Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 169 Where Jiraiya is going

The other ninja villages may not be as tragic as Konoha's death rate of more than 9 out of 10, but the death rate is definitely over 50%, and even the average death rate is close to 70%.

Ninja wars are fought once every ten years on average. It is said that the first two ninja wars were even more brutal. Even after the war, the total number of ninjas in the five major ninja villages was less than 10,000.

In Uchiha Feiyu's opinion, this kind of mortality rate is much worse than harvesting leeks by himself. Even if he harvests leeks, he will leave at least 30% of ninjas so that the Ninja Village can quickly recover. However, these ninjas are trying to dig up the roots. Come!

After hearing Uchiha Feiyu's words, Ye Cang's face turned slightly red, and then retorted:

"But no matter what, the Ninja World War is different from what you said...cutting leeks!"

Uchiha Feiyu chuckled. In his eyes, the Ninja War, which has not changed at all for so many years, is really not as good as cutting leeks!

However, he didn't explain much to Ye Cang, he just said calmly:

"If you think it's different, then let's be different! But don't let it slip when the time comes."

Ye Cang bit his lip, glanced helplessly at Uchiha Feiyu, and sighed:

"I understand, don't worry! I'm just complaining."

Nodding, Uchiha Feiyu still believed in his ability to control the cauldron, and then he told Ye Cang what had just happened in Konoha.

"Jiraiya? Great Toad Sage? Is there really a prophecy ability in this world?"

After listening to Uchiha Feiyu's statement, Ye Cang had a look of surprise on his face and asked.

"Pure and perfect prediction ability certainly does not exist, but it should still be possible to see some possibility of the future from dreams."

"And this possibility should be fragmented and changeable, otherwise the so-called prophetic ability will be meaningless."

Uchiha Feiyu spoke out his guess. He said it was a guess, but in his heart it was not much different from the truth.

If the prophecy of the Great Toad Sage would come true 100%, then Jiraiya would not have to go all over the world to find the child of prophecy. Anyway, according to the prophecy, the child of prophecy would definitely become his disciple, so he would wait slowly in Konoha Village. Wouldn't it be enough for the son of prophecy to come and become a disciple?

"Um... Feiyu, will you really destroy the ninja world in the future?"

After listening to Uchiha Feiyu's words, Ye Cang hesitated for a moment, and finally asked through gritted teeth. Before Uchiha Feiyu could answer, she added another sentence:

"Even if Feiyu wants to destroy time, we will always be on your side!"

After hearing this, Uchiha Feiyu directly covered his head and shook his head:

"What are you thinking? Even if I am a big devil, I can't destroy the world for no reason! This kind of thing will only harm my own interests."

I am also planning to carry out sustainable development. If I directly destroy the world, wouldn't it be equivalent to tearing down the vegetable garden?

"That big toad fairy's prophecy..."

Uchiha Feiyu chuckled and said in a low voice:

"Ye Cang, you don't really think of the so-called Big Toad Immortal as some kind of savior, do you?"

"It's just a toad that lives longer, and it's not a living saint. Why do you think it has no selfish intentions?"

"It is impossible for me to destroy the world, but destroying Miaomu Mountain is absolutely natural for me. In this case, giving me the title of World-Destroying Evil Demon is for this Great Toad Immortal. It’s absolutely normal!”

After hearing this, Ye Cang suddenly realized that she was initially confused by Miaomu Mountain's name as an immortal, and really thought that the other party was an outsider immortal with no desires and desires. Only now did she realize that the other party was just a psychic beast force. That’s all.

The so-called world-destroying evil demon only slapped a label on him because he discovered the threat posed by Uchiha Feiyu.

Seeing that Ye Cang had figured it out, Uchiha Feiyu said:

"The strength of Miaomu Mountain is not weak. Even if you don't count the Great Toad Sage, the combined strength of those toads that once appeared in the ninja world is no weaker than that of a large ninja village."

"The most important thing is that this group of toads has the base of Miaomu Mountain as their home base. It can be said that they can advance, attack, retreat and defend. Unless we find Miaomu Mountain directly, it will be difficult to uproot them."

Uchiha Feiyu even doubted that the art of Flying Thunder God may not be able to enter Mount Myoboku. The Great Toad Sage has lived for so many years, and the large nest of toads has not been discovered by the outside world. The barrier of Mount Myoboku must have been designed. It's perfect. Ordinary time and space ninjutsu may not be able to get in.

"So... Feiyuzu means to start with Jiraiya?"

"It's not Jiraiya. I guess Jiraiya doesn't know the specific location of Mt. Miaomu. He should enter and exit through necromancy every time."

With Jiraiya's character, he probably wouldn't take the initiative to inquire about the location of Mount Myoboku, unless the toad from Mount Myoboku took the initiative to tell him.

Although Jiraiya was doing quite well in Mount Myoboku, under normal circumstances, if nothing happened, the toads in Mount Myoboku would not directly tell him where Mount Myoboku was located.

Firstly, most of the toads in Mount Myoboku didn't know where Mount Myoboku was. Secondly, since there were psychics coming and going, there was no need for Jiraiya to know about it.

"Then Feiyu, what are you going to do?"

Ye Cang frowned when he heard this and said:

"Since that big toad sage has the ability to predict, he must have been on guard against you. I'm afraid he will not easily reveal the coordinates of Mount Myoboku in the future."

"It doesn't matter. The souls of the ninja world have no secrets to me. As long as I kill some of the more important toads, I can naturally get the coordinates of Mount Myoboku from their souls!"

Uchiha Feiyu didn't care. Even if the ordinary toads in Mount Myoboku didn't know the coordinates of Mount Myoboku, at least the two toad sages must know it.

Jiraiya's sage mode requires the help of two toad sages. As long as he is forced into a desperate situation, he will naturally summon the two toads.

At that time, Uchiha Feiyu only needs to kill a toad sage and detain its soul to find the location of Mount Myoboku.


Uchiha Feiyu has made a plan, but what surprised him a little was that there was no news about Jiraiya since he left the Konoha Ninja Village. Three months have passed, and he did not appear in the Kingdom of Wind in the end.

Uchiha Feiyu had no way to deal with this. He was too lazy to chase Jiraiya, so as not to alert the enemy and expose his relationship with Tsunade. He could only wait quietly in the Sand Village.

Where did Jiraiya go during this period?

Time went back to a few months ago, the Land of Rain, the base of the Akatsuki organization.

The Land of Rain is called the Land of Weeping. In fact, this country has a lot of rain. There are at least 300 days of rain in 365 days a year.

The long-term rain has created a harsh natural environment. Any inch of land here is wet, as if it is a sponge full of water. The rain that seeps out can easily fill the shoes.

"It's really bad weather... When will this drizzle stop?"

The tall man with white hair raised his head, looked at the dark clouds in the sky, and sighed softly.

"The weather in the Rain Country has always been like this, which is also the most important reason for the country's limited development... Lord Hanzo saw this back then, and he didn't want to become a buffer zone for the war between the great powers, so he declared war on several countries at the same time."

"Teacher, although I don't agree with Lord Hanzo's approach, I also admit that he is a hero of our Rain Country."

The one who spoke was the young man with orange hair. Although he was talking about a heavy topic, he had a light smile on his face, and his eyes seemed to be shining with hope.

"Ha... Hanzo, from the perspective of the Rain Country, is indeed a hero."

The tall white-haired man, Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, shrugged his shoulders, as if he recalled the scene when he fought with the demigod of the ninja world.

This white-haired man is Jiraiya, so the one who talked to him and called him teacher is naturally his apprentice Yahiko.

In fact, Yahiko was able to save his life thanks to Uchiha Hiha who successively supported Danzo and Uchiha Madara. The only black Zetsu left behind was a small number of escaped black Zetsu.

Without these troublemakers and the black Zetsu, Hanzo might still be suspicious of the Akatsuki organization, but he was not so anxious to attack the trio, so Yahiko was able to survive until now.

Fortunately, Hanzo didn't do it, otherwise the trio would probably be dead this time.

Because Uchiha Hiha had completely absorbed the Outer Path Demon Statue, even if Nagato wanted to summon the Outer Path Demon Statue now, he couldn't do it. If the ambush by Hanzo happened again, Nagato would not be able to explode.

"By the way, Jiraiya, you came to see us, is there something?"

After hearing Yahiko's question, Jiraiya's expression froze slightly, and he sighed:

"Is it so obvious? Even Yahiko can see it!"

Yahiko just smiled lightly and didn't say much. After all, he is not the child he was back then, but the leader of the second largest organization in the Land of Rain.

Although his personality is a bit naive, the fact that he can develop the Akatsuki organization to its current level in the Land of Rain itself shows that Yahiko is just naive, but not stupid.

Yahiko is naturally full of gratitude for Jiraiya, but at the same time, in addition to gratitude, he is also very clear that his teacher still has his own position after all, and he is not completely the same person as himself.

The Akatsuki organization, which has always pursued peace, and the Konoha Ninja Village, which can be called the world's hegemon, still have a lot of contradictions. Even if Konoha has never shown any strong aggressiveness, Yahiko will worry that the overly powerful Konoha Ninja Village will interfere with the operation of the Akatsuki organization.

Not to mention... there is also Nagato's Samsara Eye!

The Samsara Eye is of great importance. Even when he and the others were young, Jiraiya had countless opportunities to take away the Samsara Eye but he didn't do it in the end. He even taught the three of them ninjutsu. But that was many years ago. Who knows if Jiraiya will have any other ideas now?

Fortunately, it was Jiraiya who came. Yahiko still trusted him. If it was a ninja from another big ninja village, he would probably be ready for battle now.

Feeling the vague vigilance in his apprentice's heart, Jiraiya didn't know whether he should be relieved or annoyed for a while. He was relieved that his apprentice had grown up, and annoyed that his apprentice and himself were not in a good relationship.

But soon, he restrained his mood, remembered the advice of the great toad sage, and took a deep breath:

"Indeed, I came to you this time for something very important. To be more precise, I came to Nagato for something very important!"

The expression on Yahiko's face changed slightly, and he couldn't help but clench his fists. Jiraiya ignored him and continued:

"But don't worry, this time, I didn't come to you as a Konoha ninja, and I won't have any ideas about your plan or the Akatsuki organization."

"In fact, I agree 100% with your Akatsuki organization's action plan!"

The Akatsuki organization's action line can almost be said to be an extension of Jiraiya's ideal. During the three years of teaching, Jiraiya taught Nagato and the other two not only ninjutsu, but also instilled his own three views.

Achieving peace through non-violent means such as negotiation and phone calls is a dream hidden deep in Jiraiya's heart. It can even be said that the Akatsuki organization is the dream that Jiraiya has practiced through his apprentices.

"Sorry, teacher, I'm a little nervous."

Yahiko let out a long breath and looked at Jiraiya with a serious face:

"But please explain things clearly, teacher. Nagato and his eyes can be said to be the greatest hope for the ideals of the entire Akatsuki organization!"

As mentioned above, Yahiko is just a little naive, but not stupid. Compared with the original work, Yahiko, who has been in charge of the operation of Akatsuki for several more years, has already thought about the problem very comprehensively.

In the original work, he was willing to die at the hands of Nagato because he believed that Nagato, who had the Samsara Eye, was more likely to realize the wishes of Akatsuki than him. It can be seen that Yahiko at that time was already clear: having a sword but not using it and having no sword to use are two completely different things.

To a certain extent, the current Yahiko is actually more like a Jiraiya who takes responsibility!

"Yahiko, you have really become a very mature leader."

Jiraiya looked at Yahiko with complicated eyes, and then said:

"Even if you don't say it, I will tell you everything. First of all, let me introduce you to Mount Myoboku..."

Yahiko is not Tsunade, and he doesn't know much about the three holy places. Jiraiya had to start from the beginning and tell him the truth little by little.

Soon, Jiraiya told Yahiko everything about Mount Myoboku, the Great Toad Sage, the prophetic dream, the Uchiha who destroyed the world, etc., and he talked until his mouth was dry, and then he finished all the information.

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