"I'm not troubled, but I don't know what the situation is on the battlefield now. I'm a little unsure when to go to the battlefield."

"After all, I'm afraid of death. If I go to the battlefield without knowing anything, I'll easily become a martyr."

Uchiha Feiyu blinked and asked without any politeness. The eyelids of the Third Hokage twitched, and Kakashi next to him took a breath of cold air.

Isn't this guy too rude? Asking about such military secrets directly? And what he said was a little too straightforward!

"Things about the war are Konoha's secrets... You are still Chunin Genin now, so I can't tell you for the time being."

"Of course, if you are willing to take the exam, I believe you can easily become a special Jonin. How about it? Do you want to try?"

"Forget it. At my age, if I become a special Jonin, won't I become a target on the battlefield? It's better to be a Genin. The opposing ninja village won't pay much attention to me. At most, I will encounter some Chunin opponents."

Before Kakashi spoke, Uchiha Feiyu refused to become a special Jonin at the first time. If he said he would become a Jonin directly, Uchiha Feiyu might really have some ideas. Forget about special Jonin.

The total number of Konoha's Jonin will not exceed 100. Even the Hokage must be elected through the Jonin vote. It is precisely because of this that every Jonin has a certain amount of power in Konoha. As long as he is willing, he can easily pull up a small hill in Konoha Ninja Village.

But although the special Jonin is also called Jonin, it lacks the most important right to vote for the Hokage. In the final analysis, it is just a high-level fighter.

It can be said that the most important purpose of the special jonin level is to place some lone ninjas who have reached the level of jonin and serve as a shield to prevent them from entering the upper echelons. Uchiha Feiyu certainly does not want to be a high-level thug.

Especially now that Uchiha Feiyu is in the same class as Asuma, he will basically not encounter any dangerous tasks, but if he becomes a special jonin, the Third Hokage will definitely transfer him out and use him to death.

The veins on the Third Hokage's forehead jumped violently. Although he had already known Uchiha Feiyu's character from his son, he knew how incompatible this guy's fear of death was with ordinary ninjas when he saw him in person.

"Feiyu, you must know that for ninjas, blindly escaping is not a way to truly grow. Only by constantly facing challenges and becoming the strongest ninja can you truly feel at ease..."

"Hokage-sama, will you be safe if you become the strongest ninja?"

Uchiha Feiyu interrupted the Third Hokage and looked at him with a strange look.

"Of course, the stronger the ninja, the safer it is. If you are strong enough, ordinary ninjas will flee in fear."

"But it seems that none of the Kages of the five major ninja villages died of old age, right?"

The Third Hokage: "Σ(っ°Д°;)っ!!"

Facing Uchiha Feiyu's gaze, the Third Hokage finally retreated helplessly. After this, he didn't want to say anything more to Uchiha Feiyu and Hatake Kakashi. He left after a few words of concern.

"Feiyu, you are too bold, aren't you? You even dare to tease the Hokage!"

Seeing the Third Hokage leave, Hatake Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief and said to Uchiha Feiyu in surprise.

"It's better to tease than to be sent to the battlefield without knowing what's going on! You have to know that this is the beginning of the Ninja World War. Those who go to the battlefield at this time are really cannon fodder."

Uchiha Feiyu shrugged and said nonchalantly.

Just kidding, if he is fooled by the Third Hokage's nonsense today, he will probably have to go to the battlefield tomorrow! With life and death in front of him, who cares if you are a Hokage?

"But this should only delay a little time. Since you are a ninja, you will have to go to the battlefield in the future."

"If you can delay it for a while, delay it for a while. The intensity of the Ninja World War is basically in the first and last few months. Therefore, after a few months, the intensity of the battlefield should drop significantly, and it will not be too late to go to the battlefield then."

"Aren't you afraid that the Hokage will be angry? As a Hokage, it is easy for him to punish you!"

For Kakashi's question, Uchiha Feiyu just sneered:

"Haha... Let him do whatever he wants! If he really dares to issue me a mission that must be killed like assassinating the enemy general, then I will simply defect!"

After obtaining the soul of Hatake Sakumo, Uchiha Feiyu was ready to leave when things went wrong.

After all, with his current strength, even if he becomes a rebel ninja, the safety factor is much higher than being directly involved in the Ninja World War.

Generally speaking, elite jonin-level rebels are so powerful that major ninja villages rarely take the initiative to attack them unless they pose a great threat. The rebels who are really in danger are basically jonin and chunin with ordinary strength.

Well, as long as the genin pretends to be dead, and doesn't know any key secrets, the ninja village doesn't have so much manpower to track them down, so as long as they are well prepared, defection is not very dangerous.

It is for this reason that Uchiha Feiyu showed so little care when facing the Third Hokage. At most, he would just let it go. He really didn't believe that the Konoha Ninja Village would care so much about a marginal figure like him during the three Ninja World Wars.

Kakashi was stunned by Uchiha Feiyu's words and opened his mouth:

"Feiyu, defection is not a joke!"

"That's true. When I leave Konoha Village, I will leave a resignation letter. I will write that the world is so big and I want to go see it!"

"This... I have never heard of a ninja resigning..."


Uchiha Feiyu showed a sneer on his face and said lightly:

"Yes, ninjas can not only resign, but also cannot retire. Unless they become disabled one day, they can only work until they die!"

"Not only that, even students who graduate from ninja schools are at most twelve or thirteen years old. As far as I know, even ordinary people can only start working after the age of 14!"

"Starting to work and chopping people at the age of thirteen or fourteen, if you are lucky, you can chop for fifty or sixty years. Maybe the village leaders will see that you are miserable and let you retire with injuries..."

"By the way, Kakashi, do you really think that the profession of ninja is very reasonable?!"

Kakashi opened his mouth, his mind was full of thoughts, but he couldn't say anything at all.

Before Uchiha Feiyu spoke, Kakashi didn't feel anything about the profession of ninja. After all, all ninja villages did this, and no other ninjas complained.

But after listening to Uchiha Feiyu's words, Kakashi realized that the profession of ninja, which requires people to put their heads on the waist of their pants, is really cruel and severe, and it is almost squeezing the blood and youth of every ninja.

"Now that you say that, I feel a little confused. Is ninja... so miserable?"

"Haha, many ninjas have brainwashed themselves into tools. Do you think it's miserable?!"

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