Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 139 Nine-Tailed Fox and Wood Release


Terrifying roars sounded near Konoha. Feeling the chakra rushing over from a distance, the Konoha ninjas who were already in a state of emergency suddenly looked into the distance with nervous faces.

Flame-like light flashed in the distance, approaching the Konoha Ninja Village at an extremely fast speed. In an instant, a huge fire fox, twenty or thirty meters tall, waving nine huge tails, appeared in front of many wooden leaves. In front of Ye Ninja.

"Kyuubi!! It's really here!"

"Where is the Fourth Hokage? Could it be that the Hokage has..."

"We can't let this beast get closer to Konoha! This distance is enough for it to use the Tailed Beast Tama! Everyone, block the Nine Tails out of the way."

At this moment, there was only a roar, and the retired Third Hokage rushed out, fully clothed, and shouted orders to the other ninjas.

Sarutobi Hiruzen has been the Hokage for decades. Although he has retired now, his prestige in the Konoha Ninja Village is still unparalleled. After listening to his words, many ninjas who were still in panic suddenly had a backbone.

"All chuunin and genin, hurry up and organize the villagers to evacuate! All ninjas from the jounin class, follow me!"

After giving the order, the Third Hokage led a group of Jonin to greet the Nine-Tails. Seeing that the Nine-Tails was about to rush into the village, and even began to condense Tailed Beast Jade in his mouth, the Third Hokage turned the monkey demon into a King Kong without saying a word. The stick is pointed at the opponent:

"Ape Demon! Grow longer quickly!"

The huge diamond rod, which was as thick as a hug, stretched out very quickly in an instant, and hit the chest of the rushing Nine-Tails, directly pushing it out.

The tailed beast jade originally in the Kyuubi's mouth was also spit out into the sky by it. With a thunderous explosion, a strong wave of air blew down, blowing down some of the Konoha Ninja Village. Building tiles were blown away.

Looking up, many ninjas were horrified to find that some of the clouds in the sky had been blown to pieces by the Tailed Beast Jade, and the entire sky looked blue and pure.

If this tailed beast jade fell into the Konoha Ninja Village, it would probably also be completely white and pure...

"No matter what, we cannot let Kyuubi invade! Everyone, follow me and drive Kyuubi out!"

Following the shouts of the Third Hokage, all the Jounin of Konoha rushed forward, but when Kyuubi stood firm and stared at everyone with cold eyes, even the Jounin of Konoha felt a tremor.

The strength of the tailed beast is not much stronger than some Kage-level ninjas, but its intimidation is far beyond that of ordinary Kage-level ninjas. This huge chakra mass full of violence is enough to make any weaker ninja Terrified.

Not to mention the strength of the Nine-Tails, which is unparalleled among the tailed beasts. It is much stronger than the average Kage-level powerhouse, and the sense of oppression it brings is far greater than that of ordinary tailed beasts. If it were not for today's Konoha ninjas They have been on the battlefield for a long time, and all of them have been wallowing in mountains of corpses and seas of blood. If they were ninjas in peaceful times, they would have been so frightened that their legs would be paralyzed and unable to move.


With an angry roar from Kyuubi, the huge amount of chakra accompanied by the pure sound waves turned into a strong wind, which was as powerful as a large-scale B-level wind release ninjutsu, directly blowing many ninjas who were not strong enough to retreat.

"Damn...this guy Kyuubi is scarier than I thought?!"

The Third Hokage's face looked a little ugly, and he secretly complained in his heart.

During the Second Ninja War, the Third Hokage had not seen the power of other tailed beasts, so in his feeling, although the tailed beasts were powerful, they were by no means invincible.

However, the Third Hokage never expected that the strength of the Nine-Tails was not at the same level as other tailed beasts. After all, the Nine-Tails had been perfectly sealed by Mito Uzumaki and Kushina Uzumaki. There had never been a rampage, nor had it ever happened. He had been on the battlefield, so in the mind of the Third Hokage, the strength of the Nine-Tails was probably the same as that of other tailed beasts.

"The First Hokage didn't even give me a word of warning... I'm really being tricked now!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen murmured complaints, but recalling the style of the First Hokage, I am afraid that in the eyes of the First Hokage, the Nine-Tails is no different from other tailed beasts!

Anyway, they are all things that can be pressed underground with just one slap, what? You mean the difference? Um, maybe Kyuubi needs me to use a little more chakra?

"It seems that today may be the day for me to use that move!"

Recalling a certain desperate sealing technique, Sarutobi Hiruzen's face showed a look of determination. At this moment, he suddenly heard a loud shout from behind Kyuubi:

"Wooden Escape—The tree world is coming!"

Amidst the rumbling sound, countless trees grew on the ground, and those thick trees twisted like giant pythons, directly wrapping around Jiuwei's body.

Kyuubi's body struggled desperately, and terrifying chakra burst out. Although a large number of trees were shattered, a large amount of chakra was also absorbed, causing the more trees to be broken, the faster they would grow, and they would soon become entangled. Killed half of Kyuubi's body.

"Am I dreaming?! Why did I see Tsunade using Wood Release?!"

The Third Hokage opened his mouth wide and looked at the majestic blond woman in surprise. If he saw correctly, that should be Tsunade, one of her three apprentices.

"Lord Hokage, you must have read correctly, that is indeed the Wood Release of the Senju Clan!"

Kakashi, standing next to the Third Hokage, said in surprise. At the same time, people in Konoha behind him also started talking and even cheered:

"Mudun, that's Mudun!"

"Princess Tsunade, have you awakened the Wood Release Blood Successor Limit?"

"The legendary ninjutsu unique to the First Hokage who pacified the world, even the tailed beasts couldn't break free!"

After listening to the discussions of these people, the Third Hokage was convinced that he had read correctly, but... Tsunade had awakened the Wood Release? ! How can this be? !

The Third Hokage, who has conducted research projects on Wood Release's awakening, can be said to be one of the ninjas who know the limits of blood succession such as Wood Release. He knows one thing very well: Wood Release does not belong to the limits of Senju's blood succession, but only Only belongs to Senju Hashirama!

If nothing else, just looking at the wood escape cells left behind by Senju Hashirama, you can see that the wood escape is completely different from the ordinary blood inheritance limits. It has exceeded the level of bloodline awakening and can almost be called a gene. Something has changed.

Under normal circumstances, no matter how hard a member of the Senju clan practices, it is impossible for them to have the same level of blood as Senju Hashirama. If this were not the case, the second Hokage Senju Tobirama would not start the wood escape experiment and directly let his clan members Wouldn't it be enough to practice the wood escape that combines water and earth?

"Could it be that Tsunade has also conducted human experiments? Well... given her level of medical ninjutsu, it's not surprising that she has such results, but according to her character, would she really do such a thing?"

The Third Hokage thought wildly for a moment, and then calmed down. No matter how Tsunade awakened the Wood Release, the most important thing now is to seal the Nine-Tails!

Although Mu Dun has great restraint against any tailed beast, Nine Tails, as the strongest among all tailed beasts, will not be easily subdued by a technique like descending from the tree world, even if it absorbs a large amount of Cha Carat, but at this moment he is almost breaking free.

Thinking of this, the Third Hokage formed four shadow clones with his hands and began to refine chakra:

"Five escapes - the art of continuous bullets!"

Water, fire, earth, wind and thunder, the five powerful escape techniques follow the principle of mutual generation and mutual restraint. They stimulate each other's power and transform into a shock wave that destroys the world and destroys the earth, directly hitting the Kyuubi!

Kyuubi roared wildly, and was directly injured by the explosion, with a big hole opened in his body. Fortunately, these tailed beasts are energy bodies formed by condensation of chakra. Although they have some characteristics of flesh and blood, they still have more vitality than ordinary creatures. Much more tenacious, otherwise I would probably have to be reimbursed directly this time.

As a half-ninjutsu turret type ninja, the Third Hokage may not be able to match the Second and Fourth Hokage in single combat, but in terms of pure destructive power, only Jiraiya in Sage Mode in Konoha can now Comparable to him.

After receiving several blows in a row, the Nine Tails raised its head to the sky and roared, waving its nine tails randomly, bursting out terrifying chakra energy, forming an attack that was almost like an energy storm.

In addition, a large number of small tailed beast jade was once again condensed in front of it. This time, the Nine Tails did not condense chakra, but directly bombarded these small tailed beast jade.

"United Defense! Earth Escape - Ten Thousand Miles of Earth Current Wall!!"

As the Third Hokage shouted, seals were formed on many wooden leaves at the same time, and a cliff-like wall rose from the ground, blocking the tailed beast.

With a rumbling explosion, the entire earth flow wall was blown up into ashes. Fortunately, after being blocked by the earth flow wall, the tailed beast jade did not cause any casualties.

The people who followed the Third Hokage to deal with the Nine-Tails were all Jonin. The Tailed Beast Tamaki and the others might not be able to stop it, but the aftermath of some gravel obviously couldn't stop them.

Kyuubi opened his mouth again, as if he wanted to see this kind of tailed beast jade again, but at this moment, there was a rumbling sound in the woods behind it.

"Wood Release - Wood Dragon Technique!"

With Tsunade's soft drink, the trees that grew from the tree world descended, entwined and rotated around each other, and condensed into a huge wooden dragon. It opened its teeth and claws, and pounced directly on the Nine-Tails!

Almost instantly, Kyuubi could feel the chakra in his body being continuously extracted by the wooden dragon. When he was so angry, he directly opened his mouth and bit the wooden dragon's neck.

But the wooden dragon was just a big ball of trees, with no vital points at all. Even some of the damage caused by the nine-tails' struggle was immediately restored under the constant absorption of chakra.

Under the circumstances, and the Nine Tails itself was seriously injured, after another two minutes of chakra being absorbed by the wooden dragon, it finally let out an unwilling roar and gradually shrank back.

After the Kyuubi disappeared, what was revealed was Uzumaki Kushina with her eyes closed and unconscious. The wooden dragon stretched out its paws, held Kushina in his hand, swam back to Tsunade, and put Kushina away. In her arms.

The Third Hokage also rushed over with a group of Jonin at this time and surrounded Tsunade. Although he really wanted to ask Tsunade what happened to his Wood Release? But in this situation, what he is most concerned about is obviously the Fourth Hokage and the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

"Tsunade, what happened? I heard Kakashi say that you were attacked by enemies?"

Tsunade nodded with a heavy face and said:

"The opponent possessed the space-time ninjutsu, and suddenly appeared in Kushina's delivery room, and triggered the Nine-Tails' rampage..."

"The Fourth Hokage has already chased the enemy, but I don't know how the final battle will turn out. Okay, I've awakened the Wood Release, otherwise I may not be able to suppress the Kyuubi."

"Time and Space Ninjutsu...has it been confirmed? Does the other party really know this Ninjutsu?"

"There is no doubt that the opponent, like the Fourth Hokage, can perform time and space ninjutsu. Except for Minato, no one in Konoha can deal with him!"

The Third Hokage's brows furrowed even further after hearing this, and he let out a long sigh:

"I hope Minato can catch this guy! A ninja who is hostile to Konoha and possesses time and space ninjutsu... Konoha really can't stand the trouble now..."

However, things went against expectations, until the Third Hokage returned to the Ninja Village, lifted the guard, and waited for another day and night, Namikaze Minato never came back.

Early the next morning, after the Nine-Tails tormenting Uzumaki Kushina "awakened", Tsunade also went out for a walk and brought back a crying Naruto.

"Naruto?! Great, Naruto is fine!"

Uzumaki Kushina hugged her child back, her body was shaking slightly and her eyes were red.

Although Uchiha Feiha was selfish and ruthless, he could definitely be called a demon. At any rate, he would not actually attack the baby, but he used the Sky-Swallowing Demon Technique to drain away the Ah hidden deep in Naruto's soul. Shura Chakra.

This has a great impact on Naruto's physique and spirit. At least in the future, Naruto will never be able to have a nine-tailed Chattanla like in the original work. His physique will also be much weaker. At most, he will be the same as an ordinary one. The Uzumaki clan is about the same, maybe even worse.

But it was good to be able to save one life, and after being devoured by the Sky-Swallowing Demon Technique, Naruto was not injured on the surface, which made Uzumaki Kushina breathe a sigh of relief.

Although she has completely transformed into Uchiha Hiba, Uzumaki Kushina still has deep feelings for her child.

Now seeing that Uzumaki Naruto is fine, at least on the surface, Kushina is still very happy, and even feels grateful to Uchiha Feiha.

"Tsunade, where did you find Naruto? Is there any news about finding Minato?"

After knowing that Tsunade had found Naruto, the Third Hokage also came over directly and asked with a somewhat anxious voice.

"I found Naruto in the ruins of the delivery room. As for the news about Minato, I still haven't heard anything about him."

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