Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 163 Two-tailed Yuzuki

Uchiha Feiyu didn't care much about where the ninjas of the Grass Country would go. With the strength of Wuwei and several high-ranking Grass Ninjas, it would not be difficult to rebuild the Grass Ninja Village if they really wanted to.

However, with the implementation of the universal chakra policy, the disadvantages of a small country like the Grass Country have become more and more obvious. Even if they want to be fence-sitters in the future, they may not be qualified.

Especially since Uchiha Feiyu took away the Hunyuan Treasure Box. Without such a treasure, the quality of the Grass Country Ninjas will be greatly reduced, and they will basically lose their competitiveness.

In addition to the energy and time required to rebuild the Grass Ninja Village, Wuwei and others may not do this useless work again.

The war between Konoha and Rock Ninja came to an end, but in the Frost Country, the war between Cloud Ninja and Konoha was about to break out.

Fortunately, Uchiha Feiyu had the space-time ninjutsu. In just over ten minutes, he came to the battlefield of the Frost Country through a rapid space-time jump.

On the battlefield of the Land of Grass, Konoha's commander is Uchiha Fugaku, and the main force is the Uchiha clan. On the battlefield of the Land of Frost, Konoha's commander is ostensibly a Hyuga ninja from the main family. In fact, this Hyuga ninja from the main family has no war experience. The one who really makes the decision is Hyuga Hiashi's younger brother, Hyuga Hiashi, who is the adjutant of the army.

At the same time, among the thousands of ninjas in the Konoha army here, at least one-third are Hyuga ninjas - this is because the Byakugan is more used for assistance, so only so many ninjas came.

The number of ninjas in the Hyuga clan is much larger than that of the Uchiha clan, almost close to thousands of people. There are still some civilians in the Uchiha clan, but the Hyuga clan is truly a whole people's army.

There is no way. The Uchiha clan is no different from normal people when they don't open their eyes, but the Hyuga clan is born with Byakugan, and there is almost no other way out except to be a ninja.

Moreover, the Hyuga clan can awaken the Byakugan as soon as they reach adulthood, and their strength is based on the Chunin level, so they will never fall to the bottom level. In addition, the survival rate of Byakugan ninjas on the battlefield is the highest, so the number of Hyuga clan members is much larger than that of the Uchiha clan.

It can be said that if the Hyuga clan is really ruthless, even if the entire ninja force sent by Konoha is replaced by members of the Hyuga clan, there will be no problem.

However, the Byakugan is a unique thing for single combat and assistance, but it is not enough for group fights. On the battlefield, the turret-type ninjas can exert greater power.

This is also the reason why this ninja unit has only 1/3 Hyuga ninjas, because one Hyuga ninja is matched with every three ninjas, which is already the best match.

Relying on the super vision range and perception ability, the movements of the opposite Cloud Ninja are almost one-way transparent to Konoha. Even if the Cloud Ninja Village even sent two Jinchuriki this time, they can't take advantage at all.

In terms of strength alone, Hyuga ninjas of the same level are definitely much weaker than Uchiha ninjas of the same level. Even if we don't count the highest evolutionary form of Mangekyō, the Uchiha with three magatama alone is already the strongest among the Hyuga clan.

But the reason why the Hyuga clan can be on par with the Uchiha clan, in addition to the characteristics of the Byakugan being easy to open, is that the Byakugan's detection and survival abilities are too high!

On the battlefield, unless it is a powerful Kage-level ninja, what determines whether a ninja survives or dies is never just his strength, but more on whether he will encounter a ninja stronger than himself.

The greatest ability of the Byakugan ninja is to ensure that the ninja he encounters will not be much stronger than himself, so the natural survival rate is much higher than that of ordinary people.

Therefore, the powerful ninjas of the Cloud Village were depressed to find that the Konoha ninjas on the opposite side were as slippery as loaches, always escaping without a trace far away from them, while the ninjas with average strength were besieged by Konoha ninjas every time they left the camp, and suffered heavy losses after a few times.

After a round of walking in Konoha's camp, Uchiha Feiyu has already understood the current situation. In just a few days of the squad intelligence war, Konoha's ninja losses are less than double digits, while it is estimated that hundreds of ninjas in the Cloud Village have been killed or disabled.

Judging from the battle report alone, Konoha is undoubtedly in the upper hand. The Cloud Ninja has almost no ability to fight back, but this is based on the powerful detection ability of the Byakugan, which is the result of bullying the weak.

It can be said that the dead Cloud Ninjas are all the weakest Genin level among the Cloud Ninjas. The number of Chunin may be less than ten, especially the Jonin and Jonin, there is no one.

So although it seems that the situation is good, it is really hard to say whether Konoha can continue to maintain the upper hand when the weak ninjas are killed and encounter hard bones.

Of course, since Uchiha Feiyu has come here, there is no need to think about any future wars.

After finding out all the situations, Uchiha Feiyu immediately laid out the array in the entire Frost Country, and then began to release the Sharingan crystal ball.

The first time is new, the second time is familiar. Although the area of ​​the Frost Country is a little larger than that of the Grass Country, it is not difficult for Uchiha Feiyu now. The light red light fell from the sky and instantly dragged all the ninjas of this country into the illusion.

"It seems that the Byakugan is not very effective against illusions. Its resistance is only slightly stronger than that of ordinary ninjas."

Consciousness filled the entire Kingdom of Frost with the red light in the sky. Uchiha Feiyu easily perceived all the situations below. Even Byakugan, who is known as the most observant, had no clue when facing the small infinite Tsukuyomi. The power of resistance.

Similarly, the ninjas of Yun Ninja Village were also completely controlled under the undetectable red light. The current commander of Yun Ninja Village, Er Yukito, who had just turned 18, even though he had become a perfect human pillar The power is still lost instantly in the illusion.

"I didn't expect that the Kumo ninja would have such a perfect Jinchuuriki. It seems that the candidate to control the Kumo ninja is already there!"

Feeling the almost indistinguishable aura between Yuzuki and the two-tailed cat Mata, Uchiha Hiba showed a smile on his lips. He could become a perfect jinchūriki. The weakest one is a kage-level combat power. In fact, a perfect jinchūriki is weaker than an ordinary kage-level one. The strength is more than enough.

Although Yukito exited the scene very quickly in the original work, it can be seen from those few strokes that she actually had the upper hand in the battle with the immortal duo at the beginning, until Hidan's death later Si Pingxue plotted against him, and then made a miserable exit.

If the strength is not enough, Kakuzu alone is enough to drink a pot of ordinary Chuuriki, and there is no need to use such secret calculation methods.

"It seems that as long as I kill this Kirabi guy silently and give the two-tailed Jinchuuriki a little support, the Cloud Ninja Village can fall into my hands."

In the past, Uchiha Feiyu really never thought about the two-tailed teak. The main reason is that this female ninja is about the same age as Kakashi. She has just grown up now. A few years ago, she was only fourteen or fifteen years old. Regardless of whether His strength and prestige were both severely lacking, and it was impossible for him to inherit the position of Raikage.

But now that Yukito has grown up, after becoming a perfect Jinchūriki, he is strong enough to be the commander of a front line, and his prestige is obviously not low.

At least now, she has the possibility of inheriting the Raikage, and for Uchiha Feiyu, just having this possibility is enough.

Taking out a mixed Yuanbao box again, Uchiha Feiyu once again arranged a fantasy story for the ninjas here in the Kingdom of Frost. At the same time, he also selected some ninjas to inhale the mixed Yuanbao box.

However, this time he was not so ruthless against Yun Ninja Village. He only killed about half of the ninjas. As for the Konoha ninjas, he just randomly selected some guys who really had no potential and threw them into the Yuanbao box.

"Then the highlight comes next..."

Looking at the Hyuga clan ninja controlled by the illusion, Uchiha Feiyu nodded slightly:

"If I want Yukito to be in power, at least I can't let her gain nothing in this battle. Killing the ninjas of Konoha on a large scale will damage my leek growth, but if I can get two pure Byakugan, it will be considered damaged. The number of Kumo ninjas is several times greater than that of Konoha, so it shouldn’t be considered a failure!”

Thinking of this, Uchiha Feiyu directly reached out and dug out the white eyes in the eyes of the Hyuga clan ninja. After thinking for a while, he simply killed the clan ninja and kept the body in the storage scroll.

"For ninjas with the blood of the Otsutsuki clan, it is best to use the spirit-swallowing blood refining method to refine their blood. It can greatly improve their blood. Although it is useless to me, it is still very effective for my cauldrons. of."

Among the techniques that Uchiha Feiyu currently masters, the Spirit-Swallowing Blood Refining Technique is mainly used to restore the ancestral bloodline, the secret technique of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Technique is used to strengthen the physique, and the final Hunyuan Treasure Box is a simple supplement. Energy, blood and spirit.

However, as long as he makes a little more progress, whether in terms of blood physique or chakra, he will completely evolve from a flesh and blood body to an energy body, which can also be regarded as a complete Six Paths, or an Otsutsuki.

In order to avoid this situation from happening, Uchiha Feiyu could only suppress himself slightly and put most of the leeks in before he collected more black energy sacrifices and had better transfer techniques. Get a mixed ingot box for storage.

However, some bloodline ninjas related to the Otsutsuki clan would be too much to put in the Hunyuanbao box. The Hunyuanbao box has no effect on improving bloodline and changing the physique. Even if you directly throw a Six Paths Sage into it , it will only break it down into pure chakra energy, blood power and spiritual power.

Therefore, after confirming that he is no longer ready to move forward on the road of returning to his ancestor Otsutsuki, Uchiha Feiyu can also open up some training opportunities to give Tsunade and other harem groups a chance.

After taking back the storage scroll, Uchiha Feiyu put a pair of Byakugan into the glass test tube, then summoned Yukito and handed the test tube directly to her.

Although Yukito was under the illusion, he still exuded a cool temperament. He had straight rice-brown hair, tied into a long braid that reached his waist. He reached out his hand very obediently and took the glass test tube.

"The illusion can last for three more days...but there is no need to worry."

Gently stretched out his hand to touch Yuzuki's face, and then Uchiha Feiyu's hand fell into her collar.

After gently rubbing it twice, Uchiha Feiyu nodded with satisfaction. Although it was not as talented as Tsunade or cheating in medical ninjutsu, this Kumo ninja's perfect jinchuuriki was better than that of ordinary female ninjas. Among them, it can definitely be said to be the best.

"It seems that the women in the Cloud Village are indeed one size bigger than those in other ninja villages... That's right, when Kishimoto designed the five major countries, he obviously designed the Cloud Village to be a bald eagle. The women in that country are indeed better than the yellow race in terms of body shape."

This messy thought flashed through Uchiha Feiyu's mind, and then Uchiha Feiyu hugged Yuzuki Ren and disappeared without a trace after a ray of time and space ninjutsu.

"Hmm... What's going on?"

In a hotel in the Frost Country, Yuki Ren covered his head and slowly woke up from the illusion.

She felt that she was just fighting with the Konoha ninja on the battlefield, but in the next second she came to a strange room, as if a large piece of time had been cut off in between.

Waving his hand, Yuki Ren's face suddenly changed, and he whispered:

"Two-tailed Nekomata? Are you there!?"

Without any response, the special telepathic communication ability between the perfect Jinchuriki and the tailed beast also disappeared without a trace, as if there had never been a tailed beast in her body.

But Yukito knew that was impossible. Once a Jinchūriki lost his tailed beast, he would be doomed. There had been no exceptions so far.

"So... I was sealed?!"

Waving his arms, Yukito felt the dead chakra in his body that could not be mobilized at all. He immediately confirmed his guess, and then his face became even gloomier.

He was the commander of the Frost Country's Cloud Ninja and also the most powerful killer. Even he was caught and sealed silently. What would happen to the Cloud Ninjas in the Frost Country?

What kind of strong man did Konoha send? I am a perfect Jinchūriki, but I was caught here by the seal without knowing it...

"Are you awake?"

The sound of the door opening rang out, and Uchiha Feiyu walked into the door and looked up and down at Yukito:

"You woke up very quickly... There is still enough time now!"

"Who are you? Are you a ninja from Konoha? What do you want to do by capturing me?!"

Yukito's face changed. Without chakra, and unable to rely on the power of the tailed beast, she is now just an ordinary woman who can fight a little. She can beat ten ordinary people who don't have chakra, but any Genin with a little combat experience can put her in eighteen postures!


Uchiha Feiyu said a word very directly.

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