Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 170 The Nagato Trio

"Uh... Jiraiya, are all these things you said true?"

"A toad can predict the future, it sounds a bit unreliable."

After listening to Jiraiya's words, Yahiko hesitated for a long time, and finally said this.

There is no way, lack of knowledge is like this, even if Yahiko is now an elite jonin in terms of strength, he has never heard of the beast sage who has lived for thousands of years and predicts the future in dreams.

In Yahiko's eyes, the Samsara Eye is already the top of the ninja world, and the various abilities displayed by the big toad sage are simply like myths.

Jiraiya choked and looked at his apprentice, feeling a little helpless.

It's okay for others not to know Myoboku Mountain, but you are my apprentice, how come you don't know anything about Myoboku Mountain?

But after thinking about it carefully, Jiraiya also knew that it was actually his own fault.

There was no way. During the three years of teaching, Jiraiya not only mixed in a lot of private ideas, but also retained a lot of his skills. After all, in theory, Yahiko and the other two had a grudge against Konoha. If they became stronger and wanted to seek revenge on Konoha, Jiraiya would have really raised a tiger to harm himself.

So he taught the popular five-element escape techniques and some exercises to help them lay the foundation. He didn't teach the spiritual techniques and sage mode that really belonged to Jiraiya's core inheritance.

Thinking back carefully, Jiraiya found that it was still his fault, and he couldn't help but laugh and cry.

But he was not in a hurry. This time, the big toad sage had already given him instructions, so he could be a little bolder.

"Yahiko, it's normal that you don't believe it. How about this, I'll help you three sign the contract of Myoboku Mountain! You can go to Myoboku Mountain to take a look and learn!"

Jiraiya's chest patted loudly, and Yahiko, who heard this, also showed a mixed look of surprise on his face.

Even though he didn't know much about Myoboku Mountain, Yahiko knew that Jiraiya was a powerful ninja who dominated the ninja world with his summoning skills. It can be said that the summoning contract was Jiraiya's true teaching.

Although the three of them had almost walked out of their own path after so many years of struggling, if they could get the inheritance of Myoboku Mountain, they could still greatly improve their strength.

Not to mention that Jiraiya was willing to teach summoning skills, which was actually a very straightforward signal. At least Yahiko believed in Jiraiya.

"I know, teacher! I will call Nagato back."

The Akatsuki organization is now developing in full swing in the Rain Country, which largely relies on Nagato's strength, so Nagato is away most of the time.

After Yahiko met Jiraiya, because he was not sure about his intentions, he actually secretly sent some messages at first, asking Nagato to come back later. Now that Jiraiya has shown his sincerity, Yahiko will naturally let Nagato return.

Jiraiya smiled lightly, and didn't care about his apprentice's little thoughts. He directly summoned the scroll toad through the summoning beast.

"Come on, Yahiko, as long as you sign your name on this scroll, you can summon the summoning beast of Myoboku Mountain!"

Not long after receiving the news, Nagato, Konan, and several other members of the Akatsuki organization, arrived at the Akatsuki organization base.

As soon as they entered the door, Konan and Nagato, who were a little nervous, saw Yahiko standing there with a silly smile.

Next to Yahiko, a group of burly toads were wandering around in the base. At first glance, they thought it was the cave of some toad monster!

And their teacher Jiraiya was sitting on a huge toad head, smiling at himself and others.

"What is going on?"

Even though Konan and Nagato had been through so many years of hard work and could be said to be knowledgeable, they felt a little dizzy in the face of the current situation.

At this time, Yahiko saw his two companions, and then he restrained himself a little, and said to them with a smile:

"Nagato, Konan, you are back!"

"Yahiko, and Jiraiya teacher, what happened? Why are there so many summoned beasts here?"

Konan asked with a little confusion, and Yahiko said with a smile:

"This is a great thing, Jiraiya teacher will teach us something new this time..."

After the story, Konan and Nagato looked at each other, and they were a little skeptical about Jiraiya's words.

But no matter what, Jiraiya's inheritance of the Myoboku Mountain Summoning Scroll is definitely a pleasant surprise. Nagato still has confidence that even if there is no summoning scroll, it will not affect his future development. But for Konan and Yahiko, the inheritance of this summoning scroll is more important than Mount Tai.

Although the Akatsuki organization is an organization that yearns for peace and pursues solving problems through dialogue, the three people who have been in the ninja world for so long have long understood the importance of strength-the so-called problem-solving through dialogue is often based on the fact that the opponent cannot beat you.

With the blessing of the Samsara Eye and his own talents, Nagato has already possessed the strength of a Kage. Although Konan and Yahiko are also talented, they are still far inferior to Nagato. Nagato is also very happy to be able to improve their strength.

"Teacher Jiraiya, so this time you asked me to come here, hoping that I can help you deal with that Uchiha?"

"Yes, Nagato, the Samsara Eye is the first of the three major eye techniques. If you want to deal with the Sharingan, you naturally have to look at your Samsara Eye."

Jiraiya nodded, confirming Nagato's idea. In fact, this was also the proposal given to him by the Great Toad Sage. All forces must be united to fight Uchiha Feiyu.

"In addition...Nagato, maybe ordinary psychic beasts can't improve your power, but the unique sage mode of Mount Myoboku can definitely greatly increase your strength, and even allow you to better develop the power of the Samsara Eye. ”

"The Rinnegan is too powerful. If I guess correctly, even with the chakra and vitality of your Uzumaki clan, it would be very difficult for you to fight with the Rinnegan."

"But if you can use the sage mode, the chakra fused with natural energy can better exert the power of the samsara eye and reduce the backlash of samsara on your body."

After hearing this, Nagato suddenly raised his head. In fact, Jiraiya was right. Even if the heretic demon was not summoned now, the Samsara Eye was still a huge burden for Nagato.

Just from Nagato's slightly thin body, we can see how strong the samsara eyes are on him. On weekdays, just by warming up the samsara eyes, they have occupied more than 80% of Nagato's chakra. When fighting, Nagato almost needs his life to fight!

Basically, every time he uses the Reincarnation Eye, Nagato will probably lose a few days to several months of life. Fortunately, he is already strong enough and does not use the Reincarnation Eye that many times. Otherwise, it is estimated that the entire life span will be lost by now. Everyone has to be drained.

'If it is true, as Jiraiya-sensei said, that Sage Mode can reduce the burden on the Samsara Eye, then with my strength, no matter what kind of opponent I face, I can deal with it calmly! ’

Nagato can feel that there is still endless terrifying power hidden in his reincarnation eyes, but with his body, unless he really has a life span of ten or twenty years, he simply cannot bear it and cannot tap out this power. potential.

If he really fully develops the power of the Rinnegan, Nagato is confident that with his own strength, he can overthrow the five major ninja villages, learn from the original Hokage, and set rules for these ninja villages!

Seeing that Nagato finally showed interest, Jiraiya also had a smile on his lips.

While the four masters and apprentices were chatting happily, one of the members of the Akatsuki organization who followed Nagato and Konan in had a trace of blackness flashing in his eyes:

‘Did this guy Jiraiya also come to Nagato? What kind of future did that big toad predict? ’

'But this is indeed a good opportunity. The Uchiha junior who attacked Uchiha Madara at the beginning should be Uchiha Feiyu. It's okay for Uchiha Madara. Anyway, the reincarnation eye has been given to Nagato. If he dies, he will die. , but the Heretic Golem must find a way to get it back! ’

A certain half-crippled man behind the scenes didn't know that Uchiha Feiyu had already completely eaten the heretic demon and refined it into his own body. In fact, even the Otsutsuki clan could only It is almost impossible to seal the sacred tree into one's body and completely refine it. Naturally, it cannot imagine that a mere Uchiha can do such a thing.

Speaking of this, the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes is also easy to come out. Naturally, it is the Black Zetsu who cut off the tail of Uchiha Feiyu to survive.

Back then, Uchiha Feiyu bullied Age Madara because he was old and weak, so he directly attacked Madara Uchiha, the Heretic Golem, Uzumaki Shirazuki and others with a surprise move. Black Zetsu relied on his own higher nature. Escaped from death.

After escaping, it took Black Zetsu a long time to recover. He did not dare to trouble Uchiha Feiyu, so he could only come to Nagato, the host of the Samsara Eye, to see if he could influence Nagato. Door, let him take back the Heretic Golem.

When he killed Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Feiyu's strength was not actually beyond the ceiling of the ninja world. It was only because Uchiha Madara was old and weak and had no reincarnation eye that he was easily defeated by Uchiha Feiyu. Kill him, so in the eyes of Black Zetsu, Nagato actually has a chance to defeat Uchiha Feiyu.

It's just that although Black Zetsu has gained Nagato's trust by pretending to be a disguised identity, it has not yet reached the point where it can really influence Nagato. Moreover, out of fear of Uchiha Feiyu's strength, it does not dare to act like the original All this messing around caused Nagato's body to collapse.

Even based on Uchiha Feiyu's strength when he killed Uchiha Madara, if Nagato wanted to win, he would have to develop the power of the Rinnegan to a certain height. If Nagato's body collapsed by then, he would not even be able to win. Uchiha flew away.

But now Jiraiya actually came to the door, and he also said some prophecies about destroying the world, wanted Nagato to help, and was even willing to provide Nagato with the cultivation method in sage mode...

Black Zetsu now feels that his time has finally come. After Nagato learns the Sage Mode, he will find a way to help him and provide him with some research information on Uchiha Madara's Yin-Yang Escape and the Samsara Eye, so that he can deal with an Uchi by then. Bo Feiyu, isn't it easy?

As for Uchiha Feiyu's prophecy of destroying the world, Hei Zetsu's mind was filled with thoughts: Could it be that this guy has discovered the true use of the Heretic Golem and wants to transform the Heretic Golem into a sacred tree again?

If Nagato really doesn't work, maybe you can try joining forces with this guy and see if you can use this guy to rescue your mother?

For Black Zetsu, his only purpose is to rescue his mother. As for whether Nagato or Uchiha Feiyu becomes his mother's body, it is completely indifferent.

But he definitely still feels that Nagato is easier to fool... As for Uchiha Feiha, this cruel, selfish, and unfaithful Uchiha is much harder to fool than the average Uchiha. Without a choice, Black Zetsu didn't want to meet Uchiha Feiyu.

The most terrifying thing is that Uchiha Feiyu really has the means to deal with Black Zetsu! Hei Jue already felt that that part of his body had completely disappeared without a trace, instead of being sealed or transported to some other space.

'Let's first see to what extent Nagato can be strengthened. With the immortal body of the Uzumaki clan and the power of the samsara eye, if he learns senjutsu again, Nagato's strength may not be as strong as that without the samsara eye. Uchiha Madara and the original Senju Hashirama were inferior. ’

While Black Zetsu was thinking about it, Nagato and Konan had already signed a contract with Myoboku Mountain. Just as Nagato pressed his fingerprint on the contract, he heard a bang and his whole body turned into a ball of white. The smoke disappeared without a trace.

"Nagato!! What's going on?! Jiraiya-sensei! Where is Nagato?!"

When Yahiko and Konan saw Nagato disappear, they immediately looked at Jiraiya with expressions of shock and anger. If Jiraiya didn't give them an answer, it seemed like they were about to take action.

"Wait a minute...Nagato must have been reverse-channeled to Miaomu Mountain. It seems that the Great Toad Sage of Miaomu Mountain values ​​Nagato very much."

Jiraiya quickly waved his hands and spoke. Seeing that Yahiko and Konan were still on guard, he spoke simply:

"If you are worried, I will take you to Mt. Miaomu!"

After finishing speaking, Jiraiya said to the scroll toad again:

"You go back to Miaomu Mountain first, and then you can channel us together!"

"I understand, Lord Jiraiya."

The scroll toad said slowly, and the bang turned into white mist and disappeared. After a while, there were only three bangs in a row. Jiraiya, Konan and Yahiko were also teleported to Miao. Wood Mountain.

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