When Uchiha Feiyu completed the mission and returned to the capital of Alabasta, he thought the war was over, but he found a large number of rebels.

"What's going on? Didn't you reach an agreement with the rebels?"

In the palace, Uchiha Feiyu found Cobra and Vivi and said something strange.

Princess Vivi looked angry and said:

"The rebels have now contacted the pirates outside and suddenly launched an attack. They have a great advantage, so they are now arrogant again."

"And the original rebel leader has been replaced by some nobles. Those greedy guys are not as pure as the original rebel leader."

The original rebel leader was named Kosa, and he and Vivi were childhood sweethearts. At least he was a good person in terms of character. He was wholeheartedly just to give the people a way to survive.

Unfortunately, due to Uchiha Feiyu's actions, a large number of separatist nobles were killed, and the remaining few nobles simply fled to the rebels, causing these nobles who had only secretly supported the rebels to stand out directly and occupy the position of the rebel leaders.

These nobles are not like the original rebel leader, who only wanted to find a way out for his people, but really wanted to overthrow the Alabasta royal family!

"Tsk... bad money drives out good money. There is nothing new under the sun. In this game of fighting for the world, people with high morals are always defeated by those who have no bottom line."

Uchiha Feiyu was not surprised by this. This situation has happened countless times in human history. Most of the founding monarchs, although they are talented and strategic, are basically below the average level in terms of personal morality. After all, guys without bottom lines are always more difficult to deal with.

Emperor Gaozu of Han could ask Xiang Yu to share a bowl of his father's broth with him, Emperor Taizong of Tang killed his two brothers directly, Emperor Taizu of Song wore a yellow robe and bullied orphans and widows, and Zhu Yuanzhang almost killed all his old brothers...

Unless it is Qin Shihuang who has accumulated the wealth of his ancestors, or Liu Xiu who has the destiny to summon meteorites, otherwise, in the process of the world's dragon competition, those with bottom lines will be easily eliminated.

Of course, what Uchiha Feiyu is more concerned about is another question:

"Are you saying that the pirates who helped the rebels are the Straw Hat Pirates? Interesting, how could these guys get involved in such things?"

After the Straw Hat Pirates escaped from Smoker, they already had a bounty. Now the three main forces are probably worth tens of millions of bounties, of course, the specific strength is definitely more than this number.

"It's probably because of you, the captain. You seem to have forgotten what you have done. Whether it's the pirate ship or Usopp, you stole them from the Straw Hat Pirates!"

The one who spoke was Robin. Although she had just joined Uchiha Feiyu's team, she had been in the underground world for many years, so she easily learned what Uchiha Feiyu had done in the past from Nami, Usopp and others.

"Uh... So you want to take revenge on me? You are really persistent..."

Uchiha Feiyu muttered, but thinking that he not only stole the Golden Merry, but also pulled Usopp to do odd jobs... If the former, the Straw Hat Pirates can still laugh off the grudges, but the latter, no matter how rubber-headed Luffy is, he will never let it go.

Unless Usopp goes to explain to the Straw Hat Pirates himself, but Uchiha Feiyu doesn't think Usopp will do such a thing. Maybe the first thing he does when he returns to the Straw Hat Pirates is to quickly let Luffy and the other two take him away.

Uchiha Feiyu didn't care much about Usopp, but he had already invested a candle fruit. If he let Usopp return to the Straw Hat Pirates, wouldn't he suffer a great loss?

(But it's good this way... Since the rebels are unwilling to disband, doesn't that give me an excuse to kill?)

Honestly speaking, Uchiha Feiyu killed a lot in Alabasta. So far, he has killed nearly 100,000 people. The people in the One Piece world are full of blood and vitality, and even ordinary people are no worse than the ninjas in the Naruto world.

The blood nerve mana obtained from 100,000 lives, after being transmitted back through the void, is not a small number, which can make the original body's cultivation further. At the same time, through the transformation of mana, his clone has gradually acquired a perverted physique close to Charlotte Linlin and Kaido of the Beasts.

It's still a long way to go now, but at least ordinary guns and artillery, even if Uchiha Feiyu has no defense, can't cause any harm to him.

This level of physique is probably close to that of a special race like Jin, and Uchiha Feiyu's strength is almost at the level of one billion in the pirate world.

If Uchiha Feiyu can kill tens of millions of rebels, the mana he gets is almost close to a harvest of about ten years in the Naruto world, and he can complete his physical transformation and become a pirate version of Ashura.

Of course, it is 108,000 miles away from the original, but in this pirate world, it is much stronger than the general fantasy devil fruit.

"In this case, let me deal with it! If I don't scare these rebels at once and kill all those parasites who are plotting to seize high positions, I'm afraid there will be many repetitions in the future!"

"Then I'll leave it to you to deal with it, but there is no need to be so rough with ordinary rebels... They are just trying to survive."

Princess Vivi spoke, and Uchiha Feiyu nodded. It would be difficult to kill all the rebels. Kobra and Princess Vivi would not agree, but they would kill the most radical one or two percent. There is nothing wrong with using it as a resource for one's own progress.

"By the way, Robin, have you finished reading the text of World History?"

As if he remembered something, Uchiha Feiyu looked at Robin and asked. After killing Shakrok Farr, Robin obtained the consent of Princess Vivi and King Kobra and went to check it out. That world history text.

Uchiha Feiyu didn't care about this. He knew very well what was written in the historical text of this side of the Kingdom of Alabasta. Isn't it the location of the Pluto battleship?

The key is that the Pluto Battleship is in the Wano Country in the new world, and Wano happens to be the territory of Kaido among the Four Emperors. If you want to seize the Pluto Battleship, you must first deal with the strongest creatures on land, sea, and air...

To be honest, this series of plans by Shakrok Fall seem to be extremely sophisticated, but in fact they are a tragedy. Even if he knows the location of the Pluto battleship, what can he do?

Sand Crocodile can't beat Whitebeard, can it beat Kaido of the Beasts? If you really want to talk about it, Kaido is much more dangerous than Whitebeard!

Not to mention the current Kaido, in terms of strength, he is probably still above the old Whitebeard. The key is that Whitebeard will often be merciful when he sees young people who admire him and let them go. Kaido does not have this hobby, otherwise he will capture him. Be my subordinate, or I will kill you directly.

With Shacklebolt's original strength, he was able to escape from Whitebeard. It was definitely because Whitebeard didn't take it seriously. If he had been replaced by Kaido, his bones would have been rotten, or he would have been squatting in the country of Wano. Where is the bitter kiln?

"I've finished reading it...it's a pity that it's not the blank 100 years of history I wanted."

Robin sighed, then glanced at Uchiha Feiyu, and found that he didn't seem interested in the historical text, and he was secretly relieved.

Robin didn't want to trust something like Pluto's battleship. Although Uchiha Feiyu gave her a much better feeling than Shakrok Farr, Robin still didn't have much trust in him.

"The 100 years of blankness? Although I know the location of many historical texts, not many of them involve the 100 years of blankness. Maybe Vegapunk knows more. He has done some research on this aspect."

He casually answered Robin's words, which made Robin's eyes light up and he was filled with fighting spirit again, who was originally a little disappointed by this historical record.

And Uchiha Feiyu has left the palace and is ready to fight.

The troops of the rebel army gradually gathered. This group of people seemed to be preparing to finish their work in one battle and destroy the capital of Alabasta in one go. This was also the credit of Uchiha Feiyu. He has now killed the country's separatist nobles and corrupt officials. After all, as the country's finances and other aspects improve, the rebel army's fighting will will continue to decline.

There are still dozens of millions of rebels gathered now, because the implementation of the policy still needs some fermentation time. If another three months pass, about 90% of these rebels will have to throw away their weapons and go back to farming directly.

This is something that the defeated nobles cannot accept no matter what, so they can only choose to fight quickly.

When Uchiha Feiyu came to the city wall, he could see the rebel army's barracks opposite and Luffy standing at the front of the rebel army, jumping up and down.

Sanji and Zoro were not seen. Maybe one was cooking for the rebels and the other was lost somewhere. Uchiha Feiyu jumped down from the city wall and looked at Luffy on the opposite side:

"Long time no see, Straw Hat, haven't you been taken to the pirate prison?"

"Hahaha, I almost got captured, but with good luck, I finally escaped from the cigarette man."

Luffy scratched his head and laughed, with a heartless expression on his face, which made the surrounding rebels, who were pale and trembling with fear after seeing Uchiha Feiyu, have indescribable expressions.

These two people look so familiar. Could it be that the group of pirates he pulled over are the same as the butcher in front of him?

But soon, Luffy's expression changed directly:

"By the way, you guy, where did you catch Usopp?! Hand him over quickly!"

"Sorry, the long-nosed guy owes me hundreds of millions of beli. If you want him to go back, there's no problem. Just give me 500 million beli!"

Uchiha Feiyu chuckled and said, making Luffy stunned:

"500 million Baileys!! How come Usopp owes you so many Baileys?"

"He ate one of my Devil Fruits and has now become a Candle Fruit user. The auction price of this Devil Fruit is about 300 to 500 million Baileys."

After hearing this, Luffy's face suddenly fell. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly realized:

"Isn't that right?! Aren't we pirates? We can just run away without money to eat! And Usopp was captured by you - why should you pay for a Devil Fruit that you eat on your own terms?!"

Uchiha Feiyu: "..."

Why did your rubber head turn on at this time?

However, when a pirate's evil deeds are limited to eating King's meals, and running away when he has no money to pay the bill, and still paying the bill when he has money, you are so unprofessional as a pirate!

Of course, Uchiha Feiyu also knows very well that although Luffy is definitely in the chaotic camp, he can at most be classified as chaotic neutral or chaotic good, and he is definitely not in the chaotic evil camp.

He may do some bad things unconsciously, but if he does something harmful to nature out of his subjective will, then his moral bottom line is really not that low.

"It seems that you are going to use pirate methods to solve the problem..."

Uchiha Feiyu slowly pulled out the third generation Kitetsu, and the tragic murderous aura instantly spread out. The light emitted from the dark red blade seemed to have a strong smell of blood. Some rebels standing closer to the front , and even heard illusory sounds like ghosts crying and howling in my ears.

No matter how nervous Luffy is, after feeling this strange situation, he felt chills all over his body, tensed his nerves, and showed a serious expression:

"Oh... I feel like this guy is not easy to deal with... I don't care! Come on!"

“Rubber rubber—machine gun!”

A rubber fist like a hail of bullets hit Uchiha Feiyu, and then a clanging sound broke out. After a moment, Luffy received the fist and looked at Uchiha who was standing in front of him without even messing up his clothes. Feiyu looked at his fist again and suddenly fell into deep thought:

"Why is this guy harder than iron? My fists hurt, but he didn't react at all..."

"Have you finished using your tricks? Then it's my turn."

Uchiha Feiyu slowly raised the Third Generation Kitetsu in his hand, and then the sword glowed brightly, and a flying slash was struck instantly.


Luffy's expression changed. His companion Zoro was also a swordsman. Unfortunately, Zoro didn't even understand how to cut iron, let alone fly and slash.

Facing the overwhelming flying slashes, the rubber fruit user could only shout to increase his momentum, then clenched his fist and fired a rubber rocket launcher.

Unfortunately, this punch did not have any consequences on the Flying Slash. On the contrary, the Flying Slash directly cut open Luffy's fist and flew out against Luffy himself, harvesting countless rebels along the way and killing them all. The entire army was completely dissipated.

The current Luffy has not even developed the most basic second gear, and his combat power is about the same as that of the ordinary tens of millions of paradise pirates. In the eyes of Uchiha Feiyu, such an opponent can use four elite soldiers. To sum it up in words, it is strange to be able to block Uchiha Feiyu.

"However, this guy is really tenacious... To a certain extent, Luffy is a monster with far greater potential than Big Mom and Kaido!"

I saw that the rebel army was directly divided into two halves from the middle by Uchiha Feiyu. At least several thousand rebels died under the flying slash. They were all cut in half and drained of blood. In the flying slash, At the end of the attack, Luffy, who was seriously injured, stood up tremblingly.

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