There is nothing much to say about crossing the Red Earth Continent. Uchiha Feiyu did not see the Celestial Dragons wearing bubble helmets. Perhaps the World Government itself knew the ability of these idiots to cause trouble, and the passages designed deliberately bypassed the Celestial Dragons.

After sending people to the naval base in the New World, Smoker and Dashiki left directly. When leaving, Dashiki was reluctant to leave. During the time that Uchiha Feiyu was on the ship, in addition to training himself, he also taught others some Haki and swordsmanship. Among them, Dashiki was the most serious learner.

Although Uchiha Feiyu practiced Haki for a short time, after combining the various inheritances in the Book of Demonic Path Inheritance, his understanding of Haki was definitely better than that of everyone in the Pirate World. His casual advice was golden and wise, which opened people's eyes.

In Uchiha Feiyu's opinion, the girl's two-color Haki has reached the edge of awakening. If she practices for a while longer, she will be able to awaken completely. Her swordsmanship has also improved greatly, and she is very close to the realm of the Iron Swordsman.

Even Smoker, who cared most about his face, also lowered his face and ran over to listen to Uchiha Feiyu's explanation of Haki and swordsmanship. At this moment, he had awakened the two-color Haki.

So the relationship between them was pretty good. After sending the people to the naval base, Smoker asked the officers of the naval base to take care of them.

The officer of the naval base sent them a sea chart and a small warship, as well as a record pointer that Uchiha Feiyu needed. After that, Uchiha Feiyu and his party set off on the small warship.

The location of the ancient town of Shui is a very remote island, and there is not even a direct record pointer. Fortunately, the navy's map is more accurate, and Robin helped translate some ruins documents. It took a month to finally find the place completely.

"So it's here?"

"It should be here, probably because of time! Now there is a house built on the ruins."

Robin looked at the house in front of him and said confidently.

Uchiha Feiyu looked at the house in front of him. This was the mayor's home. He seemed to vaguely remember that there was such a scene in the original animation, that is, the vampire fruit was found in the underground secret room of the mayor's house.

However, this underground secret room was actually built a long time ago, and even the mayor himself didn't know it at all. Uchiha Feiyu also had no idea of ​​informing him. He directly pushed open the locked door and walked in. He quickly found the underground secret room after searching through the boxes and cabinets.

As for the mayor who came back and saw that his house was turned upside down, he could only ask him to be more tolerant.

Soon, Uchiha Feiyu found the vampire fruit in the underground secret room, and ate it without much delay. In an instant, the whole person turned into countless blood bats and flew out.

"It's just as I expected! After eating the vampire fruit, many powers of the blood nerve can be used!"

"I just don't know if the mana of the blood nerve can be preserved? If I can have the mana, I can directly push the pirate world now."

The blood-red bat condensed into the figure of Uchiha Feiyu. Feeling his own strength, Uchiha Feiyu had an idea of ​​​​moving.

But soon, he suppressed the idea in his heart. Before he was sure whether the blood nerve could be fully used in this world, he would not be so reckless.


After leaving the ancient town of Shuigu, Uchiha Feiyu began to practice the Future Immortality Sutra on the navy warship. Like the famous fantasy devil fruit of the vampire fruit, there is a great advantage, that is, they themselves carry a certain amount of faith.

All the legends about vampires in the world will naturally share some faith with the devil fruit ability users. Compared with the true believers, the faith provided by these ordinary people is naturally a drop in the bucket.

But there are vampire legends in almost the whole world. With such a huge number, the faith that can be condensed is far beyond imagination, at least hundreds of times more than the Eagle Guardian that only circulates in Alabasta!

Not to mention that the Future Immortal Sutra that Uchiha Feiyu practiced is a complete version, and the use of the power of faith is far greater than Bell.

In the room, Uchiha Feiyu only felt that the power of the devil fruit in his body was constantly increasing. The devil fruit in the fantasy had already completely transformed his body, but the previous transformation was only superficial, and now he seemed to be constantly transforming into the legendary vampire.

At a certain moment, he seemed to have broken through a certain limit, and blood was overflowing all over his body. The red light column rushed straight into the sky, and even the crescent moon in the sky was stained with a layer of blood.

After the light disappeared, a layer of blood-colored flame cloud had appeared on his body, surrounding his body and emitting a bright red light.

Standing up, Uchiha Feiyu felt it a little bit, and felt that he had eaten this devil fruit too right.

Mind reading, hypnosis, flight, atomization, blood sucking, aging, blood manipulation, dark veil, super strength, super speed, super endurance, super senses, bat transformation, immunity to toxins, immunity to diseases, invisibility, deformation, development of servants, these legendary abilities of vampires, he now has all of them.

In addition, in the sun, the bonus of the vampire fruit will be weakened to half the level, and if it is at night, his strength will double, and if it is a full moon, it will have a triple bonus.

It sounds like one plus and one minus is more balanced. At most, it is strengthened by one full moon. In fact, the weakening in the sun is the bonus of the vampire fruit, but the doubling of strength in the dark is all the strength of Uchiha Feiha!

In other words, during the day, only the bonus from the vampire fruit is less. His own strength is not affected. Overall, he is still much stronger than himself without eating the fruit. At night, it is not just the bonus from the fruit. Doubled, his original strength also doubled!

Uchiha Feiyu believes that this is definitely not a normal Devil Fruit awakening ability. Otherwise, the Vampire Fruit would probably have to be renamed the Wall-hanging Fruit! The World Government should stop looking for the Nika Fruit and contain the Vampire Fruit first!

There was a sudden knock on the door. Uchiha Feiyu's eyes moved and he opened the door casually, and saw Nami and Robin standing at the door.

"What's wrong? You look so anxious?"

Uchiha Feiyu asked something strange, and Nami opened her mouth:

"I should be asking you this, right! What happened just now? With such a bloody look, people who don't know would think that some big devil broke the seal!"

"It's not just that..."

After the disguise, Robin said with a smile:

"It seems that because of the bloody light, our ship seems to be being targeted now!"

"Tsk, don't worry!"

Uchiha Feiyu slowly stood up from the room:

"At this point in time, even if the Yonko Pirates are coming, there is no need to be afraid at all!"

It was night outside now, and Uchiha Feiyu was at the stage of doubling his strength. Even if a certain group of four emperors came out in full force, he was confident that he could escape unscathed.

Well, he just escaped unscathed. If instead of the entire Four Emperors group, he encountered a one-on-one challenge from the Four Emperors, he could go up and fight, but at dawn, he would probably have to be beaten down.

Of course, Uchiha Feiyu didn't think that he would encounter the situation where the four emperors came out in full force. Except for the red-haired pirates, the other four emperors had their own lairs. They usually had nothing to do, and they would definitely not be easy. leave.

The red-haired pirates might come here out of curiosity, but they would never want to rob.

"Children, rush with me! There is just a small warship in front of you!"

"Boss, something is too strange. The warships that appear in our new world usually appear in groups. This kind of small warships does not seem normal..."

"What are you afraid of? It's probably the navy trying to cover up their tracks. Maybe that red light is the treasure they've found!"

"But if it is really a navy looking for treasure, its strength should not be weak!"

"The brave ones will be starved to death, and the timid ones will be starved to death! This is a new world. It is the territory of pirates, not the territory of the navy. I am a big pirate with a bounty of 300 million berries!"

"I really don't believe it. It's such a small warship. How many vice admirals can there be in it?"

Unless there are any special circumstances, a pirate with a bounty of 300 million beli is not inferior to an ordinary vice admiral. In fact, the vice admiral is the category with the largest fluctuations in naval strength.

A weaker vice admiral may not necessarily be able to defeat a pirate with a bounty of hundreds of millions. The strongest level of vice admiral (excluding Garp) is no less impressive than the four emperors, lieutenants, and upper-level Shichibukai.

However, a vice admiral of that level is either a monster from the older generation, or a candidate for general. With such status and status, it is impossible to build such a small warship.

"That's right, Captain, let's go!"

The pirate ship rode the wind and waves and outflanked the naval warship. Uchiha Feiyu, who walked to the deck, glanced at the pirate ship in the distance, sneered, and a pair of bat wings grew out of his back, and rushed over!

"Captain, be careful of someone coming from the other side!"

"Wings? Are they devil fruit users? But there seems to be something wrong with these wings... They don't look like ordinary animal devil fruit users..."

What grows out of the back of Uchiha's flight feathers is a pair of fleshy wings, and in nature, except for bats, which are flying mammals, all other birds have feathers!

Therefore, if there are a pair of flesh wings on the back, apart from the possibility of being a user with bat fruit ability... there is a greater possibility that he is a fantasy species!

Dragons, demons, vampires, gargoyles... Among the fantasy species, many creatures have flesh wings, so if you see a guy with such wings on the sea, you are probably a fantasy species devil fruit user!

If he were a fantasy species... he would have to be at least an elite-level lieutenant general!

The navy and the pirates are different. The biggest difference is that the training and positioning of the navy are very clear. Smoker, a natural type, was thrown into Rogge Town. Of course, there were reasons for his personality, but it was also because of his strength. Unfortunately, the two-color domineering energy was not awakened.

Therefore, the navy that can come to the new world, except for the ordinary soldiers at the bottom, as long as they are devil fruit ability users, they are basically guys who have two-color domineering and have developed most of their potential. However, fantasy devil fruit ability users only need a little If you develop your potential, you will become an elite among lieutenant generals.

This thought only flashed through the leader of the pirate group. At this moment, Uchiha Feiyu had already arrived in the sky above the pirate ship. His whole body suddenly exploded and turned into a ball of blood bats and rushed down.

The blood-colored bat flew at an incredibly fast speed, landing directly on the deck of the pirate ship and rushing towards the pirates on the deck. In an instant, several pirates screamed, and their blood was directly drained by the blood-colored bats, turning into mummies.

Several pirates with faster reaction speeds quickly took guns and swords and attacked the blood-colored bats, but both bullets and cold weapons directly penetrated the blood-formed bats without causing any damage.

"It is indeed a fantasy species! Is it a demon or a vampire?!"

The pirate captain showed a cautious look, but was not too afraid:

"But even if it is a fantasy species devil fruit ability user, what does it matter? I am offering a reward of 300 million for Big Cutting John!"

While speaking, the pirate captain raised a giant sword as big as a door panel, with the dark armed color domineering wrapped around it, and chopped down fiercely at the blood-colored bat that was rushing towards him.

The giant sword wrapped in Armament Haki directly killed the bat that pounced on it. Just when the pirate captain smiled, he found that the number of bats seemed to be increasing?


The pirate captain took a closer look at his battle situation and noticed that a pirate was pierced through the heart by a bat, but there was no scar on his body, but the whole person turned into a mummy in an instant.

While he turned into a mummy, the bats flying out of his body were also rapidly splitting, directly turning into more than a dozen.

"It is splitting with the blood of my men... What a terrible devil fruit ability!"

Under this splitting mode, soon all the pirates on the ship except the captain who was wrapped in Armament Haki all over his body turned into mummies, and at this moment the entire pirate ship was completely occupied by blood-colored bats.

Endless bats gathered together and turned into a blood-colored storm. A moment later, Uchiha Feiyu, with a blood-colored flame cloud behind him, reappeared on the deck.

After revealing his true form, Uchiha Feiyu did not take action directly, but a thoughtful look appeared on his face. A large amount of blood energy condensed and regenerated blood nerve mana. This time the mana did not disappear in his body, but it was also constantly changing its nature.

"It feels like it is degenerating. This world really does not allow the existence of mana, but the vampire fruit can transform it into blood energy, or lower-level existences such as magic power."

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