Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 164 Cloud Ninja Village

Two days passed quickly, and the two days were very short. For example, those Konoha ninjas and Cloud Ninja Village ninjas had been manipulated by genjutsu for two days of "fierce battles."

Two days were also very long. After two days of living a shameless life in the hotel, Uchiha Feiha and Yukito, Yukito had completely transformed into Uchiha Feiha's shape.

The early morning sunlight shone into the hotel room. Uchiha Feiyu fell asleep peacefully. In a daze, he felt a warm touch coming from below.

He opened his eyes slightly, listened to Xixi's voice, and let out a long sigh of relief.

After a moment, Uchiha Feiyu stretched out his hand and pressed it on Yukito's long golden hair. Yukito's face turned red and he whined like a small animal:


As Uchiha Feiyu's body shook, Yukito's face became increasingly red, as if she was forcing herself to endure something. After a moment, she raised her head.

After a while, Yumu Ren calmed down a little, and Yumu Ren put down his white and tender hands.

A big hand reached out and gently wiped away the tears flowing from the corners of Yumu Ren's eyes.

"Okay, that's enough."

"Master Feiyu, do you want me to continue serving you?"

Yukito came back to his senses, like a little kitten, squinting his eyes and leaning on Uchiha Feiyu's chest. Uchiha Feiyu patted him twice:

"It's time to get up, Yukito. Today is the day when my genjutsu ends."

"When the time comes, you go make arrangements and retreat with your ninjas! I probably sacrificed half of the Kumo ninja, and the loss is much greater than that of Konoha, but with two Byakugan in hand, after all this battle, you still have made money."

There was a somewhat disappointed expression on Yukito's face, but she quickly cheered up. After being transformed into a cauldron by Uchiha Feiyu, although her character did not change, all her interests were centered on Uchiha Feiyu. He naturally knows when to get down to business.

"Don't worry, Master Feiyu, with the white eyes you gave me and the strength you helped me improve, as long as the master kills the current fourth generation Raikage, I will be absolutely sure to become the fifth generation Raikage!"

As he spoke, Yukito's face was full of confidence. In fact, except for Kirabi, there were indeed no ninjas in Yun Ninja Village who were stronger than her now.

To become a shadow of a village, one does not necessarily have to be the most powerful ninja in the village, but at least one must be one of the most powerful ninjas. If the strongest ninja in a village is on par with other ninjas in terms of strength, If there is a gap, then even if he has no idea, he will definitely become the leader of this village.

As far as the Cloud Ninja Village is concerned, there is a gap between the two perfect jinchūriki, Yuuki and Kirabi. Yukito's original strength is even worse than Kirabi, but he is also better than other ninjas. There is a clear gap.

Now after double training with Uchiha Feiyu, Yukito completely possesses Kirabi-level strength. As long as Kirabi dies, she will be the only candidate for the Fifth Raikage.

After all, the current Kumo ninja is also in a state of annihilation. Even the Yeyue clan can no longer find a Kage-level ninja.

After returning to the "battlefield" with Yukito, Uchiha Feiyu quickly unlocked the illusion, but the Kingdom of Frost, which was originally "a fierce battle," suddenly calmed down strangely.

The Kumo ninja's troops lost more than half, and their strength is no longer comparable to that of Konoha's troops. Although Konoha is much superior to the Kumo ninja in terms of grassroots strength, their leader, the Hyuga clan ninja, has been "sacrificed" .

In this case, the dragons in Konoha were leaderless, and the Kumo ninja were fearful, so the war situation naturally calmed down.

Subsequently, Konoha and Kumo Ninja launched so-called peace negotiations. After Yun Ninja agreed to compensate some supplies, Konoha's army left the Kingdom of Frost.

It is true that the Hyuga clan is very dissatisfied with this kind of thing. After all, in a series of events, they first lost a Hyuga clan leader, and then another Hyuga clan leader died, and a pair of Byakugan was taken away. However, after losing Konoha's After supporting him, the Hyuga clan didn't have the guts to provoke the Kumo nin again.

And it's not like Konoha didn't give Hinata a chance to take revenge. As a result, Konoha didn't collapse. As the commander, the Hyuga clan ninja himself stretched his hips. What can he do?

In the end, he could only accept a little compensation from Kumo Ninja, and he pinched his nose and admitted the fact.

As for Yun Ninja, although he lost hundreds of ninjas and even provided some supplies, he still got a pair of eyes.

For Konoha, which owns the Hyuga clan, the Byakugan is not a precious thing, but for the Kumo ninja who has the least bloody ninja among the five great ninja villages, the value of the Byakugan is really no less than hundreds of ordinary ninjas!

Just by looking at how the Byakugan killer of the Kiri Ninja protects Byakugan, you can see how much other ninja villages really value Byakugan.

Similarly, Yukito's prestige in the Cloud Ninja Village has also been greatly improved after he regained the Byakugan. In fact, the Cloud Ninja Village was already prepared to lose the battle from the beginning, so being able to regain a pair of Byakugan is already considered a victory. What an unexpected surprise.

After all, Konoha has never lost any foreign wars over the years. Coupled with the implementation of the National Chakra Treaty, Konoha, which was once somewhat decayed, has been reborn from the ashes in the past few years. The top leaders of the Kumo ninja are not fools. Of course it was obvious that he was no match.

The fact is not unexpected. Look at the nearby Iwagakure. The number of ninjas sent out is twice that of their Kumogakure! In the end, only dozens of ninjas fled back, almost annihilated.

Iwagakure and Kumogakure are old rivals. Iwagakure was beaten by Konoha. Kumogakure thought that it would be difficult for them to gain the upper hand.

With low psychological expectations, the answer and record handed in by Yukito naturally surprised the Kumogakure.

The Land of Lightning, Kumogakure.

"Yukito, it seems that after the Kumogakure suffered such a defeat, your reputation has improved a bit!"

"Well, this... this is all the credit of Master Feiyu... If it weren't for your help, I wouldn't have been able to get the Byakugan..."

Holding Yukito with one hand, Uchiha Feiyu looked at the Kumogakure in the distance with curiosity.

The strange perception ability that can be called divine consciousness spread to the distant ninja village, and at the same time heard the opinions of the ninjas of the Kumogakure about Yukito.

After Killer Bee, the Eight-Tails Jinchūriki, became the real perfect Jinchūriki and the fourth Raikage, the Kumogakure no longer discriminated against Jinchūriki.

Speaking of which, Yukito should thank Killer Bee. It was because Killer Bee was the first to become a perfect Jinchūriki that the Kumogakure’s prejudice against Jinchūriki was completely changed. Before Killer Bee, all Jinchūriki were almost time bombs, feared and terrified by ordinary ninjas.

It was because of Killer Bee’s performance in the Kumogakure over the years that the Kumogakure ninjas not only did not discriminate against Yukito, the newly promoted perfect Jinchūriki, but also were extremely in awe of her power.

In addition to Yukito’s “merit” this time, the Kumogakure ninjas who talked about Yukito now are almost not stingy with flattering words.

“It seems that you already have a popular base. The only problem is that guy Killer Bee?”

Uchiha Feiyu touched his chin, thinking about how he should kill Killer Bee. The first idea was to directly detonate the power of the tailed beast-then he gave up this idea.

After all, Yukito is also a Jinchūriki. If Killer Bee, the perfect Jinchūriki, goes berserk, then Yukito will obviously be greatly affected. At least his reputation in the Cloud Village will plummet, and no ninja will choose a time bomb to lead them.

"If it doesn't work, just let this guy disappear mysteriously... just like the Third Kazekage, no one can see him alive or dead. Then, no matter how suspicious the Cloud Village is, they can't find any evidence."

Uchiha Feiyu was thinking while exerting force on his hands. Yukito's face turned redder. He put his hand on his chest and covered Uchiha Feiyu's big hand:

"Master, aren't you... still going to deal with the Fourth Raikage? Now is not the time... to waste your energy."

"Tsk, that guy Killer Bee is not worth my seriousness."

Uchiha Feiyu said nonchalantly, but finally stopped the action in his hands, pulled out his upper and lower hands, and put the fingers with a little sparkle below on Yukito's lips.

Yukito stuck out his tongue, licked the crystal on his fingers, and then leaned his head on Uchiha Feiyu's chest:

"Master Feiyu, don't underestimate Killer Bee's power. Although he is also a perfect Jinchūriki, the strength of the Fourth Raikage is far superior to mine."

"I have sparred with the Fourth Raikage before, and I know his strength very well. Unless there are three masters of the same level as me, I will never be the opponent of the Fourth Raikage!"

Among the tailed beasts, except for the Nine-tailed One-kick, the strength of other tailed beasts is not too different, but it can be seen that the Eight-tailed Ushiki is indeed stronger than ordinary tailed beasts, at least much stronger than the two-tailed cat-shaped beasts with no special features.

The most important thing is that after Yukito lost the power of the tailed beast, he is at most a stronger elite jonin, and even if Killer Bee does not rely on the power of the tailed beast, the power of his lightning escape chakra mode is at most slightly inferior to his brother.

It can be said that even if he is not a tailed beast Jinchūriki, Killer Bee can still become the top master of the Cloud Village. This is also the biggest gap between him and Yukito - not the gap in tailed beasts, but the huge gap between the two sides in ninja ability.

Just like Uzumaki Naruto, the reincarnated Ashura, became the Nine-tailed Jinchūriki, and an ordinary Uzumaki clan became the Nine-tailed Jinchūriki. Under the same conditions, the strength of the two sides will still be very different.

However, Uchiha Feiyu just smiled lightly. Of course, he knew about Killer Bee's strength a long time ago. Not to mention his performance in the original work, he had seen the strength of this perfect Jinchūriki before.

But Uchiha Feiyu is confident that even if the future Senko Naruto, the strongest perfect Jinchūriki, comes over, he can easily suppress him completely, not to mention Killer Bee.

To some extent, Yukito's suspicion is just that he doesn't know the true strength of Uchiha Feiyu at all.

Yunlei Gorge is a special gorge near the Cloud Ninja Village. It is covered by dark clouds with flashing lightning all year round. There are 300 days of thunderstorms in 365 days a year.

This is the forbidden area of ​​the Cloud Ninja Village. While it is full of dangers, it is also a holy place for practicing the nature and form changes of lightning attribute chakra. Although many Cloud Ninjas who practiced here lost their lives due to severe thunderstorms, any Cloud Ninja who can come out alive from here can at least get the title of elite jonin.

Yumujin seldom went here, after all, she majored in fire escape, not lightning escape, but Kirabi, the fourth Raikage, basically lived in Yunlei Gorge all the time except for office hours and rest time.

In the past, there were also the third Raikage and Kirabi's sworn brother Ai, who also lived in Yunlei Gorge as their home. Now, most of the time, Kirabi is the only one practicing in it.

Arriving at the entrance of Yunlei Gorge, Uchiha Feiyu looked up at the sky, with a thoughtful look on his face:

"Is this strange astronomical phenomenon... caused by natural energy?"

"Speaking of which, the weather in the Naruto world is indeed very strange. In the 365 days of the year, it rains for at least 340 days in the Rain Country. In theory, there is no shortage of rain, but in reality, it is the Wind Country of the desert, and there are also the Thunder Country and the Earth Country... Almost every country has a different topography and special weather."

"Plus, the natural energy in the Naruto world is so violent that it can easily turn people into stones or monsters, and even people like Chouji will be inspired to kill - it's all Otsutsuki's fault!"

This planet was harvested by the Otsutsuki clan and hurt by the sacred tree. Obviously, the natural energy cannot be very calm. The harsh natural environment and violent natural energy are basically caused by the sacred tree.

The natural environment here in Yunlei Gorge is just a little bit of the aftermath of the sin committed by the sacred tree 1,000 years ago.

After a little thought, Uchiha Feiyu gave up these lofty questions. He would wait until one day when he really possessed the power to surpass the Otsutsuki clan, and then he would modify the natural environment of the Naruto world.

And now, he was only concerned about Killer Bee who was training in Yunlei Gorge.

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