Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 247 Return to Alabasta

Uchiha Feiyu only knew a little about Usopp and the Golden Merry, but he didn't care much. Instead, another piece of news attracted his attention.

"A weird pirate ship, and a guy with this character, this guy should be Blackbeard!"

Looking at the portrait provided by Baroque Works, Uchiha Feiyu immediately recognized the identity of the guy in front of him with a full beard, dark skin, big belly and missing teeth. He was the weird alien Blackbeard.

Baroque Studio has now become an agent of the Alabasta royal family. Among them is a pair of weird animals called unlucky, a combination of an otter and an eagle, which can be called the most outstanding intelligence agents in the entire Alabasta.

In addition, animals generally don't attract much attention, and even have a friendly aura (in the cover story, even many cold-blooded boss pirates are caring for animals), so this pair of animals directly drew a portrait of Blackbeard without attracting attention.

"He should be chasing Straw Hat Boy and Fire Fist Ace! But was he chased away by Bell in the end?"

Bell is now an awakened user of the Hawk Falcon Fruit. After the Devil Fruit awakened, he easily learned the two-color domineering. In terms of strength, he is considered a good player even among the vice admirals of the navy.

This strength should not be able to deal with Blackbeard, but it is enough to make this guy feel timid.

After all, Bell is the captain of the Alabasta Guard. He is not a lone ranger, not to mention that there is Fire Fist Ace who may appear at any time. After weighing the pros and cons, it is a normal choice for Blackbeard to retreat.

This guy is originally a guy with a very clear purpose. If there is no benefit, he has no intention to fight with a strong enemy.

In addition, Blackbeard also wants to obtain the status of Shichibukai. In order to obtain this status, he can't do things recklessly now. Alabasta is not a small country like Magdrum Country. Even the navy and the world government, Alabasta has a certain influence.

Blackbeard left Alabasta, but Uchiha Feiyu didn't want to give up. With his current strength, he would have a great advantage over Blackbeard, even if he didn't crush him.

If he could kill Blackbeard in advance and get the secret of his alien body and the Dark-Dark Fruit, Uchiha Feiyu's strength and potential would be improved again.

Although the vampire fruit is good, it is definitely not as good as the Dark-Dark Fruit in terms of pure potential. This fruit representing darkness and gravity is essentially a superposition of two abilities, conceptual and physical basic force. If the Future Immortal Sutra is used to fully trigger its potential, Uchiha Feiyu can hardly estimate how powerful it will be.

"Then there are only two things to do now... find a way to catch Blackbeard and promote faith in Alabasta!"

The potential of the vampire fruit has not been fully explored, but the power of faith has been completely used up. It may take more than ten years to fully develop the potential of this fruit relying solely on the faith that is naturally generated every day, so promoting faith is imperative.

Let's put the matter of Blackbeard aside for now. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future. The sooner the better. The sooner the better.

In the Alabasta Palace, a blood-colored stream of light descended from the sky and condensed into the figure of Uchiha Feiyu. After landing, he looked at the guards around him with mixed eyes of surprise, fear and admiration. He had no expression on the surface, but nodded slightly in his heart.

Since returning to Alabasta, Uchiha Feiyu has begun to show his holiness in front of people. Fortunately, the various abilities brought by the vampire fruit that has entered the mythical realm are indeed conspicuous enough. In addition, he is powerful and has a great reputation. This kind of pretending to be a god is surprisingly effective.

Not to mention the ordinary civilians of Alabasta, even those palace guards who have some experience now look at Uchiha Feiyu as if he were a god.

"You are worthy of being Princess Vivi's fiancé. I feel cold all over when I look at me!"

"It's so terrible. I heard that all the rebels who fought against this prince were beaten into mummies!"

"It is said that this prince is a god of killing born from blood. His favorite thing to do is to fight and kill."

"Uh... If that's the case, wouldn't Princess Vivi be in danger?"

"I heard that it was the kind-hearted Princess Vivi who couldn't bear it and sealed this terrible demon king with her tenderness, which made him turn over a new leaf..."

"Princess Vivi is so pitiful. I didn't expect that as a princess, she would be willing to sacrifice to this extent for us citizens!"

Uchiha Feiyu's observation Haki and devil fruit ability have been integrated and developed to the extent of covering the city and reading the mind. Naturally, he can't hide what these guards say and what they think.

After listening to the discussion of the group of guards behind him, Uchiha Feiyu's face was full of black lines. What are they talking about? The beginning was a little bit reliable, but the end was simply unbearable. He was being treated as an evil god and a great demon!

But if he was treated as an evil god and a great demon, then he would be treated as an evil god and a great demon! Anyway, it would not hinder him from harvesting faith, or this kind of evil god faith might spread faster in a short period of time.

Entering the palace, Uchiha Feiyu immediately saw Princess Weiwei wearing a blue dress and a smile on her face.

"Feiyu, you are here! I heard that you went to the new world this time. What is it like there?"

Princess Vivi has not been idle during this period. Alabasta has just experienced a rebellion and needs this extremely friendly princess to appease the people, so she has been traveling around Alabasta giving speeches.

Alabasta, where the rebellion has just subsided, is actually not very peaceful. Fortunately, it has the protection of Baroque Works, and Princess Vivi herself is not a helpless vase. Although she encountered some problems, she was relaxed. solved.

But because of this, today is the first day that Princess Wei Wei sees Uchiha Feiyu.

As soon as they met, the princess came to Uchiha Feiyu with a curious face, grabbed his arm, stared at her big watery eyes, and asked.

It can also be seen from Princess Weiwei's own experience that she is not a conformist person. If she did not have the responsibility and concern of Alabasta, she might also be a pirate. Naturally, she is very interested in Uchiha Feiha's experience. curious.

"Okay, okay, stop shaking me. I'll tell you right now..."

The swaying arm suddenly turned into many blood-red bats, which flew out from Weiwei's hand, and then returned to Uchiha Feiyu's shoulder and condensed into his arm, which immediately made the princess open her eyes wide. Eye.

"This is my harvest this time - animal type, fantasy beast species, vampire fruit!"

"Oh oh oh, that's amazing! So Feiyu, did you go to the new world just for this Devil Fruit?"

Princess Vivi actually doesn’t know much about Devil Fruits. The first half of the Grand Line is not a new world after all, and all kinds of awesome Devil Fruits rarely appear here.

But no matter what, as a princess of a country, even if she has never seen that kind of powerful phantom beast, she has at least seen the devil fruit illustrated book and knows the power of the phantom beast devil fruit - which is stronger than the ordinary natural type. A powerful and rare devil fruit.

In fact, even the most common phantom beasts possess at least the powerful physique of an animal type Devil Fruit and a kind of extraordinary power, which is equivalent to the combination of a powerful ancient type Devil Fruit and a superhuman type Devil Fruit.

"Almost... I finally fulfilled my wish. This phantom beast fruit is the best among all devil fruits."

"By the way, Weiwei, do you want a Devil Fruit? When I came back this time, I happened to encounter a group of blind pirates. Although their strength is not very good, the leader of the pirates has pretty good Devil Fruit abilities."

After possessing the Future Immortal Sutra, Uchiha Feiyu does not worry about the sequelae caused by the transfer of Devil Fruit. The Magnetic Fruit itself does not carry much power of faith.

However, as the princess of Alabasta, Weiwei is kind, sweet-looking, and extremely friendly. She has a lot of power of faith, and can easily practice the Future Immortal Sutra to a certain level, regardless of the sequelae of any Devil Fruit. All can be eliminated.

Even with Uchiha Feiyu's development of the vampire fruit, after integrating the blood nerve power, he can directly extract the devil fruit ability from living people in the future. Even if Princess Weiwei wants a better devil fruit in the future, It can also be replaced directly.

"Devil fruit? What kind of devil fruit is it?"

Princess Weiwei was stunned for a moment, then immediately asked.

Once forced into a desperate situation by Baroque Works and experiencing the power of the Shichibukai, Weiwei herself is definitely very thirsty for power.

However, Devil Fruits have strengths and weaknesses. Although Uchiha Feiyu said it was a good Devil Fruit, Vivi must know what kind of Devil Fruit it is before she can make a decision.

"It is a superhuman magnetic fruit. With this devil fruit, you can control the power of the magnetic field. The initial stage is to manipulate metal. If it is developed to the limit, it can change the magnetic field of the island, autonomous flight, super electromagnetic gun, and even open a micro wormhole. It can be done.”

As for the power of the magnetic field, regardless of the magnetic field system that has nothing to do with science and is definitely impossible to restore in the world of One Piece, the strongest one Uchiha Feiha imagines is naturally Magneto in the American comics.

The Magneto in the American comics is not the Iron King in the movies. Relying on the ability to control the magnetic field, he can create wormholes for teleportation at the micro level. He can reverse the polar magnetic field of the planet and destroy mankind at the macro level. It can be said to be a world-destroying level. The bug mutants - it’s just that there are too many bug characters in American comics, so they don’t look very outstanding.

In fact, this level is enough. If Princess Vivi could really develop to the level of Magneto, it would be more than enough to directly overturn the Red Continent, destroy Mariejoia, and rule the entire pirate world. Let’s not talk about whether you have this intention or not. The strength is absolutely satisfying anyway.

After hearing Uchiha Feiyu's introduction, Princess Weiwei was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment, and shook her head:

"I don't think this fruit can exert all its power in my hands, uh... Although I am a little shy, in fact, I have never failed in science courses..."

As the princess of Alabasta, Weiwei has received the most high-end private education since she was a child, and the courses taught by the professors are also very comprehensive. However, in some etiquette or cultural classes, Weiwei is pretty good, but in science classes, she is almost average. Yu listened to the book from heaven.

The development of magnetic fruits naturally requires natural science. Don't look at Kidd's appearance of a bosozoku killing Matt. In fact, even if he kills Matt, it is still a steampunk killing Matt, with mechanical theory and knowledge. Definitely pass.

Even his childhood image in the comics shows him holding a wrench in one hand and a small robot in the other, which shows that he has been very talented in this area since he was a child.

Hearing this, Uchiha Feiyu nodded, and at the same time gave up the idea of ​​giving Princess Vivi the magnetic fruit.

The power of faith brought by the Inanimate Sutra in the future can only strengthen the power of the magnetic fruit. If you want to fully develop this fruit ability related to the basic force of physics, your own scientific knowledge is absolutely indispensable.

Although Magneto graduated from college at home, his actual knowledge is definitely no less than those with Ph.D.s in electromagnetics. Since Princess Vivi is a scumbag in science, she basically said goodbye to this basic power type of Devil Fruit.

"Okay, then I'll see if there's a Devil Fruit suitable for you later... Tsk, it's actually best for Nami to use this Devil Fruit, but she definitely won't want to."

In terms of power and potential, the Magnetic Fruit is definitely far superior to the Slippery Fruit. In terms of compatibility, the Magnetic Fruit is more suitable for Nami.

However, the special effects of the slippery fruit are almost irresistible to any woman, and Nami is no exception. In comparison, her strength can only be ranked second.

Maybe Uchiha Feiyu can wait until he understands the secrets of Blackbeard's body structure before giving others another Devil Fruit. As for now, he can only let Captain Kidd go first.

"One more thing, I need you to help me promote my faith in Alabasta, so that you can help me develop devil fruits."

Princess Weiwei also knew very well how Uchiha Feiyu helped Bell develop the devil fruit. She also understood the importance of faith. After hearing Uchiha Feiyu's request, she naturally agreed, but her tone was slightly worried:

"It's okay to promote faith, but Feiyu, your current reputation in Alabasta...well, I can't say it's not good, it's just..."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if it's an evil god or a big devil, as long as you have enough faith, I'm not picky."

Uchiha Feiyu waved his hand and said directly. After hearing this, Princess Weiwei breathed a sigh of relief, and then said a little embarrassedly:

"I'm sorry for letting you take the blame again. No one knows how many things you have done in the dark for Alabasta."

Uchiha Feiyu twitched the corner of his mouth, knowing in his heart that the princess was starting to think about it again, so he didn't say much.

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