Starting to practice magic from Uchiha

Chapter 268 Death of the General

After Uchiha Feiyu, who was flying in the sky, swallowed the entire blood river, his momentum suddenly soared to a terrifying level. The power of the blood nerves pushed the human immortal martial arts to wash his marrow and change his blood, allowing Uchiha Feiyu's physique, which had already reached the limit of the One Piece world, to rise endlessly again.

Although the strength of the bones and flesh is inevitably much inferior to the blood nerve mana, Uchiha Feiyu is very clear that the blood nerve mana in his body will eventually be transferred back to the main body. On the contrary, the transformed body is his greatest asset.

Feeling that the mana has begun to dissipate, Uchiha Feiyu then transferred the blood and energy he collected back to the main body. However, after a moment, a special power was transmitted from the main body, which made Uchiha Feiyu's face suddenly show joy.

It's not easy! Since coming to the world of pirates, it has been this clone who has been constantly transferring energy and nutrients to the main body. Now it has finally been rewarded!

And the reward sent from the Naruto world is the prototype of a blood god!

The power of the Blood God Son instantly merged into Uchiha Feiyu's body. In just a moment, Uchiha Feiyu's body seemed to melt and turned into a ball of red slime, but soon the ball of slime was reshaped and turned back into Uchiha Feiyu.

If you observe carefully, you will find that Uchiha Feiyu now seems to have some wonderful changes, and his appearance is exactly the same as his original body - in fact, this kind of tiny change has never stopped since Uchiha Feiyu took over the body, but the previous changes were subtle and silent, unlike this change so sudden.

The highest level of blood nerve cultivation is to transform oneself into a Blood God Son, but the so-called Blood God Son also has high and low levels. In fact, after practicing to a certain level, the prototype of the Blood God Son has already appeared.

By inputting a part of the soul fragments into the Blood God Child, the Blood God Child can be transformed into the true incarnation of the practitioner - not a clone with self-thinking like the Shadow Clone Technique, but a pure incarnation like the hands and feet of the practitioner. The main body and the incarnation are controlled by one thought, just like a person has two bodies.

In addition, Uchiha Feiyu's body bloodline has also been completely changed. If you do a blood test now, you will find that whether it is Naruto or Uchiha Feiyu in the Pirate World, the bloodlines of both sides are exactly the same, and they are completely the same person.

"Is it because of the incarnation? It seems that the Pirate World has no pressure on the rules!"

Obviously, the incarnation has a closer relationship between the clone and the main body, and has also obtained some characteristics of the Book of Dark Inheritance, and can use the power of the heavens and the worlds in this Pirate World.

Originally, Uchiha Feiyu was thinking of sacrificing a Blood God Child to transform the clone into an incarnation. Unexpectedly, there is such a good thing. The Blood God Child does not need to be sacrificed anymore. The blood magic power that originally belonged to the vampire in the body is also constantly transformed under the power of the Blood God Child and becomes real magic power.

Although the blood magic of vampires will shrink by at least ten times after being converted into mana, the power will increase by at least a hundred times. All kinds of vampire abilities have grown by leaps and bounds, and they can also use blood nerve spells...

It can be said that Uchiha Feiyu is now many times stronger than before! Looking down at this moment, he is completely looking down.

"It's time to end it, hehe..."

When Uchiha Feiyu's strength was still weak, he could still feign compromise with the Navy and the World Government, but now with his strength, he can say "I don't eat beef"!

A blood light fell from the sky, and the first target was Kizaru, who was floating in the air with a vigilant look on his face.

Kizaru's pupils shrank, and the ability of the Flash Fruit was activated instantly, trying to avoid the opponent's attack. However, the blood light, which was not inferior to the Flash Fruit in speed, accelerated nearly a hundred times in an instant, and almost before Kizaru could react, he felt a pain in his chest.

"How... is it possible... this speed..."

Looking at the Third Generation Kitetsu piercing his chest, Kizaru's eyes were full of confusion. He had always thought that he was the fastest man on the sea with the Flash Fruit, but now Uchiha Fei's speed was dozens of times faster than him!

Although he had the Flash Fruit, Kizaru, the admiral of the navy, was definitely not as exaggerated as the speed of light. Limited by his own nerve reaction ability, Kizaru's speed was about five times the speed of sound.

However, in Kizaru's observation Haki, the opponent's speed just now was at least two or three hundred times the speed of sound, which made him unable to react even if he observed it with his observation Haki.

This speed and nerve reaction ability have completely exceeded the ceiling of the pirate world, and it is not the kind of slightly exceeded, but the kind of battle that is completely not at the same level!

No wonder Kizaru looked like he was dying with his eyes open, the opponent was blatantly cheating.

Unfortunately, Uchiha Feiyu no longer had the heart to talk to Kizaru. Now his strength had completely created a huge gap between him and the strong men on the sea. The gap was as big as if an Otsutsuki suddenly dropped into a group of ninjas.

The blood-red light flashed again, and the second target was the already panting Whitebeard. Although Whitebeard's body was also unable to react to Uchiha Feiyu's attack, he burst out with the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit with a thought, and a huge ball of white light burst out from Whitebeard's body and spread out.

This may be the strongest shock that Whitebeard has exerted since his appearance. Just the spread of the aftermath has already made the entire naval headquarters begin to tremble. However, the next second, this terrifying shock has disappeared without a trace. Without a trace, the trembling naval headquarters instantly ceased its activity, as if nothing had happened.

A wisp of dark mist was like gluttonous food, swallowing up Whitebeard and the shock he erupted in one gulp. Facing the Dark Fruit that restrained all Devil Fruits, even the most destructive Shock Fruit, there was no resistance at all. In an instant, It was completely absorbed.

After a while, the black air dissipated, leaving only a lone Cong Yunqie, and Whitebeard's entire body had disappeared without a trace.

"This guy... is simply a monster!"

"Did that Whitebeard actually die like that? This guy, the Blood Demon, is really terrifying!"

Listening to the somewhat timid comments coming from behind, Sakaski, the most famous hawkish general in the Navy, did not get angry. He just clenched his fists with a silent face, and the black-red lava slowly flowed out. It dripped slowly, reflecting his face full of determination.

Kuzan, who had always been lazy, rarely showed a serious or even martyr-like expression. The white air that spread out with his breath instantly froze the surroundings.

"Are you ready to fight hard?"

Uchiha Feiyu swept across the navy group. At this moment, the number of marines left was not too many, only about a few hundred people in total.

However, being able to survive Uchiha Fei's bat tide and the river of death, the remaining few hundred marines can be said to be truly elite, and they are basically masters who have mastered the two-color Haki and the Sixth Marine Style.

But at this moment, except for the two admirals standing at the front, the rest of the navy looked frightened and even full of despair. They did not look like the elite of the navy at all.

This is not to say that the concept of justice of this group of marines is inferior to that of Akainu and Aokiji. It is just that after the multiple evolutions, the current Uchiha Feiyu itself is equivalent to carrying a fear aura. Anyone who is not domineering enough will just look at it. When seeing Uchiha Feiyu who has not restrained himself, his heart will tremble with fear.

This is not something that can be overcome without willpower, because it is equivalent to the devil fruit ability of the vampire fruit. I have never heard that you have strong willpower and can even withstand the devil fruit ability. There are only two people. The admiral relied on his own domineering power to become immune to this aura.

"Evil pirate, so what if you can destroy the navy headquarters! One day, a new navy successor will appear and bring you to justice. Justice will never fail!"

It was Sakaski who shouted angrily, but his words made Uchiha Feiyu show a strange expression on his face. These words were true, but the person who spoke made Uchiha Feiyu feel a little... confusion.

After Sakaski finished speaking, he punched out. His red fist grew bigger and bigger, turning into the shape of a rabid dog. He opened his mouth and bit Uchiha Feiyu's head.

"The dog eats the red lotus!!"

Unfortunately, this attack had no effect on Uchiha Feiyu. With a flash of black aura, Akainu finally understood why Kizaru and Whitebeard died so easily in the hands of Uchiha Feiyu.

Without it, the fruit is too fast to avoid, the ability to restrain the fruit is too strong to be used at all, and as soon as it touches it, it is like a bone-attached maggot absorbing everything in itself. The combination of these abilities creates an almost terrifying effect. Due to chemical effects, being killed instantly is a normal result.

But at the same time he understood, the black arrogance had swallowed him up, leaving only a tattered navy coat and navy hat, proving the existence of this former navy admiral.

As for Aokiji, he didn't use his devil fruit ability. Instead, he pulled out an ice knife, wrapped it with dark domineering energy, and slashed at him.

After watching Uchiha Feiyu's battle just now, Aoji couldn't see that the so-called devil fruit ability would be completely devoured by Uchiha Feiyu's black energy, so he simply used taijutsu. and domineering.

As a disciple of Garp, Aokiji, who has also fought against warship sandbags, cannot be said to be weak in terms of physical skills and domineering. Even if the power of the Devil Fruit is deducted, Aokiji's strength is definitely higher than that of ordinary elite generals. above.

However, in the face of Uchiha Feiyu, whose basic statistics are already as wide as the gap between One Piece World and the Pirate World, this attack is naturally ineffective. Uchiha Feiyu's figure flashed and disappeared into Aokiji's eyes, and then The admiral was kicked out.

Although Qingzhi's Haki has sensed Uchiha Feiyu's movements, his body's reaction is completely unable to keep up. He is already the fastest in the world, and his speed and reaction ability have been strengthened a hundred times by the Momo Fruit. Uchiha Feiyu Yu's speed was so fast that the so-called admiral couldn't resist it.

"Tsk, forget it, it's better to leave a general in the navy. Otherwise, we will enter the era of rampage now. To me, it is a bit too wasteful."

As for Uchiha Feiha, he hopes that the pirate world will become more chaotic, but he does not want there to be no order at all. Otherwise, everyone will die fighting among themselves, and where will he go to harvest leeks?

You must know that when he betrayed the enemy, the navy did not turn off the image phone bug because it was too fast. Now the image of the navy being nearly wiped out has already spread throughout the entire sea.

Under this situation, the number of pirates going out to sea is probably seven or eight times more than when the Great Pirate Era just started. Without the navy pressing on the pirates, the pirates' rampage is even more imaginable.

But this is exactly what Uchiha Feiyu wants. With these rampant pirates, he will have more nutrients to improve himself. However, if the navy is really annihilated, then it is not just the pirates who have ambitions, but also the member states of the World Government.

By then, the World Government is likely to disintegrate, and the whole world will fall into a mode of chaos. The population may have to be reduced by half, which will not be worth the loss.

His eyes turned around a group of navy who were almost trembling, and then looked at the Seven Warlords of the Sea who were standing near the navy with alert faces.

Jinbei among the Seven Warlords of the Sea has retreated with the Whitebeard Pirates and the Straw Hat Boys. Crocodile and Blackbeard died directly in his hands. The remaining five are Big Bear, Hancock, Mingo, Hawkeye, and Moria.

Among the five, Hawkeye is a pure swordsman and has no devil fruit ability at all. Uchiha Feiyu just glanced at him and found that he looked calm and composed. Obviously, like the admiral of the navy, he was not affected by his fear aura.

Since he is not a devil fruit user, Uchiha Feiyu has no bad impression of him, so he is not going to attack him. As for the remaining few...

Hancock can be pulled over for dual cultivation, Moriah and Mingo can directly contribute to Uchiha Feiyu's cultivation, and as for Big Bear, Uchiha Feiyu is optimistic about his devil fruit.

Looking at Uchiha Feiyu's eyes, several Shichibukai reacted differently. Hawkeye can still remain calm and alert, and Big Bear has a blank expression because of the transformation.

But the remaining Mingo, Hancock and Moriah, even if they are not trembling, the cold sweat on their foreheads and the wandering eyes have betrayed their psychological activities.

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