Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 248 Arrival at the Magnetic Drum Kingdom

Uchiha Feiyu only mentioned the matter of faith promotion. In the real world, promoting a new faith may be difficult and full of obstacles.

However, the per capita IQ of the pirate world is not high, and the royal families of various countries are mostly human-like stars, which greatly lowers the psychological threshold of ordinary people, so it is not difficult to promote it.

Not to mention that Uchiha Feiyu has already left a terrible reputation in Alabasta. Now everyone knows that this guy belongs to that kind of cruel god. Worship this kind of cruel and evil god to avoid being hurt. This has been a common occurrence since ancient times.

So three days later, when Uchiha Feiyu set sail again, he already felt that the power of faith received by the future Mu Sheng Jing had increased a lot, and the original vampire fruit development speed had also begun to increase.

This is because it has only been three days and the belief has not been fully spread. If three or four months pass, Uchiha Feiyu will be confident that he can evolve the power of the vampire fruit to the limit.

On the sea, Nami put her palm on the ship with a smile on her face. As her ability was activated, the surface of the original medium-sized sailboat quickly became extremely smooth, and it actually started to slide on the sea.

"It's so fast... It's just like surfing and skiing. If it's so fast, it should only take one day to go to the Drum Country! It's several times faster than normal!"

"I can't believe that the ability of a Devil Fruit can be developed so easily. Is this what it feels like to awaken from a Devil Fruit?"

Yes, Nami's Devil Fruit ability has now been developed to the level of awakening. When promoting faith in Alabasta, Uchiha Feiyu will naturally not forget Nami and give her a random name so that she can share the benefits. A little power of faith, plus the fact that the slippery fruit does not require much power of faith to develop to its awakening, so Nami quickly developed it to the point of awakening the fruit.

If the Slippery Fruit can be developed to the microscopic or conceptual level, it can also be called a god-level fruit. However, obviously with this power of faith, it cannot reach this level. However, even so, it will only be the slippery fruit. Once the fruit is developed and awakened, its power is already extremely abnormal.

At least opponents who cannot fly will probably be killed by the ability of this devil fruit. Even if they have the ability to fly, if the domineering power in their bodies is not enough, Nami can also turn its appearance into zero friction through contact, even and There is no friction between the air, so even flying is impossible and can only slide infinitely on the ground.

However, after the ship was gliding rapidly for an hour or two, Nami's forehead began to drip with sweat. Uchiha Feiha, who was suspended in mid-air, glanced at Nami and said:

"If you don't have enough physical strength, just take a rest first! Your Devil Fruit awakened too early, and your physical body can't keep up."

"I see!"

Nami wiped the sweat from her forehead and took back her power while panting. As a superhuman devil fruit, the Slippery Fruit does not increase physical strength, and the skin lubrication obtained after eating it is also a passive ability, which is not useful at all. If you consume physical strength, there will be no effect of exercising to improve physical strength.

Nami is not a little girl with little power, and even compared to ordinary people, she can be said to be physically strong and agile, but she is still far from the formal development to the awakening of the devil fruit. It's so difficult to use every Devil Fruit ability.

"In the future, you need to practice more in the Human Immortal Martial Arts I gave you. That thing is much stronger than the Sixth Form of the Navy. As long as you get into the martial arts, your physical strength will not be so bad."

"That's long-winded... Studying charts and navigation knowledge every day is already very troublesome, and I can't spare much time for practice!"

"Oh, stop making excuses. When we were in Alabasta, Robin, who helped with government affairs, and Vivi, who went about trying to appease the people, were not much busier than you, but now they have all started learning martial arts."

Uchiha Feiyu rolled his eyes and said, because Uchiha Feiyu is much more reliable than the Straw Hats, Nami has indeed slacked off a lot now that she has someone to rely on.

In comparison, Robin, who still has no sense of security, and Princess Vivi, who shoulders the responsibility of Alabasta, have to work much harder than Nami.

"Okay, I get it... I will work hard to practice. But my talent is not very good, and I feel that my practice speed is very slow."

Nami sighed and nodded. She also felt that she had been a little slack during this period. After all, this girl was not an ordinary person and she still understood the importance of strength.

Uchiha Feiyu shook his head:

"In fact, your cultivation speed is not slow. In terms of talent, you are at least much better than ordinary people. It's just that the person you are comparing to is more talented than you."

"It just so happens that this time when we go to the Drum Country, while chasing Blackbeard, we can also go to a certain doctor to see if we can find a prescription to enhance the effect of cultivation."

In fact, Uchiha Feiyu was not sure whether Blackbeard went to the Drum Country. He only remembered that in the original book, Blackbeard did go to that country in order to swallow the fruit.

Who would have known that King Wapol was so cowardly that as soon as he heard that pirates were coming, he ran away without a trace, making Blackbeard, an old Yin coin, return in vain - this is probably because Blackbeard betrayed White. After the Beard Pirates, the only plan failed.

Anyway, Uchiha Feiyu is not in a hurry. It is best if he can find Blackbeard. If he cannot find Blackbeard, he can also find Wapol. The Tunton Fruit is also a heaven-defying fruit, and its effect is no less effective than the Dark Fruit.

Even if these two people are not here, Uchiha Feiyu can go find a certain elk and an old woman. The medical skills in the One Piece world are also quite useful to Uchiha Feiyu.

For example, in the practice of the human immortal martial arts, there are many prescriptions for accelerating practice, but those prescriptions are all from the Yangshen world, and many of the medicinal materials are not available in the One Piece world, so they can only be replaced by these doctors in the One Piece world.

Fortunately, they are all prescriptions for practice below the human immortal, and the medicinal materials used are still within the scope of animals, plants and minerals. In theory, there must be substitutes in the One Piece world.

Nami rested for an hour or two and had a big meal, and she almost recovered her physical strength. Then she used her ability again to control the sailboat to accelerate, which not only reduced the sailing time, but also served as exercise.

Relying on Nami's acceleration, the ship arrived at the port of the Drum Kingdom in less than a day.

"It's so cold... Alabasta and Magdrum are so close to each other, why is the weather so different?"

"The climate of the Grand Line is so changeable, you should have gotten used to it a long time ago."

Looking at Nami, who was still wearing a thin short shirt and shivering all over, Uchiha Feiyu shook his head helplessly and simply took off his cloak and put it on her.

"Damn, why can't I slide away the cold air? I thought I would not be affected by the climate!"

Nami wrapped her cloak tightly and complained, and Uchiha Feiyu rolled his eyes:

"Slide away the cold air... You think too much, unless you develop the slippery fruit to have conceptual abilities, the temperature will not be affected."

"Okay, I know, but at least I can slide away the wind!"

Nami muttered twice and activated the fruit ability. Sure enough, the cold wind blew in front of her and slid directly to both sides, which made her feel a lot warmer.

"Let's go, let's investigate the situation in the Drum Kingdom first. The lions over there, come here quickly!"

Princess Vivi and Robin both stayed in Alabasta. Alabasta is now in a state of disrepair and is very busy, so this time, in addition to Uchiha Feiyu and Nami, only one lion, Liki, was brought.

Accompanied by a series of whistling sounds, Liki, with a vulture head and wings and a lion body, with a cloud of flames wrapped around his head, slowly descended from the sky.

This lion also reaped the dividends of the power of faith. Although the Future Lifeless Sutra was practiced in a mess, the vulture fruit was not very powerful, but it was still developed to the point of awakening. The lion's mane also grew out, and there was a cloud of flames behind it. Now it really looks like a majestic griffin.

The awakening of the animal-type devil fruit has the effect of increasing strength, which is a significant improvement in strength, speed, physique and other aspects. It happened that this lion itself took a simple and rough route, which directly gave this lion a strong power.

At least in the first half of the Grand Line, this lion was already very strong, not inferior to those pirates with hundreds of millions of dollars.

Seeing the lion land on the deck, Nami's eyes lit up and she pounced directly, hugging the lion's hairy neck and smiling:

"It's still the warmest here, not like in Alabasta, sitting on you is simply hot to death."

Lion Liki's face obviously had black lines, it wanted to slap the bald monkey lying on it, but thinking about Uchiha Feiyu's brutality and terror, it still let Nami ride on it and became a mount.

As a conspicuous mount like a griffin, it is obviously not low-key. Uchiha Feiyu just got off the ship and saw a group of people in the port stunned, looking at the lion Liki flying down from the ship.

"What is this? Is it the legendary griffin?"

"A monster! Such a big monster!"

"Wait, there's someone on that griffin... So pretty~~, is it the legendary griffin knight?"

After awakening the power of the devil fruit, Liki's size has nearly doubled. Now he is about five meters long and more than two meters tall. He looks very conspicuous. Hearing the praises of the people below mixed with surprise and fear, he immediately showed a smug expression, opened his beak, and let out a lion's roar.

"Hey, hey, hey... This monster won't eat people, right!"

"It feels so dangerous, shouldn't we stay away from it?"

Ordinary people in the port had cold sweat on their foreheads, their legs trembling, and they looked like they were about to run away, which immediately caused Nami's dissatisfaction.

Nami took out the weather stick and smashed it hard on Lion Liki's head, causing a big bump:

"Stop scaring people, come down quickly!"

The unlucky lion came down with an unhappy look on his face. Seeing this situation, the people who were preparing to escape at the port finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"This is the Magnetic Drum Kingdom. I wonder what you two are doing here? If you want to find a doctor... you are too late."

An old man who should be quite prestigious here stood up and said to Uchiha Feiyu with a wry smile on his face.

Looking at Uchiha Feiyu and Nami dressed well, and seeing the strange beast like Lion Liki, the old man immediately suspected that they came here to see a doctor.

The Magnetic Drum Kingdom was once a well-known medical power in the entire Grand Line. It received a lot of foreign exchange from the medical industry. It was well-known, and it was normal to have such an idea.

Of course, Uchiha Feiyu was not looking for a doctor, but he was somewhat interested in what the old man said, and he could use this to determine the current time period:

"Oh? Why is it too late?"

The old man sighed and said softly:

“Our country was indeed the most famous medical country on the Great Line, but since the death of the old king, the new king Valpo who succeeded him drove away all the doctors in the country, leaving only the 20 most famous doctors. "

"And he also stipulated the law. When you are sick, you can't go to other doctors, you can only go to those 20 doctors."

"However, those 20 doctors have long since been admitted to the palace by Valpo and have become his personal doctors, so you have to pay a lot of money to find 20 doctors to treat you."

"Nowadays, even when our own citizens are sick, they can't find a doctor at all. Those who have a little accumulation can grit their teeth and go find a doctor. 20. Most poor people can only wait to die when they get sick."

"Tsk... I don't think the doctor's level is very good. Otherwise, why didn't you cure your king who obviously has a serious brain disease?"

Uchiha Feiyu couldn't help but complain. Even in a world as bad as One Piece, Valpo's operations were too human-like. He never thought that the country would be ruined. He also Can't fall for anything?

The Drum Country is not a big country, with only tens of thousands of citizens in total. Such a small country with few people does not develop its own special industries, but instead exploits its citizens desperately - seriously, Uchiha Feiyu couldn't figure out what was going on in his mind.

After hearing what Uchiha Feiyu said, the old man smiled bitterly:

"Maybe people are stupid and there is no cure! Anyway, our king is famous for being stupid and bad. Originally, noble people like you can actually go to a doctor for treatment. At most, it will cost a little more money... …”

"But just a while ago, a group of pirates suddenly came to our country. Then the king abandoned all his citizens and fled overseas with his group of men and Doctor 20."

"So now our entire country doesn't have any doctors left."

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