"What's going on? Uchiha Feiyu!"

Zhan Guo looked at the abnormality below and soon noticed the blood mist that permeated the entire Navy Headquarters. He immediately thought of Uchiha Feiyu and asked in shock and anger.

"Hehe... I'll help you a little... No need to thank me!"

Uchiha Feiyu said with a smile on his face, and his figure flashed, dodging the angry attack of the Navy Admiral.

"Why?! Uchiha Feiyu... What on earth do you want to do?"

Zhan Guo's body faintly revealed a golden light, and finally continued to expand, turning into a golden Buddha, and shouted loudly.

Uchiha Feiyu looked at the Sengoku in front of him, his face became a little more serious, and he spoke seriously:

"Marshal Sengoku, isn't this very clear? I rely on blood and killing to increase my strength."

Sengoku widened his eyes and roared:

"So you are going to turn against the navy on this important occasion?!"

"To increase your strength through blood and killing, you must attack the navy?"

"Hehe... In my opinion, there is no difference between the navy and pirates. One is a locust that burns, kills, and plunders, and the other is just a lackey of the world government that oppresses civilians."

"Although I am not qualified to say such things. But if I have to choose, the navy, pirates, and the world government, I don't care much Why do you want to let go!"

"After all, when you picked up your weapons, you were already prepared to die on the battlefield, right?"

After turning into a giant Buddha, Zhan Guo seemed to have calmed down a lot. After listening to Uchiha Feiyu's words, he was not too excited, but just looked at him deeply:

"You are right, the fate of the navy is to die on the battlefield, but if that is the case, are you also ready to die when you pick up your weapons?"

"Big Buddha Palm!"

The huge golden arm that fell from the sky directly pressed down Uchiha Feiyu. Just when Zhan Guo was about to add a big Buddha shock wave, he suddenly felt that his own fruit ability seemed to be attracted by something and began to dissipate.

"This is..."

Zhan Guo's face changed drastically. At the same time, the huge golden Buddha was shrinking and turned back to Zhan Guo's original appearance. Uchiha Feiyu held Zhan Guo's arm with one hand, and the dark flames completely wrapped around his arm.

"What kind of ability is this..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Zhan Guo felt that something was wrong. Not only the ability of the fruit, but also the blood and life were constantly lost. Just a moment later, Zhan Guo, who looked quite strong, had turned into a real 80-year-old man.

"Hehe, it's the natural system's Dark Dark Fruit and the Fantasy Beast Vampire Fruit that work at the same time. In addition, there is the acceleration of the Momo Fruit."

"But I didn't expect that the 100-fold speed of the Momo Fruit could also increase the ability of the fruit, which made me absorb 100 times faster. It's not so easy to deal with the top sea combat power like you."

Whether it's the ability of the vampire to suck blood and absorb the essence of life, or the ability of the Dark Dark Fruit to draw the power of the devil fruit, it takes a certain amount of time to attack. The domineering power of the top sea powerhouses will cause great interference.

However, under the acceleration of the Momo Fruit, the speed of the two devil fruits is 100 times faster, which led to Uchiha Feiyu killing Zhan Guo in a very short time.

With a shake of his hand, Uchiha Feiyu threw the aging Sengoku directly to the rushing Garp, chuckled, and ignored Garp's anger. The whole person turned into a blood shadow and rushed down.

Old man Garp taught Uchiha Feiyu after all, and for this point of friendship, Uchiha Feiyu did not fight with him this time.

With his cold personality, it was already very good to be able to do this.

Before rushing down, Uchiha Feiyu also waved his hand casually, and a flying slash directly crossed the execution platform and hit the seastone handcuffs on Ace.

With a click, the seastone handcuffs were directly shattered, and the flying slash also disappeared at the same time. The force was controlled to perfection, and Ace was freed in an instant.

Ace, who broke free from his restraints, turned into a flaming meteor in an instant and flew into the sky. It was in the sky that he saw the spectacular scene on the ground.

Thick blood mist filled the entire Navy headquarters. Amidst the howling sounds beyond human imagination, the once dead mummified skeletons climbed up one by one and killed all the living people like crazy.

At the same time, many navy and pirates fighting in the blood mist screamed madly, as if they were drenched in blood, turning into terrible blood-colored skeletons and attacking all the living people around them.

This is Uchiha Feiyu's dead river! Like the vampire king, all enemies killed by Uchiha Feiyu will turn into undead spirits, and their power will be completely used by Uchiha Feiyu, which is very similar to the legendary dead river.

However, there are also different places. In the original book, the strongest effect of Akado's dead river is not to release those undead spirits, but to use those undead spirits to pay for life!

The owner of the Dead River gains one more life for every person he kills. The more people he kills, the harder it is to kill him. For example, Akado in the original book has millions of lives as a result of countless massacres on the battlefield. Not to mention his combat effectiveness, his vitality is so tenacious that it is impossible to kill him.

If he hadn't finally unlocked the Dead River, released millions of undead, and given his opponent the opportunity to use decapitation tactics, Akado would never have died.

To put it bluntly, Akado's death in the end can be attributed to suicide because he was tired of living. Otherwise, even if nuclear weapons were used directly, it would only be a matter of a few lives for the vampire king.

After the deployment of Uchiha Feiyu's Dead River, the effect is even better than the original. In addition to releasing the dead to fight, the diffuse blood mist itself has the ability to corrode the living. If the battle lasts for a long time, the living can also become dead.

However, in terms of immortality, it is far inferior to Akado's Dead River. At most, it can only use the pure vitality in the Dead River to regenerate at a super fast speed, forming a pseudo-immortal body.

After this conceptual life is converted into pure vitality, the effect is greatly reduced. At most, it becomes a replica of Wolverine's immortal body, or even worse - at least even if Wolverine is thrown into the sun without a trace of flesh and blood, he can be reborn with his indestructible adamantium skeleton.

However, after developing to this extent, all the potential of the vampire fruit has been exhausted, and even the soul of this devil fruit has completely disappeared and merged into Uchiha Feiyu's body.

If Uchiha Feiyu dies in the future, this devil fruit will never appear again, and it can be regarded as being completely digested by Uchiha Feiyu.

"Well, the big move of the Dead River is a bit perverted no matter how you think about it. It's not surprising that the vampire fruit can't do it. The remaining faith can be used to water the Dark Dark Fruit and the Momo Fruit. So first of all, let's balance it. The current situation is good!"

The vague shadows in the blood mist gathered together, and soon one blood-colored bat after another was born in the blood mist. These bats made a squeaking scream and attacked all the living people in an instant.

"This is... This is the bat just now, the blood demon's bat!"

"The blood demon betrayed! It's bad! Everyone run away!"

"How could this happen? Damn, is that guy a lunatic?"

"All the navy who can't use two-color domineering, leave immediately! Damn, it's too late!"

How many bats are there in the blood mist? You must know that Uchiha Feiyu did not draw back the blood. The entire navy headquarters can basically be said to be a river of blood. The number of bats covering the sky and the sun is not 1 million, but 800,000. In an instant, the ordinary navy has been devoured.

After a large number of marines died, they turned into the undead under Uchiha Feiyu and turned around to besiege their companions. The casualties suddenly increased.

"Kizaru! Go stop that guy!"

Aokiji shouted, jumped up, and a strong cold air burst out, freezing Marco directly. The Phoenix Fruit ability user struggled twice before flying out of the freeze, but the original Kizaru had already abandoned this opponent.

Marco glanced around and unexpectedly did not continue to fight. Instead, he shouted loudly: "Dad, retreat!!! Ace has been rescued, and the casualties are too tragic!"

Whitebeard took two steps back panting, looking at Akainu in front of him with a vigilant face. Akainu did not continue to fight - if the fight continued, the Navy Headquarters might be wiped out!

At this time, a flame descended from the sky and condensed into the shape of Ace:

"Dad, I'm sorry, it's all because of me..."

"Gulala, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Whitebeard shook his head and said proudly:

"If there is any fault, of course I, the captain, made the biggest mistake! Attacking the Navy Headquarters was the order I personally gave!"

"As for now... kids, get ready to leave!"

Marco, who was most familiar with Whitebeard, frowned. He heard a hint of determination in Whitebeard's words and had a bad feeling in his heart:

"Dad, let's leave together and let the Navy and that blood demon fight each other!"

"No need! The revenge of the Whitebeard Pirates will of course be taken back by Whitebeard himself! I will definitely not let him go after killing so many people on the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"But... Dad..."

Whitebeard turned his head and looked at Ace and Marco. The two of them realized that Whitebeard's originally pure white black moon beard had been completely dyed bloody.

In addition, his body was covered with scars of all sizes, including gunshot wounds, knife wounds, burns, and scalds, which covered almost the entire body of this man.

In the previous battle, Whitebeard, as the flag of the entire Whitebeard Pirates, also withstood the most attacks in order to protect his sons, and naturally suffered the most serious injuries.

Although Whitebeard did not experience serious injuries from the backstab of the giant vortex spider this time, after such a long battle, this elderly and seriously ill old man has reached the end of his strength.

Whitebeard knew very well that his body had been riddled with holes for a long time, and now he was fighting on the battlefield with one breath. If he did not lose this fighting spirit, he might be able to fight for a day and a night, but if he lost this breath, he might have an outbreak of injuries on the spot and die directly.

"Let's go quickly. There is no ship that can carry me in this era. Moreover, as a pirate, dying on the battlefield is the best destination. I don't want to die of illness on the bed!"

Whitebeard clenched his fists, veins popped out, and his muscles swelled. He punched out with a backhand. A terrifying white light burst out instantly. The entire navy headquarters was shaken in half as it trembled, and a huge pillar dozens of meters long appeared in the middle. The crack just separated Whitebeard and his men.

"Get out of here, sons! Now, as my captain, I give you the final order: Mission accomplished, evacuate the Navy Headquarters!"

After saying that, Whitebeard ignored the sons behind him and looked at Uchiha Feiyu in the sky.

At this time, the three navy generals and a group of lieutenant generals had already stopped. They ignored Whitebeard and looked at Uchiha Feiyu.

Almost all the weaklings on the battlefield have been killed or wounded, and the rest are some officers who know two-color Haki, or - acquaintances of Uchiha Feiyu.

For example, a certain short-sighted Taschi was spared his life by Uchiha Feiyu, and now he is looking at Uchiha Feiyu in the sky with an expression of disbelief.

"That's almost it...the remaining guys can't be killed with blood bat skills."

Uchiha Feiyu glanced down, made a slight calculation in his mind, and made a decision.

As he thought, the overwhelming blood bats that covered the entire naval headquarters and the blood mist that permeated the entire naval headquarters turned into an endless river of blood, rising into the sky and integrating into Uchiha Feiyu's body. .

The endless blood energy is converted into blood nerve mana. Although it cannot stay for a long time, it continuously strengthens Uchiha Feiyu's body in a short period of time. At least his human immortal martial arts will improve by leaps and bounds after each large-scale blood sacrifice. .

Not to mention this time, there are hundreds of thousands of navy and pirates, either the elite navy of the headquarters or the pirates of the new world. Although they are insignificant on this battlefield, in fact, in the four seas, these "miscellaneous soldiers" can also Bailey has a bounty of more than one million, and the life breath and blood energy in his body are comparable to jounin in the world of Naruto.

And he is still the kind of top jounin who specializes in taijutsu. An ordinary jounin does not count chakra energy. If he relies on physical fitness alone, he is guaranteed to be defeated by these ordinary soldiers and pirates!

Such a large sum of money, for Uchiha Feiyu, even if he is far away in the Naruto world, is no less than a harvest once every ten years!

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