Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 160 Pre-war preparations and Kusagakure Village

"Be prepared to forward the letter to others! I believe that other ninja villages will not be able to watch Konoha completely defeat us like this!"

Tutai looked calm and spoke. After hearing this, Kirabi also nodded.

This was also the plan that the Cloud Ninja Village had planned to fail at the beginning. If the attempt to frame the Iwa Ninja Village failed and Konoha discovered it instead, then the Cloud Ninja Village would have no choice but to drag other Ninja Villages into trouble.

Among the five major ninja villages, Konoha is the strongest. Among the five major nations, the Fire Nation is also the strongest, and its population is almost the same as the other four nations combined!

Once the National Chakra Plan is implemented, it is obvious that the Fire Nation will have the most geniuses and become stronger the fastest.

Konoha's strength and heritage have always ranked first among the five great ninja villages. When combined with the geniuses emerging from the Land of Fire, it has truly unified the entire ninja world.

Toutai and Kirabi believe that not only they themselves cannot tolerate this kind of thing, but the other three ninja villages will never tolerate it either. Therefore, although they may be beaten by Konoha, they will never suffer real serious damage!

"Okay, I will send letters to the other three ninja villages."

"One more thing, Raikage-sama, the Iwa Ninja Village has offended Konoha just like us. We can't let our family take the blame for this incident!"

Although they have already prepared to drag other ninja villages into the water, the depth of the water is also particular.

Some people would only get their shoes wet by the water waves at most, while others would have the chance to be pulled into the pool together. Obviously Iwa Ninja Village was the one who had the chance to be pulled into the water bomb as well.

Even if the four major ninja villages jointly fight against Konoha, there are opinions about whether they contribute more or less. The Mist Ninja Village and Sand Ninja Village can at most send some troops on the border to contain Konoha's strength. If they really want to fight Konoha In the battle between Ye Zhen's swords and real spears, apart from the Kumo ninja, the one watching is the Iwa ninja!

"Onoki is cunning and cunning. Although Iwa Ninja has evil intentions like us, he has not really caused harm to Konoha after all. He is not Konoha's number one enemy..."

"Lord Raikage, the damage we have caused to Konoha is on the one hand, but at the same time, our threat to Konoha is not as great as the Iwa Ninja!"

What Dodai said was the out-and-out truth. This was not the original work. Although the Iwa Ninja suffered heavy losses in the Third Ninja War, those were only losses at the grassroots level, and none of the strong ones died.

The Kumo ninja's losses were much greater than in the original work. The most important thing was - Ai, who had not yet become the Fourth Raikage at that time, died!

The death of the Raikage and the Raikage's heir in a battle caused the entire Kumo ninja to be in turmoil for a long time. Kirabi was strong enough, but after all, his reputation and connections were far inferior to that of his sworn brother. He was still a Jinchuuriki, and he was only responsible for sorting out internal affairs. It took a lot of time.

So until now, Kumo Ninja Village has not recovered from the losses in the three wars - in fact, it has only been three or four years since the Third Ninja World War, and Kumo Ninja cannot recover from the losses. normal circumstances.

The ability to restore access to government orders and settle internal chaos in such a short period of time is all thanks to the original unity within the Kumo ninja. Kirabi's strength is outstanding!

So now if it is just a threat, Iwa Ninja Village is definitely a greater threat to Konoha than Cloud Ninja Village.

"It makes sense. We should find a way to publicize the threat of Iwa Ninja Village and let Konoha pay attention to our old rival. In this way, Konoha's target will not only focus on us."

It has to be said that Chilabi, a rap baby, gradually understood some Machiavellian tactics after being severely beaten in reality for a period of time. At least he is no longer the innocent boy he used to be. He even gave up his rap hobby.

"Yes, I'll take care of this right away!"

Both Iwa Ninja Village and Cloud Ninja Village came up with their own plans, but beyond their imagination, Konoha had already started taking action before their plans were implemented.

And instead of attacking one ninja village alone, he attacked two ninja villages together!

After several years of recovery, Konoha's ninja force, which originally had only more than 2,000 people, has now recovered to about 6,000 people. Compared with its heyday, this is naturally a far cry from its heyday, but it has also launched some small wars. Feeling confident.

However, in the minds of the two ninja villages, Iwa Ninja and Kumo Ninja, Konoha's biggest possibility is to launch an active attack on a ninja village. Otherwise, there are more than 6,000 ninjas, even under the universal chakra policy, there are still many reserves. There is also a high risk of faults occurring.

Unexpectedly, Konoha actually launched a direct war against the two ninja villages. An army of 2,000 people was sent directly to the Kingdom of Grass and the Kingdom of Frost, and invaded the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Earth.

Um? Why do you think entering the Kingdom of Grass and the Kingdom of Frost is considered an invasion of the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Earth?

Sorry, these so-called small countries themselves are the battlefields of battles between several big countries. Most of the battles take place within these small countries. Even during the Ninja World War, very few ninja troops enter the other country's territory.

Therefore, it can be clearly seen in the comics that the citizens of the five major countries can basically survive, and even countries such as the Fire Country can still live with a certain quality of life.

But in those small countries, whether they are the Country of Rain or the Country of Grass, almost all the people are in dire straits, especially the small countries with ninja villages. In order to prevent trouble before it happens, it is very easy for the major ninja villages to weaken the strength of these small ninja villages. Become a battlefield.

In this situation, the small ninja village had no right to refuse. The only ninja village leader who dared to resist was called Hanzo, but he was taught a lesson by Konoha, Rock Village and Sand Village in turn, and the Land of Rain became the country with the worst security environment.

However, this time, among the two battlefields selected by Konoha, the Land of Frost was not bad, but the Land of Grass was the place that Uchiha Feiyu deliberately chose.

When the Ninja World War was going on, Uchiha Feiyu sent one of the four Hunyuan Treasure Boxes in his hand to the Land of Grass, and also handed over some unused Qi and Blood Pills to the leader of the Land of Grass who surrendered to him, which directly led to the emergence of three Kage-level strongmen in the Land of Grass.

Those Qi and Blood Pills were made by the ninjas of the Land of Grass, and even the so-called Hunyuan Treasure Box was made by the Bliss Box. At that time, Uchiha Feiyu was just making a chive garden for himself.

But even though Uchiha Feiyu didn't pay much attention to it, after several years of development, the current Kusagakure Village is still much stronger, and the number of ninjas has not increased much, and has even decreased a little, with less than 2,000 ninjas, but most of these 2,000 ninjas are Chunin, and there are nearly 200 Jonin.

This number is almost comparable to the number of Jonin and Chunin in the peak period of Konoha Village. Unfortunately, in this atmosphere of refining people as medicine and a complete demon gate, Kusagakure Village has no room for the growth of Genin, and even in today's peaceful times, the number of ninjas is decreasing.

Anyway, Uchiha Feiyu's Hunyuan Treasure Box accepts everyone. You can catch some rebellious ninjas or wandering ninjas outside, or you can secretly capture their members from other big ninja villages, or you can start directly from Kusagakure Village. As long as you bring the captives over, Uchiha Feiyu can make pills for you.

Undoubtedly, in this case, it is definitely the most convenient and quickest way to attack the ninjas of one's own village. Even if the three ninja village leaders have some restrictions on this, there are countermeasures for every policy. As long as the weak ninjas are labeled as traitorous spies, they can still be refined.

In this atmosphere of internal strife, the strength of the Kusagakure ninjas has indeed made rapid progress, but the mortality rate has also greatly increased, and even various factions have emerged, and each regards the other as a ladder for progress.

It can be said that the Kusagakure Village now, in terms of internal strife alone, is absolutely the best among all ninja villages.

The Land of Grass, Kusagakure Village.

A space vortex instantly emerged from the void, and Uchiha Feiyu, wearing a mask on his face, followed by Tsunade, walked out of the Kamui space.

The last time Uchiha Feiyu flattened the entire Kusagakure Village, almost destroying most of the entire village. After a few years, the Kusagakure Village, which was almost half a ruin, has almost recovered.

However, the number of ninjas walking in the village has decreased a lot, and they are all in a hurry, fully equipped, and vigilant with murderous eyes.

These ninjas keep a certain safe distance from each other. Even if they belong to the same team, there is no tacit understanding at all, instead, there is endless indifference and vigilance.

"Who are you!"

As Uchiha Feiyu and Tsunade suddenly appeared, several ninjas from the Kusagakure Village immediately surrounded them, with a look of surprise and doubt in their eyes.

There is no way, time-space ninjutsu is almost a legend in these small countries, and it is definitely the highest level of ninjutsu. A ninja who can skillfully use time-space ninjutsu should be at least a quasi-shadow.

The Kusagakure ninjas are not completely ignorant. Of course, they can see that Uchiha Feiyu is using time-space ninjutsu, and that is why these Kusagakure ninjas are so vigilant, instead of rushing up at the first time.

Uchiha Feiyu casually took out a token from his hand. The seal array on the token formed a complex pattern, emitting strange chakra fluctuations. When several ninjas saw the token, their faces suddenly changed and they half-knelt down respectfully.

"Hello, sir! What do you want?"

"Take me to see your leader!"

"Yes, I understand!"

Looking at the respectful appearance of these ninjas, Uchiha Feiyu had no expression, but Tsunade was quite surprised:

"The atmosphere here in Kusagakure is not very good, but the strength is quite good. They respect you so much, it should be because you helped them improve their strength!"

"It's not just this reason. I killed a lot of ninjas here."

"I remember that Konoha once received intelligence that Kusagakure seemed to have been breached by a mysterious ninja a few years ago... But that was the Ninja World War , Konoha didn't care much. "

"Now it seems that it was you, the evil Uchiha kid, who did it!"

Tsunade said twice in a teasing tone, Uchiha Feiyu raised his eyebrows, but didn't care much:

"It was indeed me who did it. After subduing the entire Kusagakure, I used illusion to control the three current leaders of Kusagakure Village, and then left the Hunyuan Treasure Box. "

"It's a pity... During this period of time, the value of the Grass Country has been almost squeezed out. Whether it is wandering ninjas or underground rebel ninjas, they have all been eaten up by these people. "

"In fact, since the end of the Ninja World War, the income brought to me by Kusagakure Village has plummeted..."

The result of killing each other is that the ninjas have no trust in each other, and it is difficult to unite and cooperate to hunt. In this case, the only way out for the Kusagakure Village is to directly start a war and rely on large-scale wars to continue the road of fighting to support war.

However, in order to maintain a steady and long-term situation, Uchiha Feiyu suppressed the idea of ​​Kusagakure Village to start a war - in fact, this is easy to do, because except for the upper level who can see the development problems of these ninja villages, the lower-level ninjas will not care so much at all, just thinking about how to get more captives to get more Qi and Blood Pills.

"In this case, instead of letting the Hunyuan Treasure Box stay in Kusagakure Village, it is better to move it to another place. As for these Kusagakure ninjas, it is better to take them to the battlefield to sacrifice together."

"Anyway, these ninjas have developed to the point of killing each other,"

Uchiha Feiyu said cruel words, but the two Kusagakure ninjas leading the way in front seemed to have not heard his words at all.

In fact, they did not hear it at all, because Uchiha Feiyu had manipulated their hearing with illusions, so they naturally did not react.

"It just so happens that there are not many ninjas in Konoha now. Bring these people to the battlefield to make up the numbers, so as not to arouse suspicion from other ninja villages."

"By the way, give me a list of the Konoha ninjas you sent to the battlefield. I will also sacrifice those ninjas with no potential, those suspected of being spies, and those who are not very obedient."

Uchiha Feiyu said lightly, and Tsunade's face flashed a trace of guilt, but she still nodded without hesitation:

"Okay, I know, how many are needed?"

"We can't let the other two ninja villages find out that something is wrong... If a war that seems to be evenly matched, Konoha has no ninjas killed, or the number of ninjas killed is less than three digits, even a fool can think that there is a problem."

"The number of sacrifices... Let's set it at about 300. Sacrificing 300 ninjas with no potential or problems in each battlefield will not affect the development of Konoha Ninja Village."

After hearing this number, Tsunade muttered about the evil brat of Uchiha again, and did not refute it.

Uchiha Feiyu looked back at Tsunade who was a little sad, and said:

"Didn't you know this result from the beginning?"

"Don't think too much. If I hadn't helped, the number of ninjas sacrificed in Konoha would have been even greater."

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