Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 262 Goodbye Garp at the Navy Headquarters

"Colonel, here too... death is so miserable!"

"Everyone in the slave market died. These slaves said they only saw a group of bloody bats..."

A terrible thing happened in the lawless zone of the Chambord Islands just a few hours ago. Almost all the slave traders, merchant guards, and bounty hunters in the lawless zone died.

Except for slaves who were commodities and some neutral forces who rarely caused trouble, all the forces related to slaves were killed.

What's even more frightening is that the time interval between tens of thousands of people's deaths did not exceed ten minutes. In other words, someone directly massacred tens of thousands of slave merchants and their subordinates within ten minutes.

The navy stationed here was naturally dispatched as soon as possible, but when they arrived, all they saw were mummies on the ground. As for the slaves, some had already escaped, and some were stopped by the navy a step later. down.

"Tsk... bloody bat? Is it the blood demon?"

"Blood Demon, doesn't he only kill pirates?"

"Slave traders are not necessarily any better than pirates... Anyway, this matter is beyond our control. Please report the situation directly to the Navy Headquarters!"

The naval captain shook his head, with a look of horror still in his eyes. Those who could be assigned to the Chambord Islands must not be serious navy, and serious navy would not be able to stay in this damn place.

So the naval colonel's butt was actually not very clean. He was really afraid that the blood demon would become addicted to killing and cut him off directly.

As for the news that was passed to the Navy Headquarters, it also fell into the sea. In the end, the Headquarters directly covered up the matter because there was no solid evidence and it was not certain that it was the Blood Demon.

Anyway, the slave traders and guards in the Unable Zone are not good people. Most of them have criminal records on their bodies. The Navy has no interest in avenging them. Rather, if there were no Tianlong people, the Navy would immediately take them. All those slave traders were sent to Impel Down City.

In addition, Uchiha Feiyu is very powerful and will need his help in the upcoming war on the top. The World Government does not want to fall out with Uchiha Feiyu because of some lackeys who can be found everywhere.

Aren't they just some slave traders? As long as you are willing, there are many substitutes, but on the contrary, there are very few strong men with top combat power levels in the sea.

Even if it wants to settle accounts, the World Government will wait until the battle on the top is over, and as long as Uchiha Feiyu promises not to do such things again, the World Government cannot really do anything to Uchiha Feiyu.

On a small boat not far from the Shampoo Islands, Uchiha Feiyu was sitting cross-legged, his face calm, but his skin was red, and a trace of white smoke came out of his forehead.

Traces of dark red blood seeped out from his pores. The blood looked turbid, but it had a fragrant fragrance. After falling into the sea water, it was frantically fought for and sucked by a large number of sea fish.

After a moment, he opened his eyes, his blood-colored pupils shining with a cold light.

He clenched his fist slightly and felt that his body was almost completely transformed. No matter the strength, stamina and toughness, it was far from what it had been before. Just by squeezing it, there was a loud explosion in the air.

Pulling out the Third Generation Kitetsu and putting it on the palm of his hand, Uchiha Feiyu exerted a slight force. Although it was only a slight force, with the terrifying sharpness of this knife, even steel should be able to cut a trace at this moment. However, under Uchiha There were no scars on Bo Feiyu's hands.

Then Uchiha Feiyu slowly increased the force until he reached about 50% of the strength. Then he felt a slight tingling in his palm. He took the third generation Kitetsu away and saw a small red spot on his palm. With a gentle rub, the red spots disappeared without a trace.

"I don't know whether this level is stronger or weaker than Big Mom's steel balloon? The third generation of ghosts are probably unique in their sharpness in the entire sea. If they can withstand the third generation of ghosts, I'm afraid it's better than steel. Balloons are even better."

"Furthermore...the strengthening of the body like steel and iron bones after Asura transformation is only a not too important part of Asura's talent. After all, Asura is a race known for its terrifying combat power, not its defensive power."

Yes, Uchiha Feiyu has now completely completed the incarnation of Asura. Although it is just a copycat version of Asura in One Piece World, which is far inferior to the original Asura, it has not strengthened itself at all. Not inferior to the evolved vampire fruit.

Being able to have this effect is because after eating the vampire fruit, Uchiha Feiyu has a higher degree of completion of Asura's copycat simulation, which gives him such a high level of enhancement.

"These slave traders in the Chambord Islands really deserved their death. They just happened to help me gather the final supplies for my Asura transformation..."

"Now I feel so strong that it's a bit scary!"

Holding the Third Generation Kitetsu in his hand tightly, Uchiha Feiyu felt a little bit resentful. Although he had never really fought against each other, he felt that the current admiral and the four emperors should no longer be his opponents. .

Even if he hasn't even mastered the overlord's color entanglement, to be precise, he doesn't know whether the bloody aura produced by killing too many people is considered the overlord's color and domineering energy. Anyway, he can't control himself very well. Attack with murderous intent.

But as long as the basic quality of the body is high enough, even if there is no so-called overlord color, can't you beat someone to death?

Call Mr. Saitama from One Punch Man over. Not to mention that Kaido can become a super pirate. Even if he can become a super pirate, he still deserves to be knocked down with one punch. He will be knocked down with just one punch!

After calming down the blood in his body for a while, Uchiha Feiyu looked in the direction of the Navy Headquarters, and his whole body turned into a bloody light and flew over:

"Just wait a little longer! When we arrive at the Navy Headquarters, we can immediately see what the top combat power at sea is like!"

Naval Headquarters, Marinevandor.

A bloody ray of light fell from the sky like a red ominous star and hit the square directly on the ground. The huge momentum made all the navy here look serious and surrounded the place where the "star" fell.

"Cough, cough, cough, there's so much smoke! Is this what that guy like Kaido feels like, committing suicide by bungee jumping every day?"

The smoke gradually dissipated, revealing Uchiha Feiyu's figure, as well as the huge human-shaped crater behind him that was smashed by him. Many navy looked at him with pale faces, just judging from the crater behind him. , those navy knew that the guy in front of them was definitely not an ordinary person.

At least the person in front of him is not something ordinary navy like them can deal with.

Although all the navy members who were recruited before the battle on the top were elites, and any squad leader was a strong man who had learned one or two moves of the Sixth Marine Style, it was precisely because of his strength that he could truly realize what he was seeing. The gap between people and themselves.

"Who are you!! How dare you break into the Navy Headquarters!!"

Among the navy surrounding Uchiha Feiyu, a junior officer with the highest status stepped out and yelled loudly.

"Hey, hey, is this how the Navy welcomes friendly forces? What do you mean by breaking into the Navy Headquarters without permission? It was obviously your high-ranking Navy officials who invited me here!"

Uchiha Feiyu glanced at the navy surrounding him and said something unhurriedly. The naval officer was suddenly embarrassed. He didn't know the news, and he didn't know for a while whether he should withdraw from the siege.

"Okay, go and carry out your mission! Let me handle this."

An old voice came, and a kind-looking old lady came over. However, although she looked amiable, the sailors all showed respectful expressions after seeing this old senior:

"I understand, Lieutenant General He!"

Naval staff officer, crane? Uchiha Feiyu glanced at the old lady. Although she also had the rank of lieutenant general, this old lady had a much higher status than ordinary lieutenant generals. It can even be said that except for the marshal Sengoku, the entire navy now has the greatest say. Yes, it was none other than the old lady in front of me.

Although the status of the current three generals of the navy is high enough, after all, they only lead their own armies instead of coordinating the entire army. The ones who can really determine the development of the navy are the three old seniors Sengoku, Garp, and Crane.

Needless to say, Garp, although this old man also has his moments of great wisdom and foolishness, just like Zhang Fei was criticized as being rough but fine, absolutely no one wants this man to be a military advisor to formulate the development strategy of the entire army, so the development direction of the entire navy , are actually in the hands of Warring States and Crane, from which we can see how important this old lady is.

"This person should be Mr. Hiba Uchiha! It's the first time we meet, and I have admired his name for a long time."

"I've heard of the name of Counselor He for a long time. Back then, I chased many big pirates who were frightened by the news and fled."

Uchiha Feiyu exchanged a few words with the naval staff officer, and then Lieutenant General He led Uchiha Feiyu towards the naval building. In terms of treatment, he was much better than those Shichibukai.

After all, even if the Shichibukai is legal, they are also pirates. As long as the navy is a little angry, it will not give the Shichibukai a good look.

But Uchiha Feiyu, that is, pure reinforcements from the participating countries, is of course closer to the navy.

As for what Uchiha Feiyu committed in the Shampoo Islands, although it has been reported to the top brass of the navy, the top brass of the navy do not take it seriously. In the navy, being jealous of evil has never been a shortcoming, and being ruthless is even more criticized by those radicals. welcome.

After entering the naval headquarters building, before Uchiha Feiyu could take a look at the decoration inside, he heard a burst of familiar laughter. Uchiha Feiyu turned his head and saw his old acquaintance. , Vice Admiral Garp who taught him two-color domination.

"Long time no see, Lieutenant General Garp, you still look so strong and strong!"

Uchiha Feiyu said hello. Although he praised the opponent for being strong and strong, Uchiha Feiyu could tell that Garp's current state is not very good. On the surface, there is no difference and he can still laugh. In fact, his spirit The momentum has declined a bit.

This should not only be the decline in strength brought about by age, but also the fact that Ace is about to be executed, which will cause the old man's mental exhaustion and willpower to decline. After Ace is executed, I am afraid that the old man's strength will be even greater. of regression.

"It's been a long time, kid. I'm a little surprised by your strength. In less than a year, you've completely transformed yourself!"

"I'm just lucky, I just got a powerful phantom beast devil fruit."

Uchiha Feiha laughed and said, basically everyone who has seen the growth rate of Uchiha Feiyu's strength will probably have doubts about life, and fantasizing about planting devil fruits is a very good excuse.

"This is not just the power of the Devil Fruit, your own talent is also absolutely top-notch."

Garp looked at Uchiha Feiyu and couldn't help but praise:

"Judging from the momentum, the old man feels that he may not even be your opponent!"

Although Garp's Haki is not as perverted as his other two Haki, it is definitely the best in the world. He can fully feel the terrible pressure brought by Uchiha Feiyu. In fact, Garp I even felt that facing Uchiha Feiyu was more stressful than facing that Rocks!

You must know that Rocks was besieged and died by several strong men. If Garp and Rocks were to fight, the person who died would definitely be Garp.

(But how is this possible? Even if there is a fantasy seed, the kid can now have the strength close to the navy's replacement general, which is already incredible. Domination can be sublimated in hard battles, but physical training cannot be achieved overnight. Things seems I'm still old)

Shaking his head in his heart, Garp still tended to think that he was mentally and physically exhausted during this period and his strength had declined. Uchiha Feiyu's murderous aura was too strong, so he had this misjudgment.

"Do you want to have another fight? Mr. Garp, I remember when I was in Donghai, I was badly damaged by you."

Garp's eyes widened and he looked at Uchiha Feiyu:

"You're so brave, you kid! You want to take revenge on me so soon?"

"The old man even said that he may not be my opponent anymore. If you don't take this opportunity to take revenge, how long will it take?"

"Besides, Mr. Garp, you are not young anymore. You are almost 80 now, right? In a few years, even if I want to take action, I may not be able to find you, old man."

Garp pressed his nose and was not offended by Uchiha Feiyu's words. Instead, he said with disdain:

"Kid, since you want to be beaten so much, then I will help you! Let me try to see how much your little kid's strength has grown after leaving Donghai!"

Lieutenant General He showed a helpless expression and said:

"Take it easy when you two fight, this is the Navy headquarters."

"Don't worry, it shouldn't take much effort to deal with this brat!"

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