Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 25 The Third Hokage

The huge pangolin rolled for several minutes before it died in the blazing flames, leaving only a huge pangolin shell.

In addition, Uchiha Feiyu, who had been watching the show from above, also gained something, which was the pangolin's soul.

Although the pangolin's soul was far inferior to Hatake Sakumo's, it had a very advanced earth-based technique, which could not only be used to cultivate the earth-based chakra in the future, but also be used when escaping.

You know, even if most animals have chakra in their bodies, they are of the type without attributes. Only one in ten has attributes, and only one in a thousand has pure attributes or even natural ninjutsu.

And most of the natural ninjutsu are tricks like spraying water and spitting wind. Ninjutsu like earth-based techniques, which are also very useful to Uchiha Feiyu, are even rarer.

It was only because of good luck on this mission that Uchiha Feiyu got a useful soul. This kind of thing is something you can only encounter but not seek.

In the following month, although the whole team carried out more than a dozen missions, it was basically calm, and at most they got the souls of a few ordinary chakra animals.

However, in this month, Uchiha Feiyu's own strength has improved a lot again.

Although he originally obtained the soul of Hatake Sakumo and learned the White Fang Sword Technique, he still had great deficiencies in aspects such as chakra attribute changes and muscle memory training.

After all, he had only obtained Hatake Sakumo's soul for a few days. Even if he made rapid progress in learning through the possession ability, it was impossible to drain it in such a short time.

In this month, the White Fang Sword Technique, which was originally roughly mastered, has gradually been used by Uchiha Feiyu as muscle memory, and the flexibility and connection of the moves have been greatly improved.

And the original lightning escape chakra attribute changes have also been improved a lot, whether it is the power of the sword light or the speed under the stimulation of lightning escape, they have been greatly improved.

Even his chakra has improved a lot. This is not only the stimulation brought by Hatake Sakumo's soul, but also because Uchiha Feiyu has a double magatama Sharingan, and his blood feeds back to his body, which also improves his talent.

The most obvious feature is the sparring with Hizashi Hizashi during this period. Hizashi Hizashi is getting more and more unstoppable. In the end, Hizashi Hizashi has even made it clear that there is no way to conduct full-strength combat training without both sides getting hurt.

According to Hizashi Hizashi, Uchiha Feiyu may still have defects in other aspects, but in terms of pure combat power, Uchiha Feiyu is already at the level of a jonin.

Uchiha Feiyu's abnormal progress speed also stimulated his two friends. Unfortunately, no matter how hard Asuma and Hong practiced, their progress speed was like a turtle crawling compared to Uchiha Feiyu, who was a cheating type.

For more than a month, the two of them only experienced some actual combat with chakra animals, saw a little blood, and had some combat experience, but there was still no essential improvement in strength.

After completing the mission that day, Uchiha Feiyu came to the Death Forest again to practice. As soon as he arrived at the training ground inside the Death Forest, he was slightly surprised.

The training ground inside the Death Forest was actually a piece of flat land made by him and Kakashi by cutting down some big trees. It was naturally not comparable to a regular training ground, but it didn't cost much.

At this moment, in the center of the training ground, Kakashi with silver hair was standing respectfully in front of a short old man, and that short old man was the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"How did Lord Hokage have time to come here? Are you going to investigate us for destroying the Death Forest? I don't have the money to pay!"

Uchiha Feiyu showed a trembling expression on his face, which made Kakashi, who had already understood his nature, roll his eyes secretly. After hearing this, the Third Hokage's expression also froze slightly, and then shook his head:

"I came here today, not to investigate the destruction of the Death Forest... Of course, it's better to do less of this kind of thing in the future."

The Third Hokage touched his chin and said with a smile.

This is just for fun. As a ninja who controls extraordinary power, as long as the strength is a little stronger, eight out of ten will build some secret bases. It is estimated that more than half of the underground of the entire Konoha Ninja Village has been hollowed out.

The little things Kakashi and Uchiha Feiyu did would not alarm the Third Hokage at all, and he didn't come for this matter at all.

In fact, Kakashi might not have thought much because he was still young, but when Uchiha Feiyu saw the Third Hokage, he had already thought about why he came - it was nothing more than to win over the two youngest geniuses of the Konoha Ninja Village.

Uchiha Feiyu's performance in the first team, whether it was Hyuga Hiashi or Asuma, would definitely not hide it from the Third Hokage.

He is only fourteen years old now, but he is already a standard jonin combat force. Kakashi is only eight or nine years old now, but he defeated Kondo Kunihiko, who was a special jonin. No matter how you look at it, the two will at least be quasi-kage-level strongmen in the future.

For such a potential stock, the Third Hokage must win more and use it for his own use. This is also the consistent style of the Third Hokage.

"As long as I don't lose money, it's fine. I'm very poor now, and my savings add up to less than 100,000 taels."

Uchiha Feiyu patted his chest, showing a relieved look, which made the Third Hokage choke for a moment.

"Does it seem like your life is very difficult? This is a mistake by our senior management. We will provide more subsidies to the orphan students of the Ninja Academy in the future."

Although Uchiha Feiyu knew what the Third Hokage was thinking, he had no intention of moving closer to him.

First of all, he is an Uchiha. Even if he is a marginalized person who is not welcomed by the Uchiha clan, it is hard to say what the higher-ups will think of him.

Secondly, it is the Third World War now. After joining a faction, you will probably have to take on some major tasks and go directly to the battlefield!

Not to mention that he will become a target, attract countless conspiracies, and may become cannon fodder.

That guy Kakashi is a clear proof. First, he followed Namikaze Minato and wandered around on the most dangerous battlefield of the Third Ninja World War. Then he was targeted by Danzo again. It can be said that he only survived a narrow escape.

"It doesn't matter what the subsidy is. It's not paid to me anyway. Since Hokage-sama is not here to hold us accountable, what are you doing here today?"

Uchiha Feiyu asked with a somewhat lazy smile on his face. The Third Hokage showed a gentle smile and looked at Uchiha Feiyu and Kakashi:

"I'm sorry about White Fang. Fortunately, he still retained you two successors. You two are the most outstanding geniuses in Konoha. If you have any troubles, you can tell me."

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