Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 243 Heading to the New World

"Okay, now it's time for the last test."

Uchiha Feiyu took out a small piece of stone from his hand and handed it to Bell. The devil fruit user took a long breath, stretched out his hand, and caught the small stone.


"How do you feel? Is there any difference compared to before?"

Looking at Bell frowning, Uchiha Feiyu asked hurriedly. Bell took a long breath. Although he looked a little weak, there was a hint of joy in his voice:

"I feel that the weakening of seastone on me has become much weaker! Now, at most, the physical strength bonus brought to me by the devil fruit has disappeared a lot, but my own physical strength has not completely disappeared!"

"Is that so? That's enough!"

Uchiha Feiyu's eyes flashed with excitement. As long as there is an effect, it will be fine. This proves that the power of faith absorbed by the future Wusheng Sutra can indeed make up for the shortcomings of the devil fruit.

The reason why Bell was still weakened by seastone was that his own faith power was insufficient. Even the evolution of the devil fruit had just shown a trend. Uchiha Feiyu certainly did not expect that this would completely make up for the shortcomings of the devil fruit.

You should know that Bell did not promote any faith in Alabasta at all. He had made such great progress by relying entirely on the spontaneous faith of the people of Alabasta. If the state machinery was really opened for propaganda, Uchiha Feiyu was confident that he could gain dozens or hundreds of times more faith.

At that time, whether it was the evolution of the devil fruit or the compensation of the defects, it should be enough... not necessarily. In theory, the more powerful the devil fruit is, the more faith power it will require to go further.

The devil fruits that Uchiha Feiyu could take a fancy to were almost all the top devil fruits in the world. The faith required to go further was definitely not comparable to that of an ordinary animal system.

But he was not in a hurry. There were many countries in the pirate world. With his strength, he could always gather the power of faith by thinking of a way.

After sending Bell away, Uchiha Feiyu made up his mind and prepared to start getting the devil fruit he liked.

"The devil fruit that suits me best... I don't know if there is a blood-blood fruit in this world, but even if there is, it's not easy to find... Then let's go to the Sleeping Ancient Town in the New World to look for the vampire fruit!"

"In addition, there is Blackbeard... Whether it's the Dark-Dark Fruit of that guy, or the weird body of that guy that can hold multiple devil fruits, they are extremely valuable to me... The only problem is that my strength is almost the same as his now, it's not easy to win, and it's even harder to kill him."

Of course, this is just a matter of time. Blackbeard has indeed made rapid progress after obtaining the Dark-Dark Fruit and exposing his ambitions, but no matter how fast he progresses, can he still be as fast as Uchiha Feiyu, who is a cheater?

Now there are at least a few months before the top war. After a few months, I will definitely have the strength of the Four Emperors, and then I will go to trouble Blackbeard.

"Go directly to the New World? It's a little troublesome... But with my current identity, I can actually change another method."

What is Uchiha Feiyu's current identity? He is the fiancé of Princess Vivi, and can be said to be the next heir of the Kingdom of Alabasta. This identity doesn't sound very impressive, but in fact he is already a member of the Alabasta royal family and can directly borrow the power of the navy to go to the New World!

Use the power when you have it. Uchiha Feiyu is not the Straw Hat Pirates, who think about sailing on their own every day. He goes to sea to gain powerful power, and secondly, he wants to see the scenery of the One Piece world.

After discussing with King Cobra, Cobra soon contacted the navy and called a navy warship near Alabasta. What surprised Uchiha Feiyu was that he met an acquaintance.

"Smoker? You guy, why don't you stay in Rogue Town and go to the Grand Line?"

The navy sent the fleet closest to Alabasta, and Smoker's jurisdiction is not here.

"I came here after the Straw Hat Pirates and Buggy the Clown... When we were in Rogue Town, a mysterious man rescued Luffy the Straw Hat Pirates, and later Buggy the Clown boarded the Straw Hat Pirates' ship..."

"That Straw Hat kid didn't seem like an ordinary person, so I kept chasing him to the Grand Line, but unfortunately I didn't catch him in the end."

While speaking, Smoker covered his cheek, which was obviously bruised, and his arms were wrapped in bandages.

Uchiha Feiyu touched his chin, and it was obvious that Smoker was beaten by someone. With the natural devil fruit, there were only two people in Alabasta who could beat Smoker down.

One was naturally himself, and the other was Ace the Fire Fist. If Uchiha Feiyu's estimate was correct, Smoker might have met Ace when he was chasing the Straw Hat kid, and then he was beaten by him.

"It seems that your pursuit was not going well. Did you encounter any obstacles?"

"It was indeed not going well. I didn't expect to meet the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' Second Division in Alabasta. I don't know what this guy wants to do in the New World. I have already reported to the Navy Headquarters! We must not let those pirates run so rampant!"

As he spoke, Smoker's face showed a grin again. It was obvious that he was too excited and pulled his injury.

"Fire Fist Ace? I also met him... That Straw Hat Luffy got together with the rebels in Alabasta, and was seriously injured by me. It happened that this guy was rescued by Ace, and they The two are said to be sworn brothers."

"Fire Fist Ace and Straw Hat Luffy are also related?"

The expression on Smoker's face was a little surprised, which made Uchiha Feiyu stunned for a moment:

"You don't know? Fire Fist Ace didn't fight you because you were chasing Luffy?"

"No...I haven't caught Luffy yet, I just caught Bucky the Clown. He seems to have something to do with that Ace, so Fire Fist Ace rescued him!"

It was actually because of Bucky the Clown. Speaking of which, when Fire Fist Ace went to sea, he did meet Bucky the Clown. The two parties seemed to have a banquet, so there was a bit of friendship.

With Ace's character, he would definitely not remain indifferent when seeing his friend being arrested by the navy. It is normal for Smoker to be beaten up.

But fortunately, Ace seemed to have only beaten Smoker. The others were not seriously injured, but they looked a little depressed.

Later, Uchiha Feiyu found out that Ace used Overlord Color Shock and knocked down all the soldiers. Only Smoker and Daschi blocked the impact, and Daschi was a woman. , so Smoker was the only one who got beaten in the end.

Smoker didn't want to talk more about his experience of eating and holding back, so he skipped the topic in a hurry:

"By the way, I heard that you defeated Shakrok Farr? Did you destroy that guy's conspiracy to steal the country?"

"It's not that he was defeated, he was killed directly by me."

Uchiha Feiyu said with a chuckle, making Smoker couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Although he had received the information a long time ago, he never imagined that when he was in Rogge Town, the opponent was not that strong? How come he came to the Grand Line and even killed the Shichibukai?

"Awesome! As expected of Mr. Hiba Uchiha!"

Taschi stared with a pair of big eyes. This girl was not very smart. She had a typical pirate mentality. She just thought Uchiha Fei was awesome and didn't consider whether it was reasonable or not.

"By the way, you killed Shakrok Farr, are you willing to inherit his position as the Shichibukai?"

Smoker suddenly asked as if he thought of something, and Uchiha Feiyu rolled his eyes:

"I'm not a pirate, why should I inherit the so-called Shichibukai position?"

Smoker was stunned for a moment. The position of Shichibukai was actually selected from among the pirates. Smoker was only thinking about the strength of Uchiha Feiyu and directly ignored the prerequisites.

"Uh... that's true. You might become the king of Alabasta in the future. The Shichibukai really means nothing to you."

In any case, the king of the franchising country still has more power than the Shichibukai. It is only because of the huge gap in individual strength that the Shichibukai seems to have a higher status than the king of the franchising country.

"Okay, let's not talk so much. Let's take us to the new world first!"

This time going to the new world, Uchiha Feiyu was not alone, he also brought Nami and Robin with him.

Needless to say, Nami wanted to get more charts and learn about the sea conditions in the Grand Line through the navy. As for Robin, she naturally wanted to see if there was any news about the historical text.

Of course, Robin himself was disguised, not Princess Vivi's disguise with a different hairstyle, but Uchiha Feiyu himself, which was almost a disguise.

The Book of Demonic Inheritance also contains methods of disguise, and this method of disguise using foreign objects is very cheap and does not require many sacrifices.

The most advanced disguise technique can even change a person's appearance, and then it will automatically change with age, which is no different from a different person.

Unless a special potion is used, the disguise on her face will never disappear. This time, no one can see through Robin's disguise. As long as she doesn't use her devil fruit powers, she can easily sneak into the navy ship.

The navy is indeed the largest force on the entire sea, especially in the first half of the Great Route. It can be said that it is the world of the navy. Every three islands there is a small base where a colonel from the navy headquarters is stationed, and every fifth island there is one. The large base suppressed by the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters has clearly understood whether it is the undercurrents, ocean monsoons or island climate.

With the help of the navy's route, it was smooth sailing along the way, and we had already seen the Red Earth Continent in just over half a month.

"When you cross the Red Earth Continent, you will have to find a place by yourself. I don't know what you want to do in the New World, but I have to tell you that even with your strength, you are far from worthy in the New World. Safe, there are definitely a lot of guys who are stronger than you, not to mention an overwhelming number of them."

Smoker said to Uchiha Feiyu with a serious face, and Uchiha Feiyu rolled his eyes:

"Please, I only went there to find a treasure, not to challenge the Four Emperors. Why do you think I would be in danger so easily?"

He is neither a pirate nor a navy. Without taking the initiative to provoke those large pirate groups, Uchiha Feiyu's current strength is definitely enough in the new world.

Smoker suddenly choked and said angrily:

"You, don't be ungrateful! Those pirates in the New World don't care if you are a navy or not. The chaos in the New World is far beyond your imagination. Without the flag of the Four Emperors Pirates, you can't take a single step on that sea!"

If the paradise in the first half of the Grand Line is the world of the navy, then the New World in the second half is the world of pirates. The strength of both sides is just reversed, and the degree of chaos in the sea ruled by pirates can be imagined.

The basic base of the Four Emperors Pirates is okay. The Four Emperors Pirates, which already have the prototype of warlords, can still maintain a certain order for their basic base.

But those borders, or places beyond the scope of the Four Emperors' rule, are almost everywhere in chaos, with pirates and pirates, pirates and countries, and countries and countries. There is a state of war everywhere.

"Tsk, is the New World so chaotic? I thought there was at least some order here!"

"Now you know, right? The reason why this place is called the New World is not only because of the bad environment, but also because the order here is completely different from other places..."

"Isn't it all your navy's fault? Your navy is so bad that you can't eliminate the pirates, so you put all the pirates in the New World. The countries in the New World are so chaotic, and it's also your navy's fault!"

As soon as these words came out, Smoker blushed:

"You...what do you know...this is...this is necessary..."

Then there was a lot of naval strategy, the dominance of the world government and other difficult things.

Instead, Dashigi blushed and bowed directly to Uchiha Feiyu:

"I'm sorry, this is all our navy's responsibility, we will work harder in the future!"

"Look, look, Smoker, you are not even as good as Dashigi! At least she won't shirk responsibility."

"Asshole! You make it easy, the navy has done its best to suppress these big pirates in the New World! It is almost impossible to defeat all the big pirates in one fell swoop."

"Yeah, but that is your navy's problem and your navy's responsibility. What's the point of you telling me this? I don't look at the reasons, I only look at the results! The result is that your navy can't deal with pirates, right?"

"... You, how can you live so long?"

"Maybe it's because I exercise regularly, so some irritable guys can only listen to me patiently!"

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