Sanshouyu Hanzo's words made Uchiha Feiyu's expression somewhat uneasy. He rolled his eyes and said angrily:

"Stop talking nonsense and just tell me the location of the Akatsuki organization's base. By the way, do you know where the Akatsuki organization's Nagato is now?"

"Nagato of the Akatsuki organization? He should still be in his base now, but Yahiko and Konan are said to have left the Land of Rain with Jiraiya of Konoha."

"You were once a ninja of Konoha. Is there some secret relationship between the Akatsuki organization and Konoha?"

Obviously, Uchiha Feiyu's sudden attack, coupled with the relationship between Jiraiya and the Akatsuki organization, gave the hero of the Land of Rain some wrong associations.

However, Uchiha Feiyu did not answer his questions. He just prepared to leave after getting the location of the Akatsuki organization's base from Sanshouyu Hanzo.

Before leaving, Uchiha Feiyu moved in his heart and left a scroll for Sansho Hanzo.

It was a ninja technique that Uchiha Feiyu drew from the Book of Demonic Inheritance and was subsequently improved by Orochimaru. It can be called a poison-escape chakra blood inheritance limit. I don't know if it can be used by Sanshouyu Hanzo. Poisonous man, what will happen again?

The Kingdom of Rain, the base of the Akatsuki organization.

In Uchiha Feiyu's opinion, the Akatsuki organization's base was probably in a cave. It wasn't until he arrived at the location that he discovered that the other party had also established a small ninja village.

Calling it a Ninja Village is not very appropriate, after all, this is not a place to train ninjas, but saying this is not a Ninja Village... There is already a rough Ninja Village mission system here.

It’s just that compared to Rain Ninja Village, the rewards in the mission system here are pitifully small, which is equivalent to half selling and half giving, and it is more to support and help the civilians of the Rain Country.

Although this approach did not allow the Akatsuki organization to make much money and prevent it from growing, it did allow the Akatsuki organization to have great prestige within the Kingdom of Rain, and it took in many Nami ninja who yearned for peace. From another aspect Strengthened.

Walking in this small ninja village, Uchiha Feiyu walked towards the center of the ninja village while admiring these poor but energetic ninjas.

"Speaking of which, if the Akatsuki organization continues to develop like this, it will really turn into a ninja village organization. After Sansho Hanzo dies, they may be the ones to make the decision in the Land of Rain."

"It's a pity...a mere Rain Country cannot support a ninja of Nagato's level!"

At this moment, Uchiha Feiyu has arrived at the house in the center of the Akatsuki organization's ninja village. This house looks ordinary, no different from any other house in this village, but the powerful chakra emanating from it makes Uchiha Feiyu is sure that the target is inside.

The figure blurred for a while, and Uchiha Feiyu directly penetrated the door and walked inside.

The room is quite simple. As a progressive organization that is bound by ideals and pursues world peace, the Akatsuki Organization naturally cannot have too much money. Even if it does, it cannot be spent on personal enjoyment.

There are ordinary tables, chairs and benches, no electrical appliances, even the lighting is kerosene lamps, and there are no beds, just a layer of tatami mats on the ground.

At this moment, Uchiha Feiyu's target, Uzumaki Nagato, was sitting cross-legged on the tatami. Next to him, there was a ninja who looked unremarkable.

Uchiha Feiyu looked at the two people, especially the ninja next to Uzumaki Nagato. The light of the soul in this ninja made Uchiha Feiyu feel very familiar.

Isn’t this white plus black! Hei Zetsu was torn apart by himself and refined most of his body, but he didn't expect to come to Nagato now!

He is also possessed by a White Zetsu, and the chakra in his body has also reached the Kage level. It is probably a specially prepared product, like the Whirlpool White Zetsu.

Uchiha Feiyu had just finished thinking when he saw Uzumaki Nagato suddenly open his eyes!

"Is it you!? Uchiha Feiyu, you actually came directly to the door!"

Obviously, although the two have never met, Nagato knows Uchiha Feiha's appearance very well, just like Uchiha Feiha knows him.

"Tsk, you are only allowed to come to me for trouble, but am I not allowed to teach you a lesson?"

Uchiha Feiha chuckled and said, the three Magatama Sharingan rotated rapidly, bursting out terrifying chakra.

Uzumaki Nagato looked serious, feeling the overwhelming chakra of the other party, even far overwhelming his own, and cold sweat could not help but flow from his forehead:

"Damn...why is this guy's chakra so terrifying? He's obviously just an Uchiha..."

As a ninja clan with Otsutsuki bloodline, the chakra of the Uchiha clan is of course stronger than that of ordinary ninja families, even ordinary blood-stained ninjas, but if the comparison object is those ninja families who inherited the immortal body, then It's just too far gone.

Theoretically, compared to the Uchiha and Senju Uzumaki clan of the same level, the chakra is only about one-tenth of the latter two families at most. However, in Uzumaki Nagato's perception, it is Uchiha Hiba's chakra. , more than ten times better than him!

This does not refer to the amount of chakra he has in the state of the Samsara Eye, but ten times more than the chakra in his complete state.

'Miscalculation, this guy's strength far exceeds my imagination, he is definitely not an ordinary Uchiha! ’

While being surprised, Nagato did not forget to attack directly. He stretched out his hand, and several black sticks immediately appeared in his hand. Under the small gravitational ejection, they pierced Uchiha Feiyu.

The black stick penetrated Uchiha Feiyu's body without leaving any wounds, as if it penetrated a phantom, which made Nagato's eyes shrink slightly.

"Space-time ninjutsu? I didn't expect you to know this kind of ninjutsu!"

"There are still many things you don't know!"

Uchiha Feiyu sneered and stretched out his hand. The dark light flashed in his hand, and condensed into a black long sword in a moment.

"Yin Yang escape, how can you use Yin Yang escape without the Samsara Eye... Can you use the power of Yin Yang escape?"

Looking at the black long sword, Nagato couldn't hold it anymore. He had seen that this long sword and his black stick were the same punishment, both of which were products of Yin Yang escape.

Even Nagato himself only developed the power of Yin-Yang Release to turn the virtual into the real and create this kind of black stick that can disrupt chakra and is extremely tough after he possessed the Samsara Eye.

To a certain extent, the chakra black stick created by the Samsara Eye is a degraded version of the Seeking Truth Jade, and it is also the basis of Yin-Yang Release!

"You should think about yourself before you are surprised!"

The black long sword turned into an arc and chopped directly at Nagato's head. Nagato glared, and a strong gravitational force burst out instantly.

However, the powerful gravitational force was instantly weakened by more than half after it came in front of Uchiha Feiyu.

The remaining gravitational force hit Uchiha Feiyu, but it only made Uchiha Feiyu retreat a few steps, and then it completely disappeared without a trace.

"This is... the power of the Hungry Ghost Path, no, it's not just that..."

The Hungry Ghost Path can restore ninjutsu to the power of chakra absorption, but Uzumaki Nagato's Shinra Tensei is an extremely special Samsara Eye ninjutsu, which controls the invisible gravity. Even he himself can't absorb it with the power of the evil ghost path.

"At this time, the Ten Thousand Transformations Sacred Art plus chakra absorption... I guess you don't know what the Ten Thousand Transformations Sacred Art is."

The Ten Thousand Transformations Sacred Art comes from the secret art of the Devouring Heaven Demon Art, which has the effect of turning the enemy's attack from magic to decay. In the hands of Uchiha Feiyu, it is to directly degenerate the ninjutsu that was originally enough to be called S-level into an ordinary B-level or even C-level ninjutsu.

Although the Shinra Tensei ninjutsu is a bit special, it is obviously impossible to surpass the Ten Thousand Transformations Sacred Art, a secret art created by the Great Emperor Zhatian. The power of the original S-level ninjutsu has directly degenerated to the limit, and then it was absorbed by Uchiha Feiyu.

"Ten thousand things attract!"

After the failure of the Shinra Tensei, Nagato said nothing and transformed the original repulsive force into an attractive force. The target was not Uchiha Feiyu, but the earth in the distance.

With a whoosh, Nagato smashed the entire wall and dodged Uchiha Feiyu's long sword. Uchiha Feiyu smiled slightly:

"Instead of attracting the opponent through attraction, it is to move through this attraction? It's an interesting idea."

"But the gap between our strength is too big. With the Samsara Eye alone, you can't be my opponent. It's better to replace it with the original owner of the Samsara Eye!"

Nagato, who broke through the vortex of the room wall, took a long breath, relying on the ability of the Samsara Eye to control gravity, and slowly floated in the air. Then he stretched out a hand and pulled Ah Fei over with a whoosh.

"You... you must be a White Zetsu! I don't care what your relationship with Uchiha Madara is. If we don't do it now, we'll all be finished!"

Although A Fei hid himself well with the disguise technique, the opportunity for him to find Uchiha Madara's secret base was just too coincidental, and after learning the fairy technique, Uzumaki Nagato's perception ability increased significantly.

In this case, Uzumaki Nagato carefully observed and found that there was something wrong with A Fei's identity, but anyway, since A Fei was on their side, Uzumaki Nagato pretended to know nothing.

However, in this dangerous situation, Nagato didn't want A Fei to hide anymore. He studied the information left by Uchiha Madara and knew that these White Zetsu had a possession technique that could greatly enhance the Yang escape chakra of the possessed ninja. For Nagato, who was burdened with the Samsara Eye, it was definitely a great power supplement.

After hearing what Nagato said, Ah Fei, who was sucked over, just glanced at him and laughed strangely: "Then it's as you wish, Lord Nagato."

After saying that, the whole person of White Zetsu began to change. The skin on his body gradually turned pale and green hair appeared on his head. Soon he turned into the shape of White Zetsu.

The only strange thing was that this White Zetsu was covered with black patterns, and one of his eyes was different from the ordinary White Zetsu, revealing a golden color.

As soon as he touched Nagato, the whole White Zetsu covered Nagato's body like a pool of flowing clothes, and Nagato's aura suddenly surged.

Nagato also showed a trace of surprise on his face. He could feel that not only the Yang escape chakra in his body surged, but also the Yin escape chakra, which instantly increased a lot.

It was not only White Zetsu that covered Nagato, but also the incomplete Black Zetsu. If White Zetsu was a pure Yang escape chakra creation, then Black Zetsu was a blood-stained net creation that combined Yin and Yang escape, and the improvement it brought to Nagato was naturally extraordinary.

This is still a large part of the current Black Zetsu that was torn apart by Uchiha Feiyu, and it has not recovered until now. Otherwise, Black Zetsu's possession ability is enough to make any ordinary ninja have something close to super. Shadow level power.

After all, the third child who can be called Kaguya Otsutsuki is certainly 108,000 miles behind his brothers, Sage of the Six Paths, but he has a crushing advantage over ordinary ninjas.

Even though Black Zetsu is in a disabled state now, Nagato is no ordinary ninja! The moment the two merged, the aura they erupted could vaguely compete with Uchiha Feiyu.

Before this was over, Uzumaki Nagato clasped his hands together in mid-air and activated the psychic ninjutsu. Hearing two bangs, two Toad Sage figures appeared on his shoulders.

"Two immortals, please!"

"I got it, Nagato-chan!"

"Is this the Uchiha? He actually knocked on the door. Dad, be careful!"

"The art of two lives!"

Two toads merged into Nagato's shoulders. At the same time, toad pupils appeared in Nagato's eyes, and strange lines appeared on the edges of his eye sockets, officially entering sage mode!

Uchiha Fei stared at the Sharingan and carefully observed the current Nagato. Two Toad Immortals were sitting on Nagato's shoulders, constantly absorbing natural energy, inputting it into Nagato's body, and covering Nagato's body at the same time. The black and white Zetsu also helped stabilize the spiritual energy and physical energy in Nagato's body.

In this state, Nagato can have a steady stream of magical chakra without paying any attention. If this cycle is not interrupted, he can even run this pattern to the end of the world.

"'s almost the same as the nine-tailed fairy fox mode..."

Uchiha Feiyu murmured. In fact, it was indeed the case. Although the art of two lives did not look very beautiful, the two toads were integrated into his shoulders. It seemed that the simpler it was with the sage mode, the less changed it was. The more it runs counter to the purpose of perfection.

But in fact, just as the refinement of Senjutsu Chakra through the Nine Tails can greatly increase the duration of Naruto's Senjutsu mode and greatly improve his strength, the essence of the art of two lives is also here.

The two sages can not only help refine chakra and maintain the celestial arts endlessly, but as sages of Mt. Myoboku, their own ninjutsu abilities are no less than those of ordinary Kage-level ninjas. Cooperating with Nagato who enters sage mode, Madara Uchiha showed that his combat prowess is no less than that of the Rinnegan!

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