Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 148 The Seven Are Defeat

With a roar, the lightning struck directly on the water flow wall, spread out with a crackling sound, and dissipated without a trace. At the same time, the water flow wall also trembled twice and completely dissipated.

The Genshi who had just reacted at this time gasped and opened his mouth to say something, but the angry Yagura didn't say anything and rushed directly towards the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

"Tsk... the war has begun, ordinary ninjas should retreat!"

Terumi Mei shouted, and the fog ninjas surrounding the place immediately withdrew from a huge circle. Bubble took out a straw from his arms, put it to his mouth and blew gently:

Colorful bubbles flew out from the straw and enveloped the two Ninja Swordsmen. These seemingly beautiful bubbles were actually full of terrifying acidity and explosiveness, making the two Ninja Swordsmen extremely angry. Frown.

At this time, Terumi Mei took action without hesitation. She even reminded Yagura before taking action:

"Be careful, my ninjutsu is a bit scary!"

As her words fell, Terumi Mei, who took a deep breath, opened her mouth and spit out a stream of acidic mist. The huge acidic mist was like a giant dragon with life, winding and flowing towards the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

"The Kirigakure Jutsu? Isn't this woman famous for her aggressive water and fire escapes?"

Yagura was stunned for a moment, but just when the fog was about to spread around him, his battle-experienced intuition made him feel a great sense of terror. He gritted his teeth slightly, and followed his heart and dodged away.

But soon, Yagura felt grateful for his shameless action just now.

Loquat Juuzang, who also saw the white mist spreading, sneered and rushed over without hesitation:

"Playing with Kirigakure no Jutsu with me?! Don't you know that I am the strongest silent assassination ninja in Kirigakure Village?!"

Then Yagura heard a shrill scream, and Loquat Juzo stumbled out holding a decapitating sword.

I saw that the skin all over his body had completely melted, revealing the blood-red muscles and pale fascia underneath. The most terrifying thing was that his eyes had turned into pus-filled swellings and beads, and even his eyelids were completely damaged. 's melted.

"Hehe... ho ho ho ho ho ho hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.

He waved the rusty beheading sword twice indiscriminately. The Seven Ninja Swordsman fell to the ground, shrouded in white mist behind him. After a weak struggle, there was only a puddle on the ground. Blood and a decapitating sword that was almost completely rusted.

" turns out this is not Kirigakure's art, but a terrifying sulfuric acid-like substance!"

Yagura felt a little trembling in his heart. If such a terrifying thing were put on the battlefield, it would probably be an absolute killer! Much stronger than those so-called poisonous fogs! At least there is absolutely no antidote to this acid mist.

"Besides, it's too insidious. The external appearance is exactly the same as the Kirigakure Jutsu. If other ninjas mistake this white mist for the Kirigakure Jutsu, then..."

Looking at Loquat Juzo, whose eyes were still open, oh, it had turned into pus and blood, and his purpose could not be seen, Yagura swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Fortunately, Loquat Juuzang rushed too quickly and immediately informed all the ninjas about the power of the Furious Release. When the other Seven Ninja Swordsmen saw the white mist spreading, they were all so frightened that they hurriedly ran away. past.

"Terrumi Mei, don't be cruel! These people are just under the illusion, maybe they can be saved!"

Genshi glanced at Terumi Mei and shouted loudly. Terumi Mei shrugged and said calmly:

"Don't worry, I will be lenient...probably!"

"Terrible woman, let me try your ninjutsu!"

With a soft drink, Kurimaru Kushimaru, who was holding a long knife and needle, stretched out his hand and waved it, and the thin and tough wire directly enveloped Terumi Mei. Terumi Mei gave a sweet drink, opened her mouth again, and spit out a piece of turbid yellow liquid.

There was a squeaking sound, and the iron wire of the long knife and needle was instantly eroded by the yellow liquid. Kurumi Kushimaru's expression changed. Before he could react, Terumi Mei stepped on the ground and turned into a blue streak. The erotic phantom rushed over and punched him in the stomach.


Blood spurted out from the lower edge of the mask in an instant. Kurisan Kushimaru had no idea that Terumi Mei, a petite-looking little girl, could have such a high level of physical skills, with no less speed or strength. An elite jounin who specializes in taijutsu.

Before he could recover from the pain in his abdomen, he heard a scream and Terumi Mei kicked him on the head again, sending him flying directly and hitting the wall with a clang. , the mask cracked into several pieces with a clicking sound, and Kurisan Kushimaru, whose forehead was stained with blood, also passed out.

As soon as Fu took action, Terumi Mei directly killed one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen and knocked unconscious another of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. Her skills were astonishing for a while, and even the Mist Ninjas who didn't understand her strength were stunned.

Even Master Yuan was a little surprised by Mei Ming's performance:

"This girl Terumi Mei's strength has improved a bit quickly... The power of the boiling escape is several times stronger than before. And when did she develop such a superb taijutsu?"

Yuanshi knew this little girl who could be called his apprentice very well. Her talent in ninjutsu was naturally the highest among all the Mist ninjas. At such a young age, she had already awakened a blood successor boundary and was constantly synthesizing a second one. His blood inheritance is limited and his talent is so high that he is the best in the ninja world.

But in terms of talent in taijutsu, it cannot be said that he has no talent at all. It can only be said that he is better than nothing. He is a little stronger than the average chuunin. However, if he is approached by a jounin, he is in danger of overturning.

It's just that with Terumi Mei's terrifying ninjutsu, ordinary jonins don't have a chance to get close to her, and after all, she is still young, and it is normal for her lack of physical skills to be mature, and she should be able to make up for it in a few years. So this is only considered a weakness, not a weakness.

Terumi Mei knocked down two of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen in succession, which gave Yagura a sense of urgency. Bubble, the jinchūriki, had a laid-back personality and no desire for power. He didn't care about these and was just playing the drums. Yagura felt that he was The Mizukage heir didn't want Terumi Mei to overwhelm him.

Thinking of this, Yagura immediately rushed towards the strongest of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, Suiguayama Fugu Oni. Facing the rushing Yagura, Suiguayama Fugu Oni ​​sneered and raised the Samehada sword in his hand. It hit Yagura directly.

Yagura waved the round stick in his hand and turned it into a bright water mirror. The same Watermelon Mountain puffer fish rushed out of the mirror. The two had the same appearance and the same moves. With one blow, they were both knocked away. Come on.

Taking this opportunity, Yagura rushed over without hesitation, and slapped the Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost's chest with his palm. The face of the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost changed, and he suddenly shook his long hair, and his long hair suddenly became as thin as a needle. It bursts out like a rainstorm of pear blossom needles.

Facing the hair that shot out, Yagura was still shocked, but some coral-like substances suddenly grew on his body, and with a jingling sound, he blocked the hair needles that were shot at random.

At the same time, Yagura's palm also pressed on the chest of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon. With a subtle clicking sound, a large number of coral bushes grew from the chest of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon after being hit, and directly covered his whole body, making He couldn't move at all.

"Coral Palm... It turns out that this move doesn't require three tails to be used..."

Uchiha Feiyu in the distance looked at Yagura's two most distinctive moves and touched his chin with surprise. Whether it was the water mirror technique or the coral palm, they had transcended the limitations of ordinary water escape and entered the realm of secret techniques. category.

Yagura can do ordinary water escape so well, and his talent is actually remarkable. You must know that he is the same as Terumi Mei, but there is no family inheritance. These things are all his own from simple water escape. Escape and slowly explore.

The figure trembled slightly, and the thin layer of coral on Yagura's body suddenly fell to the ground. The defense power of these corals is very worrying, and it will also hinder physical activities, but it can still block micro-hidden weapons such as Senbon. Easy.

The coral on Yagura's body was something he did to himself, so it is naturally easy to remove. However, the coral on the body of the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost is very difficult to remove. In just a few seconds, the entire body of the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost turned into a A giant coral reef was built, and even the shark's muscle was forcefully pushed out by the growing coral.

But at this moment, Yagura heard the sound of breaking wind coming from behind, and only heard a click. A large knife with a scroll struck directly on Yagura's head, and a huge explosion occurred, blasting out Splashes all over the place.

"Tch, is it just a water clone?" Muri Jinpachi, who was holding the explosive sword, snorted and flicked it, and the terrifying explosion sounded again, but this time Muri Jinpachi attacked the Watermelon Mountain Fugu Ghost.

With a rumbling explosion, the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost flew out, spitting out two mouthfuls of blood, and barely stood up. It was already covered in bruises, but it was also freed from the shackles of the coral.

"Damn explosive bastard, are you trying to kill me?"

"Aren't you still alive? If it weren't for me, you fat pig would have been captured long ago! Why don't you quickly thank me for saving your life!"

"Stop arguing. Wait until I beat you both down, then you can continue arguing slowly!"

Yagura snorted coldly, and drew a circle with the iron rod in his hand again, but this time, the area reflected by the water mirror he drew seemed a bit large, and he actually copied three more Seven Ninja Swordsmen in one breath.

The four copied figures of Watermelon Mountain Blowfish Ghost, Black Hoe Thunder Fang, Wuli Jinpachi, and Tongcao Yebaiman rushed towards the original Watermelon Mountain Blowfish Ghost and Wuli Jinpachi at the same time, causing their expressions to change drastically. :

"How many ninjas can this guy...replicate?"

"Damn it, isn't there any limit to this kind of ninjutsu?!"

Under the siege of the clones, Suikoyama Fuguki and Muli Jinpachi quickly fell into a disadvantage. Facing Yagura's water mirror technique, there was no way to break it.

On the contrary, Uchiha Feiyu, who was standing higher up, felt through his own perception ability that Yagura's chakra dropped a lot in an instant, and nodded slightly:

"I see, although the copying ability is very powerful, it consumes a lot of chakra, and if the mirror body uses ninjutsu, it will still consume Yagura's chakra."

This mirror image looks very perverted, but if you meet a pervert like Kisame Kisaki with so much chakra, and use the ultimate big explosive water wave, you can probably make Yagura fuck him!

Of course, Yagura was able to become a Jinchuuriki in the original timeline, and he was also a master with endless amounts of chakra. Except for some extreme characters, the chakra of most ninjas is really not comparable to Yagura.

Even if the chakra is stronger than Yagura's, it depends on how much ninjutsu he knows. Uzumaki Naruto's chakra volume is definitely higher than Yagura's, but even if he uses the Rasengan, he will not be able to use it. Can't drain Yagura's chakra.

The Seven Ninja Swordsmen are all ninjas who are dominated by physical skills and swordsmanship. This means that even if they have a lot of chakra in their bodies, they will not use those moves that consume a lot of energy, but mainly use close combat swordsmanship.

At least Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost does not have the style of Hoshigaki Kisame. His water escape level is average, and he is not like Kisame who opens his mouth like an ocean. Yagura is naturally not afraid of imitating the Pufferfish Ghost and draining his chakra.

"Speaking of which, Hoshigaki Kisame is not an orthodox member of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. He was originally a subordinate of Xiguashan Puffer Demon. Later, he killed Xiguashan Puffer Demon and took away Samehada."

"But in the end, it was Hoshigaki Kisame, who was a wild man, who really brought out all the power of the big sword Samehada, and the sword was perfectly matched with it. I don't know if it was because Xiguashan Puffer Demon was really too weak."

Yakura had an absolute upper hand, and there was no need to mention Mei Terumi. She used Boiling Release and Dissolving Release in succession, and in an instant, the remaining Seven Ninja Swordsmen fell into a desperate situation.

The black hoe Raiga who used the thunder sword and the ninja who used the double swords flatfish were fine, but the grass-wielding bait man who used the blunt sword Douqi had no ability to resist the overwhelming acid mist and solution.

After a few moves, the blunt sword Douqie in the hands of Tongcao Yeiren was corroded by the melting escape. The blunt sword Douqie was fine, but his hands were burned by the melting escape solution, and even the skin and flesh were melted. The bones of his hands were almost visible.

With a bang, the blunt sword Douqie fell to the ground. Tongcao Yeiren was now left with only the palms of bones, and could no longer hold the weapon in his hand. After the ninja sword left his hand, Terumi Mei immediately kicked out and knocked out another ninja swordsman.

The sword master of the double-sword flounder was now surrounded by various bubbles blown by Bubble. As for the various sword attacks he swung, Bubble just covered his body with a layer of tailed beast clothes and grew two tails, and smashed them all.

Terumi Mei glanced around. Yagura surrounded the two ninja swordsmen of the Seven, and had the upper hand. Bubble did not need help, and there was only one Kuroki Raiga left among the seven.

"It seems that you are the only one left... Do you want to surrender? Kurochu Raiga!"

"Are you kidding me? How can I surrender!"

"I am kidding, I forgot that you are still under the illusion!"

Terumi Mei chuckled, opened her mouth, and the horrible acid mist gushed out again.

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