Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 174 Salamander Hanzo

Just as Jiraiya and others tried their best to sneak into the Sand Village, Xia Rixing also crossed the Wind Country after a whole day of flying and came to the Rain Country where it was rainy and cloudy.

After arriving in the Rain Country, Xia Rixing had to slow down. The environment here was not very friendly to flying. Not to mention that the continuous drizzle hindered flying, flying too high would easily be struck by lightning.

Fortunately, the territory of the Rain Country was small, and Xia Rixing soon arrived at the Rain Village, then took out the Flying Thunder God Kunai and input chakra into it.

The light flashed, and Uchiha Feiyu appeared in front of Xia Rixing in an instant, and finally the huge mental power spread out and scanned the entire Rain Village.

"Huh? No... Is Nagato not in the Rain Village now?"

After a moment, Uchiha Feiyu frowned slightly. There was no outstanding chakra in the current Rain Village. The strongest one was just about the same as the ordinary Kage level, which gave Uchiha Feiyu no feeling of threat.

If Uchiha Feiyu guessed correctly, the one he sensed should be Hanzo of the Rain Village. Although this guy has a great reputation and is even called a demigod, his strength is not much stronger than that of an ordinary Kage.

The real reason why other ninja villages are unwilling to get involved with this guy is that Hanzo is a completely poisonous person. Even just breathing carries poison, and the effect of clearing soldiers on the battlefield is absolutely first-class.

Excluding the transplanted poison sac and the toxins of the summoned beast, Hanzo's strength is not much stronger than that of the "strongest third-generation Kazekage". It cannot be said that he is a completely exaggerated water product, but he is indeed overrated.

And Nagato, even if most of his chakra is absorbed by the Samsara Eye, the quality of his chakra is far better than that of an ordinary Kage-level strongman.

Turning his head and thinking for a while, Uchiha Feiyu quickly figured it out. It should be the butterfly effect of killing Shimura Danzo and Uchiha Madara that caused this change.

Obviously, there is no real conflict between Hanzo and Akatsuki, and Nagato has not killed Hanzo and taken control of Rain Village.

"If you think about it carefully, you can understand that Jiraiya can take Yahiko and Konan with him. The plot of Rain Country has obviously taken another turn."

"But no matter what, the Akatsuki headquarters should still be in Rain Country. I believe Hanzo must have enough information."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Feiyu first said something to Xia Rixing, asking her to go back to Sand Village directly, and he slowly walked into Rain Village.

Relying on his powerful illusion, Uchiha Feiyu was like a nobody in Rain Village. All the ninjas in the streets and alleys ignored him. Soon, he came to the high tower in the center of Rain Village.

This is the most heavily guarded place in the ninja village. Although Hanzo was not beaten to a pulp by the Outer Path Demon Statue summoned by Nagato like in the original work, and had to be protected by the guard ninja all the time, the old and frail Hanzo is still very concerned about his own protection.

But how can these ninjas from the Rain Village fight against Uchiha Feiyu? He walked in from the main gate of the tower openly and swaggeringly, and the ninjas with wide eyes beside him knew nothing.

In the room in the tower, Hanzo was sitting quietly on the futon, holding a sickle and meditating with his eyes closed.

As he got older, Hanzo liked this quiet atmosphere more and more, and no longer liked to go out to practice martial arts like when he was young.

As for the reason for this change, Hanzo knew it very well in his heart. When he was young, he needed to show his strength in front of many ninjas to boost the confidence of his ninja village.

At that time, he was indeed very powerful. His top swordsmanship and water escape, coupled with his own poison, were enough to make any opponent fear him.

Unfortunately... I am old now!

The impact of aging on physical ninjas is much stronger than that on ninjutsu and illusion ninjas. In addition to poison, most of the strength of Hanzo Salamander is above swordsmanship and instant body skills. The decline in strength after aging is even greater than that of ordinary ninjas.

Not to mention that when he was young, in order to pursue powerful strength, Hanzo Salamander transplanted the poisonous sac of Salamander to himself. Although this made him invincible when he was young and swept many opponents, it also made his body age much faster than ordinary ninjas when he was old.

Although Hanzo Salamander himself has a strong resistance to poison, he can't stand these toxins in his body day and night. Now the 50-year-old Hanzo Salamander is no different from a 70-year-old man.

At this time, Hanzo could only keep a low profile and reduce the number of attacks to avoid letting other ninjas see his weakness.

After a long time of being immersed in the high spirits of his youth, Hanzo suddenly woke up and opened his eyes:

"Strange, why is it so quiet outside?!"

The Land of Rain is always drizzling. Even in the high tower, there will be extremely subtle raindrops. It is difficult to notice under normal circumstances, but when Hanzo is quiet, these subtle rain sounds can be heard clearly.

Now that the sound of rain has disappeared, Hanzo's first reaction is not that the sky outside has cleared up and the rain has stopped, but that he has been hit by an illusion!

He remembered very clearly that the sound of raindrops outside was not the kind of sparse, slowly getting smaller, and finally stopping, but suddenly disappeared at a certain point.

Just like an invisible curtain that suddenly covered the surroundings, Hanzo carefully observed the surroundings. Although he did not notice any flaws, the sense of disobedience became more and more intense in his heart.

Seeing Hanzo looking around there, as if he had noticed something, Uchiha Feiyu was a little surprised. It was the first time that his illusion of controlling the five senses was discovered by someone.

Of course, this was also because Uchiha Feiyu did not pay much attention. After all, with his current strength, he really did not need to be cautious anymore, so he did not pay much attention when performing the illusion-if the control of the five senses did not work, the worst that could happen was to make up for the God-Saving Technique.

With a gentle wave of his hand, Uchiha Feiyu untied the illusion he had set up. Hanzo shuddered all over. Seeing the stranger who suddenly appeared in his room, he instinctively tightened his sickle and retreated quickly.

Just after taking a step back, Hanzo froze there. Uchiha Feiyu in front of him had disappeared without a trace, and behind him, a hand had patted his shoulder.

So fast!

After feeling the speed of Uchiha Feiyu, Hanzo was almost unbelievable and was stunned.

You should know that Hanzo is most famous for his extremely fast body-flickering technique besides his poison and swordsmanship.

Even though he is old and weak now, relying on his rich experience, the speed of the body-flickering technique he burst out at the beginning is not much slower than when he was young.

Even if he is a Kage-level ninja, it is not easy to stick to him, let alone suddenly appear behind him and pat him on the shoulder.

Suppressing the thought of looking back, Hanzo exerted force on his feet and used the instant body technique again to rush forward. However, his face changed drastically when he was halfway through the technique.

Because Uchiha Feiyu had appeared in front of him from behind him, with a finger pressed on his forehead.

Kasaya Slash!

The sickle in his hand drew an oblique arc of light and chopped directly at Uchiha Feiyu. However, the sickle in his hand only drew an empty phantom. Then he felt a finger pressing on his neck, and a feeling of numbness spread from his neck, and the whole person fell to the ground.

Before the feeling of numbness spread to his whole body, Hanzo struggled to stretch out his arms and pulled on the breathing mask on his face. As he fell to the ground, the breathing mask was also pulled off by him.

"Who are you? What do you want to do with me?"

Hanzang, who fell to the ground, asked Uchiha Feiyu with a cold face. Uchiha Feiyu chuckled, looked at his breathing mask on the ground, and shook his head:

"Want to delay time? You don't really think that the poison gas discharged from your body can hurt me, right?"

"The poison sac of the salamander is indeed very scary, but the ninjutsu of the ninja world has been moving forward. After the transformation from the ninja clan to the ninja village model, the ninjutsu in the past few decades has developed almost faster than the previous hundreds of years."

"And the fastest developing of all ninjutsu is medical ninjutsu. Ten years ago, your salamander Hanzo's breathing may be an extremely terrible unsolvable poison, but now at least the Sand Ninja, Rock Ninja, and Konoha definitely have a way to solve the salamander toxin!"

Uchiha Feiyu is not bragging. After the major ninja clans became ninja villages, ninjutsu did usher in a huge development. Why are the second-generation shadows of the major ninja villages almost all great inventors? That is the result of the collision and exchange of the secret ninjutsu of the ninja family.

In the past, due to the restrictions of the ninja family, medical ninjutsu was almost not a system at all. It was only after the establishment of the ninja village that the branch of medical ninjutsu appeared.

Medical ninjutsu more than ten or twenty years ago was in the initial stage of development, which allowed Hanzo of the Salamander to gain the reputation of a demigod with his poison.

In this era, Hanzo of the Salamander would not be able to let the three ninjas go, and I am afraid that any one of the three ninjas could beat him up.

Uchiha Feiyu relied on his ability to summon spirits and generals, and he could be called a ninjutsu all-rounder. His medical ninjutsu was only slightly worse than Tsunade's - but he was immune to Hanzo of the Salamander's poison, not because of medical ninjutsu, but because of his extremely strong physique and six-path-level bloodline.

After hearing what Uchiha Feiyu said, Hanzo of the Salamander's face suddenly became a little ugly. He did want to rely on his poisonous breath to plot against Uchiha Feiyu, but after Uchiha Feiyu pointed out that his poison had been degraded, he really had no means of resistance.

"Damn... If I'm not mistaken, you should be the Uchiha who betrayed Konoha!"

"Do you want to control me and occupy the entire Rain Village? Or is all this a conspiracy of Konoha?"

Uchiha Feiyu shrugged lightly, looked at the tears of the era in front of him, and said briskly:

"You think too much. I came here just to ask about the information of the Akatsuki organization."

As soon as these words came out, Hanzo of the Salamander was stunned. You, an Uchiha, ran to the Rain Village and knocked down me, a demigod in the ninja world, just to ask about the Akatsuki organization?

The Akatsuki organization is still somewhat famous in the Land of Rain, but in the entire ninja world, who knows what kind of onion it is?

But he is a well-known strong man in the whole ninja world, and the Rain Village is also the strongest second-tier ninja village, not much stronger than the Akatsuki organization!

Looking at the look of doubt on the face of the Salamander Hanzo, Uchiha Feiyu rolled his eyes and said:

"Don't stand there stupidly... You don't want me to use illusion to interrogate information!"

After listening to Uchiha Feiyu's words, the Salamander Hanzo reacted and said in a deep voice:

"You only need information about the Akatsuki organization?"

"Yes, don't tell me that you don't have information about the Akatsuki organization! As the boss of the Rain Country, you must be very concerned about the second place of the Rain Country!"

"The Rain Country has been closed off for many years. In addition to paying attention to domestic organizations, the Rain Ninja has no other information to pay attention to!"

What Uchiha Feiyu said is right. Since the Second Ninja World War, the Rain Country has fallen into a closed-off state, prohibiting ninjas from other countries from entering and leaving.

The Rain Country itself is a poor country with bad weather and bad mountains and water. With the threat of Hanzo the Salamander, the strength of the Rain Ninjas cannot be underestimated, and ninjas from other countries are naturally not interested in coming here.

Without other ninjas, the Rain Ninjas don't like to go out, so the intelligence system of the Rain Country is naturally used within the country. Among them, the intelligence of the Akatsuki organization is of course the top priority. The intelligence of the three leaders of the Akatsuki organization alone can fill a drawer.

"Okay, I know! What information do you want to know about Akatsuki?"

"I want to ask, where is Akatsuki's base?"

Akatsuki's base...

For a moment, Hanzo fell silent. Uchiha Feiyu tilted his head slightly, a little surprised by his performance:

"Why, you don't even know where Akatsuki's base is? I don't believe that Rain Ninja is so lame."

"I know..."

Hanzo said faintly, his eyes full of a look as if he was beaten up innocently:

"Not only do I know...the entire Rain Ninja Village, any ninja knows where Akatsuki's base is!"

Uchiha Feiyu got one thing wrong - the current Akatsuki is not a secret organization that is ready to subvert the ninja world. Their base is open and aboveboard like other ninja villages.

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