Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 162: War in Illusion

The blood splashed on Uchiha Shisui's face, making him stunned. He was already on his last breath. Yoshiko turned his head and smiled bitterly:

"Sorry... It seems... we... can't escape..."

After saying that, he lost his breath and fell to the ground, with blood slowly oozing out from under him.


Looking at the sacrifice of his companions, Uchiha Shisui felt that the string in his mind was completely broken, and he roared madly to the sky. At this moment, the three magatama in his eyes finally changed completely and turned into the shape of a four-cornered dart.

At the same time, a huge amount of chakra burst out from his body, and the rock ninjas surrounding him were suddenly shocked:

"What's going on? Such a strong chakra..."

"Don't worry about it, kill him quickly! Earth escape - Earth Dragon Bomb!"

"Earth escape - Earth Ryodango!"

A large number of earth escape ninjutsu, kunai, shuriken, and detonating tags, countless attacks flew towards Uchiha Shisui, but at this moment, the upper body of the green light giant appeared around Uchiha Shisui!

"All of you die! Yasaka Qiong Magatama!!"

Dazzling light burst out from the chest of the light giant, and with a violent rumble, the rock ninjas surrounding Uchiha Shisui were full of horror, and were completely melted by the endless light.

A moment later, only half of the light giant disappeared completely after a flash of light, and Uchiha Shisui stumbled two steps, picked up the body of his comrade and walked a few steps, then fell to the ground in a daze and fainted.

Uchiha Shisui was already injured, and he lost a lot of blood along the way, and his chakra was almost exhausted.

In this situation, after receiving a huge mental stimulation, he suddenly awakened his Mangekyō, and used Susanoo to consume a lot of chakra and pupil power, and now he is almost exhausted.

A moment later, a space vortex appeared on the battlefield. Uchiha Feiyu glanced at Uchiha Shisui, stretched out his hand and used the sealing technique to make him unconscious more thoroughly, then dug out his eyes, and took out a pair of three-magatama Sharingan and stuffed them back into Uchiha Shisui's eye sockets.

"Tsk... Look how considerate I am. In order to prevent you from going blind, I directly gave you a pair of three-magatama Sharingan. This is much better than those guys who only dig out eyes!"

Uchiha Feiyu said jokingly. In fact, for a potential stock like Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Feiyu certainly hopes that he will develop to the limit and then harvest.

Uchiha Shisui is now about 14 or 15 years old. He still has at least 10 years to go before his peak. It is better to take care of him if conditions permit.

Just after Uchiha Feiyu finished the eye surgery, he also treated Uchiha Shisui's injuries, then unsealed him, and disappeared into the void while Uchiha Shisui was still not awake.

Not to mention how Uchiha Shisui doubted his life when he found that his Mangekyo had turned back to three magatama after waking up. After getting Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyo, Uchiha Feiyu returned to the small hillside where he was originally and began to absorb Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyo power.

A few hours later, Uchiha Feiyu finally absorbed Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyo power completely, and casually threw away the two eyeballs that had dried up and shrunk to the size of soybeans. At the same time, the three magatama in his eyes kept rotating, and once again transformed into a four-cornered dart.

"Kotoamatsukami... seems useless, after all, I already have the Soul-Delivering Technique."

If you use the Soul-Delivering Technique illusion with the power of Kotoamatsukami, the power will be improved to a certain extent, but it will still have no effect on opponents of the level of awakened Samsara Eye.

For opponents who have not awakened Samsara Eye and whose power is not close to the Six Paths level, it basically makes no difference whether Kotoamatsukami Sharingan is used or not, anyway, they can't resist the power of the Soul-Delivering Technique.

"Anyway, it can be regarded as a kind of accumulation! At least the illusion now can confuse the Samsara Eye-level ninja a little, even if it is only for one or two seconds, it can be regarded as having a little practical effect at the Six Paths level."

"And the most important thing is... the illusion controlled by the five senses and the Tsukuyomi illusion have become much stronger."

Uchiha Feiyu squinted his eyes, and the chakra and pupil power in his body once again connected to the huge crystal ball in the sky. He could feel that the illusion he cast was not only more effective, but also the consumption of chakra was reduced a lot.

Relying on the power of Kotoamatsukami's Sharingan, the illusion that could only last for two or three days in the Land of Grass can now last for four or five days, almost doubling.

"The ninjas of the Rock Village are almost here now... So let's start experimenting with the effect of my small infinite moon reading!"

The crystal ball in the sky emitted a red light, and the huge power of illusion instantly enveloped the entire Land of Grass. In an instant, the eyes of all the ninjas in the Land of Grass showed the pattern of four-cornered darts.

Even Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Obito, and Uchiha Shisui, the three Mangekyo-level Uchiha, could not resist the huge power of illusion after losing their Mangekyo Sharingan. They were only slightly delayed for one or two seconds, and the pattern of four-cornered darts appeared in their eyes.

"Next, we will proceed according to the list... Forget it, let's go find these ninjas from the Rock Village first!"

This time, the Rock Village sent a total of 2,000 ninjas to the Land of Grass. The leader, Uchiha Feiyu, was unknown, and he should be only a quasi-kage-level ninja. Such strength naturally could not escape the illusion of Uchiha Feiyu.

About ten minutes later, Uchiha Feiyu carefully checked and confirmed that all the ninjas in the Land of Grass had been controlled by him. Then he began to control the entire war through the five senses.

First, let these ninjas continue to bombard randomly with ninjutsu, creating a huge battlefield, and then Uchiha Feiyu directly brought the Hunyuan Treasure Box and teleported to the battlefield, controlling these ninjas to automatically come to the front of the Hunyuan Treasure Box and absorb them cleanly.

"Well... there is only a battlefield but no corpses, not even broken limbs or blood... never mind, it doesn't matter, the corpses of ninjas in this world are also a resource anyway, even if they are a little cleaner, Iwagakure will probably just think that Konoha cleaned them up."

Uchiha Feiyu looked at the situation of the "battlefield" and then stopped caring about it, until there were less than a hundred ninjas left in the entire Iwagakure, and then he stopped the operation of the Hunyuan Treasure Box.

Afterwards, Uchiha Feiyu began to input a lot of virtual memories into these remaining Iwagakure ninjas, basically how to fight with Konoha ninjas, how to lose, how to escape, and finally only these less than a hundred remnants were left.

After dealing with the Iwagakure, Uchiha Feiyu began to use illusions to summon Konoha's ninjas, took out the list given by Tsunade, and began to select ninjas to be sacrificed.

Uchiha ninjas who were too radical, middle and lower-level ninjas over 40 years old, ninjas who were suspected of various things after inspection, ninjas who had no potential...

Piece by piece, Uchiha Feiyu found more than 300 Konoha ninjas and sent them into the Hunyuan Treasure Box.

As for the ninjas of the Kusagakure, Uchiha Feiyu only kept a dozen ninjas under his control, and all the others became sacrifices. The loss can be said to be the heaviest among the three ninja villages.

"If you check carefully, I guess you can't hide it from these ninjas, but I don't think anyone will be so idle to come and check the battlefield."

After refining all the ninjas with the Hunyuan Treasure Box, Uchiha Feiyu took a look at the battlefield. Generally speaking, no one would really suspect that there was anything wrong with this kind of battlefield. After all, there were too many people involved in the war. From this point of view, it was also a dark place under the lamp.

"Of course, even if there are any problems, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I don't think anyone will believe that both sides of the war were under illusion."

After thinking about it carefully, I was actually considering these leeks and perfunctorily doing it. It was really touching!

Just when Uchiha Feiyu was about to arrange the scene of the two sides of the war and solve the illusion, his eyes suddenly swept over Uchiha Fugaku and touched his chin:

"If Uchiha Fugaku suddenly disappeared now... Who would take over the position of the Uchiha clan leader?"

The Uchiha clan is not like the Hyuga clan. The ninjas of the main family will always be the main family, and the ninjas of the branch family will always be the branch family. On the contrary, these Uchiha clans are very energetic and often fight for such a clan leader position.

To put it bluntly, the clan leader of the Uchiha clan has never had any other requirements. The only requirement is that he must be the most capable one among the entire Uchiha clan!

"The most powerful ninja in Uchiha now..., besides Uchiha Fugaku, isn't that Uchiha Obito?!"

Uchiha Obito is now 18 or 19 years old. He once awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan. Although his eyes were soon dug out by Uchiha Feiyu, they also brought more chakra, more refined Yin-tun power, higher talent and limit.

Comparatively speaking, besides Uchiha Fugaku, the only other ninja in the Uchiha clan who has awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan is Uchiha Shisui. Both of them have also had their Mangekyōs dug out and replaced with three magatama.

But Uchiha Shisui has only awakened for a few days, and he is a few years younger than Uchiha Obito. It is hard to say what will happen in a few years, but now he is really not a match for Uchiha Obito who has awakened.

"Tsk... Uchiha Kenji's spring has arrived? Forget it... In any case, compared to Uchiha Fugaku, both Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Shisui will definitely listen to the Hokage more!"

With a firm thought in his mind, Uchiha Feiyu looked at Uchiha Fugaku and sighed:

"Goodbye, clan leader, I will take care of your wife and daughter, don't worry!"

Thinking of Uchiha Mikoto, who looked like Yamato Nadeshiko, Uchiha Feiyu immediately made up his mind, waved his hand, and directly let Uchiha Fugaku enter the Hunyuan Treasure Box.

When Uchiha Feiyu finished harvesting the leeks, two days had passed. Then he used illusion to put these ninjas into their positions in the illusion and directly solved the illusion.

At the moment the illusion was lifted, these ninjas almost seamlessly entered reality. Those who were fleeing fled, those who were chasing the rock ninjas tried their best to chase the rock ninjas, and those who were fighting continued to fight...

No ninja noticed anything wrong, and even many Uchiha clan ninjas shouted in grief:

"Kill these rock ninjas, these bastards killed the clan leader!"

"We can't let them go, kill them all and take back the clan leader's body!"

"Idiot Uchiha! Stop dreaming, even if you surround us, it's useless, your clan leader's body has already been burned to ashes by us!"

Rumble, ping, thunder, water, wind, fire, earth... Almost instantly, the ninjas who had escaped from the illusion began an endless battle.

However, it was obvious that the Rock Ninja, with less than a hundred people left, was no match for the Konoha army. After resisting for a while, more than a dozen of their companions died, and these Rock Ninjas escaped.

It took another day to clean up the battlefield, and the Konoha ninjas who returned to the camp began to cheer up and celebrate.

Although even the leader of the Uchiha clan and the commander of this ninja army, Uchiha Fugaku, had died, it was obviously a great victory for Konoha to defeat the Rock Ninja almost completely in just a few days, and the casualties on their side were only a few hundred ninjas.

Of course, some careful ninjas also found many things wrong on the battlefield, such as the disappearance of corpses on the battlefield, the common characteristics of the dead ninjas, and the strangeness of the development of the battle...

They just never thought about the existence of such a thing as infinite moon reading, and they could not consider the answer that all ninjas were under illusion, so they could only bury their doubts in their hearts.

At most, they suspected that there might be a third party involved in this war, or that some organizations such as the root were secretly active on the battlefield. In the absence of any results, these suspicions were meaningless.

The war between Konoha and Iwagakure ended just like that. Although Konoha lost hundreds of ninjas, it also abandoned a lot of burdens and unstable factors. It is hard to say whether it was a loss or a profit.

More than 2,000 ninjas in Iwagakure only escaped dozens of them in the end, which can be regarded as a big loss. Both reputation and interests have suffered a lot of losses, but it is precisely because of Konoha's coercion that the national chakra policy of the Land of Earth was implemented faster.

The two big ninja villages can only be said to have had their share of winners and losers, and the most unlucky and miserable one is probably the Kusagakure which was completely eliminated.

The only remaining ninjas in the entire ninja village who did not die on the battlefield, plus some Kusagakure ninjas who did not participate in the war due to other missions, the number is still less than three digits. This number cannot be called a ninja village at all, it can only be called a ninja organization.

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