Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 264: Massacre in Advance City

Two days passed in a flash, and the Navy Headquarters also ushered in the day of the top war.

Then, just when the war was about to begin, Blackbeard disappeared without a trace. The Navy Headquarters searched around, but found nothing. They only knew that they had stolen a warship, but no one knew where they were heading.

Sengoku had a bad premonition in his heart, but the arrow was on the string, and now nothing was more important than the imminent war. He could only suppress his anxiety and prepare to start fighting.

Then he got the news that Uchiha Feiyu turned into a ball of blood and disappeared...

Not to mention that Sengoku was so angry that he jumped up and down, Uchiha Feiyu had already arrived above the Impel Down Prison according to the location of his blood.

At this moment, the interior of the Impel Down Prison was already in chaos. Blackbeard had just entered the Impel Down Prison and started to make trouble directly. He had also experienced a big fuss from the Straw Hat Boy before, and then the Straw Hat Boy was taken to the Shemale Paradise and mysteriously disappeared. It was already a mess.

Uchiha Feiyu in the sky chuckled, and the whole person instantly exploded into countless bats, rushing down.

Starting from the first floor of the Impel Down Prison, the lower the prisoners go, the stronger they are. On the first floor, there are basically a group of small pirates with mediocre strength and a bounty of about 10 million.

As a large number of blood-red bats flew in, these poor pirates had almost no time to react and became the bats' sacrifices. After each bat penetrated a pirate prisoner, it took away all the blood on his body and turned into more than ten blood-red bats at the same time, leaving only a dry corpse on the ground.

One became ten, ten became a hundred, a hundred became a thousand, a thousand became ten thousand... In just a few minutes, the first floor of the entire Impel Down was covered by bats. With the increase of one and the decrease of the other, so many bats quickly killed all the prisoners on the first floor of the entire Impel Down and those messy jailers.

After that, a large number of bats rushed into the second floor and started a new killing...On the third floor, the fourth floor, and until the fifth floor, they really encountered resistance.

There is no way. Those blood-red bats look like ordinary bats, but they are actually made of pure blood energy. They have almost elemental characteristics and can ignore all physical attacks.

As long as these bats touch other people's bodies, they can directly integrate into the body and manipulate blood, instantly killing the opponent. Basically, there is no armed color domineering, and there is no special devil fruit. If you encounter it, it's a dead end.

In the first four floors of the Impel Down, there are very few prisoners who understand domineering or have powerful devil fruit abilities. Basically, they are pushed all the way until they enter the fifth floor, and then they begin to encounter some pirates with resistance.

In addition, many guards of the Impel Down have also gathered here, preparing to stop the pirates of the sixth floor of the Infinite Hell. Ordinary guards have no power to resist bats, but the big killer of the Impel Down, Magellan, the director of the Poison Poison Fruit ability, is the best at dealing with this kind of group attack.

A large amount of venom gushed out, and the blood-colored bats melted directly when they just touched it. Even if they wanted to bypass it, there was nowhere to hide in the face of the venom bats gushing like a tide. Soon, the bats gave up the attack and gathered together to form a blood-colored storm.

The storm slowly dissipated, revealing the figure of Uchiha Feiyu. At this time when the battle at the top was about to happen and every second counted, he didn't want to be too verbose. He directly covered his body with domineering aura, and the blood flame burned, and then threw it out with a vampire life absorption.

Magellan's poison-poison fruit was powerful, and the side effects were also great. The toxins carried in his breath were enough to make Magellan slightly poisoned even when he was eating.

This toxicity didn't kill him, but it made Magellan have to stay in the toilet for most of the day to have diarrhea. Minus the time for eating and sleeping, it can be said that this Poison-poison fruit ability user had no time to exercise his physique and domineering aura.

So in the face of Uchiha Feiyu's life absorption, Magellan's domineering aura was only a symbolic resistance, and was completely ignored.

Then the tall Magellan quickly hunched down, as if he had shrunk. His originally strong body became wrinkled, and his black hair turned white.

"Damn... what kind of ability is this..." Magellan said with difficulty. The life extraction of vampires would not affect his ability of the Poison-Poison Fruit, but the sharp decline in physical strength naturally caused the reduction of the toxins he produced.

And Uchiha Feiyu had no intention of saying anything more to him. The Third Generation Kitetsu in his hand instantly chopped out more than ten messy blades. With a scream, poor Magellan was directly chopped into several pieces.

Once Magellan died, let alone the remaining guards of the Push City, after a few moves, everyone became Uchiha Feiyu's blood bags.

In addition, there was an unexpected surprise. At this moment, Blackbeard and his group had been knocked down by Magellan with a deadly poison, and were now rolling on the ground without any resistance.

Looking at Blackbeard who was lying on the ground and wailing, Uchiha Feiyu smiled. With a large amount of blood and energy condensing, the magic power in his body was briefly transformed into blood nerve power, and finally he grabbed Blackbeard's head.

The Yin Shi Painted Skin Sutra was also activated at the same time. Coby's 200 times effort talent has indeed made Uchiha Feiyu's strength improve rapidly during this period. He can bring out the potential of his changed physique so quickly, all thanks to this.

However, when it comes to Uchiha Feiyu's top strength in the pirate world, 200 times effort is useless. The pirate world has a ceiling. Coby's ability can shorten the time to reach the ceiling, but after reaching the ceiling, it will be useless.

No matter how hard he tries, Coby's upper limit is just a navy admiral. It is already the limit to have the strength of Zefa or Garp. Beyond this range, it is no longer something that can be achieved by hard work.

However, Blackbeard's multiple devil fruit talents are the power that can break the ceiling, especially Uchiha Feiyu's Future Immortality Sutra, which can awaken and strengthen the devil fruit power to the limit in the shortest time.

Coby's talent slowly receded. Although the talent for accelerated training disappeared, the power gained from training did not disappear. At the same time, Uchiha Feiyu also felt some strange changes in his body.

"Can I eat two more devil fruits? Well... let's take this Dark Dark Fruit first!"

"Remember that there should be a Momo Fruit on the sixth floor of the Impel Down. To be precise, it should be called the Multiplication Fruit, which can easily enlarge objects or increase its own speed..."

However, although this devil fruit can increase speed, volume, or energy, it does not increase the physique, strength, and domineering of the ability user. Otherwise, it would not be called the Momo Fruit, but the Invincible Fruit.

Think about a physical monster like Garp, whose physique, strength, and domineering increased a hundred times. He is simply a human-shaped ancient weapon! Kaido, Roger, Charlotte Linlin, any punch can knock their heads out!

Even if it can only increase speed and mass, the ability of this devil fruit is already very abnormal. Uchiha Feiyu thought about it for a while and decided to set his sights on this devil fruit first.

Anyway, after Uchiha Feiyu's blood nerves are trained, they can be separated to create new blood gods, and they can be divided and combined. In theory, they can even gather the power of all devil fruits, but it just takes some time.

So there is nothing wrong with temporarily pursuing the Momo fruit first, it's just a matter of time order.

As the power of the Dark Dark Fruit was absorbed by Uchiha Feiyu, the faith deposited on this fruit was also completely integrated into the fruit by Uchiha Feiyu using the Future Lifeless Sutra.

Darkness comes from the oldest fear of mankind. Although the Dark Dark Fruit and darkness cannot be completely equated, even if it is just similar, a lot of human faith in darkness has been deposited on this fruit.

It is not as good as the vampire fruit, which has a clear direction and a wide range of spread, but it is enough to push this devil fruit to the level of awakening.

Reaching out his hand, endless darkness swept away, and all the corpses on the ground suddenly turned into mummies and dry bones.

The Dark-Dark Fruit and the Vampire Fruit obviously exerted an effect of 1+1 greater than 2. At this moment, when Uchiha Feiyu used all his strength, he was like a black hole. No matter life span, blood, or fruit ability, as long as he was a little closer to him, it would be continuously drained away.

After stopping the use of the fruit ability, Uchiha Feiyu then walked into the last floor of the Impel Down Prison, which is the sixth floor of the Infinite Hell.

Compared with the previous floors, the sixth floor can be said to be completely empty. With no change in size, there are only more than a hundred pirates imprisoned in the entire Infinite Hell.

However, the bounty for the pirates who can be imprisoned in the Infinite Hell is at least hundreds of millions of Baileys. It can be said that the weakest is also the main cadre level of the Four Emperors. Although the number is less, the quality has improved a lot.

Now these people are imprisoned in the prison. The devil fruit ability users are also treated specially by seastone. For Uchiha Feiyu, it can be said that they are fish on the chopping board, and they don’t even need to spend any effort.

The black flame spread out, and a moment later, screams rang out in the Infinite Hell. Almost all the prisoners were killed. In addition, all kinds of devil fruit abilities were extracted by Uchiha Feiyu and temporarily stored on various shellfish.

"The ability of the Momo fruit... I found it!"

As waves of black air flow rolled back, Uchiha Feiyu finally picked the devil fruit he liked. The energy of the Momo fruit poured into his body, giving Uchiha Feiyu a strange feeling.

"It's a pity that this devil fruit has no faith at all. Otherwise, I really want to see how terrible this devil fruit will be when it is developed to the level of awakening."

In a short period of time, it is difficult to develop the Momo fruit to a powerful level, but when Uchiha Feiyu's reputation spreads this time, it is estimated that new faith power will arrive.

Moreover, he was also famous in Alabasta and the first half of the Grand Line. This faith was directed at him personally, and could be distributed to three devil fruits at will. Although most of them had been absorbed by the vampire fruit, the remaining ones were enough to make the development of the Momo fruit progress to a certain extent.

A moment later, all the prisoners in the Infinite Hell had died, and Uchiha Feiyu turned into a ball of blood light and disappeared without a trace almost instantly.

"Momo Fruit - 100 times the speed!"

The red meteor that rose into the sky from Impel Down was so fast that it was almost indistinguishable to the naked eye. In less than ten minutes, Uchiha Feiyu returned to the Navy Headquarters.

At this moment, the Whitebeard Pirates' pirate ship had just emerged from the bottom of the water at the Navy Headquarters. The red light fell from the sky and landed on the square. The navy was alert, thinking that this was some super weapon made by the Whitebeard Pirates.

However, a group of high-ranking navy officers did notice the red light. As Uchiha Feiyu appeared, Zhan Guo immediately shouted angrily:

"Uchiha Feiyu, what are you doing? Why aren't you at the Navy Headquarters and listening to orders!"

Uchiha Feiyu scratched his head and said helplessly:

"Sorry, Zhan Guo, something happened suddenly and I need to deal with it."

"But I'm here now, right? In this case, let me take the lead in dealing with the Whitebeard Pirates!"

At this moment, Uchiha Feiyu looked apologetic, and there was no way anyone would think that he had just completed a massacre in Impel Down. Even the director of the Impel Down and a kind of guard had been killed by him.

It can be said that, except for the group of prisoners hiding in the 5.5th floor of the Shemale Paradise, and Luffy and Buggy who are also hiding in the Shemale Paradise, there is no living person in the Impel Downs at this moment. If this matter is exposed, Uchiha Feiyu will have at least a bounty of more than 10 billion on his head, and Sengoku and the Navy will probably take him down at the first time.

However, Uchiha Feiyu was ruthless and fast enough. He killed everyone in the entire Impel Downs, and there was not even a Den Den Mushi left. He was not worried about the matter being exposed in the short term.

As for the end of the war on the top... there is no need to wait for the end of this war. Uchiha Feiyu will directly attack the Navy halfway through the war, and it is enough to conceal Sengoku for a short time.

In the final analysis, it is still Uchiha Feiyu who wants to catch both sides in one fell swoop, but he does not want to face the siege of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy Headquarters directly, so he is still in the Navy camp.

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