Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 266: Reinforcements for the Advancement City

A moment later, the entire navy headquarters was covered in bloody bats, and except for the domineering cadres under Whitebeard, all the other ordinary pirates were almost dead.

With a roar, the demon Oz, who was originally rushing to the front of the Whitebeard Pirates, was completely turned into a mummy after being devoured by the vampire bats. Only a few hundred Whitebeard Pirates' cadres and officers were left on the entire battlefield. The captain is divided.

As for the ground of the Navy Headquarters, it was filled with dried corpses, which looked weird and terrifying.

Seeing such a terrifying scene, even the Marine Marshal Sengoku felt a little nervous. It was not like he, the Marine Marshal, had never given orders for things like massacre, but it was also a bombardment with guns and an attack with a demon-slaying order.

It is estimated that only a guy like Akainu in the entire navy can actually kill tens of thousands of people without changing his expression.

"Damn it, dad...what should I do! That vampire devil fruit user is really terrifying."

Marco and Kizaru struggled for a moment, then retreated directly. Now Whitebeard's soldiers were almost wiped out, and the battle was completely one-sided.

Even though the miscellaneous soldiers seem meaningless, in fact, except for the natural type, there are not many people in the pirate world who are immune to bullets. As for using Haki, or tricks like iron blocks - it also consumes physical strength.

Otherwise, what kind of subordinate would Kaido have? To fight the Whitebeard Pirates, what kind of 100,000 troops does the Navy need to gather? Why did Whitebeard lead tens of thousands of pirates to attack the Navy headquarters?

The reason is very simple, these cannon fodder are used to consume the physical strength of the opponent's elites! Once you consume too much domineering power and physical strength, you will definitely be at a disadvantage in a battle of the same level.

As for Qing Xiaobing’s overlord color and domineering energy, it also consumes physical strength and domineering energy! And the larger the range, the stronger the effect, and the more consumption.

Unless you are willing to expend a lot of physical strength and domineering energy, no matter whether you are a pirate in the new world or an elite at the Navy Headquarters, you will not be easily defeated by Overlord. But if it really consumes a lot of physical strength and domineering energy, then the enemy's goal will be achieved.

Whitebeard also frowned, and struck out with a fierce strike, forcing Akainu back a few steps. Looking at the current form, his heart sank.

Although he knew that this battle would be a disaster, and that the navy would surpass the Whitebeard Pirates in terms of strength and favorable timing and location, Whitebeard never expected that the battle had just begun and he would encounter such a difficult enemy. Vampire fruit ability user.

But now, Whitebeard has no room to retreat!

"Gulu la la la la! It seems that the situation is really bad this time! But...I won't give up so easily!!"

Although he was already in a desperate situation, Whitebeard was once again inspired to fight, and a group of Whitebeard Pirates' men also broke out with desperate fighting power in this desperate situation.

For a while, these people really beat the three navy generals back steadily. Although this outbreak was short-lived, if they really opened the passage to Ace, it was really uncertain whether they could rescue Ace.

After all, the main purpose of this execution is Ace, the son of the Pirate King, and it is just a way to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates - at Whitebeard's age, even if the Navy does not take action, he will probably die of old age in another two or three years, and Fire Fist Ace possesses the Burning Fruit and Overlord's Haki, and he is also the son of Pirate King Roger. He is the real thorn in the side of the Navy.

As long as Ace is rescued, with his current age and potential, he will become a general-level master in a few years. Coupled with his hatred for the Navy, I am afraid that the Navy will really be in dire straits by then.

"We can't retreat anymore! Fight back the Whitebeard Pirates! Besides, now we no longer need to use the closed-door dogfighting plan. Pull out all the pacifists!"

Sengoku, who was standing on the high platform, was giving orders strictly. Uchiha Feiyu was standing next to him, with his arms folded across his chest. He seemed to have no intention of taking action. Sengoku glanced at him and didn't say much.

After all, Uchiha Feiyu had just killed Diamond Jozi, one of the most powerful among the Whitebeard Pirates, and also wiped out the Whitebeard Pirates' miscellaneous soldiers. If he were to take action again, then this war would simply be his fault. It’s a personal show, and the Navy also wants to be embarrassed!

Anyway, now that the Navy has a winning chance, it is more in line with the Warring States Marshal's wishes that the Blood Demon does not take action.

As for Uchiha Feiha, although he wanted to take over the whole navy, he did not want to be besieged by a few intact top combat forces at sea, so he allowed the elite of the Whitebeard Pirates to consume the physical strength of the three generals and cause some damage to the three generals. The injury was just what he wanted.

After all the Whitebeard Pirates were dead, facing the Whitebeard Pirates without cover, the confident navy executives did not use ordinary navy to consume the strength of Whitebeard and his cadres, but in order to reduce the strength of Whitebeard and his cadres. Small casualties, choosing a battle between king and general.

In this way, the number of casualties in the navy was very few, and it did not affect the harvest of Uchiha Feiyu after a while.

Following the orders of the Warring States Period, a large number of pacifists also appeared on the battlefield. Although these pacifists were bulky, they relied on beam attacks and strong physiques to possess the strength of pirates comparable to hundreds of millions of Baileys. , is an out-and-out new force.

Under the siege of the pacifists, the outbreak of the Whitebeard Pirates was immediately suppressed. As time passed, the entire Whitebeard Pirates were gradually forced into a desperate situation.

Uchiha Feiyu slowly lowered his eyes and moved his fingers slightly. At this moment, the ground of the Navy Headquarters was already flowing into a river of blood. The blood on the ground suddenly squirmed slightly.

At this moment, a warship suddenly appeared in the distance. On the deck of the warship, a kid wearing a straw hat was waving his arms:

"Ace!! I'm here to save you!!"

After saying that, the Straw Hat boy stretched out his arms suddenly, grabbed the ice, and directly pulled the pirate ship and flew over.

Although Uchiha Feiyu killed the entire Impel City, he was the only one who did not take action on those people on the 5.5th floor. The main reason was that the group of people were hidden deep at that time and the number of people was small. Uchiha Feiyu was waiting to eat the navy. The headquarters had a feast, so they didn’t search for them carefully.

After killing everyone, the prisoners on the 5.5th floor felt something was wrong. When they ran out, they found that the entire Impel Down City had been turned into a dead place.

These prisoners didn't know what was going on, but they also knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity - in fact, they didn't dare to stay in Impel Down. If such a big thing happened, the Navy and the World Government would definitely take the entire Impel Down. If you search the city carefully, those people on the 5.5th floor may not be able to hide.

The warships outside the city were still well placed. Uchiha Feiyu just killed all the people, but did not touch the ships and equipment. These people could leave directly by boat.

However, due to the whirlpool currents, there are only two ways to leave Impel City. One is to go to Judiciary Island, and the other is to go to the Navy Headquarters. Judiciary Island just encountered the Demon-Slaying Order some time ago, and the Justice that controls the sea currents on Judiciary Island The gate has long been destroyed, and the only way to go is to the Navy Headquarters.

Together with Luffy and Jinbei, they were all ready to come to rescue Ace. The group of prisoners on the 5.5th floor, led by the Monster King, all headed towards the Navy Headquarters.

"The situation of the Whitebeard Pirates seems not to be optimistic! It seems that with our strength, there is no way to save the defeat!"

The Man-Monster King Ivankov looked at the Whitebeard Pirates, who were heavily besieged by the navy and were at the end of their rope. A look of distress suddenly appeared on his face. In this situation, if his group went up, would they really be willing to sacrifice their lives?

If it weren't for the fact that Luffy was the son of a dragon, Ivankov would have really wanted to take a group of prisoners and escape quickly. Even so, he would be chased by the fleet sent by the Navy Headquarters. That would have a higher chance of survival than rushing to the Navy Headquarters. Bar!

Unfortunately, it's too late to regret it now, and it's not that easy to bypass the Navy Headquarters. You must know that the shore defense guns at the Navy Headquarters and the cannons on ordinary ships are completely different things, let alone the strong ones at the Navy Headquarters today. Ruyun itself is difficult to escape.

The pirates on the ship were not fools. Of course they could see that the situation was not good, but since they dared to go to sea and become pirates, they naturally had a spirit of bravery.

After Luffy pulled the ship onto the ice, most of the people took out their weapons without hesitation and rushed up along the ice. At that time, hundreds of pirates broke out into quite a momentum. .

The Transvestite Paradise is on the 5.5th floor of the Impel City. Basically, those who can be pulled in are the prisoners on the fifth floor of the Impel City. The bounty is at least 50 million.

This kind of strength can be compared with that of a colonel in the Navy Headquarters. It can be regarded as an out-and-out new force. However, the Navy Headquarters at this time can really be called a rain of strong men and a cloud of masters. This group of people Before he could break out of the ice, Kizaru, who was flying in the sky, had already made a move with an eight-foot magatama, sending a large area flying away.

"We can't let you guys get there easily... It would be bad if Ace is really rescued."

Kizaru took his time and said something with a smile on his lips, but he didn't know if this was an actor. Although the attack seemed fierce and beat a group of people to their knees, it did not cause many casualties.

"Don't block the road! Monkey-faced uncle! Rubber bazooka!"

Although he shouts with great momentum and punches very fiercely, Luffy, who is not yet in control of Haki, is obviously unable to cause any harm to those with elemental natural abilities. After a random punch, the biggest result is probably It was the phrase "monkey-faced uncle" that made Kizaru's old face wrinkle into a ball.

However, he did not take action. Marco, who had been pestering Kizaru, saw him leave and flew to Ace's execution platform. Although the execution platform was still guarded by Sengoku Garp, he really wanted to fly there like Marco. Well, Kizaru, the naval admiral, also had a dull face.

So the golden light flashed away, and Marco, who had already flown close to the execution platform, saw another wretched old face in front of him.

"Damn you, get out of here!"

"Recognize the reality, Marco, the Whitebeard Pirates are finished this time!"

Indeed, even with the fresh troops from Impel Down City, the situation on the battlefield is now clear. The navy has an overwhelming advantage.

Uchiha Feiyu, who was standing on the execution platform, looked at the scene in front of him with a cold smile on his lips:

"Since it's going to be over, let me add more fire to these guys!"

The blood that permeated the entire Navy headquarters turned into a faint blood mist and began to float slowly. The blood that originally belonged to Uchiha Feiyu's vampire bats was obviously not an ordinary thing.

It's just that the battlefield is in chaos now, and the two sides involved in the war did not take this situation to heart.

However, soon, the situation took a sharp turn for the worse, and the Whitebeard Pirates, who were permeated in the blood mist, gradually showed blood in their eyes.

Then, the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates suddenly became stronger and braver, bursting out with terrifying power, and for a time they beat the Navy back step by step. A large number of Navy generals were caught off guard and were directly killed by the cadres of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Near-death explosion?! No, the Whitebeard Pirates have really become stronger!"

A vice admiral stabbed a pirate in the heart with a sword, crushing the pirate's heart directly. However, the pirate in front of him grinned, revealing a crazy smile, and swept down with a domineering scimitar, chopping off the vice admiral's head. Then he stretched out his hand and pulled the weapon off his heart. This fatal injury was completely recovered in almost ten seconds.

Not only that, many pirates who had fallen to the ground and should have died long ago also stood up staggeringly at this moment, and soon raised their swords and killed the navy.

The faces of the navy were all confused, and they had no idea what was going on. Why did the Whitebeard Pirates suddenly become so abstract?

Uchiha Feiyu, who was standing on the execution platform, had a faint red light in his eyes, but he was thinking secretly in his heart:

"The potential of the vampire fruit is not enough! There is no way to unfold the real Death River, so I can only replace it like this."

"But thanks to this execution, the video is almost broadcast all over the world... Otherwise, my power of faith would not grow so fast, and the power of the vampire fruit would not grow so much."

The terrifying power of the vampire fruit, the terrible scene of killing tens of thousands of pirates in more than ten minutes, impressed everyone who watched the live broadcast.

Humans are always visual animals. In the eyes of many ordinary people, Uchiha Feiyu is definitely a demon king who is more terrifying than the admirals and the pirates. From this point of view, their guess is quite reasonable.

It was also with the surge in the power of faith that Uchiha Feiyu finally developed the vampire fruit to the limit and possessed the Death River move - although it was only a degraded and incomplete version.

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