Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 154 Three Years of Change

When the pain of awakening chakra for all people is over, the rest are all benefits.

First of all, there is a large-scale flood of ninja resources. Although the ninjas cultivated by Konoha Ninja Village are all elites because of their ancestral blood, and the family ninjas have various secret techniques and blood limit - but the number of civilians is too large!

Even if the probability of a genius appearing among civilians is very small, when the number of awakened chakras reaches the level of tens of millions, the number of civilian geniuses will definitely be completely overwhelming!

Nowadays, although the Konoha Ninja School has been expanding its enrollment again and again, the requirements for ninja talents are still so high that they are abnormal. Basically, there is no potential for special jonin level, and you can't even step into the door of the ninja school.

There is no way. The original ninja school recruited students from Konoha, but the current ninja school recruits students from the entire Fire Country!

It is true that even if they are orphans in Konoha Ninja Village, they can basically have some blood relationship with ninjas, and therefore the average quality is much higher than that of civilians in the Fire Country, but with a population gap of thousands of times, the number of real geniuses is definitely not as high as that of the entire Fire Country.

It is too short to see now, but when the students of the ninja school graduate, we will find clues. At that time, this batch of ninjas who graduate under the universal chakra policy will at least reach the level of Chunin in the future!

Having the potential of a special jonin may not necessarily make you a special jonin, but you will definitely have no problem becoming a Chunin or even an elite Chunin. In the past, most of the ninjas trained by the Konoha Ninja School were actually Genin cannon fodder.

Not only the Konoha Ninja Village of the Fire Country, but also the Ninja Villages of the Wind Country and the Water Country have also gained a large number of geniuses. As long as this batch of ninjas graduate and grow up, the strength of the three major ninja villages can increase several times.

The changes in the ninja villages are indeed huge, but the changes in the three countries such as the Fire Country themselves are definitely not small.

Chakra, this extraordinary power, even if it is only used to bless the body, can multiply the basic qualities of a person's strength and agility by several times. Even if it is only used to farm, it can grow seven or eight times more than before. With the blessing of extraordinary power, the productivity of the Fire Country has naturally increased a lot.

Currently, only 1/10 of the people have chakra, so the productivity of the Fire Nation has increased by three or four levels. If all the people really have chakra, the productivity of the Fire Nation is estimated to increase four or five times!

The Wind Nation and the Mist Nation cannot reach the level of the Fire Nation due to environmental factors, but it is estimated that after the completion of the National Chakra Plan, the productivity can be increased by about three times.

The National Chakra Plan is actually an exponential growth plan. Don’t look at the three countries now. Even the best Fire Nation has only 1/10 people with chakra, but in fact, in just two years, it is estimated that there will be no one in the three countries who can’t use chakra!

Because the other two countries are slow in implementing policies, it is estimated that it will take another five years to complete the National Chakra Plan. This means that in three years, the national strength of the other three countries will be far superior to these two countries.

This is also the most worrying thing for the Rock Ninja and the Cloud Ninja. If the other three countries take this opportunity to attack them, they may not be able to withstand it.

In the Hokage's office, Uchiha Feiyu, who had finished another group sex, was lying on the wide sofa with a comfortable look on his face.

Honglian, who had been disappointed because of being sent out by Orochimaru, was now lying on Uchiha Feiyu's chest with a happy and satisfied smile on his face.

A few red hairs fell on Uchiha Feiyu's face. Uzumaki Kushina had a gentle smile on her face, her hands on Uchiha Feiyu's chest, and her whole body was lying on Uchiha Feiyu's back, letting Uchiha Feiyu enjoy the brain wave pad service.

And now the fifth generation Hokage Tsunade was holding one of Uchiha Feiyu's feet and gently massaging him.

I don't know when, a thick layer of soft carpet has been laid on the floor of the Hokage's office, and there are many gorgeous, soft, or beautiful female ninjas lying on the carpet. There are both Shizune and Yugao, who often appear in the original work, and some female ninjas who have not been seen but are no worse than them in appearance.

However, these female ninjas all have one characteristic, that is, they are not only larger, but also have better shapes and elasticity. This is certainly not because of the good feng shui of Konoha, nor because these ninjas are gifted, but all thanks to Tsunade, who is now massaging Uchiha Feiyu's feet.

Based on this point, Tsunade is now the number one big sister in Uchiha Feiyu's harem. Even if Terumi Mei and Ye Cang bite their teeth to pieces, there is nothing they can do.

After all, women's yearning for beauty can be said to be innate. Even Ye Cang and Terumi Mei can't stop their little sisters from pursuing a better figure, right?

If it is something about the principles of the ninja village, then unless Uchiha Feiyu orders it, these women will still stick to their ninja village's position, but the issue of the harem boss is obviously not a matter of principle. For their beautiful figures, they can only apologize to the Kazekage (Mizukage)!

Uchiha Feiyu, who was enjoying himself like a master, slowly opened his eyes and looked at Tsunade:

"Tsunade, is there anything I can help you with today?"

Tsunade gave Uchiha Feiyu a massage and chuckled:

"If there is nothing, I can't ask you for help. Isn't this kind of thing very common?"

"It's normal to hold a meeting, but you always make excuses when it comes to holding a meeting in the Hokage's office, and you never take the initiative to ask for it."

Uchiha Feiyu smiled faintly, pinched the bean with his toes, and Tsunade couldn't help but groan.

Tsunade's face flushed, and she twisted her body but still couldn't get rid of it. She could only lie down with her upper body, leaning on Uchiha Feiyu's legs:

"Okay, okay, I do have something to ask you..."

"I don't know what the two ninja villages of Kumogami and Iwagami have gone crazy for. They actually sent people to sign a peace agreement with Konoha!"

"Peace agreement?! Wasn't that thing signed at the end of the Third Ninja World War? What are those two ninja villages doing?"

"At the end of the Third Ninja World War, what was signed was not called a peace agreement, but a ceasefire agreement!"

Tsunade said with a little contempt, looking at Uchiha Feiyu's eyes, as if to say that he was unlearned, which made Uchiha Feiyu move his feet a few times angrily, making Tsunade tremble all over, as if on fire.

After a long while, Tsunade came back to her senses. Looking at the happy smile on her lips, Uchiha Feiyu suspected that she was deliberately provoking him just now.

Tsunade, who had recovered from her shock, continued:

"The Rock and Cloud Ninjas want to sign a peace agreement with us for more than ten years. During these ten years, neither side will go to war."

After hearing this, Uchiha couldn't help but reveal a sarcastic expression on his face:

"These two ninja villages are really beautiful. Theoretically, after a few years, after the students of the ninja school graduate, even the strength of Konoha's ninja village can crush the two ninja villages together, so they want to deliberately sign a peace agreement to get through this weak period?"

"But... as far as I know, among the major ninja villages, these armistice agreements, peace agreements, alliance agreements and the like are all just ass-wiping paper, right? Especially the Rock and Cloud Ninjas, these two ninja villages have torn up the contracts the most times!"

Because of the natural dangers of the ocean, the Mist Ninjas basically have no agreements with other ninja villages. The Sand Ninja Village often tears up agreements, but only tears up the agreements with Konoha.

Only the Cloud Ninja and the Rock Ninja are like a piece of paper to wipe the agreement not only for Konoha, but for any ninja village. They will not abide by it if they say they will not abide by it. It is hard for Uchiha Feiyu to imagine that these two ninja villages will pin their hopes on an agreement.

"It has always been these two ninja villages that do not abide by the agreement. What does it have to do with Konoha? Konoha has always been very contractual!"

Tsunade said stubbornly, but after seeing Uchiha Feiyu's half-smile, she could only lower her head helplessly:

"I don't want to discuss this with Feiyu? What should we do? You come and make a rule."

After all, the entire ninja world is now almost Uchiha Feiyu's vegetable garden. When to water and fertilize, when to weed, and when to harvest leeks should all be decided by Uchiha Feiyu himself.

Uchiha Feiyu pondered for a moment, and finally shook his head:

"Before the implementation of the universal chakra policy, it is better not to start a world-class war. After all, the fruit is not ripe, so don't pick it."

"I understand, I will abide by the agreement."

Tsunade nodded in understanding. Although Konoha seemed to abide by the provisions of various agreements in the past, there was never any record of breaking the agreement-that was because Konoha simply didn't have that opportunity!

The Land of Fire is located in the center of the continent, a place of four wars. First, it is rich in resources and does not need to rely on others. Second, as long as it takes action, it will be besieged. Konoha will certainly not be stupid enough to start the war first.

But if there is a chance-for example, Konoha Ninja Village once again has a strong man like Ninja World God Shinobi Shura, and at the same time has a certain sense of belonging to Konoha Ninja Village, then Konoha will probably be the first to tear up the treaty and destroy the other four major ninja villages first!

So Tsunade certainly wouldn't take any peace agreement to heart. Under normal circumstances, even if they signed an agreement on the surface, when the feedback of the National Chakra Plan came, Konoha would definitely tear up the agreement and take action directly.

Now the Fire Country is only three years ahead of the other two countries. If they don't take advantage of these three years, will they wait until the other side is fully developed before fighting?

Unfortunately, Uchiha Feiyu has spoken, and no matter how unwilling Tsunade is in her heart, she can't go against Uchiha Feiyu's idea.

Even though she knew very well in her heart that Uchiha Feiyu was not a peace-loving person, but just wanted to squeeze more blood from the ninjas of the five major countries and even the civilian geniuses, when all the countries and ninja villages recover, there will definitely be a huge war waiting for them, and Tsunade couldn't oppose Uchiha Feiyu's opinion.

Looking at Tsunade's somewhat lost expression, Uchiha Feiyu reached out and gently stroked her face:

"Don't care about so many things. Since you have become my cauldron, then don't care about the life and death of ordinary people or even ordinary ninjas, otherwise you will be the only one who will be sad in the end."

"Don't forget... every Qi and Blood Pill you eat is stained with a life!"

Tsunade's body shook slightly. Over the years, Orochimaru's Hunyuan Treasure Box has long been made public in the Konoha Village, or in other words, it has been made public in private among ninjas of a certain level.

After all, the atmosphere of Konoha is not as completely law of the jungle as that of the Mist Ninja, and there is always a need for a fig leaf. So in theory, these are all pills developed and refined by Konoha, and no one knows how these pills are made.

Of course, whether it is from Konoha's increasingly stringent laws, or the death row prisoners who disappear silently in the prison, or the fact that the reward for capturing alive during the mission is far better than killing the opponent, many Konoha ninjas have guessed the raw materials of the Qi and Blood Pill.

Not to mention that in the Mist and Sand Ninjas, the Hunyuan Treasure Box and Qi and Blood Pills are not concealed at all, but any well-informed ninja knows that they are indirectly eating people.

Among them, the biggest beneficiaries and the most food are naturally the harem of Uchiha Feiyu. In the three ninja villages, the number of female ninjas who have reached the level of Kage has exceeded double digits. As for the other female ninjas, they also have the strength of elite jonin to quasi-kage.

You should know that Uchiha Feiyu has more than a hundred Dinglu in the Sand and Mist Ninjas, and the number in Konoha is even greater, almost approaching 300!

There are almost 300 Dinglu, among which more than 200 have the strength of quasi-kage level, and nearly 20 are at the level of kage. Only 40 to 50 female ninjas are elite jonin because they are relatively young and have joined the harem for a short time.

It is true that through dual cultivation and training in the Moon Reading Space, the strength of these Dinglu can be greatly improved, but in a few years, they have eaten a lot of Qi and Blood Pills to improve to this level. It can be said that the 300 Dinglu have eaten at least 4,000 to 5,000 people!

Qi and Blood Pills are a comprehensive strengthening of the human body. Ninjas with abundant Qi and Blood will not only have more chakra, but also increase their life source.

Even Tsunade can't resist this temptation. With abundant Qi and Blood, ninjas can even live to the limit of 200 years old, and before death, their appearance and physical fitness will not change.

Tsunade's Yin Seal can also adjust her appearance, and it also has a certain effect of extending her lifespan and locking her blood. It is for this reason that she understands more clearly how magical the effect of the Blood and Qi Pill is. Compared with the Yin Seal, which is more about external changes, the Blood and Qi Pill truly strengthens the source of life from the inside.

Originally, she is now in her 40s. Even with the Yin Seal to regulate her blood and qi, her vitality is almost close to that of a woman in her 30s. However, after taking a large amount of Blood and Qi Pills, Tsunade feels that both her youthful appearance and life essence have returned to the state of 18 years old.

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