After transporting the golden ark back to the royal family of Alabasta, King Kobra informed the people of it as a mirage.

Anyway, no matter what outsiders say, we don’t have a Golden Ark, it’s a pure mirage, the product of sunlight refraction - except for those who have seen it with their own eyes, others don’t believe in the Golden Ark, and in the end they don’t. Spread the word.

Those who saw the Golden Ark with their own eyes gradually changed their minds under the influence of the general environment. Could it be that they really saw a mirage? It's a bit too outrageous to make a boat out of gold and float in the sky.

Uchiha Feiyu didn't care about the ups and downs in Alabasta. He was going to do two things now. The first was to use the thunder fruit cloud shell to create a large number of thunder clouds. Facts have proved that the thunder fruit did permanently change the clouds. The shape caused the thunderclouds produced by Yunbei to not dissipate even on the ground.

In this regard, Uchiha Feiyu left it to Nami, and also asked Kobra to find some scientists and meteorologists from Alabasta to help Nami to see if they could create a new type of weather stick and learn more. Much meteorological knowledge.

The weather stick is a tool made by Usopp. Although Usopp is the famous master of the Straw Hat Pirates, he is actually just a civilian. He can make the weather stick. There is no reason for Alabasta to be so In a country, there is no one who can create weather sticks.

With materials such as shellfish and thunderclouds from Sky Island, although the scientists in Alabasta are a little inferior, they can still create a weather rod with a little time.

The second thing is the Devil Fruit experiment that Uchiha Feiyu is planning to launch. Alabasta is a vast land with abundant resources, and naturally there are many people who deserve the death penalty.

Although a large number of people were killed by Uchiha Feiha, coupled with the benevolent personalities of Princess Vivi and King Kobra, the number of death row prisoners was not large - but tens of millions of people were here, and there were more than a hundred death row prisoners. Still no problem.

It’s just that Devil Fruits are a little hard to find—Thunder Fruit Cloudgate is currently being used by Nami. Other Devil Fruit users also belong to Alabasta, and some fruit users are even directly under Uchiha Hiba. With his current With his skills, he didn't want any Devil Fruit user to become an idiot.

Fortunately, later, he remembered that he still had a magnetic fruit, or to be precise, a prisoner named Kidd.

The Magnetic Fruit has full potential and is considered top-notch among the superhuman Devil Fruits. However, since we are conducting Devil Fruit experiments anyway, we don’t need to care about the host.

After spending about half a month, Uchiha Feiyu was finally able to extract the devil fruit ability from the body of the user without any damage. At most, it would make the user slightly weak and have a headache for a day or two before fully recovering.

Of course, a side effect of this was that some strange messages circulated in the area where he lived. This royal husband, who was regarded as the incarnation of the evil god, also liked to torture others. Rumors like non-stop screaming.

Uchiha Feiyu doesn't care. Rather, he hopes that this rumor will spread more. Respect and love are a kind of faith, and fear is also a kind of faith. Even in the early stages of the spread of faith, its effect far exceeds the positive emotions.

Otherwise, the image of the only God in the old version of the Bible would not be so terrifying. In the Old Testament, when people were killed, they were basically cleaned based on race, region, or even simply the world.

Although the vampire fruit has not yet shown a qualitative change, the speed of progress has indeed been much faster. At least the basic quality bonus has been improved a lot, and various abilities have been strengthened.

It's just that there is still no sign of the things that Uchiha Feiyu has been pursuing, such as blood transformation, death river, and violent inflammation.

However, Feiyu can also feel it. Along with his own expectations, Devil Fruit does have the possibility of evolving in that direction. Death River, which is too abnormal, will definitely not have a full version, but it will be close to elemental blood transformation. , and the violent flames that simply enhance special attacks are definitely possible to evolve.

Put aside the matter of strengthening your faith for now. There is no need to rush if you take your time. As long as you give it a while, things will naturally fall into place.

"You can replace the devil fruit! Do you actually have such a terrifying ability... The most important thing is Feiyu, you actually developed this ability."

"Although it was outrageous enough that you could forcibly take away the power of the Devil Fruit before, but now this performance is still even more unacceptable!"

The person who spoke was Robin, who often accompanied Uchiha Feiyu during this period. Even Nami would stay far away when Uchiha Feiyu was conducting human experiments. After all, this little thief cat was still a good person. He is kind, even though he knows that these people are death row prisoners, he doesn't want to see their struggle and pain.

Only Robin, who has faced enough darkness, can remain calm about it, and even helps Uchiha Feiyu deal with some experimental subjects after the experiment, and is also very concerned about Uchiha Feiyu's experimental results.

"You don't want the Blossom Fruit anymore? Do you want to replace it with a Devil Fruit, or do you want to directly remove the Devil Fruit's ability?"

Uchiha Feiyu just glanced at Robin and understood what she was thinking. Robin's original wanted poster was still a photo of her when she was eight years old. After more than ten years, it has been difficult to replace that eight-year-old girl. Think of Robin today.

But the Devil Fruit is different. As soon as the Flower Fruit's ability is used, Robin's identity can basically be locked. If all the Devil Fruit's abilities are eliminated or replaced, Robin can truly escape the sight of the Navy and the World Government.

"Can you give me another Devil Fruit power? I think the Thunder Fruit is good."

"Please dream at night. Do you think you can really unleash the full power of something like the Thunder Fruit?"

Uchiha Feiyu twitched the corner of his mouth and immediately rejected Robin's request.

There is no way, no matter in terms of compatibility or potential, Robin is not worthy of eating the Thunder Fruit, not to mention that she has not yet practiced the Future Unborn Sutra. After getting the Thunder Fruit, she may only be able to exert the most basic abilities. combat effectiveness.

Robin was actually just testing it out. Even if the potential of a devil fruit such as the Thunder Fruit could not be developed, its basic abilities alone, once familiar with its use, could give an ordinary person the combat power of a navy elite lieutenant general.

This is a Devil Fruit with an astonishingly high lower limit and upper limit. To put it bluntly, most Devil Fruits developed to the limit may not be able to reach the lower limit of the Thunder Fruit, so even if Robin knows that this Devil Fruit is not suitable for him, But you also have to test it.

"Forget it then, let's keep my Huahua Fruit ability for now!"

Seeing that the Thunder Fruit was hopeless, Robin didn't say much more. The only Devil Fruits currently available were the Thunder Fruit and the Magnetic Fruit.

The potential of the Magnetic Fruit may not be lower than that of the Thunder Fruit, but the lower limit is far away. With Nico Robin's talent, she may not be able to develop the Magnetic Fruit to a point where it is stronger than the Blossom Fruit.

As for directly removing the Huahua fruit... I'm sorry, although it is dangerous to reveal your identity, it is even more dangerous to have no power! The experience of struggling in the dark world for so many years has already made Robin understand the importance of strength.

With the Blossom Fruit, Robin can defeat a dozen ordinary naval lieutenants. Without the Blossom Fruit, Robin may not be able to defeat a naval officer. In comparison, Robin still feels that he has Devil fruits are safer.

"It's up to you...then all that's left is to wait."

Uchiha Feiyu stretched and smiled:

"Waiting for a big storm and a new era to come... Maybe during this time, I can also do other things."

Since harvesting a handful in Alabasta, Uchiha Feiyu has not made much money during this period. Before the two big meals of the battle and Impel Down City, he is going to eat some snacks elsewhere.

Anyway, there are not many other things in the Grand Line, except that the number of pirates is the largest. Baroque Co., Ltd. used to be a bounty hunter and also an information dealer part-time, and has a lot of information about pirates.

Only by truly reading the information about pirates can we understand how chaotic the world is today - just in the first half of the Grand Line, there are at least hundreds of thousands of pirates active, and there are even many non-world governments. The franchising country itself is a country where all pirates live.

Even among the countries that are members of the World Government, most of them have some connection with pirates, and some countries' regular armies are even composed of pirate groups themselves.

For example, a certain Qingjiao's Babao Navy is actually the regular army of the Kingdom of Flowers, while the pirate group is part-time.

In short, after reading the information, Uchiha Feiyu felt that at least half of the countries on the Grand Line could be killed directly by their armies. Among the remaining half, most of them were of the type that could be killed without any problem—— For example, the daughter country Nine Snake Island is the kind of country where all the people are pirates.

"But if you attack too harshly, you might provoke the nerves of the World Government... Then let's start with the pirates roaming the Grand Line!"

Compared with those pirate groups who are fixed in a certain place where they commit great evil and have their lair, these pirate groups who travel everywhere and go to new worlds are the ones who truly do all kinds of evil.

After all, rogue pirates are always more ruthless than local pirates. Pirates who have their own lair must also consider the safety of the base and dare not really piss off the World Government and the Navy, but those pirates who are rogue pirates don't want so many , what they pursue is to die as soon as they feel good, and run away if they grab it. Many pirates even implement a complete three-light policy.

To be honest, if it weren't for the special geographical environment of this world, coupled with the extraordinary power and the huge difference in strength between ordinary people and the strong, the world government would have been overthrown long ago.

Uchiha Feiyu has also spent 20 years in an extraordinary world like the Naruto world. Although there are many psychopaths in the Naruto world and the order is not very good, most of the time, most places can still maintain basic order.

Unlike the pirate world, most people live a life of today and no tomorrow. If they are lucky, they become citizens of a relatively safe country, but they have to endure the exploitation of gold in the sky. If they are not lucky, they are poor cannon fodder.

Looking at the Straw Hat Pirates' travels, we can find that except for some technical countries (the Capital of Seven Waters) or countries with special geographical locations (Sky Island, Fish-Man Island), the rest of the countries they have experienced , either it’s poverty, or it’s darkness and chaos.

Countries with high levels of poverty are caused by being exploited by heavenly gold. For example, Alabasta has to pay heavenly gold every year, which accounts for at least six layers of national income. This is also the biggest source of poverty.

There are also countries like Dressrosa or the Sabaody Archipelago, which seem to be prosperous, but actually contain great darkness and chaos. They may become toys or be captured as slaves at any time.

"Looking at the world, no one can be killed... Tsk, I felt a little guilty when I killed those soldiers and ninjas in the Naruto world, but in the Grand Line, I feel that even if I kill 90% of these pirates, there may be some that slip through the net."

After checking the intelligence, Uchiha Feiyu turned into a blood light, flew into the sky, and soon disappeared in Alabasta.

It was from this day that the legend of the blood-sucking demon spread in the Grand Line.


The first half of the Grand Line, the Seven Waters City.

As the most famous shipyard in the entire Grand Line, even the navy has placed orders here and built warships. Coupled with the extremely convenient sea trains that extend in all directions, the Seven Waters City can be said to be the central location of the first half of the Grand Line.

In addition to the protection of the navy, even the pirates rarely make trouble in the Seven Waters. After all, they are all sea men sailing on the sea. It is not a wise move to offend the shipbuilders.

At the same time, just like the navy often turns a blind eye to pirates in places such as Upside Down Mountain and Sabaody Archipelago, there are rarely conflicts between the navy and pirates in special places such as the Seven Waters.

Although the navy often hunts pirates, in fact, in terms of the big strategy, they are more likely to drive those pirates into the new world rather than fight with the pirates head-on-mainly because they can't fight.

Perhaps the navy has a great advantage in overall combat power, but the key is that pirates are replenished too quickly!

The navy gambles the lives of a generation of navy, and may really be able to clean up all these pirates, but as long as the world is still in such chaos, it will only take two or three years for powerful new pirates to replace the old pirates. At that time, all the elite navy will be wiped out, so how can they deal with these new generation of pirates?

Although the shipyard in Water City 7 is not like several other key locations, most pirates entering the Grand Line will choose to build new ships here, making it a new unconventional place of no war.

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