Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 150 The Fourth Mizukage Mei Terumi


A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and Yagura flew backwards, hitting the barrier in the distance and falling to the ground.

"Damn it...the difference in physical fitness is so huge...she's obviously just a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old, but her reaction speed and sheer physical strength are so much better than mine!"

"Admit defeat, Yagura!"

Terumi Mei walked over with confident steps. Yagura's face was full of embarrassment at the moment. The eroded skin and muscles of the arm that was originally holding an iron rod had festered. At the same time, she was hit in the chest. His feet were kicked and two ribs were broken.

After the Water Mirror Technique was ineffective, Yagura could only bite the bullet and try to use Ninjutsu Todo and Coral Palm to deal with Terumi Mei. Unfortunately, in terms of pure water escape, the gap between Yagura and Terumi Mei was too big.

If you think about it, you will know that Yagura's water escape is closer to the secret technique, while Terumi Mei's practice of blood inheritance is pure chakra properties and changes in form. When Ninjutsu is against Todoroki, Yagura can't do it. Not Terumi Mei's opponent.

Pushed to the limit, Yagura could only risk getting closer. The result was that Terumi Mei took a mouthful of acid mist, which eroded the hand holding the weapon with holes. It was also a pity that Terumi Mei used boiling acid mist instead of Dissolve the acid, otherwise Yagura's hand may be completely melted.

Even though it cost him a hand in the end, Yagura got close to Terumi Mei, but because his reaction nerves could not keep up with Terumi Mei's speed, he was directly kicked and two bones were broken.

In fact, Yagura was able to get close to Terumi Mei because Terumi Mei was merciful and did not want to kill Yagura directly. Otherwise, due to the terrifying corrosiveness of Melting Release and Boiling Release, coupled with the fact that Terumi Mei is immune to her own ninjutsu, As long as a layer of boiling escape mist is spread around himself, Yagura has no chance of getting close to Terumi Mei.

"Damn it, I don't want to admit defeat like this..."

Yagura tried hard to stand up, but it only involved the broken ribs in his chest. He felt a sharp pain in his chest, and a mouthful of blood spat out from his mouth.

The ribs were broken, and the injuries to the internal organs were naturally not minor. Based on the feeling in his chest, Yagura could even clearly feel that one of the ribs had penetrated into his internal organs.

If he didn't rescue him urgently, even if he was a ninja with strong vitality, he would probably die.

Thinking of this, no matter how unwilling Yagura was, he could only lower his head helplessly and said:

"You win, Terumi Mei, the position of the Fourth Mizukage is yours!"

When these words came out, Yagura's whole body seemed to have his back broken, and he looked lifeless.

As the outcome between the two was decided, the barrier ninja who was originally guarding the perimeter also opened the barrier. At this moment, Genshi, who had been hiding on the perimeter, saw this and slowly walked towards Terumi Mei.

"I really didn't expect... Although I thought you could become the Mizukage, Terumi Mei, I didn't expect you to be able to defeat Yagura at this age."

"You even hid it from me... I didn't expect you to synthesize the second blood successor limit so quickly!"

As Terumi Mei's half-teacher, Genshi knew that Terumi Mei had cultivated the Boiling Release Blood Sequence Limit. At the same time, he also knew that Terumi Mei had been working hard towards synthesizing the second Blood Sequence Limit. However, Terumi Mei's current performance was too much. It's so amazing, it doesn't look like it was achieved in a short period of time.

He thought that the original Terumi Mei, even in front of him, had already fused with the second blood successor boundary!

But he didn't expect that Terumi Mei actually had no reservations. It was only because of his dual cultivation with Uchiha Feiha that his strength greatly improved.

But no matter where Terumi Mei's strength comes from, after defeating Yagura, she is already an out-and-out fourth generation Mizukage!

"Ah..., being a Mizukage is not that simple!"

In the Mizukage office, Terumi Mei threw her Mizukage hat away. The hat drew an arc and hung on the hook on the wall. She stretched hard and sat upright on the chair. Erlang legs.

"It's really not that simple, so I only like to be the mastermind behind the scenes, not the boss!"

With a burst of laughter, Uchiha Hiba appeared in Mizukage's office. Terumi Mei's face suddenly showed bright joy, and she happily threw herself at Uchiha Hiba:

"Feiyu, how was my performance this time? I easily defeated that Yagura!"

Although Terumi Mei's strength has improved so quickly, it is all thanks to Uchiha Feiha's help. However, Uchiha Feiyu would not say such disappointing words at this time. He stretched out his arms to hug Terumi Mei, who rushed over, and reached out to help her. He smoothed his hair:

"The performance is quite good. He has legitimately won the position of the Fourth Mizukage without leaving any future troubles."

"Next, I will help you get the name of the Kingdom of Water, fully implement the chakra cultivation method in the Kingdom of Water, and make this Kingdom of Water become my medicine garden. Then you only need to cooperate."

Terumi Mei, who was in Uchiha Hiba's arms, nodded after hearing his words, but then frowned slightly:

"The Mist Ninja Village is different from other Ninja Villages. After so many years of suffering from the Blood Mist Policy, even the Mizukage does not have absolute authority in this village."

"Especially the Bloodstained Family in the village, which has grown very strong over the years. After all, the three Mizukages are all ninjas from the Bloodstained Family."

"So even if I become the Mizukage, I can't really fully mobilize the power of the Mist Ninja Village. Some ordinary things can be discussed, but for such earth-shaking events, it's hard to say whether the family ninjas and I are of the same mind..." No, to be precise, those family ninjas will definitely work against me and cause trouble for me!"

After opening up the chakra cultivation method, the interests of the ninja family will of course be harmed, just like after the rise of civilian ninjas, the rights of the family ninjas were compressed.

Although most of the talents of these civilians in the Kingdom of Water are far from mediocre and should be described as rotten wood, as long as the base is large, there will naturally be no shortage of that kind of genius.

At that time, those ordinary ninja families may not be able to compete with these commoner ninjas!

"It doesn't matter... other countries have begun to implement the universal chakra policy. When the time comes, they will naturally force those family ninjas to open up. Just like the establishment of the ninja school in the first place, wasn't it also forced out?"

Uchiha Feiyu put his hand into Terumi Mei's clothes and said nonchalantly with a smile on his lips.

You must know that before the establishment of Ninja Village, there was no such thing as civilian ninja. At that time, the entire ninja world was almost composed of family ninjas. Occasionally, there were some without family power, and they were also low-strength Nami ninjas.

However, after Konoha began to reform the ninja school, a large number of civilian ninjas soon emerged. In order to be able to fight against Konoha's constant cannon fodder and the geniuses emerging from the cannon fodder, other ninja villages had to open their doors and recruit a large number of people. civilians for ninja education.

Establishing a ninja school will only reduce the rights of family ninjas, but if Konoha develops, then I am afraid that all ninja families in other countries will be in danger of annihilation!

It's the same now, when both the Fire Country and the Wind Country begin to promote chakra training for all, the other three countries have only two choices - either use all their strength to directly destroy the Fire Country and the Wind Country, or else Just imitate the other party and start chakra training for everyone.

Otherwise, in just five or six years, the combat effectiveness of both sides will reach a new level. In just ten years, the other two big countries can single-handedly destroy the remaining three big countries!

In this case, even if the ninja family in Mist Ninja Village opposes it, it will have no effect. The future will inevitably be an era of chakra cultivation for all.

The Bloodstained Family is okay. Their abilities come from their own bloodline, so they won't be too affected. The Secret Art Family is also slightly better. Through generations of practice and improvement, the Secret Art of the Secret Art Family and their own bloodline, There is already a large part of the integration that can become the foundation of their existence.

Those who are really unlucky are those ninja families with no characteristics. For example, a certain Sarutobi family who is "proficient in fire escape" is one of the main characters who will be beaten by the wave of the times.

Terumi Mei snorted, stretched out a hand to cover Uchiha Feiyu's big hand that was making trouble in her clothes, and gave him a charming look:

"If it is true as you said, then I am confident in promoting the universal chakra plan, but if this happens, the Mist Ninja Village will be greatly affected."

"You must know that the Kingdom of Water is an archipelago country. Although the Mist Ninja Village is the strongest ninja force in the Kingdom of Water, there are still many ninja families and ninja forces on other islands that do not belong to and obey the jurisdiction of the Mist Ninja. ”

"After the National Chakra Plan is advanced, those ninja families and ninja forces will not stand aside. The greatest possibility is that all genius civilian ninjas born on other islands will be conquered by those ninja forces!"

"Tsk, it's true that the temple demon is so powerful, Chi Qian is so arrogant... Why is your Mist Ninja Village so troubled as the Sand Ninja Village?"

Uchiha Feiyu said something unhappily, the two ninja villages ranked at the bottom are really similar, because of the obstacles of the desert terrain, the Country of Wind is also full of mountains, and there are so many small forces of all kinds. It is precisely because of this , only then did the daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind have the basic base to take control of the Sand Ninja Village.

Of course, later on, with the help of Uchiha Feiyu, all the mountains and hills in the Kingdom of Wind were almost leveled, and eventually they all became nutrients in the Hunyuanbao Box.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Feiyu gently squeezed the beans in his hand, making Terumi Mei's whole body soften, and then he took out his hand and took out a seal scroll.

After the scroll was opened, there was a black box inside, with two simple traditional Chinese characters written on it: Hunyuan.

This was one of the four Hunyuanbao boxes refined by Uchiha Feiyu. He stretched out his finger and directly integrated part of his spiritual power into the Hunyuanbao box.

This is another method of controlling the Hunyuan Treasure Box discovered by Uchiha Feiyu. To be precise, it is similar to the clone technique in the Naruto world. It is close to a spiritual clone and has no attack and defense capabilities. Its only function is Just control the mixed ingot box.

After all, if you want to obtain black energy, Uchiha Feiyu must kill people with his own hands. In the past, Uchiha Feiyu used the clone technique to operate the Hunyuan Treasure Box, so it was considered that Uchiha Feiyu did it himself.

But later, Uchiha Feiyu felt that the transferred memories were too troublesome, so he developed this kind of spiritual clone technique. He had already tried it. As long as he died in the Hunyuan Treasure Box with his own spiritual imprint, then They are all considered to be the people they killed.

And after possessing the spiritual imprint, the Hunyuanbao Box is no longer a taboo item that cannot be touched by others. As long as you agree with it, you can give the Hunyuanbao Box to other ninjas for use.

At this moment, Uchiha Feiyu handed the Hunyuanbao Box to Terumi Mei. Terumi Mei was stunned for a moment, then reached out and took the Hunyuanbao Box, looked at it carefully, and asked:

"Is this box some kind of powerful ninja tool? What do the two words above mean? It looks quite ancient."

The text in the Naruto world is Japanese, which was originally developed from Chinese, and even retained part of the Chinese text. Although Terumi Mei could not recognize the traditional Chinese character Hunyuan, she could still see that this font structure was related to her current situation. All the texts they know belong to the same system.

"This box is called the Hunyuan Treasure Box, and these two characters are called Hunyuan. The so-called Hunyuan, the vitality is not divided, and the chaos is one, which is the beginning of the vitality!"

"That is to say, it refers to an extremely ancient and primitive energy. The energy in the treasure box can directly transform living people into absorbable pills, which are the pills I gave you!"

Terumi Mei was shocked when she heard this, her eyes flashed with light, and she clenched the Hunyuan Treasure Box in her hand:

"This... this kind of treasure, Feiyu, do you want to give it to me?"

Terumi Mei didn't have the slightest taboo about the cruelty of the Hunyuanbao Box. Knowing the effect of Qi and Blood Pills, in Terumi Mei's eyes, the Hunyuanbao Box was definitely the best treasure in the entire ninja world!

Although this is close to indirect cannibalism, in the cruel ninja world, this is really not a big deal.

Not to mention refining elixirs through mixed ingot boxes, if eating living people directly can increase a little bit of chakra, then there will definitely be a lot of ninjas willing to eat people in the entire Naruto world!

"Don't worry, there are four Hunyuanbao boxes in total, and I have already given away two of them. Moreover, I also have the method of refining the Hunyuanbao boxes. I can just make a few more when the time comes."

After hearing this, Terumi Mei finally felt relieved and directly held the mixed ingot box tightly. Seeing Terumi Mei's cautious look, Uchiha Feiyu chuckled:

"Don't worry, the Hun Yuanbao Box has my spiritual imprint. Only those with my permission can touch it. If others touch the Hun Yuanbao Box, they will only be completely drained by the Hun Yuanbao Box."

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