Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 256: Creating Blood Servant

"This is the Capital of Seven Waters, the largest shipbuilding base on the Great Line!"

A somewhat shabby-looking pirate ship sailed into the port of the Seven Waters Capital. On the deck of the pirate ship, a young man with blond hair and curly eyebrows sighed while holding a cigarette:

"Finally, we can completely renovate the Golden Merry! If it weren't for your Devil Fruit abilities, Usopp, I think our ship would have fallen apart halfway through."

"Hahahaha, of course. With my Candle Fruit ability, no matter how damaged the Golden Merli is, I can repair it again!"

Usopp, who still had a little spark on his head, stood up after hearing this and laughed. Judging from his current appearance, the development progress of the Candle Fruit has almost caught up with Mr. 3.

When will there be no more fire on his head? By then, he will have surpassed the original development progress of a candle fruit user.

Mr. 3's development of the Candle Fruit is not bad, but it is not very good either. Usopp is flexible, intelligent, imaginative, and has certain scientific literacy. He is the one who developed this superhuman system. The devil fruit genius was able to catch up with Mr. 3 in just over a month.

"Stop talking, I want to eat meat, eat meat, eat meat!!"

Luffy's face was full of excitement and he was about to jump off immediately, but at this moment, there was a sudden panic sound on the pier.

"Run quickly..."

"It's that person..."

"The vampire demon appears..."

I could see the panic on the faces of those tall, muscular guys on the pier, which could be seen just from their bulging muscles, their faces roughened by the wind and frost on the sea, and the weapons in their hands around their waists. , this guy is definitely not a good citizen, he is all a pirate.

"What's wrong with these pirates? Why are they so scared?"

Luffy showed a strange and confused expression, but he heard a trembling voice next to him say:

"Luffy, don't you usually read newspapers? Recently, a monster appeared in the first half of the Grand Line and killed countless pirates..."

"It is said that any pirate who sees this vampire demon will die. Now the number of pirates who have died at his hands has exceeded ten thousand!"

"We'd better leave as soon as possible! Usopp, Captain Usopp has a disease that causes death when he sees a vampire demon..."

Usopp's two muscles were fighting at this moment, sweat was pouring from his forehead, and he almost fainted to the ground. However, when he looked at the three main members of the Straw Hats, he suddenly had a dark thought.

Luffy's clear eyes, which were not contaminated by knowledge at all, revealed a bit of husky-like curiosity.

Zoro, who was half asleep, opened his eyes and showed an interested fighting spirit.

Even Sanji, who was not usually very belligerent, looked a little eager to try.

"The vampire demon... must be some kind of Devil Fruit user... Haha, that's quite interesting!"

"The devil fruit that can suck blood, is it a vampire bat? Or is it a blood fruit?"

"No matter who it is, just beat him away?!"

The threesome were talking a lot, and their eyes were filled with the courage to do something big. Compared with the original work, because the Sand Crocodile was not defeated, the current Straw Hat Pirates are still an uncivilized existence in the Grand Line. The three Everyone wants to improve their reputation.

However, the personal moral bottom line of the Straw Hat Pirates is very high. When encountering the navy, they usually run away directly and will not massacre civilians. Under normal circumstances, there is nothing wrong with them. In fact, it is difficult to increase their own bounty.

Now that they have heard about this strange vampire demon that has killed so many pirates, the three of them are eager to give it a try.

At this moment, a burst of blood mist floated from the far side of the dock, and countless red bats spurted out from the blood mist and rushed towards the pirates below.

"Don't come near me! Damn monster! Ah!"

"We can't run away! We have to fight these bats - uh uh uh uh!!"

Some of the chaotic pirates turned around to attack, some simply ran away, and some even jumped into the sea. However, overwhelming bats covered the sky. Under the bloody light, each bat penetrated a pirate's body. bodies, and then those strong pirates turned into mummies.

"It feels like it's not easy to deal with..."

"What kind of devil fruit ability is it? Or some kind of strange animal?"

Sanji's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, Zoro was holding on to his weapon tightly, and even the Straw Hat boy, who was always known for his big heart, rarely showed a cautious expression.

After a while, only the mummified corpses of the pirates were left on the dock. Even the pirates who fled into the sea were caught up by the bloody bats who dived into the sea, and corpses like straw floated on the sea.

"It's so miserable..."

Looking at the pirates floating on the sea like a dead tree trunk, Luffy couldn't help but say something. At this moment, the bloody bats gathered crazily towards the center, like a bloody whirlwind, and a moment later in the whirlwind Uchiha Feiyu's figure walked out.

It's just that compared to before, after possessing the vampire fruit, Uchiha Feiyu's appearance has also changed a bit, and he has a mysterious and dark temperament.

"Hey! Usopp, does this guy look a bit like your creditor?"

Luffy looked at Uchiha Feiyu, whose image had changed a lot, scratched his head and asked.

As for the creditor... don't forget that Usopp received the Devil Fruit ability given by Uchiha Feiyu. The Candle Fruit can also be sold for hundreds of millions of beli at the auction!

Although Uchiha Feiha took away the Golden Merli and took Usopp with him, but now the Straw Hat Pirates have got the Golden Merli back, and Usopp has not suffered any abuse, so Theoretically speaking, the Straw Hat Pirates, or at least Usopp, must be in debt to Uchiha Feiha.

"Yes, yes... it's Uchiha Feiha! It's over... it's over... it's over... it's over!! It's that scary guy who's coming to the door!! Luffy, you've done me a disservice!!"

Usopp is not as blind as Luffy. He can tell at a glance that although it has changed a lot, it is indeed Uchiha Feiyu himself. When he thinks of the result of running away secretly, he also thinks about Uchiha Feiyu's murderous manner. The numbness was so intense that he immediately rolled his eyes and his whole body became as soft as noodles.

"Last time, Captain, you were seriously injured by that guy, right?"

Zoro held the long knife in his hand and stood beside Luffy - in Alabasta, the Straw Hat Pirates also cooperated with the resistance there in order to retrieve Usopp.

Then Zoro kept getting lost and disconnected until he met Sanji with Luffy who was seriously injured. Only then did he know that the war was over and the rebels had gone back to their homes to find their mothers.

Sanji didn't like fighting very much, and he had the most common sense among the three. As early as when the nobles seized the fruits of the resistance, he felt something was wrong, so he simply went to work as a logistics cook. In the end, Luffy was the only one who was unlucky. If it weren't for Ace, he would have died in Alabasta.

After Ace rescued Luffy, he handed Luffy over to Sanji. Then Sanji met Zoro when he was taking Luffy to recuperate. The three of them stayed in Alabasta for a while, and it happened to be Uchiha. After Feiyu left, Usopp met them by chance, and together with the three of them, they snatched back the Golden Meri and ran away.

"Well... I was beaten so badly last time!"

Luffy nodded and looked at the scar like a centipede on one of his arms - it was the most serious injury he had suffered since he was born. Facing his opponent, he was killed instantly without any resistance.

"It turns out it's you..."

At this moment, a faint voice came, and Uchiha Feiyu's figure flashed and he was already standing on the deck of the Golden Meri.

"So fast!!"

Zoro unsheathed his swords, cold sweat streamed from his forehead, and Sanji bit out the cigarette in his mouth with a look of fear on his face.

This speed has exceeded their nerve reflexes and dynamic vision. It feels like Uchiha Feiyu has teleported directly to the deck.

"Want to fight?! Bat Man!!"

Luffy immediately stood in front of Uchiha Feiyu and clenched his fists - although he was beaten badly last time, the Straw Hat boy has a character that only cares about eating and not fighting, and he is even less likely to admit defeat directly.

Then there were three snaps, and Luffy and the other three flew out and fell on the deck.

"How rude. I just beat you up last time and you still can't remember my name?"

Uchiha Feiyu waved his palm, and then saw the three people on the deck screaming at the same time, and a large amount of blood was drawn out and fell into Uchiha Feiyu's hands.

As the blood was drawn, the trio aged rapidly, and soon they looked breathless. At this moment, a soft shout came from Uchiha Feiyu's ear:

"Must kill, Gunpowder Star!"

The shimmering projectile hit Uchiha Feiyu. Uchiha Feiyu glanced over, stretched out his hand and flicked the projectile. The projectile flew back and hit Usopp who was holding the slingshot. He only heard a roar, Usopp. Pu flew out directly.

"The ability of the Candle Fruit is used well. It seems that you will be able to digest the power of this Devil Fruit soon."

Uchiha Feiyu said with a chuckle, and Usopp who fell to the ground shakily got up. In fact, he was not injured at all, he was just scared. The power of Gunpowder Star just now was all blocked by the layer of candle armor on his body.

At the same time, Uchiha Feiyu then stretched out his hand and flicked, only to hear a bang, like a sound like a bell, Usopp immediately flew out and fell into the sea with a plop.

With the light candle armor on his body, Usopp would not be drowned. If he just fell into the sea water, he, a Devil Fruit user, would not be able to climb up on his own.

At this time, Uchiha Feiyu looked at the Straw Hat trio lying on the ground again, with a smile on his lips:

"I have never tried the function of creating vampire servants. This time I will use the three of you as experimental subjects!"

After the vampire fruit evolves, it has the ability to create blood servants, but this production is obviously not unlimited. Without affecting its own strength, Uchiha Feiyu can create up to seven or eight blood servants.

Therefore, Uchiha Feiyu must be more cautious, and at least select some guys with outstanding potential, otherwise it will be a waste of his ability quota.

The created blood servant is roughly equivalent to the lower fruit of the vampire fruit, and is even much stronger than the ordinary animal devil fruit. At least it is stronger than the ordinary animal devil fruit in terms of resilience.

It also has two abilities: blood curse and bat transformation. One is almost equivalent to the transformation of the animal system, and the other is a lower-level ability of blood control, which can make the opponent's wound bleed and unable to heal.

And because it is not a devil fruit ability user, it is not afraid of the power of sea water, but at the same time, it also has its own unique shortcomings.

First of all, there are side effects of the blood curse. It is necessary to drink a certain amount of blood every day, otherwise it is very likely to go crazy and attack randomly. The second is the fear of the power of sunlight. As long as it is under the sun for more than five minutes, it will feel pain.

Of course, the most important thing is that it will still be controlled to a certain extent by the vampire fruit ability user. Although it is not to the extent of being completely manipulated, it is like a toy in the hands of the childish fruit ability user. It can only resist twice in the heart.

The blood in Uchiha Feiyu's hand condensed into a ball. At the same time, he opened his mouth, revealing two sharp canine teeth. Three drops of ruby-like blood dripped from the canine teeth and fell into the blood ball in his hand. Then Uchiha Feiyu clapped his hands, and the blood ball returned to the body of the Straw Hat Trio.

The Straw Hat trio, who were already aging and dying, recovered after the blood clot returned to their bodies. Their aura was even stronger than before. It was obvious that they had gained some vampire power and their strength had increased a lot.

Ignoring the Straw Hat trio who were beginning to recover, Uchiha Feiyu turned into a ball of blood light and disappeared on the deck.

The killing during this period not only improved Uchiha Feiyu's strength, but also provided him with a lot of sacrifices and mana. The reputation of the blood-sucking demon that resounded throughout the first half of the Grand Line also made his devil fruit ability go further. At least the easiest blood transformation ability has been developed by him.

For Uchiha Feiyu, blood transformation is not just a simulation of the natural elemental ability - in fact, the bat incarnation can also do something close. Although it is not like the real natural elemental transformation that is completely immune to physical attacks, it is no different from elemental transformation in the hands of a strong person with observation Haki.

The most important thing is that after being able to truly transform into blood, some blood nerve methods can be used, such as the current blood escape, which is not much slower than the Thunder Flash Fruit in terms of speed.

"Damn... what did that guy do to us?"

"Don't worry about that for now, just get Usopp out of the water... Besides, let's leave after repairing the ship..."

The Straw Hat Trio climbed up immediately after recovering, but no matter how bold Luffy was and how much Zoro wanted to face the challenge, they were discouraged and had no desire to fight.

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