The changes in the nobility of the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Fire only briefly crossed Jiraiya's mind before being forgotten by him.

The inertia of being a ninja for a long time made Jiraiya ignore some special possibilities. Of course, even if he knew that the top leaders of various countries were controlled by illusions, it actually meant nothing.

"Anyway... let's lurk to the Suna Ninja first and find out if there is any information about Uchiha Feiha!"

"When we find out Uchiha Feiyu's purpose, we will be able to tell clearly whether he is an enemy or a friend!"

Jiraiya and his two apprentices were still discussing information, and Uchiha Feiyu, who had been observing them, also frowned.

"Jiraiya and the others actually have the power of yin-yang escape?"

Just now, Uchiha Feiyu cast an illusion through the crystal Sharingan in the sky. Although the power of the illusion was greatly reduced without a formation plate, in theory, ordinary Kage-level ninjas would never be able to resist it.

However, Jiraiya and the three of them seemed to have no feeling at all. They did not even notice the existence of the illusion, and the illusion was broken naturally.

"But they are completely immune to the Sharingan genjutsu, but why didn't they discover the existence of the genjutsu? Hmm... It seems like there was external help?"

Controlling the crystal Sharingan in the sky, Uchiha Feiyu continued to magnify the images of the three people, and soon Uchiha Feiyu discovered black earrings on the three people's ears.

"These earrings... should be made using Yin Yang Dun. I understand. Nagato used these ear studs to input Yin Yang Dun level chakra into them, which made them immune to my genjutsu."

"I'm afraid it's not just that. The three Jiraiyas now are probably like Pain's Six Paths, and can also perform part of the Rinnegan Ninjutsu. And as living beings, while possessing the power of Pain's Six Paths, they can also Use your own ninjutsu."

In the original work, Nagato used corpses to create the Six Paths of Pain, but this does not mean that living ninjas cannot become the Six Paths of Pain. You must know that Uchiha Obito even used the Jinchuriki who was reincarnated in the dirt to serve as Pain. Six Paths, it can be seen that Payne's Six Paths do not necessarily require corpses.

It's just that if living people were used to serve as Pain's Six Paths, Nagato would definitely not be able to completely control them, so he finally chose to use corpses instead of living people with theoretically stronger combat effectiveness.

However, the current Nagato is not disabled as in the original work, and he has full trust in Konan, Yahiko, and Jiraiya. He is worried about their safety, and it is a normal operation to give them the power of the Samsara Eye.

" seems there is no way to deal with them using the simplest method!"

Uchiha Feiyu snorted lightly and was already ready to end it himself.

On the other side, Jiraiya and the others were originally unaware of genjutsu, but the earrings on their ears instantly trembled twice, and then Nagato's voice sounded in their ears.

"Jiraiya-sensei, Yahiko, Konan, are you okay?"

"Are you okay, Nagato? What's wrong? Was something wrong just now?"

Yahiko asked strangely, and then he heard Nagato's heavy voice:

"Just now, I felt that the Yin Yang Chakra left in the earrings was touched. If my estimate is correct, someone should have secretly attacked you."

"And the person who did it should have used close to the ultimate power of Yin-Yang Escape. Otherwise, it would be impossible for you to have touched my Yin-Yang Escape power without you noticing."

Jiraiya's face became serious and he spoke in a low voice:

"So hidden...the opponent should be using illusions, and the Uchiha clan is best at illusions!"

"But we didn't see the enemy at all just now?"

At this time, Xiaonan, who had been silent and had the most immature personality, spoke with a blank look on his face.

Jiraiya shook his head and said seriously:

"Although most illusions must be performed face to face, some of the top illusions can even be observed and cast!"

"So, he's nearby?"

Yahiko turned around and looked around, and asked Jiraiya. Jiraiya hesitated for a moment, and then said:

"It's hard to say. I didn't find any ninja with powerful chakra around me just now... Maybe the other party was hidden too deeply and I didn't notice it, or maybe he borrowed some medium to cast the illusion."

There is another possibility that Jiraiya did not mention, that is, the other party used ninjutsu such as a telescope and crystal ball, and directly used genjutsu at an ultra-long distance!

But even with Jiraiya's extensive knowledge, the thought of this situation makes him feel whimsical. Can this level of genjutsu really be used by humans?

"In short, everyone should be careful. Although we haven't arrived at Sand Ninja Village yet, we are already in the Kingdom of Wind after all, and it is the opponent's territory..."

Halfway through Jiraiya's words, Yahiko suddenly frowned:

"Jiraiya-sensei, the other party probably doesn't know our purpose! In this case, how could the other party suddenly attack us?"


After hearing his apprentice's reminder, Jiraiya finally reacted and his face changed slightly:

"Otherwise, the other party is paying attention to the entire Kingdom of Wind. As long as powerful ninjas enter, they will be trapped in the illusion..."

"Otherwise, the other party has already obtained our information through some means..."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the three people were not very good. If it was the former, how strong would the opponent be?

And if it was the latter... In addition to Jiraiya and his four disciples, only a few senior members of the Akatsuki organization knew about their specific actions!

"It seems that this action will not be so peaceful!"

Jiraiya said with some emotion. Just now, he thought that Uchiha Feiyu might not be the evil demon who destroyed the world, but now, he confirmed his idea.

However, no matter what, although no casualties were caused, a shadow was cast in the hearts of the three people.

The three people could not retreat like this. At least they had to go to see the situation of the Sand Village and decide whether to evacuate. Otherwise, they would just step into the Wind Country and run away. This would not have found out any information at all!

At this moment, Uchiha Feiyu saw through the kaleidoscope crystal ball in the sky that Jiraiya and the other two discussed for a while and then walked into the desert, and he smiled immediately.

"Tsk... you really want to go to the mountain of tigers even though you know there are tigers there. But how come you feel more like a villain?"

"Forget it - I am one of the biggest villains in this ninja world anyway, so I will just wait for Jiraiya and others to come to the Sand Village!"

"But before that, let's make some preparations! These guys have Nagato as a backup, and they might be summoned back by Nagato using the summoning technique halfway through the fight!"

The pupil technique from the Samsara Eye is infinitely useful, and can even be used to summon humans with humans. At this moment, Jiraiya and the other two are carrying Nagato's Yin-Yang escape products, using them as coordinates. Once they encounter danger, Nagato will definitely summon the three of them back.

"But fortunately, I also have a way to cut off the power of Yin-Yang escape, so I have to make some preparations first."


Jiraiya and the other two stepped into the desert of the Wind Country. Now the environment of the Wind Country has improved a lot. Even the original large desert has been divided into several pieces by green vegetation, making it much easier to walk than before.

However, although their bodies were much more relaxed, the three of them were still very depressed. After being awakened by Nagato, they were extremely cautious, especially Jiraiya, who had practiced fairy arts. Under the condition of being on guard, he did feel a sense of being observed.

It was the crystal ball of the Sharingan in the sky, which had been staring at the three of them. It was precisely because of this feeling of staring that Jiraiya felt like a thorn in his back, and his two apprentices were also on edge under his prompting.

This led to the feeling of exhaustion when the three of them walked through several deserts and were about to approach the Sand Village.

"Stop, this is not a solution. We just want to secretly check the Sand Village, not to directly go to war with one of the five major ninja villages!"

Jiraiya waved his hand and said to Konan and Yahiko, and the two of them stopped immediately.

"Teacher, are we still being monitored?"

"We have never escaped the other party's sight... If I am not mistaken, the other party should be using a ninjutsu similar to the telescope technique. By recording our chakra and using a medium such as a crystal ball, we can observe our every move."

The Great Toad Sage and Jiraiya's teacher, the Third Hokage, both have such a crystal ball telescope technique. Although Jiraiya cannot use this ninjutsu, he at least knows about it and knows the ability of this ninjutsu.

"It is easy to escape the crystal ball technique, but it is also difficult to say it..."

Jiraiya glanced at his two apprentices and whispered:

"The easiest way is to sneak into the ground!"

After that, Jiraiya grabbed his two apprentices with both hands and directly launched the earth escape technique:

"Earth escape-sneak technique in the soil!"

The three people quickly sneaked into the soil layer, and when Uchiha Feiyu was slightly stunned, they had disappeared without a trace.

Jiraiya thought that Uchiha Feiyu used a ninjutsu similar to the crystal ball telescope technique, so he used this method of sneaking underground.

But it must be said that this trick of his was a lucky one. The Sharingan satellite placed in the sky by Uchiha Feiyu really couldn't see the situation under the earth.

"No... To be precise, most of the perception-type ninjutsu seem to be concealed by hiding underground. As long as you hide deep enough underground, even the Byakugan or Kagura's heart eye probably won't be able to find you."

"Jiraiya is an experienced guy. He seems to be rushing directly to the Sand Village along the way. I guess he has already made preparations in his heart. It is impossible for him to directly fall into the trap."

Seeing Jiraiya's approach, even Uchiha Feiyu felt a little tricky. After the other party hid underground, it would be difficult for him to find their traces. Even if he came out from underground again, he would have to use the Sharingan satellite above his head again to scan the entire Wind Country before he could find the other party.

But how much effort does it take to scan the Wind Country by himself, and how much effort does it take for the other party to sneak into the ground and dig a hole? In this case, the one who is in trouble is Uchiha Feiyu himself.

"A bunch of troublesome guys... But it doesn't matter. If it really doesn't work, just cut off the firewood from under the cauldron!"

"If you are in danger, Nagato can pull you back, but if Nagato is in danger... then who can save him?"

Having made up his mind, Uchiha Feiyu directly called Xia Rixing and handed her a Flying Thunder God Kunai.

"Xia Rixing, you have the ability to fly with the Peacock Magic Technique, and your speed is the fastest in the entire Sand Village. Now you take my Flying Thunder God Kunai and go to the Rain Village!"

"After we get to the location, use chakra to activate the power of the kunai."

Xia Rixing took the Flying Thunder God Kunai, half-knelt on the ground, and replied respectfully:

"I understand, Master Feiyu!"

Seeing Uchiha Feiyu waving his hand, Xia Rixing left the Kazekage's office, and then a pair of gorgeous wings grew behind her, and she flew into the sky and disappeared.

Jiraiya and others turned several circles underground before coming out again. Just after coming out of the underground, Jiraiya closed his eyes slightly, and the whole person became "silent".

This is the meditation method that Jiraiya has learned through practicing immortal arts. In this state of meditation, he can not only sense the natural energy between heaven and earth, but also maximize his own perception.

After a moment, Jiraiya, who was originally as quiet as a stone statue, suddenly became alive and opened his eyes:

"Hahaha, it's successful. The feeling of being watched has disappeared. This time we have shaken off the other party's surveillance!"

After hearing Jiraiya's words, Yahiko and Konan breathed a sigh of relief, looked at each other, and smiled.

"Get ready! While the other party hasn't found us, find a way to conceal your identity. I have taught you the Toad Flat Shadow Technique. When the time comes, find a Sand Ninja to control it, and then sneak into the Sand Ninja Village!"

Jiraiya's Toad Flat Shadow Technique is a ninjutsu that sneaks into the opponent's shadow, turns the body into thin paper, and attaches to the shadow to control the opponent. Unless it is a face-to-face confrontation, it is definitely impossible to detect it with remote perception ninjutsu such as the telescope technique.

Jiraiya and his two companions found a patrolling group of Sand Ninjas near the Sand Village.

Jiraiya and his two companions first used illusion to control the group of Sand Ninjas and asked for some information. Although Uchiha Feiyu always wore a mask when he was in the Sand Village, there were too many special things about him, which allowed Jiraiya and his two companions to get some information.

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