Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 257 Controlling Bruno

After leaving a "gift" for the three members of the Straw Hat Pirates on a whim, Uchiha Feiyu left the Golden Merry and came to a tavern in the Seven Waters.

It was not the peak time for the tavern at this time, and there were not many people in the whole tavern. There was only a tall bartender who was sitting there wiping the wine glasses.

The bartender was strong and had two horns on his head. It was unknown whether it was an ornament or a special race. His face seemed dull, but when he saw Uchiha Feiyu push the door open and come in, he showed a hint of surprise, which was immediately concealed.

But Uchiha Feiyu was originally a ninja, and his observation Haki was extremely sharp. How could he not see the change in the expression of this horned bartender?

He also knew very well that the identity of the bartender in front of him was Bruno of the CP9 organization. In addition, there was another identity that Uchiha Feiyu cared about very much-the ability user of the Door Door Fruit!

The Door Door Fruit is a devil fruit that was regarded as a god-level fruit in the early days of One Piece. The ability of this superhuman devil fruit has already involved space and concepts. If it is well developed, it can indeed play a surprising function.

Of course, this devil fruit also has its own shortcomings, that is, both the support and defense are excellent, but it does not have much effect on the increase of strength, especially after the domineering system is released.

To put it bluntly, this devil fruit is used to play a first-class support, but unless the person who eats this devil fruit has a top talent, it is difficult for the devil fruit ability user to really climb to the top, at most, it is self-protection.

But even so, this devil fruit is definitely a relatively top devil fruit in the superhuman system. It was eaten by Bruno's ordinary Cp9 agent, which is simply a waste of heaven.

Seeing Uchiha Feiyu's slightly curious eyes, Bruno said slowly: "Guest, what do you want to drink? Do you want a glass of whiskey?"

Uchiha Feiyu glanced at the bar. At this moment, there were only a few ordinary guests in the bar. After Uchiha Feiyu's eyes swept over, these people shuddered and walked out of the bar one by one.

The peak level of observation Haki plus the unique vampire hypnosis ability, for ordinary drinkers, just one look can manipulate them to do a lot of things.

Bruno is also an agent. Although the professional qualities of the agents in the world of One Piece are hard to describe, and there are many funny types mixed in, Bruno is still much more sensitive than ordinary people. Naturally, he found that the departure of these drinkers was related to Uchiha Feiyu.

"What are you doing? Guest!"

Putting down the wine glass and white cloth in his hand, Bruno stared at Uchiha Feiyu coldly, but his back was already wet with sweat.

No matter how funny the agents of the World Government are, at least they are good at intelligence. Bruno, as a member of CP9, had already recognized Uchiha Feiyu's identity before he entered the door.

The "son-in-law" of Alabasta is likely to inherit the throne of this desert country in the future. He is also a blood demon wandering in the first half of the Grand Line. He is a terrible person who killed Shaklockfar and is one of the special combat forces marked in the intelligence of the World Government.

The opponent's strength is at least higher than that of an ordinary vice admiral. This is not a person that an ordinary CP organization agent can deal with. Now I just hope that the other party is just here to drink, otherwise...

"CP9 organization's agent, the door door fruit ability Bruno, I should be right!"

"Who are you!!"

Bruno took out two pistols from the table and pointed them at Uchiha Feiyu, with a serious face, but Uchiha Feiyu just curled his lips:

"Who am I? Didn't you recognize me when you just walked in? Why are you pretending here? I don't believe that the intelligence network of the CP organization can even I can't recognize you anymore."

"If that's the case, one of you and the CP organization must be a freeloader."

Bruno's expression froze for a moment, and then he showed a cold look:

"Blood Demon, why did you come to the Seven Waters City?"

"Blood Demon, is this the title your CP organization gave me? It's indeed a little stronger than that vampire demon, but I'm not a Digimon. Those uneducated pirates like to give me such meaningless nicknames."

"As for what you said I came here for... it's very simple! I'm very interested in your devil fruit!"

Interested in my devil fruit?

Bruno, who didn't know that the devil fruit ability could be stripped away, didn't understand what Uchiha Feiyu meant, but could vaguely hear the murderous aura hidden in Uchiha Feiyu's words.

"Sorry, I don't have the intention to play tricks in front of others, and... do you want to fight against the World Government?"

Looking at Bruno, who looked strong but weak, Uchiha Feiyu sneered:

"I don't just want to see your devil fruit ability... In addition, a mere CP9 agent can also represent the World Government? Do you think you are a Celestial Dragon or a Five Elders?"

"Also, don't press the Den Den Mushi under your table. I have sucked the vitality of that worm dry!"

Bruno's face changed drastically. He looked under the table and found that the Den Den Mushi, which was originally very energetic, was now lying limp on the ground and had turned into a pool of dead meat.

Den Den Mushi is also a living being. With Uchiha Feiyu's current level of development of the vampire fruit, it is too easy to drain the vitality of this little life.

Seeing that the Den Den Mushi was dead, Bruno said nothing, holding a pistol in one hand, and fired several shots at Uchiha Feiyu.

However, the bullet penetrated Uchiha Feiyu's body, but did not cause any damage. After a moment, the figure disappeared. It was just a phantom.

"So fast! This speed is much faster than shaving..."

Bruno turned around in fear and looked around. At this time, a hand stretched out from behind him, rested on Bruno's shoulder, and twisted his arm with a click:

"Want to open the door and escape? Sorry, I know all your information clearly. Although the Door-to-Door Fruit is not very helpful in direct combat, it is indeed a god-level fruit for escape and assistance, so I won't give you a chance!"

While speaking, Uchiha Feiyu had already activated the devil fruit ability. Bruno opened his mouth, and his blood and vitality were instantly lost, turning into a person with only one breath left.

Feeling that Bruno had fallen into a coma near death, Uchiha Feiyu grabbed his head, turned over his eyelids, and hypnotized him directly.

As an agent with good strength, Uchiha Feiyu's hypnosis ability is difficult to work on Bruno for a long time. Modifying the memory is feasible, but it is very troublesome to make Bruno obey him.

However, when a person is dying, his will will naturally become scattered, and the effect of hypnosis will naturally be much better.

This is also the reason why Uchiha Feiyu beat Bruno to only one breath left. Just a moment later, Uchiha Feiyu completed the hypnosis.

"The effect of hypnosis can probably last for a few months! After all, it is to let him completely transfer his loyalty to the World Government to me, not just to modify his memory."

Human memory is actually a very easy thing to modify, because humans have the ability to make up their minds. As long as the modified memory is more logical, after a period of time, it will naturally be regarded as a real experience.

But if you want a person to be loyal to you without thinking, it is equivalent to directly modifying a person's personality, which is naturally a lot of trouble. In addition, Bruno's strength is not weak, so it is even more difficult for Uchiha Feiyu to modify it.

Fortunately, there was no accident in the end. After the hypnosis modification was completed, Uchiha Feiyu directly replenished Bruno's lost blood and vitality, and also treated his injuries. Bruno recovered soon.

Bruno, who had recovered from near death, immediately half-knelt in front of Uchiha Feiyu and said:

"Master, what can I do for you?"

Uchiha Feiyu circled around Bruno, and seeing that he was still half-kneeling on the ground without any doubt, he nodded:

"You continue to work in the bar first! Then find a way to lead the Straw Hat Pirates and CP9 into a conflict..."

When he said this, Uchiha Feiyu seemed to have thought of something and asked:

"Well, by the way, do you know Franky?"

"The Franky family is the largest underworld organization in the Seven Waters City, and their members often drink in my bar."

After hearing Bruno's answer, Uchiha Feiyu nodded with satisfaction:

"Very good, you find a way to let the Franky family and the Straw Hat Boy know each other, whether it is It doesn't matter if it's a good or bad contact, and then tell the Straw Hat Boy that Franky is the best shipbuilder in the entire Seven Water City. "

"With the character of the Straw Hat Boy, he will definitely be able to turn enemies into friends with Franky in the end, and even want to pull Franky onto the ship. Then you can tell the news to the CP9 organization, saying that the design of Pluto is on Franky, and guide the two sides to go to war. "

"After the CP9 organization is defeated by the Straw Hat Boy, you can use the Door Door Fruit to bring them all here! At that time, the CP9 organization should still be of some use. "

Bruno nodded, and did not ask Uchiha Feiyu how he knew so much information, and how could he be sure that things would develop as he said. He put his position very straight, just a pawn executing orders.

It is not impossible to take Bruno away directly and then extract the fruit, but in this way, Uchiha Feiyu will definitely be on the blacklist of the CP organization.

Although no one saw the fight between Uchiha Feiyu and Bruno, and the people in the bar just now were all vaguely remembered by Uchiha Feiyu, these spy organizations don't care about evidence.

Bruno's devil fruit ability is very good at self-preservation. There is no one in the Seven Water City who can take him down silently. At this time, you, the blood demon, just killed a lot of pirates in the Seven Water City, and Bruno disappeared. These two points alone are enough to make the spy organizations focus on Uchiha Feiyu.

Although Bruno alone is nothing to these spy organizations, if you count the Door Door Fruit ability user, it will be different. To put it bluntly, this devil fruit is almost worth the entire CP9 spy team!

Although Uchiha Feiyu is not afraid of the World Government now, it is not the time to turn against them. He is still thinking about taking advantage of the two major events of the Battle of the Top and the Impel Down Prison Break to eat a fat man in one breath. If he really turns against them, many things will be difficult to operate.

As for why they want to capture all the CP9 agents, it is actually just for the connection between these agents and the World Government.

It is a very simple thing. Although this agent team was easily turned upside down by Spandam and became a dog without a home, in fact, these agents also have their own connections in the World Government!

In the official book, Kalifa clearly has a father who is an agent, and the lion Weidori also has a mother who is a killer for the World Government. In addition, although other agents do not have a clear background, if they are not strong and have a leaky mouth like Otonashi Owl, how could they join CP9 without any background?

Afterwards, these agents were promoted to CP0 after being rehabilitated. In addition to their own strength and loyalty to the World Government in difficult situations, there must be a reason for the power behind them. Otherwise, how could it be so good that they could rise to prominence directly after a mission failure and taking the blame once?

After giving Bruno his instructions, Uchiha Feiyu did not stay in the Seven Water Capital for long. The Pluto design may be very important to the pirates and the World Government.

But for Uchiha Feiyu, it is better to spend time improving himself and taking over the main body than to build the strongest battleship. After taking over the main body, isn't it much better than the strongest battleship?

Besides, the original Pluto is buried under Wano Country! It is much better than the design.

After leaving the Seven Water Capital, Uchiha Feiyu started his killing journey in the first half of the Grand Line again, and his efficiency was even higher than before.

Uchiha Feiyu, who awakened the blood escape technique, was extremely fast. He could block seven routes almost by himself, and could jump routes and islands at will, and fight with the pirates, which also made his training speed rise rapidly.

At the same time, the terrifying name of the blood-sucking demon also resounded throughout the seven routes, and Uchiha Feiyu also deliberately left a large number of pirates' mummies.

The empty pirate ship drifting on the sea, with only mummies left, not only frightened the pirates of the Grand Line, but also made ordinary civilians terrified when they mentioned the blood-sucking demon.

However, during this period, the news about the blood-sucking demon was not ranked in the world. The most explosive news now is the big event of the Judicial Island being tragically hit by the Demon Killing Order.

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