Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 149 Yagura vs. Mei Terumi

After fighting for about ten minutes, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were completely wiped out. Except for the unlucky Biwa Juzo, the other six Seven Ninja Swordsmen were all captured alive.

"Are these guys really under illusion? It seems that it is completely invisible!"

Yakura circled around the six people, looked at the expressions of the six Ninja Swordsmen who were looking at him fiercely, and asked with a frown.

"They are indeed under illusion. If you don't believe it, Lord Yagura can use chakra to explore their brains, and you can find the chakra entrenched there!"

Qing, who was staring at one white eye, said to Yagura in a low voice. It was also with his white eyes that the master confirmed that the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were all under illusion.

In fact, the master did not only let Qing take a look at the heads of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, but also let Qing take a look at all the ninjas present, especially Yagura, Mei Terumi, and Bubble.

These three are the strongest ninjas in the entire Mist Ninja. If they are also controlled by illusions, the Mist Ninja Village will be completely destroyed. The master must be extremely careful.

Unfortunately, Uchiha Feiyu had already prepared. The control ability of the Hehuan Book Dual Cultivation Technique is not an illusion. From the flow of chakra, there is no abnormality, and Qing's white eyes are no exception.

It is precisely because it has been confirmed once that the master trusts everyone present.

After listening to Qing's words, Yagura was the first to reach out and wanted to press on the head of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, but he was born with a childish body, and the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost was like a meat mountain even when sitting down. After reaching out his hand, he actually only pressed on the shoulder of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost.

Yagura blushed, and took his hand back as if nothing had happened, as if he didn't hear the snickering behind him, and reached out and pressed on the head of the grass wild bait man again.

Chakra slowly penetrated the body, and soon Yagura felt a strange chakra in the head of the wild man. He frowned and burst out his own chakra directly, trying to disrupt the strange chakra.

"Uh uh uh ah ah ah!!!"

As Yagura's chakra and the strange chakra in the head of the wild man collided with each other, the wild man trembled and screamed, then his eyes rolled back, his head drooped, and he died.

From his ears and nose, a pink semi-solidified substance gradually flowed out, which was a mixture of blood and brain matter.

"Uh... Actually I didn't mean it..."

Yakura loosened his palm, opened his mouth, and with a bit of panic on his face, he hurriedly explained:

"I just input a little chakra, it shouldn't have any effect at all, right? At most, it will give people a headache..."

"This is not your problem, but the reason of the illusion... The illusion has penetrated into the brain of the wild man, and even completely merged with the chakra flow in his brain."

"You touched the illusion chakra in the wild man's brain. As the illusion chakra was touched, all the chakra in the wild man's brain became chaotic and violent, directly turning his brain into a mess!"

Qing stared at his own eyes, and said a series of changes in the wild man's head just now, and frowned at the same time.

Not only did he frown, but the group of Mist Ninjas around him all showed some surprise, worry, and even fear.

This illusion can completely change a ninja's mental will, and the ordinary way of disrupting chakra obviously has no effect on this illusion. If an outsider inputs chakra into the brain and wants to remove it in the most direct way, it will also blow the ninja's brain into a brain flower...

Think about it carefully, this illusion is super scary, okay? ! ! And even the Seven Ninja Swordsmen and even the Third Mizukage are not immune to this illusion. Who else in the Mist Village can resist this illusion?

"It's too difficult to solve the illusion. It seems that we can only find a way to prevent this illusion!"

The person who spoke was Mei Terumi. She had long known that the illusion transformed by Uchiha Feiyu with the God-Delivering Technique was not so easy to crack. At least the current foundation of the Mist Village is impossible to solve without studying for more than ten or twenty years.

"It's not about removing the illusion, but preventing the illusion? Thinking this way is indeed a way..."

The master nodded, thinking that Mei Terumi's idea was good. Since this illusion cannot be removed, then find a way to prevent it!

Anyway, such a terrible illusion cannot be used without limit. As long as all the senior ninjas of the Mist Ninja have the ability to prevent it, most of the harm caused by this illusion can be limited.

"To prevent this illusion... this illusion must control the chakra in the brain to be completely effective, so as long as some seals are left in the brain, it is enough to prevent illusions."

Yagura thought about it and gave a solution. Leaving a seal in the brain is also a normal thing for ninjas. The most common one is those Anbu ninjas. However, most of the seals are used to prevent the memory in the brain from being read. There is no seal like this to prevent illusions.

After all, although ordinary illusions are powerful, they are not so unsolvable. They will not even penetrate into the brain of the ninja, but will not be affected by the seal.

"Set a seal in the brain to prevent this illusion? Theoretically, there is no problem. This seal should be easy to develop. Just flip the seal that restricts the outflow of brain memory in the opposite direction!"

A seal ninja born in the Mist Ninja Anbu thought for a while and gave the answer. After hearing this, many Mist Ninjas finally breathed a sigh of relief. If there is no solution at all, then the entire Mist Ninja will probably have to live in a terrifying atmosphere in the future.

"Okay, it's good that there is a solution to this problem. Imprison these five ninjas first, put away the ninja swords, and let the sealing team quickly study the brain sealing technique according to the samples, and then talk about the brain sealing."

"The most important thing now is, who should the Mist Ninja Village choose as the fourth generation Mizukage?"

As soon as the master finished speaking, Yagura's expression moved, his eyes turned around, and looked at Terumi Mei.

Mei Terumi also gave him a bright smile and stood up without hesitation:

"Master, what do you think of me? I think I am now the strongest ninja in the Mist Village. Who else but me can be the Fourth Mizukage?"

The Mist Village is not Konoha. This village is full of blood mist policies. There is no such thing as the will of water, nor is there any voting for the jonin. It is very easy to become a Mizukage. Ninjas who are interested in this can just fight and whoever wins will be the Mizukage!

There is no style of respect and tolerance here. In addition to keeping their own ninjutsu secret, the stronger and more outspoken their personality is, the more they will be supported by the ninjas in the village.

So Mei Terumi stood up first without saying anything, showing her courage that who else but me can do it. This is also because she is a female ninja, so she has to be more strong and domineering.

Although gender discrimination in the ninja world is not serious, it still exists a little bit. Female ninjas are not as strong as male ninjas due to their natural physical and personality factors.

"Really? I don't think so! If you want to get the position of Mizukage, you have to get past me first! I am also very interested in the position of the Fourth Mizukage!"

Yagura gritted his teeth and stood up. He had already reserved the position of the Fourth Mizukage. What's the matter with being intercepted by a 16- or 17-year-old girl?

You know, Yagura looks like a 13- or 14-year-old child, but he is actually 30 years old, and his son has graduated from the ninja school!

So Yagura is actually a whole generation older than Terumi Mei! He is the real ninja who has fully entered the prime of life.

The strength of a ninja of this age can be said to be at the peak of his life. If he doesn't dare to compete with Terumi Mei for the position of Mizukage in this situation, then he won't have to stay in the village in the future.

However, Yagura had just seen Terumi Mei's attack. It must be said that the ninja with double bloodline limits really scared Yagura.

Moreover, Terumi Mei's two bloodline limits are both extremely lethal ninjutsu, and it is obvious that the synthesis is relatively successful. Although the characteristics of the two ninjutsu are extremely corrosive and slightly repetitive, they are definitely more difficult to deal with than ordinary single bloodline limit ninjutsu.

The awakening of the double bloodline limits also made Terumi Mei's foundation and basic qualities soar to an extremely high level. Anyway, according to Yagura's feeling, the opponent's chakra amount is not much worse than his own, and his physical fitness is far above his own.

"And the opponent's ninjutsu is too terrible, and his physical fitness is far superior to mine. The close combat ninjutsu such as Coral Palm can be said to be useless... So if I want to win... I can only rely on the Water Mirror Technique!"

With a firm idea in his mind, Yagura has walked out directly, and Terumi Mei also chuckled and stood opposite Yagura.

As for the group of ninjas around, seeing someone trying to compete for the position of Mizukage, they all showed excitement and retreated in a big circle.

The battle between Kage-level ninjas is not something you can see at any time. I just watched the battle between the Seven and Terumi Mei and the other two. This time, I can see the internal fight between Kage-level ninjas. The group of Kirigakure ninjas who are already aggressive are more excited than each other.

Yagura did not wait for Terumi Mei to make a move. He immediately drew a water mirror, and in an instant, a Terumi Mei was also reflected.

It’s just that Terumi Mei can become the fifth generation Mizukage in the original work, and her fighting talent is also first-class. Naturally, she has long thought about what ninjutsu Yagura will use.

Even before that, she also observed Yagura’s various ninjutsu and had a great understanding of Yagura’s water mirror technique.

"The Water Mirror Technique does seem to be very unsolvable, but if I'm not mistaken, the bloodline limit it replicates should consume a lot of chakra!"

The corners of Terumi Mei's mouth showed a smile, and she formed seals with her hands. In an instant, a terrifying acid gushed out of her mouth, as if gushing out like a waterfall.

"Dissolution escape - sulfuric acid waterfall!"

The thick liquid with a yellow turbid color gushed out like a waterfall. With bursts of sizzling sounds, even the ground was eroded by this concentrated sulfuric acid-like liquid, leaving traces and thick white smoke.

Seeing this terrifying acidity, a group of ninjas watching the battle on the periphery suddenly jumped up and down, rolling and crawling to hide.

Don’t think that the sulfuric acid waterfall spit out by Mei Terumi is smaller than the general waterfall technique, but the power of this thing is not comparable to the water-style waterfall technique. Even if there is a little splash of water, it can directly corrode the skin, flesh and bones of a person!

And at the same time, Mei Terumi, who was reflected in the mirror, also formed the same hand seal and performed the same ninjutsu!

Damn! This woman’s ninjutsu consumes too much!

Yagura staggered directly, and felt that the chakra in his body dropped as if the power was tripped, and almost half of it disappeared in an instant.

As Mei Terumi said, although Yagura’s water mirror technique can copy the blood limit, just like Kakashi who transplanted the Sharingan, the consumption of using the Sharingan is much greater than that of normal Uchiha, Yagura’s water mirror technique has the same disadvantages.

If the ninjutsu performed by Mei Terumi consumes one chakra, then Yagura must at least triple that of Mei Terumi! Even if Yagura has the potential of a Jinchūriki, Terumi Mei's chakra amount is not inferior at all. The difference of nearly five times in chakra consumption directly made Yagura's face pale.

At this moment, the two sulfuric acid waterfalls have collided with each other, and the yellow sulfuric acid liquid spread out, making the ninjas on the periphery look even more miserable. Fortunately, several ninjas from the barrier class rushed out and directly set up a simple barrier, which blocked the spread of sulfuric acid liquid.

Seeing the aftermath of a sulfuric acid waterfall rushing towards him, Yagura quickly stretched out his hand to make a seal and summoned a soil flow wall. With a hissing sound, the entire earth wall was directly penetrated by the sulfuric acid liquid. A big hole.

Yagura summoned three soil flow walls in succession, which finally blocked the terrible sulfuric acid liquid. He turned his head to look at Terumi Mei, but saw that Terumi Mei stepped directly on the sulfuric acid liquid, and even her clothes were not wrinkled.

"What's going on... I understand, this guy is immune to his own ninjutsu!"

Yagura looked at Terumi Mei standing on the sulfuric acid, and was a little confused at first, and then reacted.

Most ninjas can also hurt themselves when performing ninjutsu. Ninjas who are immune to their own ninjutsu are very rare. They are only ninjas who have reached the limit of the nature of ninjutsu.

And Mei Terumi is undoubtedly such a ninja. In the original timeline, she directly used the dissolution technique to spray sulfuric acid and licked the sulfuric acid from the corner of her mouth. If she didn't have the ability to be immune to her own ninjutsu, she would have been disfigured by sulfuric acid long ago!

"Damn... This woman is immune to her own ninjutsu. In this case, my water mirror technique is almost ineffective!"

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