Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 246 The Falling Supernova

"You, have you heard of my name? You don't look like a navy, tell me your name! Do you want to join my team?"

Kid, standing in front of the deck of the pirate ship, was full of vigor and vitality, and actually started to recruit Uchiha Feiyu, which made Uchiha Feiyu laugh and cry for a while:

"Recruit me? You are just a pirate, where do you get so much confidence!"

"Hmph, you are an ungrateful guy..."

Among all the supernovas, Kidd is undoubtedly the most tyrannical and cruel one. When he heard Uchiha Feiyu's refusal, he immediately sneered and stretched out his hand to activate his fruit ability.

With a light click, the Sandai Kitetsu placed on Uchiha Feiyu's waist automatically came out of its sheath, and the shrill and tragic murderous aura instantly filled the entire sea area, and the dark red blade trembled slightly.

Kidd, who was using the power of the magnetism fruit to control the Third Generation of Kitetsu, felt a sharp pain in his brain, as if he was cut by a knife. He couldn't help but take two steps back and widened his blood-red eyes:

"This knife... What's wrong with this knife? Controlling it is just like holding a sharp blade with bare hands!"

Uchiha Feiyu gently stretched out his hand and grasped the trembling handle of the Third Generation of Kitetsu. In an instant, the Third Generation of Kitetsu stopped trembling, and then the murderous aura that was originally diffused suddenly condensed. The air seemed to sound the sound of ghosts crying and gods howling out of thin air. Kidd's eyes turned red and he almost saw a sea of ​​blood.

"What the hell? Don't try to confuse me! Get out of here!"

Under the murderous aura of the Third Generation of Kitetsu, Kidd, who was breathing rapidly and sweating on his forehead, suddenly roared wildly, and the metal objects on the two ships made a clanging sound, and the violent magnetic field caused waves on the sea.

At the same time, black lightning appeared out of thin air, and the surging momentum spread out. All the ordinary pirates and navy on the two ships fainted.

"Haowang Haki... Tsk, quite ambitious."

Uchiha Feiyu commented lightly, and then the same dense and thick black lightning burst out around him, and a more tragic, more fierce, and more bloody momentum directly pushed back Kidd's domineering Haki.

"How is it possible... Who are you? Why do you have domineering Haki?!"

Kidd took two steps back and gritted his teeth, looking at Uchiha Feiyu. At this moment, he didn't say anything about his subordinates. Just from the performance of the person in front of him, he was very clear that he had definitely hit a wall!

"In the second half of the Grand Line, there are so many pirates with domineering Haki, why are you so surprised?"

"As for my name... Just call me Uchiha Feiyu."

Uchiha Feiyu? This name is not too familiar, but there is still a little impression. Kidd turned it around in his mind and soon remembered where he heard this name - the mysterious man who defeated the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocofall in the Kingdom of Alabasta!

Because he is not a pirate, this guy has no bounty, so his reputation has not spread, but the guys who also know his record also know that he is an absolute ruthless character.

But... is it better like this? Kidd showed a crazy smile at the corner of his mouth. Isn't it for the excitement of dancing on the edge of a knife? ! !

If the other party kills the Seven Warlords of the Sea, then if he kills him, doesn't it mean that he is also the top combat power on the sea and has the strength to challenge the Four Emperors?

It has to be said that the World Government promotes the Seven Warlords of the Sea, the Navy, and the Four Emperors as the three poles of the sea every day, which has caused many pirates who have not been to the New World and even the Navy to have some misunderstandings. They really think that the gap between the Seven Warlords of the Sea and the Four Emperors is only a little bit, but they don’t know that even if the entire Seven Warlords of the Sea are added together, they may not be able to defeat a Four Emperors group.

Obviously, Kidd was also fooled - but if he could really defeat Uchiha Feiyu, then he would really have almost the strength of the Four Emperors.


The blood-red sword light flashed, and Kidd's face changed drastically. He almost tried his best to control all the metal objects and blocked them before the blood-red flying slash. However, those metal shells, long swords, iron guns and even cannons, under the blood-red flying slash, were like hot knives cutting butter, and instantly broke into two pieces.

"Uh ah ah ah ah!"

Accompanied by a scream, Kidd's right arm and half of his shoulder flew out, and blood gushed out, directly beating half of his body like a mummy.

Then with a loud bang, the pirate ship split in half, and Kidd's pirates let out a series of screams.

"Boss Kidd... was seriously injured in one move!"

"It's bad, the ship is destroyed!!"

"The navy on the other side is a monster! Hurry up and find a way to escape!!"

"Kid! Damn it..." A strong man with a mask and blond hair came to Kidd's side, tore off half of his clothes and bandaged Kidd's huge wound.

However, at this moment, the pirate ship has begun to disintegrate gradually, and the actions of these people are no different from dying struggles. Uchiha Feiyu sneered and stretched out his hand.

"Uh ah ah ah ah ah!"

"It hurts, it hurts, my whole body hurts!"

"What's going on! My heart seems to be about to explode!"

Along with bursts of screams, many pirates on the pirate ship began to roll wildly. After a while, traces of blood spread out from their bodies and turned into clouds of blood mist, which were directly absorbed by Uchiha Feiyu.

And after these poor pirates were drained of their blood, only mummies were left on the ground.

A large amount of blood mist rushed into the sky and turned into the shape of a bat, and then fell towards Uchiha Feiyu and was absorbed by him. It was vaguely possible to feel that Uchiha Feiyu's energy was getting stronger.

"What a terrifying devil fruit ability..."

The navy captain gasped in surprise, but he didn't feel much disgust. The pirate navy in this world is not much different from Naruto's ninjas. They are all pragmatists and never think that there is any good or evil in power.

However, the blood riot of the vampire fruit could only clear away the small soldiers. The pirate holding Kid only had a slight red skin and suppressed the blood in his body.

As for Kid, his injuries were extremely serious and he could not suppress his own blood. However, Uchiha Feiyu was very interested in his Devil Fruit, so he did not take action against him.

Even if Uchiha Feiyu opened his eyes, Kidd was already seriously injured and losing blood. He held the masked man's hand, gritted his teeth and said:

"Kira... leave me alone and run away. You are not a Devil Fruit user... If you jump into the sea, there is still a chance of survival..."

"Why didn't I see where the chance of survival was? If you still want to escape in front of me, you are thinking too much, right?"

A somewhat mocking voice sounded from behind, and both Kid and Kira's expressions changed drastically. Kira turned his head immediately and saw Uchiha Feiyu standing behind him with a smile, and He was only a few steps away.

"How come...this speed..."

Kira glanced at the navy ship from the corner of his eye. Uchiha Feiha, who was standing on the deck, faintly turned into a shadow, which made his heart suddenly freeze.

Vampires themselves are mythical creatures with high agility, not to mention that Uchiha Feiyu himself was famous for his speed when he started. To cross the distance between two ships, it didn't even take half a second for Uchiha Feiyu.

"Damn it, I'll fight you! Go to hell!"

The masked pirate named Kira took off two sickle-like hooks from his waist, turned them into two arcs, and cut towards Uchiha Feiha's neck and waist, but the two sickles crossed the figure. , the empty feeling that came back made Kira's expression change.

"The swordsmanship is good... By the way, do these two sickles count as swordsmanship? Tsk, I don't understand the island country's weapon classification..."

A very relaxed, somewhat complaining voice sounded behind him. Kira's body froze, and he slowly turned his head to see Uchiha Feiyu still standing behind him, and even his movements were no different from before.

"It's faster than shaving... No, it's much faster than shaving, and it's not an explosive acceleration, it's just the speed of this guy's body..."

Before Kira could finish his thoughts, a hand was pressed on his mask, and Uchiha Feiyu whispered softly in his ear:

"You're not a Devil Fruit user... At least you can exchange your head for some bounty money..."

With a puff, blood gushed out from the seven orifices, and in just an instant, the second-in-command of the Kidd Pirates had turned into a mummy.

"Kira!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Die for me, die for me!! You damn bug!!"

Seeing his companion die so miserably right in front of him, Kidd's eyes widened and he howled crazily. His eyes, which had been dimmed due to excessive blood loss, were filled with bloodshot eyes.

At the same time, the violent Overlord Haki and the Devil Fruit ability to manipulate the magnetic field expanded crazily at the same time, and all the metal objects on the two ships began to vibrate continuously.

"I can't let you destroy the ship, otherwise it will be a lot of trouble to go back. So... you'd better be quiet!"

With a hissing sound like a faucet exploding, Kidd's shoulder wound spurted out blood crazily. In an instant, the guy was almost mummified. Then he rolled his eyes and passed out.

Uchiha Feiyu did not absorb all of Kidd's blood, but filled some of it into his body to maintain him in a coma without dying. Then he found Kailou stone handcuffs and legcuffs for him. Put it on.

The purity of the navy's sea tower stone handcuffs is much better than that of Wano, not to mention that Kidd is now a lot worse than he was two years ago. He is still seriously injured and on the verge of death. He is handcuffed and legcuffed. There is no possibility of struggle.

"This head will be exchanged for the bounty, and Kidd's guy will belong to me. His Devil Fruit ability is quite interesting, and I want to try doing some experiments on him."

Back on the navy ship, Uchiha Feiyu said to the navy captain as if nothing had happened. The navy captain showed a little embarrassment on his face, but in the end he nodded.

First, half of Kidd's body was cut off. This was not just a broken hand, but a part of his shoulder. Even if he could regain his strength in the future, it would be greatly reduced, let alone Uchiha Feiyu. This guy's enemy doesn't look like he can let this pirate off easily.

Secondly, Uchiha Feiyu's strength is too strong. In the eyes of this navy colonel, it seems that 99% of the vice admirals do not have this strength, at least the combat power of the substitute admiral, and in the world of pirates, strength basically represents everything, just like the face fruit of the Four Emperors Red Hair.

As for the human experiment mentioned by Uchiha Feiyu, this navy colonel doesn't care at all. Compared with the more chaotic pirate world in the Naruto world, human experiments are not a big deal at all. Whether it is the navy, pirates, or the member countries of the World Government, they are all very crazy about human experiments.

At most, the navy will pay attention to some targets and only use pirates for human experiments. Pirates are not picky about meat and vegetables, and they don't care even if they use children for experiments, but they support human experiments.

After wrapping the wound of this supernova who was directly crippled before he could shine, Uchiha Feiyu found a wooden barrel on the navy ship and stuffed it directly into it.

There were no new dangers along the way, and they returned to Alabasta safely. After returning to Alabasta, Uchiha Feiyu received some news.

"Did Usopp escape? And took the Golden Merry with him?"

Uchiha Feiyu touched his chin, but his expression did not fluctuate:

"It's really as expected... But do you want to escape so easily before you pay me back?"

Uchiha Feiyu actually had a hunch about Usopp's escape, but he didn't care too much. He would wait until he met him in the future!

In fact, after arriving in Alabasta, Usopp's role has been greatly reduced. After all, the talents that the entire Alabasta can provide are definitely better than Usopp who can only do odd jobs.

Although Usopp has the title of the God of Desperate War, the more dangerous the situation, the more unexpected it can play, but Uchiha Feiyu is not the Straw Hat Pirates who like to die, and the possibility of encountering a desperate situation is not great.

As for the Candle Fruit, the main reason why Uchiha Feiyu gave the fruit to Usopp was that he wanted to do an experiment on a normal person. Now the flame on Usopp's head has not disappeared yet, so it is not a big loss.

Of course, the most important thing is that Uchiha Feiyu has no intention of hunting down the Straw Hat Pirates, and it won't give him many gold coins. The only precious thing is the Nika Fruit of the Straw Hat Boy. He doesn't have the leisure to waste time on such a fruit that is completely incompatible with him.

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