Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 142 Ninja blocking the road

Hearing the words of the Fire Country Daimyo, Uchiha Feiyu nodded thoughtfully. The chakra refining technique is indeed not too difficult, but it is definitely not simple. At least it is impossible to say it once, and ordinary people can do it. Cultivation comes out.

A guy like Uzumaki Naruto, who even calls chakra Chadra, is able to practice the chakra refining technique and easily extract huge chakra simply because he is a member of the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki and the Uzumaki clan. With the reincarnation of Asura, even if chakra cannot be refined, chakra will be synthesized automatically.

"How about making the Chakra Refining Technique into a book and spreading it on a large scale?"

"Well... in fact, among the 300 million people in the Fire Country, at least more than 250 million are illiterate..."

Twitching the corner of his mouth, Uchiha Feiyu was speechless. He only reacted at this time. In the end, the technology of the ninja world is almost close to modern society, but it is still a feudal system. Illiterates who do not know the world occupy the place. Most of them.

It's just that Uchiha Feiyu has been staying in the Ninja Village in the past, and there are basically no illiterates in the Ninja Village. Not to mention the ninjas, even the seven or eight-year-old children basically have the ability to write and read. ability.

Under this environment, coupled with the memories of his previous life, Uchiha Feiyu subconsciously thought that everyone in the Land of Fire had received compulsory education. However, in fact, under this feudal system, how could there be any so-called compulsory education?

If nothing else, even when New China was first founded, the illiteracy rate was as high as 80%! Not to mention a semi-feudal country like the Fire Country, where the illiteracy rate actually reaches 90% or even 95%, which is not surprising to Uchiha Feiyu.

"Then set up a literacy class... and use chakra extraction as a teaching material for the literacy class!"

Uchiha Feiyu gave the order with a wave of his hand, and the Fire Country Daimyo and various ministers suddenly agreed with sad faces.

"However, there is another problem with the comprehensive promotion of Chakra. This can easily attract the attention of other countries... resulting in a so-called arms race. Maybe after such a policy has just been issued, several other major countries will join forces to attack the Country of Fire. "

"Don't worry about this... Now that the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Fire are under my control, the two countries can announce this policy together."

"Looking back, if I control a country at will, once three major countries announce this policy, the remaining countries will have no choice but to follow up and engage in an arms race, and it will be impossible to nip it in the bud."

After hearing this, the daimyo and the officials finally breathed a sigh of relief. They were just controlled by the God-Saving Art and put their loyalty to Uchiha Feiyu in the most important position, but it did not mean that they had no IQ, nor No more ideas of my own.

Therefore, they also weigh the pros and cons and have their own small thoughts, but their loyalty to Uchiha Feiyu can suppress these thoughts.

If it didn't involve Uchiha Feiyu, these people would also scheming for their own interests and excluding dissenters for their own future.

After the mission was issued, Uchiha Feiyu took Tsunade, Shizune, and Uzumaki Kushina directly to prepare to return to Konoha Ninja Village.

Boye Town is the main transportation link between Konoha Ninja Village and the capital of Fire Country, and is also the largest town among them.

That night, Tsunade took Uchiha Feiyu and others to the largest hotel in the town and booked two rooms.

However, after just staying in the room for a few minutes, Tsunade felt a little distracted and looked outside frequently.

"Tsunade-sama! You don't want to gamble again, do you? You are now the Hokage! You can no longer go to the casino to gamble like before!"

Shizune looked at the distraught Tsunade with an ugly face and said.

"Oh! Has Tsunade ever gambled at a casino around here?"

Uchiha Feiyu took a sip of tea and asked curiously. Judging from Tsunade's expression, she seemed to have left a "record" here.

Although under the influence of the Albizia Book, these women were able to ask for and get everything from Uchiha Feiyu, and were completely unable to refuse any of Uchiha Feiyu's requests, their own personal personalities and hobbies were still not much different from before.

Uzumaki Kushina is still the pungent little pepper, Tsunade is still the big fat sheep with a bold personality who likes to gamble, and Shizune is still the gentle and a bit talkative little cotton-padded jacket who likes to take care of others.

It's just that when facing Uchiha Feiyu, they sometimes restrain their personalities and try to please him.

After hearing Uchiha Feiyu's question, Tsunade, who was still a little impatient with Shizune, had no choice but to lower her head and said honestly:

"Yes, I did play in the casinos around here several times..."

"It's not just a few times, Tsunade-sama! You have already lost tens of millions of taels in gambling at the nearby casinos!"

Shizune exposed Tsunade's background without hesitation, and Tsunade couldn't help but glared at her in embarrassment, causing little Shizune to shrink her neck.

It's tens of millions. Uchiha Feiyu twitched the corner of his mouth slightly. You must know that the minimum reward for an S-level mission is only 1 million taels, which is equivalent to dozens of S-level missions!

Of course, there is no upper limit on the reward for S-level missions. Even if one mission earns tens of millions, it is still possible. But even for a Kage-level ninja, tens of millions of taels is still a lot. money.

An Asma is only 35 million taels... You must know that Asma in the original book is not only an elite jounin of Konoha, but also the son of the Third Hokage. He once served as the 12 guardians of the Land of Fire, with various identities. The bonus is what makes it worth so much money.

If an ordinary Kage-level ninja wants to earn this kind of money, he must either perform a big enough mission or spend two or three years performing multiple S-level missions, which is not an easy task.

Just like it seems easy for Kakuzu to kill Asuma, but in fact, not to mention that Asuma's strength is not weak at all. Killing such an important figure, whether it is the Fire Country or the Konoha Ninja Village, is not a problem. Maybe if he swallows his anger, he will definitely pursue him with all his strength.

This was later proven. Even though Kakuzu was powerful and experienced, wasn't he eventually killed by the Konoha ninja?

If Tsunade hadn't been the most famous medical ninja in the entire ninja world, with her speed of losing money, I'm afraid she wouldn't have been able to withstand even the gold and silver!

"Tsunade—you should stop gambling from now on!"

As Uchiha Feiyu spoke, Tsunade's face quickly fell, and she reluctantly agreed.

"I know... you damn Uchiha brat!"

Looking at Tsunade's listless look, Uchiha Feiyu thought for a moment and finally said:

"It's okay to have fun, but no gambling allowed!"

"If you don't gamble money, then what else are you playing?"

Tsunade said in a low voice, Uchiha Feiyu chuckled and said:

"You can bet on clothes!"

"Betting on clothes!?"

Tsunade was stunned for a moment, then she reacted, her face turned slightly rosy, she glanced at Uzumaki Kushina and Shizune, and said with a chuckle:

"Playing with two people doesn't seem very exciting! Do you want everyone to play together?!"

Uzumaki Kushina and Shizune obviously also knew very well what gambling on clothes meant. After hearing Tsunade's words, they were a little hesitant, but looking at Uchiha Hiba's smiling eyes, they both agreed.

After casually writing the fifth sentence, looking at Tsunade who rolled her eyes, stuck out her tongue, and had tears and saliva all over her face, turning into a cream puff, Uchiha Feiyu threw the brush away and shook his head:

"As expected of the legendary big fat sheep, he is really good and fun-loving!"

"Hehe, Tsunade-sama has always been like this! I have tried to persuade her many times before, but unfortunately she never listened. This time she finally learned enough lessons."

Shizune's face was red and she hugged Uchiha Feiyu's neck. She also had a positive sign written on her body. Now her body is still trembling slightly and her voice is a little soft.

"Are you sure Sister Tsunade learned a lesson? Maybe she enjoyed it."

Uzumaki Kushina lay on Uchiha Feiyu's lap and took a slight breath. Compared with Shizune, her body was more positive.

"Maybe, but Tsunade-sama was able to persist for 25 times before she completely passed out. Maybe she really thinks this is a reward!"

Shizune stretched out her fingers and gently poked Tsunade twice. Tsunade trembled twice, but she was still unconscious.

"Okay, this big fat sheep is unconscious. Do you two want to continue playing?"

Uchiha Fei touched Uzumaki Kushina's red hair and asked with a slight smile.

Uzumaki Kushina twisted her body twice, and said with a slight groan:

"Feiyu, you must have cheated! Otherwise, how could you not have lost a single round?"

"What's so strange about this? You've seen guys like Tsunade who always lose in every bet, why can't you accept that I always win in every bet?"

Uchiha Feiyu, who had just used the illusion to control the five senses, looked serious, which made the two women who had been observing the expressions on his face feel a little doubtful.

"Hmph, okay, let's continue playing! I don't believe that Shizune and I can't even win one game next!"

Uzumaki Kushina said seemingly unwilling to admit defeat. Of course, only she knows whether she refuses to admit defeat or whether she really likes the feeling of writing on her body.

But at this time, Uchiha Feiyu's expression changed slightly, and he snorted softly:

"Stop playing now, trouble seems to be coming!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Uchiha Feiyu reached out and pressed his hand on Tsunade's forehead, and the pure Yang Era chakra penetrated into her body instantly, causing Tsunade, whose brain was about to melt, to finally wake up.

"I...I haven't lost yet...I can still have another round!"

After waking up, Tsunade said something, which made Uchiha Feiyu roll his eyes:

"Stop playing, you really haven't lost enough! Next time, I have to write ten or twenty righteous words all over your body, so that I can remember it better!"

Ten or twenty righteous sons? Tsunade's body trembled slightly, her pretty face twisted, and her eyes showed a look of fear and expectation.

She didn't doubt whether Uchiha Feiyu could do it. Relying on the Alchemy Book, combined with the extremely fast recovery of the immortal body and medical ninjutsu, her beautiful body was a toy that the Uchiha brat in front of her couldn't play with.

But even if the body can bear it, the spirit will collapse and the whole person will be broken!

Just when Tsunade was still thinking wildly, Uchiha Feiyu's words brought her back to her senses:

"Hurry up and put on your clothes. There are some uninvited guests outside the town. They should be coming for us, or for you, the Hokage!"

The expression on Tsunade's face changed, showing a serious look, and she quickly got dressed together with the other two women and walked out of the room.

Uchiha Feiyu's current range of perception is extremely large. After several people were prepared, the other party had just entered the town.

"Do you want to leave here? If we start a war directly here, I'm afraid innocent people will be hurt."

Tsunade took a look at the town. The buildings here were quite dense. Most people were sleeping at home at night. If a war really broke out, it would definitely have a big impact.

No matter how you think about it, it can't be an ordinary ninja who dares to surround and kill Naruto. At least it must be a few elite jounin joining forces. A battle between ninjas of this level is enough to destroy several streets.

"It's up to you! The other party is still seven or eight hundred meters away from us. If we want to go out to fight, then we should leave now."

Uchiha Feiyu agreed casually, and the four of them rushed out of the town without hesitation.

At this moment, a group of ninjas had just entered the town. There were more than 20 ninjas in the group, a dozen of them gathered together, and seven other ninjas who were far apart from each other. Obviously they were not from the same ninja. village.

The larger group of ninjas wore forehead protectors from the Iwa ninja, while the seven ninjas wore forehead protectors from the Mist ninja.

The forehead protectors were clearly worn on their heads, and the ninjas of the two ninja villages did not hide their origins. Those who could attack Naruto were the most elite ninjas in the ninja village. Ninjas of this level are all famous in the ninja world, and they hide their true origins. It makes no sense.

The ninja led by the Iwa Ninja is the Explosive Release Ninja Hunter, followed by the most elite blasting force. The seven ninjas of the Mist Ninja all carry a strange-shaped weapon behind their backs. You can tell at a glance that they are the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

"The target is taking action. They seem to want to leave the town!"

An Iwa nin pressed his hands on the ground, feeling the fluctuations on the ground, and said. After hearing this, Kari nodded slightly:

"That's's best not to cause too much damage in the town..."

"Haha, when did the leader of Iwa Ninja's explosive ninja unit turn into a kind and soft-hearted living Bodhisattva?"

The ninja who spoke was as tall as a mountain of flesh. He held a mace-like weapon wrapped in bandages in his hand. His sharp teeth shone with cold light as he laughed.

Kari Leng snorted and ignored the provocative Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost.

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