The reason why he said that the power he obtained was a lower-level existence of the blood nerves was because after the transformation of these mana powers, the quantity suddenly expanded dozens of times. Obviously, the quantity increased because of the decline in quality.

"What should I call it? The power of vampires should be called magic power..."

While Uchiha Feiyu was still thinking, the big pirate John holding the door panel sword had already slashed at him:

"Damn Navy, how dare you ignore me!! Let you taste my big cut!"

The sword wrapped around the door panel with the aura of armed domineering slashed directly on Uchiha Feiyu's head. There was a clang, sparks flew everywhere, and a few hairs fell on Uchiha Feiyu's head, and a faint trace of blood could be seen. But it disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"How... how is it possible!! You obviously didn't use your armed haki to defend... but you can actually block my big cut!"

Being interrupted by this big cut, Uchiha Feiyu raised his head and said with some disdain:

"Tsk...who said it's night now? My defense ability is no worse than that of an immortal body or a steel balloon, or even equal to the sum of the two!"

As a monster among the ghosts, Kaido who ate the Blue Dragon Fruit not only has amazing defensive power, but what is even more powerful is his recovery power, and Charlotte Lingling's steel balloon is a pure defensive power.

Uchiha Feiyu at night, with his own Shura body and fantasy vampire enhancement, after doubling the two, his defense is no less than a steel balloon, and his resilience is better than an immortal body.

Even if he doesn't use armed color defense, this kind of pirate who can't even flow armed color can't hurt him. Losing a few hairs and leaving a little blood mark is already the limit.

"!! Where did you come from?!!"

Looking at the performance of the pirate captain in front of him, Uchiha Feiyu suddenly felt bored. With a casual wave of his hand, the third-generation ghost with a bloody light flashed across the pirate's neck. In an instant, there was another one on the ground. There is one more mummy.

"My speed has become much faster. The vampire fruit's bonus to the body's defense and strength is not very strong, but the bonus to recovery and speed is scary! In other words, I have become a speed type again. role?"

And this bonus is not just physical speed, but also includes many aspects such as reaction ability, domineering power, etc. Now, as long as he concentrates his attention, Uchiha Feiyu can even feel that the world has slowed down several times, as if Entered bullet time.

"It's a pity...the magic power is much inferior to the mana. But after this clone returns to the original body, all the magic power can be refined into mana again. In other words, when I harvest resources in the future, the enhancement I can obtain is More!”

"Let's work hard to develop the vampire fruit first! If one day I can develop skills like Dead River, I will be invincible in this world!"

"But the power of faith has been almost consumed. The Devil Fruit awakens and strengthens the Devil Fruit's ability... Although the fantasy species itself has a lot of faith, the same Devil Fruit consumes more."

Just like the difficulty of awakening the ordinary animal type and awakening the fantasy devil fruit are completely different, the power of faith required by these two devil fruits is naturally very different. After the vampire fruit awakening has been strengthened, the accumulation of The power of faith is gone.

With the head of this 300 million pirate, Uchiha Feiyu flew back to the navy warship, and asked Nami for a pair of sea stone handcuffs.

Stroking the pair of sea stone handcuffs, Uchiha Feiyu could feel that his Devil Fruit ability was greatly suppressed, but he did not feel weak. Obviously, the restraining effect of the sea stone on him had also been weakened a lot. .

"The power of faith... Fortunately, we have the basic base of Alabasta, otherwise it would be really difficult to maximize the power of the Devil Fruit."

After returning to the naval base, Uchiha Feiyu directly handed over the pirate heads worth 300 million, which saved him the travel expenses this time.

If the franchise country contacts the navy and asks the navy to help escort the personnel, it will definitely have to pay. It just so happens that the travel expenses this time are about 300 million, which offsets each other with the pirate's head.

There were no problems when we came, and it was equally peaceful when we returned. The navy's routes are indeed very useful. The pirates in the New World seem to have a certain tacit understanding with the navy and do not patrol on the navy's routes.

It was also during this time that those supernovae did not exert their power, otherwise the entire Grand Route would probably not be peaceful.

After crossing the Red Continent, we entered the first half of the Grand Line Paradise. This time there was no Smoker to pick us up, but there was still a naval base that would send ships to escort us all the way.

It has been more than a month since I obtained the inheritance of Yangshen World. In addition to the Future Immortal Sutra, Uchiha Feiyu's Present Tathagata Sutra and Past Amitabha Sutra have also begun to be introduced.

Although it is said that it can be used in this world, due to differences in physical constitution and environment, the methods of cultivation are also somewhat different.

For example, the current human immortal martial arts practiced in Tathagata Sutra originally followed the order of training the skin, training the meat, training the bones, training the internal organs, and finally washing the marrow and exchanging blood. Once the training is not followed in this order, it will cause irreversible damage to the fragile body. damage.

However, the people in the Pirate World, not to mention their potential, at least in terms of physical fitness at the beginning, are much better than the humans in the Yangshen World.

Crick is just a pirate leader in the East China Sea. With a bounty of less than 20 million Baileys, he can use a one-ton golden gun. In the Yangshen world, even if you ask the Martial Saint to come, he can't use such a heavy gun freely.

Therefore, the order of cultivation in the Yangshen world is meaningless in this world. Skin, flesh and bones can be cultivated at the same time. Only the internal organs and bone marrow need to be a little more cautious, but as long as the strength reaches a certain level, you can practice boldly.

Not to mention the ghost fairy way of cultivating the soul, there is no such thing as day and night travel to drive away the possession of things, only the most basic various visualization methods.

However, there is a difference between the spiritual cultivation of the pirate world and the Yangshen world. One pays more attention to self-will, and the other pays more attention to understanding and knowledge. The difference between the two can be explained very simply:

The spiritually strong people in the pirate world are all some stubborn hot-blooded idiots or paranoids. The spiritual practitioners in the Yangshen world are basically synonymous with rich knowledge (old Yin coins).

In other words, the best way to cultivate spiritual power in this world is not to read, but to fight!

Even the Way of Ghost Immortal not only adds to the Haki of Observation, but also has a huge addition to the Haki of Conqueror.

On the blue sea, a navy ship was sailing, and not far away, the trace of the pirate ship was vaguely emerging.

Uchiha Feiyu's actions had been smooth sailing for so long, but this time, as expected, an accident occurred.

"Captain Kidd, a navy ship appeared in the distance!"

"Hmm? Are those annoying navy coming again? How many ships are coming?"

The one who spoke was a tall red-haired man with a rampant smile on his face. He stepped onto the deck and stretched out his hand. A monocular telescope floated up and fell into his hand from the air.

Obviously, although he asked the question, he did not expect the crew to answer, but was ready to take a look himself.

"Eh! Hahahaha, there's only one ship! It looks like they're not the ones coming to siege us... In that case, guys, let's teach the navy a lesson! Pull the ship over!"

As the pirate ship approached, the navy warship also reacted. This time, there was only an ordinary lieutenant colonel from the headquarters on the navy warship. When he saw the pirate ship approaching, his face suddenly changed.

"Kid Pirates? Damn it, how could we run into these guys?"

"Sir, what should we do? The other side is the Supernova Pirates!"

The so-called Supernova refers to pirates who have just entered the first half of the Grand Line and whose bounties can exceed 100 million in a very short time. Compared with other pirates who slowly survive by accumulating evil deeds over time, the Supernova Pirates generally have two characteristics: courage and strength.

Don't look at the bounty as just over 100 million. In fact, their strength may be stronger than some pirates with 200 or 300 million. They are even more daring. Even when facing the navy, they dare to take action directly.

And ordinary naval forces like them, facing this kind of supernova, are afraid that they will be in danger.

"There is no way, we can only prepare for battle... Also tell the guests in the cabin to let them get on the lifeboat and leave first!"

The naval colonel did not know Uchiha Feiyu's strength, he only knew that he was a member of the royal family of the World Government. Seeing him with two beauties, Nami and Robin, he thought he was just a noble who came out to play, and did not regard him as any combat power at all.

"That... forget about the lifeboat! In fact, we have some combat power."

A faint voice sounded behind him, which frightened the naval colonel and he turned his head to see Uchiha Feiyu with his arms crossed.

"You... how did you suddenly appear? Forget it, I won't say so much... The opposite is not the kind of pirates that can be dealt with by bullets, but a real supernova, you should escape quickly!"

Obviously, the naval colonel did not trust Uchiha Feiyu's strength. After all, the member of the World Government is just like that. Although it is not that there are no good players, there are really few who can fight against supernovas.

Moreover, the royal families of most of the member states are basically a bunch of weaklings. Most of the powerful ones are just subordinates. I haven't heard of many member states' royal families who can fight... Oh, it seems that there is a person named Cavendish, but he ran away to become a pirate.

"I was completely underestimated..."

Uchiha Feiyu sighed, and was about to say something, when he saw that the pirate ship on the opposite side suddenly increased its speed and rushed straight towards the navy warship.

Not only that, dozens of shells floated above the pirate ship, paused for a while, and then hit the navy warship like a meteor shower.

"Not good!"

The navy colonel no longer had the heart to argue with Uchiha Feiyu, drew out his long sword, swung out a few flying slashes, and cut the shells in the sky into two halves.

But the shells were numerous and dense, and even if they were cut in half, they would hit the navy warship under the control of a strange force, and they could not be stopped at all.

"It's over!"

The navy captain looked sad as he saw the fragments of the shells falling on the warship. With his armed color domineering and iron block, the colonel was not afraid of the power of the shells, but the ship and his men could not withstand the shells that accelerated to this extent.

Just when the navy colonel even closed his eyes, a surge of domineering aura suddenly rose from his side and turned into a wall of air. With a loud bang, it blocked all the fragments of the shells.

Feeling something was wrong, the Marine Colonel took a look and his eyes almost popped out. He stammered:

"Armament Haki... Armament Haki Haki released!!"

Armament Haki Haki released can be regarded as an advanced skill of using Armament Haki, which even the Marine Colonel himself does not know.

Of course, even so, it would not surprise the Marine Colonel so much. The key is that Uchiha Feiyu's Armament Haki released is too strong in both range and defense!

Although Haki released is an advanced skill, it is just a skill. Zhan Taomaru and Kaido both have this skill, but no one would compare their Armament Haki. The key difference lies in the quality and quantity of Armament Haki itself.

Zhan Taomaru's foot power air travel can only knock Luffy, who does not know Haki, away. If it were Kaido's Thunder Bagua, the future Pirate King who did not know Haki at that time would probably die on the spot. It can be seen that Armament Haki released cannot be generalized.

Being able to become a colonel of the Navy Headquarters, this person must be very perceptive. The one who can cover the entire ship and block such a wide range of attacks with his Armament Haki must be at least a top figure among the vice admirals of the Navy.

(Maybe he is even a monster at the level of a reserve admiral. Is the royal family of the member countries so desperate now? Why do we need the Navy to escort such a person?)

The Navy colonel had a lot of random thoughts in his mind, and at this moment, the pirate ship on the opposite side had already approached. Standing at the front of the deck of the pirate ship was a arrogant pirate with red hair and a wild laugh.

"Not bad, Navy, what kind of fruit ability is this, it can actually block my attack!"

The Navy colonel is not afraid at all now. Kidd has no perceptiveness and doesn't even know much about Haki now. He regards the defense just now as a fruit ability, so he has the courage to provoke. However, this colonel knows very well that this level of Haki is much more powerful than any devil fruit.

"Are you Kidd? The user of the Magnetism Fruit?"

Uchiha Feiyu took a step forward and looked at Kidd with interest.

As we all know, abilities related to basic physical strength have infinite potential, and Kidd's Magnetism Fruit is no exception.

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