Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 153: Change of cultivation goal

Walking out of Orochimaru's Root Base, Uchiha Hiha followed behind a girl with blue hair.

The girl had a confused look on her face, and her eyes looked like she was about to cry. She was the former reincarnation container "given" to Uchiha Hiha by Orochimaru, and the ninja Honglian who possessed the Crystal Style Bloodline Limit.

Although Orochimaru's personal appearance is not very good, and his temperament is somewhat cold and murderous, always giving people the feeling of a cold-blooded animal, but it must be admitted that he is very good at abducting and brainwashing those orphans.

If Danzo had Orochimaru's brainwashing and bewitching abilities, he would not need to use the curse seal to control the ninjas of the Root.

This container of Orochimaru, the Crystal Style Ninja Honglian, is naturally the kind that is bewitched by Orochimaru. The thing she has been looking forward to the most is to dedicate her body to Orochimaru.

Don't get me wrong, this is not a dedication in that sense, but directly being possessed by Orochimaru as a container!

As a result, in order to get more funds, soul pills, and unknown knowledge from Uchiha Feiyu, Orochimaru directly gave this fanatic away.

This was a devastating blow to Honglian. She was in a bad mood for a while, so she naturally couldn't have a good expression.

However, Uchiha Feiyu didn't bother to pay attention to her. He had played with too many beauties now. Although the little beauty behind him was of high quality and even had the potential to be a Kage-level ninja, she was just an ordinary plaything for him.

The price that Uchiha Feiyu used to exchange for this little beauty was just some of his own cells and asked Orochimaru to help with a physical examination.

Today, Uchiha Feiyu's immortal body can be regarded as a great success. To a certain extent, his body cells can even be comparable to Senju Hashirama's wood escape cells, so they are naturally precious materials.

Anyway, Uchiha Feiyu is making progress all the time. He believes that even if he gives his cells to Orochimaru, Orochimaru will not be able to research anything that can surpass him in the end, just like he can't beat Senju Hashirama even if he studies Wood Release Cells to death.

What really makes Uchiha Feiyu consider now is the conclusion drawn by Orochimaru after checking his body materials just now.

"My body has reached the limit of flesh and blood life... and it is beginning to show signs of energy? This should be a precursor to the transformation of the Otsutsuki clan!"

The Otsutsuki clan is almost all energy life. This can be seen from the Otsutsuki Isshiki who only has half of his body left but can still survive, the Otsutsuki Kaguya who was sealed on the moon for thousands of years and is still alive, and the Six Paths Madara who was kicked into a big hole by Emperor Kai and recovered in a blink of an eye.

But... to be honest, Uchiha Feiyu still has great doubts about whether he should evolve on the path of the Otsutsuki clan.

In the world of Naruto, the pure-blooded Otsutsuki is naturally the ceiling, with an energy body, immortality, huge chakra, and natural disaster-level ninjutsu like innate magical powers...

This kind of strength, in some weak worlds, is directly called a god without any problem, and according to the later Boruto, the Otsutsuki clan has a stronger evolution mode.

For example, Otsutsuki Shiba, the legendary God of Otsutsuki, is the final form evolved by the people of the Otsutsuki clan after devouring countless planetary fruits. It is said that it has left the material world and entered a higher dimension.

But in the final analysis, Uchiha Feiyu still feels that the limit of these Otsutsuki is too low. Even if the so-called God of Otsutsuki has entered a higher dimension, or it can't bear the energy in the body and naturally disintegrates, there is no conclusion yet!

Even if it really enters a higher dimension, looking at this situation, it is estimated that it has become something like a conceptual god. Although Uchiha Feiyu yearns for powerful power, if he cultivates himself into something like a concept and even loses his own form, then he will still decline.

Of course, the most important thing is that Uchiha Feiyu has the book of the inheritance of the magic way as a foundation. He is confident that even if he does not evolve on the path of the Otsutsuki, he will still be able to successfully surpass these Otsutsuki in the future, and even surpass the entire ninja world.

Otherwise, if he is really a native of the ninja world, why would he be so picky? He would have learned from Orochimaru long ago and tried every means to make himself closer to the bloodline of the Otsutsuki clan.

"The upper limit of the book of the inheritance of the magic way is undoubtedly far beyond that of the Otsutsuki clan. Not to mention other things, just the fact that I can get the secret method of the Devouring Heaven Demon Art means that at least the entire book of the Devouring Heaven Demon Art is in it."

No matter how much the Otsutsuki clan in the Naruto world is overestimated, they will definitely not be able to defeat the emperor of the world of the Heaven-shaking World. Let alone the emperor, it is estimated that any saint can defeat the entire Otsutsuki clan.

Except for the life span, the Otsutsuki clan has nothing to compare with those Zhatian people. Not to mention the upper limit of both sides, even at the same energy level, the chakra system is far inferior to Zhatian's secret realm method of using the body as a seed.

Of course, the chakra system is not without advantages. Its biggest advantage is that it is very easy to practice!

There is no need to practice at all. Planting trees and eating fruits are things that anyone can do. It is easy to gain powerful strength. This is much easier than Zhatian's method of fighting or being struck by lightning, and dying all day long.

"However, the book of the inheritance of the magic way must contain more than just the method of covering the sky. For example, the popular cannibalism schools such as the Yangshen World and the Eternal World are probably also inherited."

"Compared to the group of fierce people in the Covering the Sky, the cannibalism in the Shenji pen is much easier to practice. As long as the resources and population are sufficient, and the mentality is ruthless enough, a pig can practice it!"

"If the book of the inheritance of the magic way is more powerful, and there are some inheritances such as the Primordial World and the First Life, the upper limit is even more unimaginable... In comparison, the chakra system is not good enough."

Uchiha Feiyu has never changed the chakra system, just because he knows very well that this most basic cultivation system should also consume the most!

Moreover, Uchiha Feiyu may not be able to practice some cultivation systems successfully.

If you want to practice the Yangshen cultivation method of the Yangshen World, you first need acupoints and thunder tribulations.

If you want to practice the secret realm method of the Covering the Sky World, you must first find the Emperor of the Wilderness to leave you the secret realm seeds.

If you want to practice the gene lock in Infinite Terror, you must first find "Gu" to add a setting for you...

It is precisely because of this consideration that Uchiha Feiyu must use precise sacrifices to get the foundation method that suits his heart. Otherwise, after finally getting a powerful practice method, he finally found that he did not meet the conditions for practice at all. Then Uchiha Feiyu would probably be angry to death.

"But anyway, since I am not going to follow the path of the Otsutsuki clan, I can't continue to absorb chakra in the future. Otherwise, I estimate that it won't be long before my body will start to completely transform into energy."

The chakra system does not have too many mysteries. It is completely a qualitative change that uses a large amount of chakra. Ordinary ninjas may have a limit to their tolerance, but Uchiha Feiyu, who has already absorbed the Outer Path Demon Statue and is essentially the human body of the God Tree, does not need to consider so much.

According to Uchiha Feiyu's estimation, he has now reached a certain critical point. If he continues to absorb like this, he will probably transform into an energy body within a year or two.

By that time, even if he wanted to change his cultivation, the path he could take would become narrower. After all, even the so-called magic skills were mostly for the flesh and blood body to cultivate, and the number of magic skills that could be transformed into energy bodies was very rare.

Moreover, the energy body was not as durable as the flesh and blood body. If there was any energy conflict when the flesh and blood body was transformed into cultivation, it might just spit out a few mouthfuls of blood and recuperate for a few days. If there was an energy conflict when the energy body was transformed into cultivation, it might explode into a big firework!

Of course, not absorbing chakra does not mean that those chakras are useless. Chakra is a thing that is both mediocre and omnipotent. The biggest advantage is that it can be transformed and absorbed at will. It can be said to be a special energy for leeks.

Even if Uchiha Feiyu changed his cultivation system in the future, he could still absorb chakra and transform it into energy such as true qi and mana to improve his own skills, so there would be no problem of wasting anything.


In the blink of an eye, nearly three years had passed.

In three years, the entire Naruto world ushered in earth-shaking changes. The biggest change was that more and more people had chakra.

For example, in the Fire Country, which has the best implementation of the policy of universal chakra, basically one in every ten people has chakra. Even if that little chakra makes it difficult to use a transformation technique, it is beyond the range of normal people.

In addition, the Wind Country and the Water Country are also constantly implementing this policy, but because the economic conditions of the two countries are poor and there are many illiterates, the chakra ownership rate is far lower than that of Konoha. Only one in fifteen or sixteen people has chakra.

As for the Land of Earth and the Land of Lightning, the development speed is far slower than that of the other three countries. After all, Uchiha Feiyu did not use illusions to control them. The quarrels between the ninja villages, daimyo, and nobles alone delayed a long time.

At the beginning, the two major countries threatened war and wanted to force other countries to stop such a strategy. Unfortunately, the top leaders of the three countries were all controlled by Uchiha Feiyu. That was a turtle eating a weight and was determined to implement the universal chakra policy, not afraid of a war at all.

In this situation, the Lightning Country and the Earth Country were the last to give in. There was no other way. Even the stubborn stone heads of the Rock Village and the irritable barbarians of the Cloud Village knew that they could not defeat the three countries alone.

Let alone the three countries, even if Konoha was alone, the Lightning Country and the Earth Country might not be able to defeat it. Add the Mist and Sand Ninjas, and they would definitely lose miserably.

Moreover, with the implementation of the policy of cultivating chakras by all the people, there will inevitably be more and more strong people from the three countries on the opposite side. The biggest advantage of the chakra system is that it can be cultivated quickly. As long as the qualifications are good, an adult can form a good combat effectiveness even after only one or two years of training.

After all, chakra is not like internal strength. It does not matter how many years you have to practice. How much chakra you can extract from your body is how much chakra you have. It does not mean that if you practice chakra for 20 years, the amount of chakra you can exceed that of others who practice for one or two years.

Therefore, the past one or two years are not for practicing chakra refining techniques, but for practicing ninjutsu and taijutsu. As long as the aptitude is good enough, an adult can become a good fighting force in one or two years.

Even among ordinary civilians, the good aptitude can be said to be one in a thousand. The Fire Country with hundreds of millions of people can also produce hundreds of thousands of ninja troops. When the time comes, the Thunder and Earth Countries will fight head-on!

Finally, after nearly two years of struggling, seeing that the three major countries were doing their own thing and the chakra practice method had spread and could not be banned at all, the two countries of Lei Tu could only follow up immediately with curses, so as to avoid the gap in strength.

These two countries started late, and when implementing the strategy, they were not united, and there were often some people who dragged their feet. Until now, the national chakra policy has only started, and the chakra ownership rate of ordinary civilians is less than 1%.

But no matter what, the national chakra practice policy has taken root. Even if the monarchs and shadows of several major countries want to abolish it, they can't do it in the face of the spreading chakra extraction method.

The spread of the chakra extraction method has led to chaos at the social level. After all, even if only the chakra of the ninja student level is extracted and added to the body, it is enough to make an ordinary person become a fierce general in the romance novel, and it is not a problem for one person to fight dozens of people.

When a person suddenly gains powerful strength, he will naturally feel dizzy and do things that he dare not do on weekdays. There are quite a few civilians who do all kinds of evil after practicing chakra refining techniques and gaining a little strength.

Of course, these civilians who are overwhelmed by power eventually become the nourishment of the Hunyuan Treasure Box.

With only chakra but no ninjutsu, any genin can kill seven or eight of these shinobi ninjas. Soon, the ninjas of the ninja village told these civilians who gained chakra that your father is still your father.

Uzumaki Naruto, the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki, had chakra several times stronger than Kakashi when he just graduated. But if it was a one-on-one duel, Kakashi would have no problem beating 100 newly graduated Narutos. It can be seen that having chakra alone without ninjutsu and combat experience is just a sandbag with a stronger strength.

However, now the three countries including the Fire Nation have passed the painful period, because more and more civilians possess chakras, and no civilians think that they are invincible just because they have awakened their chakras - maybe you just want to have a free meal, but you will be beaten up by a restaurant owner who has also awakened his chakras!

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