Time passes day by day, and more than three months have passed in the blink of an eye.

The Third Hokage, who had been waiting for the return of Namikaze Minato, and many ninjas in Konoha, gradually turned from expectation to disappointment, and from disappointment to despair.

Ninja is a very dangerous profession. Therefore, as long as the contact is lost for more than ten days, it can be judged as missing. If it is more than one month, it is basically either defection or death.

As the Hokage of Konoha, it was certainly impossible for Namikaze Minato to defect, and since he didn't come back for three consecutive months, the final result could be imagined.

Smoke filled the Konoha Hokage's office. At this moment, the Third Hokage, who was temporarily stabilizing the village and dealing with things, was smoking his pipe one after another, with a look of exhaustion on his face.

The door opened, and Tsunade walked in carelessly, reached out and fanned twice to disperse a little smoke, and said:

"Old man, why are you looking for me? Stop smoking. How old are you? I don't want to help you with first aid then."

The Third Hokage was silent for a moment, ignoring Tsunade's complaints, sighed and said:

"Minato has been missing for more than three months..."

After hearing this, Tsunade's expression finally became more serious and her voice was heavy:

"More than three months... The Fourth Hokage is a ninja who has mastered the time and space ninjutsu. It is basically impossible to be trapped in the Jedi. Even if it is far away, he can return to Konoha within a day..."

"I haven't come back for such a long time... I'm afraid it's going to be very bad!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen closed his eyes, with a look of exhaustion and pain on his old face. After a moment, he opened his eyes:

"During this period, the three ninja villages of Kumo Ninja, Kiri Ninja, and Kogan Ninja are all very active, and they seem to have some thoughts about Konoha..."

Tsunade frowned slightly:

"Although the Nine-Tails rampage caused no casualties in Konoha, the movement was too big and it certainly couldn't be concealed. It's not surprising that several other ninja villages have ideas."

"But they should also know about my Wood Release, right? The power of Wood Release should be enough to suppress their ambitions."

The Third Hokage nodded slightly, but still couldn't help but said:

"Even if there is wood escape, testing from other ninja villages is absolutely inevitable...especially the fog ninja and rock ninja."

These two ninja villages suffered relatively small losses in the last ninja world war. It was entirely because of the deterrent power of the combination of the golden flash and the nine-tailed Jinchuuriki that the war was finally stopped. Now that the nine tails are rampant and the golden flash is missing, they naturally With a heart of temptation.

They may not dare to start a ninja war, they may just test it out, or they may want to take the opportunity to oppress Konoha to gain some benefits. If Namikaze Minato is still there, this kind of problem can naturally be easily blocked.

However, the most important thing is that the current Namikaze Minato has disappeared long ago, and may even suffer an accident. Even if the third generation comes out to take charge of the overall situation, it still makes people in Konoha panic and the whole group is leaderless.

"Tsk...trouble, it seems they have determined the circumstances of Minato's disappearance."

"Then old man, what did you want to do when you called me here today?"

The shadow of a village is already extremely eye-catching, not to mention that after the Kyuubi attack on Konoha, it stands to reason that the Fourth Hokage should appear immediately to reassure people and keep them on guard.

He didn't show up for three months, especially since Minato Namikaze still possesses the time and space ninjutsu and is the fastest ninja in the ninja world.

Therefore, not only the Konoha Ninja Village, but also other Ninja Villages have basically become convinced of the news of Namikaze Minato's death.

"Now that Minato's matter can no longer be hidden, the most important thing is to choose another Hokage for Konoha first, so that we can have the confidence to deal with the relationship with other great ninja villages."

The Third Hokage blew his pipe, looked up at Tsunade standing there, and whispered:

"And now in Konoha, the only one who is most suitable for the position of Hokage is you, Tsunade!"

Tsunade's face was calm, not showing any sign of boredom, but she pondered for a moment:

"It's not good to choose Hokage so directly! After all, Minato's life and death haven't been completely determined yet. What if Minato comes back?"

The Third Hokage seemed to have thought about this issue for a long time. Seeing that Tsunade had no objection to succeeding as Hokage, he looked relieved and then spoke:

"I'll let you be the acting Hokage for three months first... If Minato hasn't come back in another three months, you can directly inherit the position of the Fifth Hokage!"

"If he doesn't come back in another three months, then Minato will have been missing for half a year. By then, everyone will have to worry about it."

Hearing that the Third Hokage's arrangements were quite detailed and complete, Tsunade nodded. Of course she knew that the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato, had already been crushed to ashes and would never come back, so this Fifth Hokage, she was considered Really sure.

Although Tsunade herself has no obsession with becoming the Hokage, this is a task directly given to her by Uchiha Feiha. Of course, Tsunade herself really wants to become the Hokage.

"If that's the case, then do it your way, old man!"

"Okay, I'll take care of things in two days. I'll first prepare for nominations and jounin voting. There are no ninjas in Konoha who can compete with you now. This is probably just a process."

"After all these are completed, you can go to the Fire Country Daimyo to ask for a letter of appointment. The whole process will probably take more than a week."

"Is there anything I need to prepare?"

"It's nothing. The current Konoha Village is relatively stable. The main problem is the Uchiha clan."

"When Minato accepted Uchiha Obito as his apprentice, the Uchiha clan was much more stable... What a pity. In fact, Obito is not bad. He has the potential to become Hokage."

Almost all the generations of Hokage are from the same lineage. Many people even call the Hokage the master-disciple lineage. Being able to worship the Hokage as a teacher is one of the important conditions for becoming a Hokage.

Of course, in fact, this should be said the other way around. After showing the potential of a Kage-level ninja, the ninjas of the Hokage lineage often accept him as a disciple out of the idea of ​​winning him over. This is why there are so many geniuses in the Hokage master-disciple lineage.

Just like it is not Tsinghua University and Peking University that cultivate genius academic masters, but genius academic masters are admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University. It gathers the essence of the entire ninja village. Of course, the master-disciple lineage of the Hokage is full of geniuses.

After awakening the Mangekyō, Uchiha Obito's talent was fully tapped. He made rapid progress in a short period of time. Even without the Kamui Mangekyō, he was already close to the boundary of the Kage level.

The most important thing is that Uchiha Obito is completely different from ordinary Uchiha. He is a boy who has grown up completely influenced by the will of fire!

In this case, Uchiha Obito really has a little possibility of becoming Hokage - of course, first of all, Kakashi must not be willing to become Hokage, and secondly, there must not be a ninja with the same strength as Uchiha Obito, who is in the same line of Hokage.

The possibility is very small, but for the Uchiha clan, this is already a huge improvement, and even if Uchiha Obito cannot become Hokage, he can theoretically become a high-level member of Konoha.

No matter how close Uchiha Obito is to the Hokage lineage, he is still a member of the Uchiha clan. For the Uchiha clan, this is already a huge improvement.

However, with the silent disappearance of Minato Namikaze, the hope of the Uchiha clan naturally vanished. Minato Namikaze was Hokage for too short a time, and he did not cultivate enough confidants, nor did he leave a deep impression.

Therefore, the label of the Hokage line on Uchiha Obito was naturally weakened a lot, and it can even be said that it had a negative effect.

If Minato Namikaze died again ten years later, then Kakashi and Obito would definitely be qualified to enter the list of Hokage successors. Even if they did not become Hokage, they would become the backbone of the Hokage line and the senior members of Konoha.

Now... it will take at least another ten years for Tsunade to retire, and after more than ten years, Uchiha Obito would probably have been excluded from the core of Konoha.

After listening to the words of the Third Hokage, Tsunade touched her chin and sighed:

"There's nothing we can do about it... The real core factor of the Uchiha clan's instability is the sins committed by you, old man, and that guy Shimura Danzo, isn't it?"

Hearing this, the Third Hokage's face suddenly darkened and he took a puff of cigarette:

"Speaking of which, guarding against the Uchiha clan is a policy left by the Second Hokage, your second grandfather, Tsunade!"

"It was through a series of studies on the Sharingan that Mr. Tobirama concluded that the Uchiha clan was extremely mentally unstable and needed to be guarded against!"

So Tsunade had nothing to say, and could only sigh in the end:

"There's nothing we can do about it... I don't want to accept another Uchiha clan as a disciple!"

Seeing the expression of the Third Hokage, she immediately knew what he wanted to say and blocked his request in advance.

So the Third Hokage could only smile bitterly:

"Are you really unwilling? In fact, there is indeed a good seedling in the Uchiha clan, who is the descendant of Uchiha Kagami."

"Uncle Kagami? He is the descendant of that lineage... Then why don't you just take him in, old man? Uncle Kagami is also your classmate, shouldn't you take care of the descendants of your old classmate?"

Uchiha Kagami is a disciple of Senju Tobirama, and also a fellow student of the Third Hokage. Tsunade was familiar with him when she was a child, but he died early. When Tsunade was about ten years old, this Uchiha had no news.

Speaking of it, the Uchiha clan is also unlucky. Occasionally, a ninja who is close to the Hokage system appears and has the hope of entering the upper echelons of Konoha, but there will always be some problems. I don’t know if there is a mastermind behind the scenes or fate.

After hearing Tsunade's words, the Third Hokage smiled bitterly and said:

"The Uchiha clan doesn't like me, the Third Hokage..."

"Okay, okay, I will find a way to solve the problem of the Uchiha clan. At most, I will find a female apprentice!"


The Third Hokage opened his mouth, but thinking that Tsunade was a woman after all, it was indeed a bit taboo to accept a male apprentice, so he finally stopped talking.

After a discussion, the Third Hokage was also vigorous and resolute. The next day, he convened a meeting of the jonin and nominated Tsunade to be the Hokage.

In fact, there is no one in Konoha who can compete with Tsunade for the position of Hokage. The troublemaker Danzo had been killed by Feiyu, Orochimaru defected, and Jiraiya left the village. Who else can be left in the village?

In addition to the old Third Hokage, the remaining Kage-level strongmen in Konoha Ninja Village are only Uchiha Fugaku and the Nine-tail Jinchuriki Uzumaki Kushina who have been hiding themselves.

There is no need to talk about Kushina. It has only been three months since the Nine-Tails went berserk. Unless the memory of Konoha's Jonin has become that of a goldfish, there is no way they would choose such a big bomb as Hokage.

As for Uchiha Fugaku, firstly, he has been hiding his strength, showing only the strength of the quasi-kage level. Secondly, as the head of the Uchiha clan, other ninja families and civilian ninjas do not want such a big clan head to be the Hokage.

Not to mention that Tsunade still displayed the Wood Release Ninjutsu when the Nine-Tails went berserk. You must know that Wood Release has a very special meaning in Konoha. Combined with Tsunade's identity as the last descendant of the Senju clan, both justice and strength can be said to be destined.

After the nomination of the third generation Hokage, there was no voting at all, and no other competitors were selected. All the jonin raised their hands to agree that Tsunade would become the Hokage.

After that, it was to report to the daimyo's mansion. Of course, this kind of thing is just a process. The daimyo of the Land of Fire can't object at all, because opposition will not have any effect.

The Hokage is only theoretically the subordinate of the daimyo. If he really turns against him, Konoha will definitely not be afraid, not to mention that Tsunade's reputation among ordinary people is much greater than her reputation among ninjas.

She is the best doctor in the world. No matter who is powerful, they would never dare to offend such a doctor.

Therefore, Tsunade became Hokage at an incredibly fast speed. In less than a week, she had already worn the Hokage hat.

Now she is only the acting Hokage, but now that almost all Konoha ninjas feel that Minato Namikaze will not come back, there is no difference between her and the official Hokage.

Three months later, Tsunade almost inherited and sorted out the power of the previous Hokage - in fact, Minato Namikaze did not have much personal power at hand.

After all, Minato Namikaze was too young, unlike the three ninjas who had been deeply involved in Konoha for decades and had won over a group of forces.

During the Ninja World War, because of the existence of the Flying Thunder God Technique, Minato Namikaze was not the kind of person who sat in command, and even his subordinates and comrades were pitifully few.

And this time, the Ninja World War lasted longer, which also led to Minato Namikaze inheriting the position of Hokage in a shorter time, less than a year.

Without any foundation, Minato Namikaze was already busy and exhausted just trying to sort out the post-war situation in Konoha, and naturally did not develop his own personal power.

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