Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 263: Competition with Garp

Although Garp boasted, he actually brought Uchiha Feiyu to the largest and strongest training ground at the Navy Headquarters.

Looking at the scrapped warships outside the training ground, Uchiha Feiyu couldn't help but sigh:

"Is this where you usually train? I heard that these things are called warship sandbags?"

The warships in front of him were all stranded on the land, and the bottom of the warships was almost hollowed out, and the huge fist marks could be seen.

"Ah, that was used for training when I was young, and sometimes I also took some newcomers to train."

"As for serious training, these warships are not very useful. You have to use the mountains to train to be really strong!"

Garp said something so exaggerated that it made people feel that he was bragging, but Uchiha Feiyu knew that it was not bragging. After all, this old man had a glorious record of training to tie eight mountains in order to fight with the cone-headed green pepper. It can be seen that using mountains to train is really not an exaggeration.

"As expected of Vice Admiral Garp! It seems that it is not easy to press you to the ground!"

"Save your sleep talk for the night! Kid, it seems that the lesson I taught you a few months ago is not enough!"

On the training ground, Garp and Uchiha Feiyu were on each side, and the terrifying momentum had already soared to the sky.

At this moment, the training ground was surrounded by not only Vice Admiral Tsuru, but also three admirals of the navy, Aokiji, Akainu and Kizaru, as well as seven or eight vice admirals of the navy. They also rushed over as soon as they received the news.

Even in the building of the Navy Headquarters, Navy Marshal Sengoku stood at the window of his studio and looked at the two people confronting each other on the training ground.

"Dare to challenge Mr. Garp, the young people nowadays are really scary!"

Kizaru folded his hands on his chest, looked at the two people confronting each other on the training ground, said with emotion, and then looked at his two colleagues on the left and right.

Akainu still had a serious look on his face, but he looked at Uchiha Feiyu with a bit of approval in his eyes - mainly because what Uchiha Feiyu did was always in line with his ideas.

As for the usually lazy Aokiji, this time he stared at Uchiha Feiyu closely for the first time, with a serious look on his face.

As early as the Judicial Island, he was very curious about the strength of this blood demon, but it was not a good opportunity to fight at that time. This time he really wanted to see how strong this man who took in Nico Robin was.

The momentum confrontation was only a moment, and Uchiha Feiyu didn't want to waste time. The Sandai Kitetsu in his hand was unsheathed instantly, and his whole aura changed drastically. The blood-red energy cloak and sharp canine teeth, and most importantly, the blood-colored flame cloud surrounding him, all represented the power of his devil fruit that had been developed to the limit.

"This is... the awakening of the Fantasy Devil Fruit! The young people nowadays are too exaggerated!"

This time, Kizaru's words were not sarcastic, but he was really surprised. The more powerful the devil fruit is, the more difficult it is to awaken. The vampire fruit is the top among the Fantasy Devil Fruits, and the difficulty of awakening is also the highest among all the devil fruits.

Being able to awaken not only shows that he is talented, but also shows that the other party's body and mind can match this Fantasy Devil Fruit, and this is already the physical and mental quality of the general level!

It's even the physical and mental quality of a high-end general. At least Kizaru feels that with his ability, if he changes the devil fruit to a vampire fruit, it will be difficult to develop it to awakening, let alone awakening it in a few months.

"Little boy, you have really improved a lot!"

Garp showed a hearty smile on his face. Facing the threat of Uchiha Feiyu, this battle-hardened navy hero was so excited that he temporarily forgot about his grandson's affairs. The steel fist wrapped in black lightning directly hit Uchiha Feiyu's head.

The bloody Sandaime Kitetsu blocked the black fist. With a bang, the terrifying air wave spread out, blowing away some gravel on the ground and setting off a level 12 storm. Fortunately, there was no ordinary person watching. Even in this storm that could blow people away, there was still no movement.

The fist and the Sandaime Kitetsu confronted each other for a moment, and then the two retreated. Garp's forehead was slightly sweaty, and he felt a slight pain in his fist. The feeling of blood flowing immediately made him a little shaken.

"Teacher Garp... is bleeding?"

"How is it possible? That monster-like guy can actually bleed with his fists!"

"It seems that we underestimated the blood demon. Admiral Garp's iron fists were actually injured when fighting the enemy. I have never heard of such a thing."

The vice admirals of the navy were buzzing with discussion, but the higher-level admirals frowned and stopped talking.

Because these admirals suddenly discovered that the blood demon in front of them might be stronger than the navy's previous estimates, and might even be stronger than the admirals of the navy!

After the first fight, Uchiha Feiyu paused and turned into a blood-colored stream of light, surrounding Garp and constantly attacking.

Among the three admirals of the navy, only Kizaru, who has the ability of flash, feels that he can keep up with this speed. As for Aokiji and Akainu, they feel that they can only use their observation Haki to counter the opponent's moves. At least if the opponent wants to leave, the two of them will definitely not be able to stop him.

Garp, who was surrounded by blood-colored light in the center, also made the same choice. Relying on the domineering power of seeing and hearing, although he could not keep up with Uchiha Feiyu in speed, he was still able to defend himself with a pair of iron fists, and occasionally The punch was like a qigong cannon, blowing out big holes in the air, causing Uchiha Feiyu to be knocked back a few steps.

But he only took a few steps back. The bloody arc drawn by the third generation of ghosts left a lot of scars on Garp's body. Although under Garp's domineering protection, it penetrated the flesh. It was a very minor injury, just a few skin injuries, which healed in an instant. It did not affect Garp's combat effectiveness at all, but it already showed the tilt of the battle situation.

You must know that recovering from wounds also requires stamina. Even though Garp, a top expert in pure physical arts, has been training for many years, his stamina has been as deep as the sea, enough to last for days and nights, but he can perform at this level. Who is easy to mess with when it comes to fighting?

At least Garp knew very well that if he continued to fight in this situation, he would probably lose his strength in a day or two due to the constant recovery of wounds, and would be defeated by the brat in front of him.

Thinking of this, Garp also showed a somewhat competitive expression on his face. Although he had long known that as he grew older, he would be slapped on the beach for a day by the waves in front of him, but he lost so quickly and miserably. It would be too embarrassing.

You know, until now, I haven't left any wounds on this brat! Even if I can't win, I can't let this kid win so easily!

Thinking of this, Garp's domineering energy suddenly became restrained. The armed domineering energy that often appeared on him for defense was all concentrated on his iron fist. The black lightning became more dense, and the terrifying overlord-colored domineering energy became even more intense. It was compressed to the limit, as if it were a high-temperature sun that could explode at any time.

Uchiha Feiyu also stopped moving at high speed and looked at Garp:

"Are you ready to decide the outcome with one blow? Come on then!"

The third generation of Kitetsu sheathed the sword, and Uchiha Feiyu assumed the posture of drawing the sword. The dark domineering energy burst out from the scabbard, as if the scabbard was not a demon sword, but a world-destroying one. Magic dragon.

"Iron Fist—Planet Fall!"


Uchiha Feiha never liked shouting slogans when fighting, nor was he interested in reading poetry while wielding a sword, so in the face of Garp's hoarse roar, the only response was the sound of the third generation Kitetsu unsheathing his sword.

However, the power of the move was not just about who shouted louder between the two. The terrifying energy of light speed and the blood-colored flying slash collided instantly. Then the clouds in the sky shook, and the entire navy headquarters began to shake slightly.

"Use your domineering force to block it! Don't let the aftermath spread!"

When the two powerful moves were brewing, Lieutenant General He spoke immediately. The three generals and the vice admirals also didn't say anything. They each displayed their own huge domineering force, forming an invisible wall of domineering force that enveloped them. The entire training ground.

In the end, the huge energy fluctuations rushed directly into the sky under the pressure of the atmospheric wall. The clouds in the sky that had been dispersed were instantly wiped out by the diffuse energy fluctuations.

The originally overcast sky suddenly turned into a cloudless sky, and one could even vaguely see the stars that only appear at night.

That's the result of most of the planet's atmosphere being penetrated!

The swirling smoke gradually dissipated, and the naval admirals and vice-admirals also took back their domineering power. Many vice-admirals with weak domineering cultivation even sat on the ground, breathing heavily. Although the energy conflict just now It doesn't take long, but it consumes a lot of domineering energy.

The original training ground had disappeared without a trace, leaving only a semicircular pit with a diameter of several hundred meters. In the center of the pit, two people, Uchiha Feiyu and Garp, stood.

Uchiha Feiyu is no longer as calm and spotless as he was just now. The clothes on his body are a little tattered and he looks a little gray. If you look closely, you can see some minor wounds on his body, but now Has completely healed.

But compared to Garp opposite, it was much better. A huge knife mark could be seen on Garp's chest from his shoulder to his lower abdomen, and the bones in the muscles could also be vaguely seen.

That is to say, after practicing the Return of Life, you can control your body to squeeze the blood vessels to slow down the bleeding. Otherwise, Garp would have been covered in blood by now.

"You two guys, didn't I tell you to be more restrained?!"

Lieutenant General He frowned and yelled, and Uchiha Feiyu shrugged:

"Don't look at me. I have enough restraint. If I didn't fight back when faced with that big move, I would be lying in the naval hospital by now!"

General Hezhong did not mainly say this to Uchiha Feiyu, so after hearing Uchiha Feiyu's rebuttal, he just glared at him, and then looked at Garp.

Garp scratched his head and laughed:

"It's okay, it's just a minor injury. Won't it recover after a little sleep?"

For ordinary people, this kind of injury is not considered a minor injury anyway, but for a monster like Garp, a big meal and a sleep are enough. Now there are still three or four days before Ace is executed. God, it's definitely enough for Garp to recover.

Even if he didn't recover, it wouldn't be a big deal. Neither Crane nor Sengoku thought that Garp would really make any contribution when executing Ace - rather, as long as Garp didn't fight back by then, it would have been a big deal. The Navy was the biggest help.

"Forget it, do whatever you want!"

He sighed and turned to look at Uchiha Feiyu, but this time his expression was more cautious and even more respectful:

"Mr. Feiyu, come with me. The navy has arranged a place for you to rest and eat."

"Thank you very much. After stretching my muscles, I really feel a little hungry. Let me check the quality of the canteen at the Navy Headquarters!"

The navy's canteens are naturally not bad. If the world wants to become stronger, highly nutritious food must be indispensable. Therefore, no matter what aspects the navy cuts, it will never cut back on food.

Large pieces of Neptune steak, thick soup made from meat and bones, salads for relieving fatigue, a large number of vegetables and fruits, and unlimited supply of alcohol and beverages. Although the preparation is not exquisite, it can definitely satisfy human beings' craving for carbohydrates. Compounds and meat protein cravings.

There is also a canteen specially provided for officers, where you can order food directly. After Uchiha Feiyu came to the Pirate World, the most satisfying thing is that the food here is much better than that in the Naruto World. It is comparable to some After enjoying the delicious food, he had a big meal at the Navy Headquarters, and then he went to rest.

By the next day, the Shichibukai had already arrived at the Navy Headquarters, and the person who came was the one Uchiha Feiyu cared about most - Blackbeard Tikki.

Looking at the dark and squat guy below, Uchiha Feiyu narrowed his eyes slightly. As a distinguished guest invited by the Navy Headquarters, Uchiha Feiyu is different from the King Shichibukai, so naturally he will not Lives in the same place as Shichibukai.

However, it was not difficult to contact this guy. Uchiha Feiyu flicked his hand gently, and a blood-colored bat as tiny as a grain of rice flew out and disappeared into the night.

Blackbeard, who was following the introduction of the navy and walking towards the Shichibukai Guest House, was suddenly stunned. He reached out and slapped his neck with a snap. Looking at the blood on his hand, he couldn't help but muttered:

"The mosquitoes here at the Navy Headquarters are quite poisonous. The bites are so painful! Ordinary mosquitoes can't bite me."

Here at the Navy Headquarters, Blackbeard did not dare to use his knowledge and sense of dominance indiscriminately. Naturally, he did not notice the strange smell in the blood on hand. In this short period of time, the smell in the blood disappeared without a trace and became no different from ordinary blood. .

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