Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 159 Kaleidoscope in Hand

The Susanoo covering his body gradually dissipated, and Uchiha Fugaku gritted his teeth and directly dug out the two Mangekyō from his eyes!

The blood-stained Mangekyō was handed over by Uchiha Fugaku, and Uchiha Feiyu took the Mangekyō with a smile on his face, and then the whole person disappeared without a trace after a wave of space fluctuations.



"Father, are you okay!"

As soon as Uchiha Feiyu left, the illusions of Uchiha Mikoto and others were naturally solved.

Uchiha Feiyu did not use illusions such as the God-Devouring Technique that take a certain amount of time to use, but just forced hypnosis to manipulate the bodies of the three people. Therefore, they still have the memory of what happened just now, and know that Uchiha Fugaku gave his Mangekyō Sharingan to the enemy for them.

Look, under the huge emotional impact, Uchiha Sasuke's eyes have a magatama, and he directly opened a Sharingan!

That is to say, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Mikoto already had three magatama Sharingan, and it was difficult to go from three magatama to Mangekyō, otherwise the two of them would have to improve their Sharingan levels.

Of course, the most important thing is that Uchiha Fugaku only lost his eyes, not dead. If Uchiha Fugaku was forced to commit suicide in front of the two of them by the enemy, maybe the two of them could really awaken the Mangekyō.

"Don't worry, I'm fine... The clan still has some three magatama Sharingan stored, I can just change it when the time comes."

Uchiha Fugaku waved his hand and said something, and at the same time he was relieved in his heart. He was really afraid that the ninja suspected to be Uchiha Madara would not keep his word and kill their whole family after getting his Mangekyō.

Ninjas who keep their word are rare in this world. At that time, Uchiha Fugaku was just desperate, so he could only gamble. In fact, he was not sure in his heart. Fortunately, he won the gamble in the end... Although this was not a happy thing.

After Uchiha Feiyu got a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan, he immediately started to re-make various arrays, and at the same time melted the pair of Mangekyō Sharingan into a crystal.

The power of Mangekyō Sharingan is naturally not comparable to the ordinary three magatama. The re-refined array eye crystal Mangekyō can fully withstand all the pupil power of Uchiha Feiyu, and the projection range of illusion is extremely large, almost covering a small country.

Compared with the super-standard ninjutsu such as Infinite Tsukuyomi, it is naturally far behind. As long as Uchiha who awakens the Mangekyō, or has this level of Yin and Yang escape, can basically withstand this large-scale illusion.

You must know that Infinite Tsukuyomi not only expands the range to the entire ninja world, but also without the power of the Six Paths, no one can be immune to the power of illusion!

Another point is that although Uchiha Feiyu's chakra is powerful, without the sacred tree as an energy source, it is impossible to permanently control such a large range with illusion. At most, it can control it for two or three days, and all chakra will be exhausted.

"There are many shortcomings... but it's enough. I don't need to use infinite moon reading to recover any chakra. On the contrary, I even have to suppress the growth of my own chakra to prevent my body from changing from flesh and blood to energy."

"Two or three days is enough to complete a grand sacrifice!"

With Uchiha Feiyu's strength, it is not difficult to kill thousands of ninjas, or even all ninjas, but if he wants to ensure that he is not discovered by other ninja villages, he can only rely on illusion.

It's not that he has any strange hobby of wanting to be the mastermind behind the scenes, but there are many dark secrets in the Naruto world, and once Uchiha Feiyu is exposed, it will also have a great impact on the development of these leeks, so he has been keeping a low profile.

"No one from our delegation has returned... Konoha is much stronger now than before!"

In the Rock Village, the short Ohnoki looked at the information in his hand and threw it on the table after a moment:

"Tsk, the Uchiha clan is really full of geniuses. That Uchiha Itachi is not even ten years old yet, and Uchiha Shisui is only fourteen or fifteen years old. The eight jonins carefully selected by our Rock Ninja can't even deal with these two Uchiha!"

Ohnoki has a special feeling for the Uchiha clan, just like the second generation Hokage who has fought with the Uchiha clan for a lifetime and thinks that it is a conspiracy of the evil Uchiha clan when there is no toilet paper. Ohnoki is extremely awed by the power of the Uchiha clan's Mangekyō Sharingan and almost has Uchiha phobia.

When Ohnoki followed his teacher Wu to Konoha for negotiations, Uchiha Madara was walking around in a sullen mood because of his different political views from Senju Hashirama. He happened to see the two people who came to Konoha for negotiations, so he beat them up. If it weren't for Senju Hashirama, he would have beaten them to death!

Since then, Ohnoki has suffered from Uchiha Madara phobia. It was not until he heard the news of the battle in the Valley of the End that the disease was slightly better, but he still had an unimaginable vigilance against Uchiha and Mangekyō.

"Dad, what should we do? Konoha will not directly cause trouble to us for this reason!"

The one who spoke was Ohnoki's son Huangtu. Compared with the smaller Ohnoki, Huangtu is more than two meters tall, with big shoulders and a big waist, and a wide body. You can tell at a glance that he is the kind of macho figure.

"It doesn't matter. This time, don't we have the Cloud Ninja to help us? They dug out two pairs of white eyes from the Hyuga clan and killed the Hyuga clan leader. The hatred of these Cloud Ninjas is much greater than ours!"

Onoki said with a straight face, and Huang Tu's face suddenly showed joy:

"I see. In this case, even if Konoha takes action, he will definitely fight those Kumo ninja guys first! It seems that although we failed, we didn't attract too much hatred!"

"You are so happy! You are a bunch of embarrassing things!"

Ohnoki cursed angrily, opened the window and flew out of the office, leaving Huang Tu a little confused.

He turned his head and happened to see Deidara, who was playing with a clay figurine next to him, and asked:

"Why is Dad so angry again? Am I right?"

Deidara had just made a rabbit. After listening to Huang Tu's question, he input chakra to make the rabbit jump, rolled his eyes and said:

"We Iwa Ninja and Kumo Ninja sent people into Konoha together. The basic conditions and tasks are similar. One infiltrated the Uchiha clan and the other infiltrated the Hyuga clan. They dealt with the children of the clan leader."

"Although these are all coincidences, the conditions are indeed very similar - but what is the final result?"

"We, a group of Iwa ninjas, were so embarrassed that we were captured by a passing 14-year-old Uchiha without even meeting the head of the clan. The Kumo ninja village not only took away the daughter of the clan leader. Byakugan, he completed his mission and also killed the leader of the Hyuga clan..."

"Do you think that in this comparison, the old man can't be angry? It would be strange not to be angry!!"

"So that's it, dad is angry because of this kind of thing!"

Huangtu scratched his head and showed an honest smile, while Onoki, who was standing outside the window to enjoy the wind, rolled his eyes.

His son has good strength, especially after being captured once in the Third Ninja War. He learned his shame and became brave again. During this time, he worked harder and his strength is not weak even in the Kage level.

It's a pity that he has no brain and doesn't look like his own species at all. Could it be that he has converted all those brain cells into muscles?

Loess's size and personality are indeed not like Onoki's, but Onoki doesn't doubt that his wife put a forgiveness hat on him, just like people in the Kingdom of Thunder, who are either white-skinned or black-skinned, some people in the Earth Kingdom The species is also quite special. They are either short or tall or strong, which is a special racial characteristic.

"On the contrary, that brat Deidara is much better than my son in terms of training talent and brains... If only he could change his hobby of playing with explosives, he would be the fourth Tsuchikage by then The best candidate..."

Before Onoki could finish his thoughts, he heard a booming explosion, and half of the Tsuchikage's office was directly destroyed. Terrifying fire spewed out from the window, and Onoki, who was floating outside the Tsuchikage's office, was directly hit by a blast. He was hit by piles of flying rocks, and he screamed and was buried among the rocks.

"Ahem! Deidara!! What did you do again?!"

Loess coughed and pushed away the roof that hit him, looking at Deidara with an angry expression.

"Cough cough cough... It seems that this experiment failed. There is no way to control the direction of the explosion. Even I was affected... It's so unartistic!"

Deidara also emerged from the ruins with a somewhat disgraced look, but he didn't care about the roar of the loess, and he was still focused on finding the flaws in his ninjutsu.

At this moment, the ruins and stones on the ground suddenly slowly floated up. After a while, a little old man with blood on his head and face, and an arm obviously bent at a sharp angle slowly floated up:


"Uh... Oops, why is the old man out there too! Run away, run away!"

Deidara randomly pinched a flying bird, input chakra and enlarged it before preparing to escape. Unfortunately, even if the third Tsuchikage was caught off guard and suffered serious injuries, Deidara, who was not yet ten years old, could not deal with it.

Onoki opened his mouth and spit out a piece of soil. The soil swelled in the wind and turned into a huge giant in an instant, grabbing Deidara and the bird at his feet:

"Just wait, I have to get rid of your bad habit of using ninjutsu and throwing explosives in the village today!"

"Smelly old man, that's obviously art...ahhhh! Help, help! The Tsuchikage is going to kill someone!"

In Yun Ninja Village, the current fourth generation Raikage is Kirabi who was once in the AB group.

During the Third Ninja World War, Uchiha Feiyu relied on his evil spirit to directly kill the third generation Raikage with the Kusanagi Sword, and Kirabi's eldest brother, the Raikage's heir Ai, also died in that battle.

The Kumo Ninja Village, which had lost all its elite and had its strength reduced sharply, could not even select a qualified Kage-level expert at that time. In the end, Kirabi, the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki, could only become the Raikage.

Although Kirabi's appearance is not very reliable, he can actually become a perfect Jinchuuriki and a life and death brother of the original Fourth Raikage. His personal charm and strength are beyond doubt.

After becoming the Fourth Raikage, his huge sense of responsibility, the sacrifice of the Third Raikage, who was like a father, and Ai, who was like a big brother, also made him restrain some of his previous impulses and petty tempers, and do his job conscientiously. Job.

Generally speaking, this Raikage is quite qualified. After all, the barbarians in the Cloud Ninja Village know everything. All they need is enough brotherly loyalty and personal charm. When it really depends on their heads, they rely on external devices. brain.

In this regard, Kirabi is not necessarily much worse than the fourth generation Raikage in the original work. Even the fourth generation Raikage in the original work, if there is no status bonus, it would be fair to compete with Kirabi for the position of Raikage. You may not win.

Therefore, the current Cloud Ninja Village is also developing well, and has gradually recovered from the pain of the Third Ninja World War.

If there was no variable like Uchiha Hiba, and there was no so-called National Chakra Plan, the current Kumo Ninja Village would probably have surpassed the Iwa Ninja again and become the great Ninja Village that sat two to one.

It's a pity that there are no what-ifs in this world. Because of the variables brought by Uchiha Feiyu, the current Kumo ninja has also fallen into an embarrassing situation, and this is why he came up with the plan to frame the Iwa ninja.

"Lord Raikage, this is all the information... The mission we sent to Konoha is now... all dead."

Looking at the information in his hand, Kirabi clenched his fists. Fortunately, he was not his eldest brother, and his personality was not so irritable. He did not need to change tables frequently in Raikage's office, so in the end he just threw the information with a bang. On the table.

"Damn Iwa Ninja, how dare you frame us! And you didn't even do a good job of framing us. Eight Jonin couldn't catch a nine-year-old Uchiha kid!"

Kirabi cursed angrily at first, and then breathed a sigh of relief after a moment. Compared to Iwa Ninja, who failed to live up to his expectations, Kumo Ninja's failure could only be attributed to luck.

"Lord Raikage, please calm down. The deal is now settled. What we should consider is Konoha's thoughts..."

The ninja who spoke was named Dodai. He was once the think tank of the Third Raikage, and now he is also the external brain of Kirabi the Fourth Raikage.

Raikages of all generations are not stupid people, but they are definitely not smart. Their impulsive and reckless personalities are destined to easily fall into traps.

Just like Zhang Fei is evaluated by the world as being both rough and subtle, he is definitely not a fool, but when faced with a real strategist, it is just the result of being fooled around. So this external brain is absolutely necessary.

After listening to Dodai's words, Kirabi nodded. To put it bluntly, when the plan was made, Kirabi and Dodai were already prepared to anger Konoha. Now they are just dealing with the failure of the plan.

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