Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 143: Seven Ninja Swordsmen vs. Tsunade

After uttering a provocative sentence, the Watermelon Mountain Blowfish Demon didn't say a word when he saw the Explosive Escape Ninja Hunter, nor did he say anything more. He directly greeted the other six Ninja Sword Seven people:

"The hunting has begun. Let's compete to see who can kill the Fifth Hokage first!"

"Hey, the Fifth Hokage's head is mine!"

"Tsunade-hime? A medical ninja can also become the Hokage of Konoha. There is really no one left in Konoha!"

Several of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen laughed loudly and rushed directly into the town.

An Iwa ninja frowned, walked behind Kari, and whispered:

"Sir... is this really okay? Those Seven Ninja Swordsmen will surely alert the enemy!"

Kari sneered and shook his head:

"You underestimate the Seven Ninja Swordsmen! They are not such simple people!"

"Could they really kill the Fifth Hokage?"

Iwa Ninja looked surprised, even a little bit disbelieving.

Although the Seven Ninja Swordsmen are all elite Jonin, and there are even rumors that the seven of them can kill Kage-level people together, however, other ninjas regard this as bragging - because the Seven Ninja Swordsmen have never achieved anything. The record of taking action!

In the original book, the seven people were kicked into the Three Lucky Treasures by the ten thousand year genin Matt Dai as soon as they appeared. In this timeline, they did not meet the desperate green kappa, but they were still stopped by Jiraiya alone on the coastline. In several battles, we lost more and won less.

"No... I mean, these guys are just playing us! They just look cruel, but they actually know it well!"

Kari rolled his eyes and said to his subordinates:

"Although Tsunade is a medical ninja, she may be able to break into the name of Sannin, but her strength cannot be any weaker than Jiraiya and Orochimaru! Not to mention that according to the intelligence, she actually used Wood Release!"

"The mission requirement given to me by Master Tsuchikage is just to test Goate's strength through this attack to see if she has truly awakened the Wood Release Blood Successor Limit. Do you think the Mizukage of the Kiri Ninja will give the Seven Ninja Swordsmen Are you asking them to kill all Tsunade and his Shadow Guards?"

"Eighty percent of their mission is the same as ours, it's just a test... So these people are planning to launch an attack directly in the town. This way, if they find that the situation is not good, it will be easier for them to escape!"

There are many residents in the town. Tsunade is the Hokage of the Land of Fire anyway, so she will definitely care a little. In this case, the possibility of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen escaping will naturally increase.

"Uh...then why do we have to wait until the Hokage leaves town before we start?"

The Iwa ninja asked in a low voice, and Kari shook his head:

"After all, we are different from the Seven Ninja Swordsmen... The ninjas of the Mist Ninja pursue an elite strategy. The blood mist policy at the beginning even required killing companions to become ninjas."

"Therefore, although the Mist Ninja ninjas do not have any coordination ability, they are extremely outstanding in their individual abilities. In addition, all the seven Ninja Swordsmen are elite Jonin. As long as they escape Tsunade's pursuit, Konoha will use They can't help it."

There is not much to say about the rest of Kari. The style of Iwa Ninja is exactly the opposite of that of Kiri Ninja, and he is good at group combat.

The dozen or so demolition force ninjas under him can pose a threat to the Kage level if they work together. If they are separated, they are all special jounin with flaws, and it is impossible to separate their troops and escape.

So even if Tsunade didn't chase them, it would be difficult for this kind of ninja force to escape. If the Konoha force was chasing them, if it was just to test the Hokage, Tsunade might not make a big move.

But if heavy losses are caused to the Fire Country, and the Konoha ninjas mobilize in full force, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen will basically be able to escape, and their own demolition troops may have to be reimbursed in the Fire Country!

"Then if the other party attacks Tsunade directly in the town..."

"It would be great if they really dare to do such stupid things. Then we will watch the tiger fight from a distance. If there is a chance, we will attack Tsunade directly. If there is no chance or Tsunade shows the wood escape ability, then we Just worst, we are here to carry out a mission in the Country of Fire!"

"Uh... we came to the Country of Fire to carry out a mission? There's no way the other party would believe it! We are a demolition force!"

What tasks can a group of explosion experts perform in the Land of Fire? Is it to demolish a city in the Land of Fire?

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. This is just a step. After all, the other party is the Hokage. Every move is watched by others. You must pay attention to your own influence."

"As long as there is such a level and we don't take the initiative to attack each other, then as long as the Hokage doesn't want to completely fall out with the Iwa Ninja Village and start a war, the most he can do is expel us."

"As expected of Mr. Kari, the plan is thorough!"

After listening to Kari's explanation, a group of Iwa ninjas suddenly realized that ninjas who can perform such tasks are naturally not afraid of death, but if they can live, who would want to die?

On the other side, where the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were advancing, Loquat Juzo approached the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon and asked:

"The Iwa ninjas coming from behind are coming, are you really not going to wait for them?"

The Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost turned his head and glanced behind him, then spat casually:

"These Iwa ninja cowards! It seems they have other plans... maybe if we really fight with that Hokage, they will sell us out!"

After hearing the answer from the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost, Loquat Juuzang's eyes flickered slightly and he spoke softly:

"Then what do you think we should do? If that Hokage really has the power of Wood Release, even with the cover of these people in the town, without the help of the Iwa Ninja, we may..."

If Tsunade was still as strong as before, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen would really not be afraid, and would even have absolute confidence to defeat her.

Although the three ninjas are both famous in the world, Tsunade, who is best at medical ninjutsu, is the one with the weakest ability in frontal combat. She has always been in a situation where she is unable to attack difficult situations and is unable to protect herself.

When the Seven Ninja Swordsmen join forces, excluding bloodphobia, they can definitely defeat the original Tsunade. Of course... they will definitely not be able to kill her. As the strongest medical ninja, Tsunade's other abilities aside, she can save her life. The ability is absolutely top-notch.

However, according to information from various ninja villages, Tsunade used the wood escape ninjutsu when fighting the Kyuubi. In this day and age, it has only been more than 30 years since the death of Senju Hashirama, and many older generation ninjas , but everyone knows how perverted Mu Dun is!

Anyone who really knows Senju Hashirama knows that it is Senju Hashirama who is perverted, not Wood Release. However, in the eyes of people from other ninja villages, Senju Hashirama is invincible because of Wood Release. Naturally, he is afraid of new wood escape ninjas.

Given the age of the Ninjas like the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, although they have never seen Senju Hashirama's grace on the battlefield, they have at least heard from their elders how terrifying Wood Release is. To say that they are not worried at all, That's the weird thing.

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon glanced at the other five Ninja Swordsmen around him, and whispered to Loquat Juuzang:

"Let them take action first...if the situation goes bad, we will withdraw first!"

"Anyway, there are other psychic scrolls of ninja swords in the village. It doesn't matter if the person dies, as long as the sword is still there!"

There are only seven Ninja Swordsmen in total, but there are also several small factions among them, such as the ruthless duo who only think about killing and killing, and the Black Hoe Lei who has a twisted personality and wants to bury people every day. Teeth, a wild baitman who cuts grass with a dull knife...

How should I put it, anyway, except for Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost and Loquat Juuzang who have some brains, the remaining five are all the consequences of the blood mist policy. They are executioners who are not only good at killing others, but also their own people.

So when faced with the plan of the Watermelon Mountain Blowfish Ghost to directly use the other five Ninja Swordsmen as cannon fodder, Loquat Juzo just nodded:

"Okay, I understand!"

As he said this, both Loquat Juzo and Xiguashan Puffer Ghost fell a little behind.

If the other Seven Ninja Swordsmen were a little more cautious and had some brains, I'm afraid they would be able to see the intrigue between these two people. Unfortunately, the ninjas who are used to the blood mist policy and have been completely brainwashed have murderous intent at most and lack of it the most. It's the brain.

"Tsk, these guys are chasing us...are they here to die?"

After walking out of the edge of the town, Uchiha Feiyu turned around, looked at the seven Ninja Swordsmen rushing over like fleas, and sneered:

"Tsunade, I leave it to you! I want to live!"

"Don't worry, it's just a few fog ninjas."

Tsunade clenched her fists, with a smile on her face. After so many double trainings with Uchiha Feiyu, Tsunade's strength was no longer the same as before.

"I am the first! The Fifth Hokage, your head is mine!"

The man who was holding a dull knife to cut the grass rushed up directly. The blunt knife, which was more like a big ax and a sledgehammer than a pair of knives, slashed directly at Tsunade.

Facing the blunt knife falling from the sky, Tsunade's reaction was just to sneer, clenched her white fists, then swung her fist and hit it!

There was a loud bang! Tongcao Yebaiman felt as if his blunt knife had hit a rampaging steel mountain, and the terrible force rebounded instantly. With a clicking sound, the bones of his arm were almost broken, and the rebound The blunt knife that came back barely missed hitting his head.

Fortunately, at the last moment, Tongcao Yebaiman used the hammer in his other hand to block the blunt ax that hit him. Otherwise, he might have been the first of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen to be killed by the rebounded weapon.

Even so, this guy was still punched away by Tsunade like a shooting star. With a bang, he hit the wall of the town and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

" this woman a tyrannosaurus?"

The seven Ninja Swordsmen who were originally charging forward stopped in unison and looked at Tsunade with a bit of fear. Tsunade looked at her white and tender fists and saw that there were blunt swords on them. Kabuto cut a small bloody wound, but in the short time she took her hand over, it had completely healed.

That is the immortal body that Tsunade has now begun to awaken. It may not be as good as Senju Hashirama at its peak, but the gap is not too big.

"Be careful, this must be this woman's strange power technique! But no matter how powerful she is, it doesn't mean anything if she can't hit anyone!"

Black Hoe Lei Ya, who was holding the thunder knife in his hand, shouted, the electric light on his body flashed, and the two swords he waved were like two lightning whips, and he threw them directly towards Tsunade.

Tsunade punched out, and the chakra wrapped around her fist directly scattered the lightning whip. She snorted softly:

"With great strength, you can't hit anyone... Then try hiding from me for a while!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she stamped her foot on the ground. The whole ground shook with the rumbling sound, directly tearing open a hole that was twenty or thirty meters long.

Then Tsunade grabbed the ground with both hands, and the earth escape chakra was released with her hands, reinforcing the entire ground. Then she looked at the Seven Ninja Swordsmen and showed a sneer:

"Take a look at me!"

Boom boom boom! With a terrifying loud noise, Tsunade directly lifted up a huge piece of land with a radius of 40 to 50 meters and smashed it at the terrified Seven Ninja Swordsmen!

"Murishinhachi!! Use your explosive sword!"

Xiguashan Puffer Ghost shouted loudly, and the detonating scroll on Murishinhachi's sword kept rotating, and he chopped the ground that was smashed.

The ground, which was three or four meters thick, was blown into several pieces by hundreds of detonating talismans in a loud rumbling sound. The flying stones made all the Seven Ninja Swordsmen retreat continuously. Some of them who retreated a little slower were hit by stones and had their heads broken and bleeding.

"Damn... What level of supernatural power is this!! This woman is even more perverted than the young white-haired guy who plays with toads!"

The land of 40 to 50 meters wide may not sound very good, but in fact it is about the size of half a football field! This level of power is shocking and incredible even for ninjas!

Just when the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were still complaining, suddenly a figure like a cannonball rushed out from the smoke and rubble, and directly hit Muri Shinpachi who was standing in the front.

Muri Shinpachi's pupils suddenly contracted, and he hurriedly raised the explosive knife in his hand to block the opponent's fist, and then there was a loud bang, and in a puff of smoke, Muri Shinpachi flew out backwards, blood gushing out of his mouth, and the original explosive knife was smashed into a twisted arc, turned a few times in the sky, and fell to the ground with a bang.

But at this moment, countless tiny and sharp wires were woven into a net, directly wrapping the figure in the smoke:

"Good opportunity, I caught her!"

Kurihan Kushimaru held the long sword needle in his hand, stretched out his hand and pulled hard. The wire of the long sword needle was extremely sharp, not inferior to ordinary ninja swords. Ordinary people would be cut into pieces by the wire under such a pull.

But after Kurishan Kushimaru stretched out his hand and pulled, he felt that the figure opposite seemed to take root, and he was like an ant shaking a tree, and he couldn't pull the wires no matter what.

"Uh... Not good, I think she might have caught me!"

Kurihan Kushimaru swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the long sword in his hand sent an extremely powerful force, which directly pulled him over.

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