The strong bloodline of the Monkey family coupled with the most powerful fantasy devil fruit, Luffy's configuration was also full from the beginning.

Kaido and Big Mom are the type of people who are extremely talented as soon as they are born, and are close to perfection as soon as they appear on the stage, while Luffy is the type of person who has extremely high growth potential. Every battle will have an extremely huge jump, and his vitality is extremely high. tenacious.

"How should we deal with this guy? This guy has the best connections in the sea, and I also have a little friendship with Garp. It would be wrong to kill him directly..."

"But I really want to see the Nika Fruit. This is the strongest Devil Fruit, or at least one of the strongest Devil Fruits."

Looking at Luffy lying on the ground, Uchiha Feiyu thought about it while he casually drew his sword. The terrifying flying slash killed nearly tens of thousands of rebels in a moment, and also caused the entire rebel army to collapse and start to flee. .

There are many warriors in the rebel army who are not afraid of death, but not being afraid of death does not mean that they like to sacrifice in vain! The Uchiha Feiyu in front of him is obviously not an opponent that can be killed by relying on numbers, or in other words, if the quality is too low, these people can't even consume Uchiha Feiyu's power.

After killing tens of thousands of people and dispersing the rebels, Uchiha Feiyu also walked in front of Luffy. At this moment, Luffy had a huge wound on his chest, which spanned the entire sternum, severed several ribs, and even faintly Can see his beating heart.

The other hand was almost split in half from the fist, and even the internal bones were neatly cut open, and the flowing marrow could be seen.

If this were an ordinary person in the pirate world, even if he could be saved if he had strong vitality, it would probably be the result of disability. However, if it was a weakling like Luffy, then this could only be regarded as an ordinary serious injury.

"Nika fruit..."

The Third Generation Kitetsu in his hand was pointed at the unconscious Luffy. Just when the balance in Uchiha Feiyu's heart was shaking, a roar came from the distance:

"Let Luffy go! You bastard!"

There was a dangerous sign in the Haki of Wisdom, which made Uchiha Feiyu slightly shocked. The strength of the visitor was obviously not ordinary, at least much stronger than Shakrok Farr.

The scorching flames condensed into a column and hit Uchiha Feiyu's chest. The third generation Kitetsu drew an arc and blocked the scorching flames. However, even with armed haki defense and a powerful Shura physique, Uchiha Feiyu I can still feel the burning pain.

Under the powerful impact of the fire pillar, Uchiha Feiyu fell back more than ten meters. Then he stood firm and raised his head to look at the opponent who suddenly attacked.

The visitor was a handsome young man wearing a cowboy hat, with well-proportioned bare upper body muscles and a few freckles on his face. Just by looking at the flames on his body, Uchiha Feiyu knew his identity:

"Fire Fist Ace, captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates? I didn't expect you to appear on this battlefield."

Fire Fist Ace is a famous tragic figure in the world of One Piece. This guy's exit also represents the complete transition of the original One Piece from a fairy tale comedy to an adult hot-blooded comic. It plays an important role in the entire One Piece comics.

Although this guy's record is very embarrassing. When he was chasing Blackbeard, he was killed and captured alive by Blackbeard, and then he was killed by Akainu in one punch on the battlefield of the war on top. He didn't look very strong, but in fact In the formula book, this Fire Fist is as strong as Marco.

In the battle with Blackbeard, the two sides were actually about the same in terms of physical strength. They just suffered the loss of the Dark Fruit and were caught after exhausting their energy after a hard battle.

As for Akainu, it was entirely due to his restraint on the Shayaki Fruit after eating the Rock Berry Fruit, and the fact that he had to block it hard to save Luffy, that he was instantly killed with one move.

Theoretically, Ace's strength in his heyday was able to contend with a naval admiral like Aojiha Kizaru for dozens of rounds. He was basically the first rank under the four emperors and generals, and he could compete with the current Uchiha Hiba. Almost the same.

"You guy, you actually treat Luffy..."

"He asked for it, didn't he? It wouldn't be a problem if he came here just because of personal grudges. For the sake of his grandfather, I would be merciful and give him a lesson at most, but joining the resistance is different. , I can’t stand the chance of fighting between countries.”

Uchiha Feiyu said lightly. In fact, of course it was not what he said. If it weren't for the greed for the Nika fruit in his heart, Uchiha Feiyu would definitely not have dealt so hard to Luffy.

"Ah... maybe you are right, but I am a pirate!"

Ace straightened the hat on his head, cracked the corners of his mouth, and showed a smile full of fighting spirit:

"I don't want to care so much. Since you hurt my brother, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

"Haha... Is this really good? Luffy's injury is not light now. Are you sure you want to continue fighting with me when he is injured like this?"

After hearing this, Ashton stiffened slightly and looked at Luffy, who was lying on the ground in a coma. Although his brother had tenacious vitality, if there were any more aftermath during the battle, he might really die.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth:

"You guy, just wait for me! I'll let you go this time!"

Uchiha Feiyu put the third generation Kitetsu back into the scabbard, sneered and raised his head:

"I'm always with you! I hope you don't die before you cause trouble for me!"

Ace still has the task of chasing Blackbeard, not to mention Luffy's character. After he recovers from his injury, he probably won't want his brother to interfere in his grudges. Now he can only play hard Talked.

As for what happens will be a head-to-head battle! This Fire Fist couldn't survive that time, let alone who knew how strong Uchiha Feiyu was at that time?

Watching Ace hug Luffy and leave, Uchiha Feiyu frowned slightly:

"I just started to have murderous intentions. Did Fire Fist come to the rescue? There is really some trouble."

There is such a thing as luck in the world of One Piece. Not to mention other things, just a lucky fruit says it all, not to mention that the Nika fruit can even choose its own host and send itself to the most suitable person.

There are also guys like Bucky the Clown and Usopp who are born with strong luck, which undoubtedly proves the existence of luck. And Luffy just now obviously triggered the luck of survival from desperate situations, and he happened to get Ace's rescue.

"Forget it... Anyway, even if I get the Nika Fruit now, I don't have a good goal to instill. I can't let myself become a Nika Fruit capable person! My mentality is completely inconsistent."

Judging from the characteristics of the Nika Fruit, even if a person like me obtains the power of this devil fruit, there is no way he can cultivate it to the level of awakening. However, the power of the Nika Fruit that has not been cultivated to the level of awakening is among the fantasy species. Not outstanding.

Apart from anything else, after Luffy obtained the Nika Fruit, in addition to the rubber ability, that is, his vitality became more tenacious, and did not reflect too strong strength, speed and other bonuses. Among all Devil Fruits, It can only be regarded as an upper-middle level.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Feiyu put away his depressed thoughts and began to work hard to mow the grass and brush away the heads of these rebels.

The Alabasta resistance army ended like this. All the nobles who were behind the scenes were killed. The main radicals in the resistance army were also killed by Uchiha Feiyu, leaving only a few leaderless guys.

After that, with the change of Barabastan's policy, the remaining rebels who had no fighting will quickly negotiated terms with King Kobra - in fact, there were no terms to negotiate, Kobra King Ra gave the remaining rebels a severance package and asked them to return to their hometowns to farm.

Anyway, now that a large number of bureaucrats and nobles are finished, the means of production in their hands have naturally been divided up, and some land can be distributed casually. It is not easy for these repatriated rebels to make a lot of money, but it is basically impossible to make a living. question.

Uchiha Feiyu also improved his strength again in this killing. Judging from the progress bar, the copycat version of Shura transformation has been almost 80% completed. After killing tens of thousands more people, it is estimated that it will be completely formed.

By then, his strength, physique and other aspects will have improved by leaps and bounds, equivalent to the natural monsters like Kaido and Charlotte Lingling. In addition, he will inherit Kirby's "200 times effort" and he will be very close to the top in the entire pirate world. Fighting strength.

But now Uchiha Feiyu is obviously still far behind. Eighty percent and 100% seem to be only 20% difference. In fact, the performance may be more than twice as bad. Otherwise, the current Uchiha Feiyu will also be different. He wouldn't give in when he saw Ace.

Naruto world.

After Uchiha Feiyu succeeded in seizing the body with his clone soul, the seclusion of the main body ended.

During the exploration, the main body needs to maintain the soul clone at all times. After the body seizure is over, it is equivalent to taking root in another world, and naturally there is no need for the main body to continue to retreat.

Not only that, the blood nerve mana and soul power obtained by the clone in the pirate world were poured into the main body in the end, which also allowed Uchiha Feiyu to level up simply by sitting down. Whether it was the Demon Secret or the blood nerves, they all improved by leaps and bounds. .

"I feel like if I absorb some more souls, I can separate out new soul thoughts... Then I can find a new world and harvest it."

In the Konoha Ninja Village, Uchiha Feiyu felt his strength growing and a smile appeared on his face.

Although it is not as good as a harvest, but in less than a year, more than 100,000 "population resources" were obtained, and they were all excellent. Uchiha Feiyu felt that he had really found a person. Not a bad world.

The Pirate World is much stronger than the Naruto World in terms of population and human life essence, and the chaos is far more chaotic than the Naruto World. Naruto can be considered to have a certain order at least. The hell of the Pirate World is the world government. It's really inappropriate.

The top figures of Hokage are pursuing the interests of the Ninja Village or wanting world peace no matter what, but they just have some nerves. The World Government of the Pirate World just looks like it wants to nakedly destroy the world.

It is precisely because of this that if Uchiha Feiyu becomes stronger in the future, it will be much easier to harvest in that world. Basically, he has found ten countries, five of which are in war. They can gather a population of several million, but they are still the kind of guys who deserve to be killed.

"But the clone's strength is still a bit weak now... maybe I should give him more support?"

Thinking of this, Uchiha Feiyu sensed his blood nerves. With the practice of this magic skill, Uchiha Feiyu was very close to transforming into the Blood God Son.

The Blood God Son is fickle and can directly enter the pirate world. Although that world is somewhat repulsive to external forces, as long as the Blood God Son is treated as a tonic and integrated into the clone, there should be no problem.

In addition, my clone has obtained so much sacrificial black energy. Maybe I can try to get some exercises that conform to the laws of the pirate world from the book of magic inheritance to strengthen the strength of that clone.

"Well... Master Feiyu, you seem very happy. Did something good happen?"

The girl with refreshing short hair raised her head, looked at Uchiha Feiyu with her big moist eyes, and asked timidly.

"Indeed, a good thing happened, but it has nothing to do with you, Kurotsuchi. Be good and work hard!"

Patting the girl's head, Uchiha Feiyu spoke, and Kurotsuchi said, "Oh," and lowered his head again.

Nowadays, Uchiha Feiyu can hardly find any rivals in the ninja world. Only the Otsutsuki from the outer world and the Six Paths Sage of the Pure Land can be regarded as his hidden dangers. However, the Otsutsuki is now far away in the universe, and the only Otsutsuki Isshiki is still hiding in the different space, so he has no way to deal with it.

As for the Six Paths Sage... Now, with the improvement of his skills, Uchiha Feiyu has gradually been able to sense the location of the Pure Land. He believes that if his strength is further improved, he can directly enter the Pure Land. At that time, the souls collected by the Six Paths Sage for thousands of years will become his feast.

While waiting for the improvement of his skills, Uchiha Feiyu can only play the kind of life of wine and meat like the ancient tyrants, except for creating clones to project to other worlds.

"By the way, Kurotsuchi, don't you want to rebuild the Rock Village? I allow this, but you have to wait for a while."

Reaching out to touch the head of the little pet below, Uchiha Feiyu half leaned on the chair, opened his mouth and said something, and then felt the excitement of the pet.

"Mmm... Thank you, Master Feiyu..."

"It doesn't matter. The ninja world is too peaceful now. Although this will make the ninja village recover faster, the quality of the ninja will be affected."

"It's just right for you Iwagakure to be the catfish, stir up the situation in the ninja world, and see if you can catch more ambitious people!"

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