which made people feel uncomfortable.

The most important thing is that she also smelled the smell of urine, which immediately made her face turn red and made her feel embarrassed.

Uchiha Feiyu opened the Kamui space, and the space door led directly to the room where he lived, allowing Tsunade to take Kushina in to change clothes.

After entering the Kamui space, Kushina was quite curious. After changing her clothes and wiping her body, she looked around again, and then she saw a familiar big bed, and a blush rose on her face.

"How is it, Kushina? Are you willing to be Feiyu's ninja weapon now?"

Looking at Uzumaki Kushina's expression, Tsunade asked with a smile, and Uzumaki Kushina suddenly felt a little embarrassed:

"Sister Tsunade, please stop talking...I only know how you feel now. Even though I know that I am now controlled by Feiyu, I can no longer live without him..."

The Albizia Collection can be included in the Book of Demonic Inheritance. Naturally, it cannot be a serious dual cultivation technique. Once it becomes a cauldron, the body and mind will be controlled by the leader. The longer the cultivation time and the more times, the greater the difference in strength. The larger it gets, the more profound this control becomes.

In particular, Uchiha Feiyu developed the art of divine intercourse in the Hehuan Book of Art through the Tsukuyomi Genjutsu. No matter which kind of dual cultivation art, the art of divine intercourse is a higher level than physical fusion, bringing The effect will naturally be more intense.

Therefore, the current Uzumaki Kushina is even more obsessed with and obedient to Uchiha Hiba than Tsunade.

While the two women were still chatting, they suddenly heard a baby crying next to them. Uzumaki Kushina was slightly stunned for a moment, opened the door, and saw Shizune coaxing the baby in her arms.

Looking at the baby Naruto in front of her, Uzumaki Kushina's eyes suddenly became complicated. After a long time, she sighed, turned around and walked out of the Kamui space.

After walking out of Kamui Space, Uzumaki Kushina saw Uchiha Feiyu standing in front of the space gate. The original gloomy look on her face immediately disappeared, and she hugged Uchiha Feiyu's arm happily.

Uchiha Feiyu reached out and gently touched Uzumaki Kushina's hair. Seeing that this beautiful widow who originally wanted to bite her tongue and commit suicide became so docile, and her body and mind had completely surrendered to him, Uchiha Feiyu couldn't help but sigh with emotion. sharp.

"It seems that sometimes, if you directly use black energy to sacrifice, you may be able to get more good things than precise sacrifice..."

Nowadays, Uchiha Feiyu has no opponents in this world except some dead people, half-dead people and sealed guys, and he is not in a hurry to obtain more and stronger inheritances.

Instead, you can try a rough version of the sacrifice, maybe you can get some useful goodies?

Uchiha Feiyu actually did some experiments before, using hundreds of black energy divided into ten times to make a rough version of the sacrifice, but what he got...

The magic method of dismantling demons that will cause you to die after using it, the art of refining zombies that cannot be found in the Yin Vein Dragon Cave, the Thousand Spiders and Ten Thousand Poisonous Hands that disfigure your face as soon as you practice it, and the magic skill of Raksha Kui that will not live until the age of 27 - because of the black energy It’s not enough, it’s still a defective version…

After all, the so-called magic inheritance basically has some side effects. As for the magic inheritance without side effects, it is either extremely expensive, or difficult or dangerous to practice.

Even if Uchiha Feiyu obtained these inheritances through precise sacrifices, the early progress was very fast, but there were still a lot of bottlenecks in the later period.

And to break through these difficulties, either you have to be a genius with a strong character, extraordinary talent, and excellent luck, otherwise, you have to use the mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and endless lives, to accumulate a foundation that is extremely strong to the limit, and force a breakthrough.

These thoughts flashed through Uchiha Feiyu's mind, and then he looked at Uzumaki Kushina:

"Kushina, do you know what you should do now?"

Kushina, who was rubbing against Uchiha Feiyu like a cat, nodded after hearing the question and said:

"Isn't it just to control the Nine-Tails to attack Konoha, and then let Sister Tsunade make a great contribution? Don't worry, after the divine communication with Feiyu, my strength has also improved a lot, and I can completely control the tailed beast in my body!"

The stronger the master Uchiha Feiyu is, the more benefits his cauldron will get from each double cultivation, not to mention that this double cultivation is extremely special.

Even if the Yuan Yin in Uzumaki Kushina's body was broken long ago, the first double cultivation, especially the double cultivation with divine communication for a long time, still made Uzumaki Kushina's strength leap forward significantly, and the chakra in her body almost doubled. The immortal body of the Uzumaki clan has also begun to awaken, and can even directly feel the natural energy.

In this case, Uzumaki Kushina's control over the Nine-Tails naturally increased significantly. Before reaching an agreement with the Nine-Tails, she could not awaken the perfect Jinchūriki, but she could already forcibly use the Nine-Tails' chakra, and there was no pressure to transform into a complete tailed beast.

Yes, Uchiha Hiha's plan was very simple. Uzumaki Kushina transformed into a complete tailed beast to destroy Konoha, and then Tsunade blocked it, and finally became the hero who saved Konoha and ascended to the position of Hokage.

As for how Tsunade could suppress the complete tailed beast with her strength - you have to know that Tsunade and Uchiha Hiha's dual cultivation during this period was not in vain, and her strength is no longer what it used to be.

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