Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 265 The Battle at the Top Begins

After hearing what Uchiha Feiyu said, Zhan Guo's face finally relaxed a little. After all, the other party was not his navy. As long as he could ensure the battle with Whitebeard, Zhan Guo didn't want to care where Uchiha Feiyu had just gone.

The Whitebeard Pirates, who had just emerged from the sea, had no idea what had happened. However, as they talked, the people in the Whitebeard Pirates also knew that Uchiha Feiyu in front of them was their enemy.

"What a big tone, if you want to deal with our Whitebeard Pirates, let me meet you!"

The first person to speak was the captain of the third team of the Whitebeard Pirates, the Diamond Fruit ability user Joz. He jumped up, jumped over a long section of sea water, and also landed in front of Uchiha Feiyu.

Then he saw that his skin gradually turned into a shining diamond, and the dark and rich domineering aura was wrapped around his fists:

"Little devil, are you ready for the price of provoking the Whitebeard Pirates?!"

As soon as the voice came out, the black and shiny fist as big as a casserole had already hit Uchiha Feiyu's head directly.

Looking at the fist swinging at him, Uchiha Feiyu chuckled, and didn't even pull out the Sandai Kitetsu in his hand, but stretched out a palm, not even covering it with Haki, and directly grabbed the opponent's fist.

Joz's eyes lit up, and he immediately added another three points of strength to his fist. As a user of the Diamond Fruit ability, he dared not say anything about other aspects, but in terms of head-on confrontation alone, this guy even dared to compete with Kaido and Big Mom. Seeing that the other party didn't know what was good for him and stretched out his hand, he had decided to break the bones of the guy in front of him.

"Be careful, that's Diamond Joz, the opponent's ability..."

It was Admiral Qingzhi who shouted, but he stopped halfway through his words, with a look of shock on his face.

Uchiha Feiyu's strength has been fully demonstrated in the battle with Garp. All the senior navy officials present didn't think he would be defeated by Joz, but they all thought he would probably suffer a loss if he fought a monster like Joz without Haki.

Just at the moment when Diamond Joz's fist touched Uchiha Feiyu, he felt his whole body soften, and felt that the energy in his body had dissipated. Even the devil fruit ability could not be activated at all. He could even feel that everything about him was being absorbed by the other party's palm.

"My... my ability... what happened?"

Joz opened his mouth to speak, and then his voice was hoarse, which surprised him. His originally tall, full, and muscular body withered at a speed visible to the naked eye. Even his height of more than four meters was constantly getting shorter. After a moment, he shrank into a little old man of 1.56 meters.

"What kind of ability is this? What a terrible devil fruit ability!"

Marco was shocked, and jumped up at the first time. He waved his hands and turned into burning flame wings. Two balls of flames directly hit Uchiha Feiyu.

At the same time, Whitebeard also clenched the big knife in his hand, and a trace of hesitation flashed across his face.

The destructive power of his Tremor-Tremor Fruit ability was too amazing. If he took action, the first person to die would be the now extremely weak Joz, so after thinking for a while, he finally did not take action.

Seeing that Marco's flame was about to hit Uchiha Feiyu's head, Uchiha Feiyu did not show any fear. The black air in his hand was diffused, and the flame was absorbed cleanly in an instant.

At this time, Joz, who had become a little old man, groaned faintly and painfully, swallowed his last breath, and the whole person turned into a pile of dried corpses.

For a while, the entire Navy Headquarters was quiet, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the corpse in Uchiha Feiyu's hand, until Uchiha Feiyu gently waved his hand and threw the light corpse on the ground, and then with a slight click, the corpse fell to pieces, like a dried clay doll.

After a moment of silence, the Whitebeard Pirates smelled like a volcanic eruption, and Whitebeard, who was standing on the deck, roared:

"Damn kid! Die for me!!"

Amid the roar, a huge white light ball condensed on Whitebeard's Kusukime, and slammed into Uchiha Feiyu who was standing in the square of the Navy Headquarters.

At first, there was only a slight vibration, and then the whole square began to tilt, and finally there was a shocking tremor. Just the prelude to the activation of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit made people feel terrified and the sky and the earth were cracking.

"Be careful! The strongest man in the world is going to take action!"

Marshal Sengoku, who was standing at the highest point, roared, and under the vibration of the white light ball, the Navy Headquarters also began to tilt. Many strong men took action without saying a word, so as to prevent the entire Navy Headquarters from being torn apart.

As the direct target of the vibration light ball, Uchiha Feiyu slowly stretched out a hand and grabbed the white light ball. In the faint black air, the light ball was instantly sucked up by Uchiha Feiyu.

Devil fruit abilities also have a restraining relationship with each other. For example, Whitebeard's vibration fruit is not very useful against natural systems. This is also the reason why Akainu didn't seem to be seriously injured after being hit so many times by Whitebeard in the original work - if it was the same level animal system, even if it was a fantasy beast devil fruit, Akainu would be shocked to the point of burning his internal organs, and he would be disabled if he didn't die.

As for restraint, Uchiha Feiyu's dark dark fruit can pat his chest and say: I can restrain all devil fruits!

No matter how powerful the destructive power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit is, facing the Dark-Dark Fruit that can absorb and devour all fruit abilities and develop to awaken, the final result is that all the vibration power is absorbed.

"What!? That kind of power... can even ignore the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit!"

"Is the vampire fruit so terrible?"

Garp widened his eyes, looked at Sengoku, and asked.

Sengoku shook his head, glanced at the flame cloud wrapped around Uchiha Feiyu, and said very straightforwardly:

"How do I know? You know, the fantasy devil fruit itself is very rare, and there are even fewer that can be developed to awaken. As for the development and awakening of the vampire fruit... Over the years, maybe there is only one example of this kid. Who knows what functions it has?"

Whether it is the navy or the pirates, they are quite shocked by the ability of Uchiha Feiyu to burst out. Fortunately, the Dark-Dark Fruit and the Vampire Fruit are basically of the evil type. Whether it is black energy or blood energy, they look similar, so they are not suspected by others.

Of course, there is no point in doubting. Anyway, Uchiha Feiyu no longer needs to deliberately conceal himself.

The bloody figure flashed, and the ability of the Momo Fruit was activated. Uchiha Feiyu's speed, which was almost at the limit, was almost comparable to space teleportation. He appeared directly on the Mobius and chopped down Whitebeard with a knife.

Although the ability of the Momo Fruit was not maximized, Uchiha Feiyu's current speed was more than ten times the speed of sound. Even if Whitebeard used his observation Haki to react, his body movement speed was far behind his own Haki.

Facing the Sandai Kitetsu chopped down by Uchiha Feiyu, Whitebeard could only do his best to condense the Armament Haki and block the Sandai Kitetsu.

The Sandai Kitetsu hovered in front of Whitebeard's chest for a moment, and the Armament Haki on the knife collided with the Armament Haki on Whitebeard's chest in the air. The terrifying air wave spread out, causing cracks on the deck of the Mobius.

With a snort, Whitebeard, who was in a hurry, finally failed to block the sharpness of the Third Generation of Kitetsu. The sword tip flashing with blood pierced his chest and instantly began to suck the blood and vitality in his body.

However, it was only a moment, and the huge domineering aura suddenly burst out, blocking Uchiha Feiyu's devil fruit ability. At the same time, Whitebeard punched down, and the terrifying shock wave burst into the air, directly shaking Uchiha Feiyu out.

After falling down twice, Uchiha Feiyu stabbed a knife into the square, and retreated seven or eight meters, and then stabilized his body. Although the Dark Dark Fruit can absorb the power of the Vibration Fruit, it has no way to absorb the physical phenomenon directly caused by the Vibration Fruit. Whitebeard just detonated the light ball of the Vibration Vibration Fruit ability in his hand, which shook the unprepared Uchiha Feiyu out.

However, although Uchiha Feiyu was shaken away, he was only a little embarrassed and did not suffer any injuries. Instead, Whitebeard coughed while holding his chest, and cold sweat flowed on his forehead.

The wound on the chest is not bad, after all, it just pierced the muscle and did not hurt the internal organs. It's just that in order to be immune to the power of the vampire fruit, Whitebeard's domineering energy was consumed greatly.

You should know that Uchiha Feiyu's vampire fruit has long been strengthened and developed to an unpredictable level. Although Whitebeard relied on his own domineering energy to be immune to the power of the fruit, the consumption can be imagined.

The power of the devil fruit can indeed be offset by domineering energy, but it is not immune to domineering energy. The stronger the developed fruit ability, the more domineering energy is needed to offset it.

Only the Four Emperors of Whitebeard's level can offset the power of Uchiha Feiyu's vampire fruit, and this can only be barely offset once. If the number of times is too many, the consumption of domineering energy alone can make the Four Emperors exhausted.

Although Whitebeard is old and weak, he is also experienced in many battles. After one move, he knew that if Uchiha Feiyu had another chance to approach, there would be no need to fight, and he would definitely die-to a certain extent, the vampire fruit can be said to be a special counter to old men.

So he ignored the backlash of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit and clenched his fists. As he swung them, a huge vibration force appeared. With Whitebeard's crossed fists, he punched the air next to him hard. With the sound of cracking, cracking, dense cracks suddenly appeared. The terrifying shock burst out instantly, directly leading to a tsunami.

No matter what kind of devil fruit ability user, they can't change the characteristics of being restrained by sea water!

Looking at the raging tsunami, Uchiha Feiyu returned to the execution platform in a flash. His performance just now had completely wiped out the bad impression of being late, so he said bluntly:

"General Qingzhi, it's your turn! I can't stop these tsunamis!"

Uchiha Feiyu didn't need to say much, Qingzhi stood up directly, threw his cloak behind him, and jumped out directly:

"Frozen moment - Ice Age!"

The ice fruit took effect instantly, and the extremely cold air spread, freezing the tsunami that was dozens of meters high into an ice wall in an instant, and even froze the sea surface of several kilometers into ice blocks, and also froze the large fleet of the Whitebeard Pirates.

In fact, the Navy dared to go to war with Whitebeard, and the biggest trump card was Qingzhi, the user of the ice fruit ability. Otherwise, facing the tsunami, each of the Navy's senior officers could at most escape with their lives, but they couldn't save 100,000 Navy.

During the battle at the top, although Akainu was the most hardworking, it was Aokiji who played the biggest role, because only he could restrain Whitebeard's sea-quake ability.

Otherwise, facing the fruit of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, which is at the level of a natural disaster, ordinary soldiers would probably be wiped out in the first round of attacks. If the devil fruit ability user did not have the physical skills and domineering level of a general-level officer, he would definitely die.

As Aokiji froze the entire sea, the pirates also had a foothold. The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates rushed over from the ice with a howl, and the two sides immediately entered a close combat.

The navy was not to be outdone. A group of navy vice admirals led by the admiral went up. As for the Seven Warlords of the Sea, they just slacked off. No one expected these guys to take real action.

Not to mention that among the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Jinbei was imprisoned in Impel Down for opposing the battle at the top. Uchiha Touyu didn't know if he had killed this guy when he was on the sixth floor?

Another Shichibukai, Blackbeard, had already defected from the Navy and died at the hands of Uchiha Feiyu when he was pushing into the city.

There were actually only five Shichibukai left in the entire Navy, and they were all a bunch of idiots. Unless Sengoku was a lunatic, he couldn't expect them to fight a tough battle.

The strong men on both sides immediately started fighting fiercely. Uchiha Feiyu, who was standing on top, had a smile on his face, and a strong blood and black gas came out of his body, as if he was a big devil. The blood and black gas condensed into the shape of a bat and then spread out.

"There are so many vampire bats! Ugh!"

"Don't touch these bats! They will suck your blood in an instant!"

"Why don't attacks work on these bats! It's just like the natural elementalization!"

"Ahhh! There are more! These bats can increase their numbers by sucking blood!!"

"Damn... It's that bastard blood demon again! The power of the vampire fruit is too troublesome!"

As Uchiha Feiyu used this group attack again, the ordinary pirates on the battlefield were in trouble. Without two-color domineering and no special devil fruit ability, they would die if they were faced with the blood bats made by the vampire fruit. After death, more bats would be created...

Nine out of the tens of thousands of pirates under Whitebeard belonged to the type that only had brute force. Facing the overwhelming blood bats, they were almost killed or injured in just a dozen minutes.

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